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Nioh 2 - Walkthrough Part 1: Village of Cursed Blossoms

Jun 03, 2021
what's going on here cowboy gaiz and welcome to my


for neo 2 so at this point i have about a hundred and fifty hours in the main save after two weeks of mostly together guides at least we have enough to get started. I'll be doing more prep on the streams if you want to see how this stuff is actually done, but otherwise let's jump in and get started, so a couple things up front, we'll skip all the cutscenes, the cutscenes will just add fluff. two episodes and I prefer to give you information and then show you the movies, the movies that are on the show, we're going to play them if you want to watch them secondly, we're actually going to do this a little bit differently than our typical tutorials, so if coming from something like me Sakura or Dark Souls 3


where we went to get 100% of everything neo is a little different Lewton neo is much closer to something like Path of Exile or Diablo in the sense that it's random and you won't get all the loot at random, but the loots in general will be random, so with that in mind, we will continue to cover where all the loot is and all the things in the main missions that we are going to do.
nioh 2   walkthrough part 1 village of cursed blossoms
We'll be covering where all the kodamas are and what side quests give you new guardian spirits, but the side quests that are just extra content like things you can fight and a couple of meals you can get, we'll just burn right through. and getting to the end doesn't cover every item, so essentially anything that is considered a key is dropped as something that will give you a skill point or Kodama that will give you a boost or a new spirit, all of that will be covered, but just the Random Loot Focused Missions, we're not going to be 100% of them because they focus on random loot, other than that let's get things started and since we're going to be playing with the axe we go ahead and create Thorkil from Midlands. saga I know the hair is bad, but I mean I had limited options.
nioh 2   walkthrough part 1 village of cursed blossoms

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nioh 2 walkthrough part 1 village of cursed blossoms...

I think it looks pretty similar, it's a pretty close circle, jump over it, so there's a lot to cover. We're going to do this walkthrough from the perspective of providing information for someone new to the series, so I'm going in with the expectation that you've never played Neo before, have no idea how anything in this game works, and hopefully at end of the series, you already will be. all complete beasts like me so right off the bat these are all essentially like item tips that you can pick up, you don't even need to grab them here if you want to change the appearance of your character if you're not happy.
nioh 2   walkthrough part 1 village of cursed blossoms
Just before you start, you can look under the water and change the appearance of it before you even get to the items. The first thing you end up with in the basic game settings options is to simply turn the headset on or off. Many people don't like the way helmets look. That's right, they also automatically use hair strands acquired throughout the game. We will find omiyo and ninjutsu locks when you use these items, they will give you skill points when you activate them, those items will automatically give you, so essentially you collect them and you will get a free skill point.
nioh 2   walkthrough part 1 village of cursed blossoms
Also in the menu settings we can change the number of item sets. We start with 2 by default, but you can go up to 3 and up to 4. These are the item shortcuts we talked about. item shortcuts when you hold r1 you will see the menus expand outward a bit if i press left to right that will scroll between my items, if i press down it will scroll between my main weapons, if i press up it will scroll Among my ranged weapons now, as for which weapon you should start with at the beginning of the game, every weapon in this game is good.
In fact, I already have bill guides for every weapon in the playstyle. I'll have a link to those guides and Bill guides all the guides. I've made the full playlist in the description of this video, but for a new player starting out, I think there are two main recommendations: the first will be the spear, the second will be the X, now the The reason why I would recommend a of these two weapons in


