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NO ADDED SUGAR for a Month! - Awkward Adventures | Thomas Sanders

Jun 01, 2021
Fashion. T: Okay, so it's August 27th and I've been packing my bags, because... Guess what? Guess where we're supposed to go at the end of this


? And then, Camden, this is where we would pass... me... on the way to... T: Australia! J: Australia! Oh God... Oh, man... J: One of these fruits... Oh. There is! J: Cheese. T: A little cheese, that's all, that's... J: Crackers. T: No. No, no. Arrest. Oh no... Five hours in the air and then another fourteen. Boy in the background: Yay! T: Someone is excited. We have eaten an apple. I don't like many fruits, except apples...
no added sugar for a month   awkward adventures thomas sanders
Pilot on intercom: Ladies and gentlemen, please make sure your seat belt is fastened properly... T: So, I... uh... no No I know if I've really included a lot of this in the vlog so far and I don't think at all, but I've definitely been limiting myself, alcohol-wise, to red wine, but... Uh... T: What were you Saying, Matt? M: It has natural


s, you know? You have like... they're grapes. Grapes have natural


s like a mango would, a pineapple, anything like that, so when it's fermented, it's... just sugar. T: So basically now, I'm a little worried that this whole


has been for nothing because I've been sabotaging myself.
no added sugar for a month   awkward adventures thomas sanders

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no added sugar for a month awkward adventures thomas sanders...

Probably, but definitely, I mean, this whole experience has just been to point out, Things We Didn't Know Had Sugar. I'm really... trying to wrestle with the fact that I just found out. We are officially here in Melbourne, Australia. T: How do you think we did while traveling, as far as our diet is concerned? J: Okay, uh... T: We definitely rejected a lot of things. J: Yes. We rejected cookies, cinnamon rolls, ice cream... T: I think in general we made the right decisions, thinking that we ate what we needed. J: I liked it. ♪ So, where there is music... our favorite melody... ♪ T: Killing it.
no added sugar for a month   awkward adventures thomas sanders
There's no sugar there. J: Yes. There is no sugar in this. T: You look very good today. J: Thank you. T: Hello everyone! Oh my God! Yaaayy! It is, I feel like it is. Salted chocolate. T: Damn, that's good. J: Yes? T: That was really good. And now we are here. It's the month of... September... Yes, wait, you're too early. And that brings us back to now, to the month of September, and to close out the video, I'm going to bring back two of the people who have seen a lot. Hey! There is one of them.
no added sugar for a month   awkward adventures thomas sanders
Wait, no Joan, no. They are very deprived of sugar. So now we're out of this. How are you all feeling? J, Ta: I'm sick! T: But, apart from that, before you *sunk*, did you feel that there was some kind of change? For me personally, I felt better at first. I thought I was like, "I'm taking control!" J: I think it was more of a surge of willpower. T: Yeah, no, I felt like, I don't know, I felt like I was a lot more aware of what I was being…what I was putting into my body. I don't know, I just felt like there were... there were definitely moments where I thought, "Wow, I never would have realized what was in this food if I hadn't checked!" J, Ta: Yes!
T: What were your thoughts, Talyn, near the end? Did you feel...? Ta: Okay, it's time for TMI. The first few weeks, heh, my bathroom business was going well. I... J: You became regular like *BLEEP* Ta: I was doing pretty well, but because then it became normal, my body went back to being like "no time to go to the bathroom" and I was like, " Alright". ..." J: What was your experience like? T: I felt better. I felt like that was partly watching the sugar and partly, I didn't know what was in this food because it was delivered food or junk food.
And that's why I I stayed away from that. Here's my follow-up question and it's the last question I'll ask. Do you think anything happened in that month that you think is something you would like to continue doing? I eat oatmeal that comes out like giant oats, so it's not like a ton of sugar and stuff. It's cheaper, it lasts longer and the little container... it'll be fun for my pet rat J: Something I'd like to keep is. just trying to get better at making my own food whenever I can. For what I was hoping to get out of this, I feel like it would be...
I need to look at something more significant... better diet and exercise or something like that. T: Yeah. Exercise. It's a big part of it. It's not just about one or the other, but at least being aware of what's happening in your body every time you eat. There are certain things that I think I will now see differently when I put them on my body. Oh, and since we just got back from Australia, we definitely brought the essentials. J: Let's go to the candy party! Three, two, one... T: Umm... I'm going to do another month without


sugar, from now on...
Ta: Yes. C: There you have it. Three people, one lofty goal. One... Awkward... Adventure... Until next time, I'm documentary filmmaker and best friend, Camden Foote. T: Camden, have you finished editing the vlog yet? C: Yes, no, well no, I mean almost. I'm just trying to make some... adjustments... T: Thank you all so much for watching the video. If you were interested in any of my previous videos, you can click here. If you are new to the channel and want to subscribe, click here, and if you are interested in becoming a featured fan, click here. That's all.
And until next time, take it easy guys, girls, and non-binary friends. Calm down! What are you guys doing back there? What's happening? J: My mom worked in a salon for a while and every time she worked in a salon they put out a plate of Hershey's Kisses, and I just... progressively stole one and another and another and another... and, when I was very young , he used to be secretive about it, and they once found a pile of Hershey Kiss wrappers stuffed into the couch. So I was trying to hide the fact that I... T: Didn't you just throw it in the trash?
J: No... I... I was... I was... stupid.

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