icular is that if we look at our stats, you can see that there is a button that you can press to get help and it will show a list of every single thing in the game that you can see.
Any tooltips this way spear are derived from Constitution, which will be your main stat that affects your life total, making it a very safe choice for new players. She's really good against humans. She's really good against youkai. It's just a solid weapon all around. Its main scaling stat will improve your health. It's a really safe bet. The sweeter tricks will also increase your health less than Constitution, but will increase your health and the maximum weight of your equipment, meaning we can use beefier sets that give us more. defense, the axis moveset is also somewhat simple, making it easy for players to work with, so let's also pick up all the qi force is the secondary scale stat in this.
I look at my axe, I can see that I get a b-plus in stamina I get a d-plus in strength and a c-plus in courage and strength, it also helps affect the weight bonus very slightly, so picking that up will give me a permanent bonus to my strength, these initial bonuses, you know they are not. Huge, it's a stat point, so you know, pick weapons that you think you'll like. Now I have for the spear, we have three options, we have wild brute and ghost, each of these has a slightly different parry mechanic. The ghost is essentially going to be a split second parry, think of it almost like a parry that protects feral Darksouls, it's also a split second parry, but it involves a dash, essentially sending an afterimage forward to hit something , if that afterimage hits you get the parry, this is more like a blood borne parry because you have to be at range to execute this properly and then we have the route now raw is what I would recommend for a new player.
The root will essentially allow you to do a pimp slap like that, you don't even need a It's time to stop the moment you see enemies doing their ability from home with a pimp slap or just hitting our two and circles Guardian Spirit as you can see on the screen, triangular circle that will summon that, uh, and they will. whatever element is attached to with brute, we have fire to start some other good things, you know, just to do your basic attacks, if you do your heavy attack, you can charge it up for a big hit and if you do l1 and triangle, you have a counterattack ability.
Now I'm going to recommend the ax and the brute for people who are new to the game. The ax is a very simple weapon, but you can't go wrong with it. The brute will be the easiest to get counters into, especially if you're close to the enemy, just throw him and slap him now. Before we jump into our main quest, when you go to the starting point and talk about the dojo, now as you progress through the game you will have new quests appear in the dojo by doing those quests it will be how you unlock new moves.
What I mean by this is if we look at our skills, if I look at the hacking skills, I can learn this, you can see this one says mission completed and a bunch of question marks, this relates to the dojo missions. Completing them is how you unlock these additional skills in your skill trees, outside of that those dojo quests will appear as you progress through the game by completing the main quests and lastly you have something known as mystic art. Unlocks after you have completed the Ultimate Proficiency Weapon Mission for each individual weapon. Basically, you need one hundred and twenty thousand proficiencies on a weapon to unlock the Dojo Master quest.
Completing them will give you access to two different mystic arts in your individual weapon tree for the For the sake of the tutorial, I think it's important to mention that there is a side quest we need to get our platinum trophy for one of the guardian spirits that requires proficiency. in dual swords, so if you just want to play the whole game with dual swords swords, you'll be ready to go as soon as you unlock it, if you prefer to play with a different weapon that's fine, we just have to play with dual swords a little later to get the competence that is needed now when I mean competence.
I mean this menu essentially every time you use things, whether it's weapons and weapon skills or Gnomeo ninja items or shift abilities, we're going to get proficiency, well, shift is unique in that. We need soul fragments, but that's from cores and rest rights. We're not worried about that now. We'll get to it a little later, but if you use an axe, the bar where it says level 1 goes. to increase and max out you get a new skill and those skill points are how we will clear all the stuff. I also want to touch base in training camp.
This is something new in neo 2 and this place is super useful to learn how to master your weapon how to make your yokai skills how to do you know anything essentially in the dojo here we can do a couple of things summon enemies infinite elements humberto infinite we can adjust the sanctuary if I go here and hit this, it's going to Full my Ritter bar and then if I go and hit this thing, this little gommi, it's going to summon a yo key so I can go ahead and practice with the gross, so showing the triangle l1 here , I have attack practice. timing your practice, all your different counters and how to time them, so it's definitely worth doing whenever I'm putting together a new build.
I come in here, try different skills. I see if it's hot, it does more damage to health. how strong is something super super useful there are a variety of different enemies you can fight him there so if you're having trouble with a


icular move I suggest you head to the dojo now that we've covered all that let's jump to our first main mission. curse


blooms for those curious we are playing on a ps4 pro we are also in action mode so 60 FPS run forward grab this guy and hit our shrine now if you are someone who pre-ordered the game or have already made.
DLC or any of that stuff here, go to blessings and you'll get a bunch of little extra items to use some smithing texts. Lots of freebies we'll put in a couple of these freebies whether we have them or not. It's not going to make a huge difference in the game, it's just some fun extra things we have access to, that's for the armor. I'll probably do four samurai just because it's medium, usually we'll wear heavy armor, but I don't. I want to go all out and the demon set is this robust and what you'll notice is my gear weight goes up to yellow and that's my gear weight refers to your agility.
Now your agility will affect a couple different things on your Bill, this will affect how far you can roll, how fast you generate the key, overall look, agility will be a lot harder than agility B, agility will feel a lot harder. comfortable, so if we want to use heavier armor, I would suggest We focus on increasing stamina first, making it easier to equip which in the notes and stamina will be the main stat on our X. Let's go ahead and put a point there, start increasing that, so I'm going to take this, go around the corner and kill a gangly one.
You can see that the tutorials talk about fast attacks and strong attacks, how to lock on your targets. That's not the weapon I want to use right now, here we have a Kazuki. We will fight this Kazuki, we are not going to fight him now. We'll fight him a little bit, basically, halfway through this level. We will take our first yokai ability. He will make the fight much easier, so it is foolish to fight him. right now we'll go and do them in ten minutes, we'll kill him in this episode, in fact, so here and here's our first Kodama, send those little guys back to the sanctuary, it's important to get there. every main mission and a couple of side missions now if this guy is on the ground I can walk up to do a pressure triangle which is known as a finishing blow, finishing blows deal massive amounts of damage, they occur when a target is out of ki and I have been knocked down, furthermore, something else has been done, it is a fight, that is, when something runs out of ki, but remains standing.
An important distinction is that an enemy who can take the final blow will take a lot of damage, but you are also vulnerable to that final blow, let's get down to this guy, while when an enemy can be gravel, you are invulnerable during the grapple issue, which which means that if you are surrounded by a group of humans and you grab one, they won't hit you. not at all, if you try to do a finishing blow, on the other hand, that human might punch you in the face, so there is something to keep in mind, so as for loot, I suggest you sort things by level, the level He is the king in absolutely want to use the highest level weapon you have at any given time when it comes to weapon stats only the stats of your active weapons apply so if this had a bunch of different damage modifiers it wouldn't matter if I'm When using the axe, I don't get those bonuses with your ranged weapon, however, whatever primary ranged weapon you have, those stats can also help apply to your normal weapon, so in the case of the axe, if I have a ranged weapon, I get the The advantage of that, let me see, I'm getting ahead of myself, my notes and the bridge crossed, straighten the fidelity, introducing the horse ahead, you have a shortcut that leads back to the shrine, cross the bridge, for now go straight and fight Enki, okay, this will do it too.
Yankee first, this will give you a chance to do the burst counter, which is kind of like what you just saw us do in the dojo mission, essentially with a wildling or a ghost. You need to time this attack to counter it right when it's about to hit you with a group, you can go ahead and use that ability as soon as you get the chance, taking out his key allowed us to grab him, you also notice that when we broke his horn that also caused a lot of damage and here is our first soul core very fast.
I want to talk about keystroke. You'll notice how when I attack I can get a lot of my key back. By tapping r1 at the right time and that is a core mechanic of this game when it comes to fighting, if you don't you will notice that my stamina or my key as it is called will fall on them so I need to tap r1 when that bar fills up and this is very important, do this while changing stance as well so I can hit our one end triangle at the same time or r1 and Square and now I have a key down.
Now I'm in the middle. stance and I got my key back, go here, grab this and we have to go, keys and an item in the back, you did it now, this is a revenant, revenants are the red tombs, they will basically be hostile NPCs that you can summon in a fight. how the name was read, that means it was added artificially, so whether you are online or offline, you will see that grave. If the name is white, it means it is a real player who died. Stop by, this just brings us back. you can see it just goes around oh we'll go this way first, get up here for our next Kodama, there's a general rule if you're fighting something one on one it's good to land the finishing blows, otherwise go. for a fight, not everything can be solved by the way, sorry, another friend of Kodama, go back to the shrine, go, let's grab this loot and then let's go up and grab that look, it's not on the bridge, I kill this one guy.
While these guys see my basic enemies, if you ever see a gangly one running up to grab you, that's something to watch out for, these things can grab you and actually grow and get a little bigger, and when They get bigger, actually they are a little bit more. of a threat so it's something to keep in mind, you'll notice it because you'll be here for a long time, they'll try to rush you, you kill, I'll never do a dive attack, now dive attacks can happen from any square. or triangle, you just press a button in the air and throw something, so give me a good opportunity to show a grab, so as it's standing now, but I have the same indicator that it goes to the product or an AK paddle, like I said, the big difference is that when I do a grab I'm immune to damage when they go in gravel state, if you hit them that's how they'll fall and open up for a final hit okay so we're in a shrine let's go ahead and do it an offering. and receive the akadama blessing as you acquire kodamas at various levels, these blessings will open up if you are farming the hunter's blessing, that is what you want, if you are just trying to beat the game, the oracle's blessing, this will only increase your total amrita, which is what we use to level up, so it's a very solid safe option.
You get new kodamas in each region, so every time you're in a new region, reapply a blessing and you'll actually level up a little bit before that too, let's take a look. equipment, so when it comes to leveling up, one of the first things you should check is your required stats, if you don't meet the required stats for the equipment, like here, I'll get that 17 defense, but the key consumption and defense +8 that that's not going to be, it's just not going to happen, it's not going to go into effect because I don't meet the constitutional requirement on that piece of equipment, say what is the six piece key pulse recovery, no, I'll do it set this for me still at sixty two point eight if I'm trained to kill melee that will leave me overweight I'm overweight I have to stay with you I get a target shooting bonus I don't really have any skills so let's go give a lecture death melee and then I'll put a point into stamina so I can have both builds so the stamina goes up, we're on a Constitution point here as we're looking at a couple pieces of gear that need six in there and that looks good for now, so now let's work our way there and try to take on that mini boss we saw earlier.
I'm worried about that guy. I'm worried that he's already taken a hit and we haven't even gotten to the boss yet we still need all those all those elixirs probably now if you can't beat this guy right now don't worry we're going to get the ability to put Soul Coors and we always we can go back and fight them at that point, so if you're fighting, know you're not alone before we go in, let's learn some skills, let's do key poles, the sky, and on this note, a couple of key things. I want to point out that you have flow and flow - these allow you to get more key by changing stances, then you have key pulse sky and running water sky.
These are on every tree. This is for the medium tree. This is for the low tree. in each different stance will give you a bonus high stance will make your next attack stronger medium stance will mitigate the key damage received when protecting low stance will mitigate key consumption for your next dodge, plus these allow the pulse key triggers during a dodge, so essentially you know I can, I mean, it doesn't work, I don't have it, but if it was like that and then I dodged back, I would have gotten my key back, which is super super nice, so what have? here, roar loudly, smash, let's go to heaven with her, that will be the best damage for the moment, now let's see if we can deal with this, so let's drink our holy water, this will help our key recovery speed.
I know. It's called a Gazoo Key, it's weak to water, so if you have it, I highly doubt any of you have water weapons. Put them on that will be a little better, but it is weak to water, it is resistant to fire, lightning, corruption, poison, paralysis. Basically, we're just going to counter like this and then take some damage. You will notice how he always does it in a three-hit combo where the third hit will be the one we can counter. You'll also notice that group of yokai that had him on the ground, they're timing it perfectly, pressing the key will remove the Oh Fabulous, now that he's down, we need to fight now, if you're using wild or ghost, you'll want to line up and stop that with a big accident he's making, you won't be able to just laugh like I do, but that's exactly why I recommended that people use gross, because gross, you don't even need to time the pair you slap, people He says no, sit down and that's it. a big old dead cow, so collect that loot.
I think we have the loot that was here before. Yeah, we did and we picked it up, so we have this piece here and we're going to open it with the cow on. dead I'm going to kick the cider before he did it just go naked to the wall with the dead cow actually let's finish things we'll make our way back to the sanctuary but the next episode will start from here it's very easy to go back , spend those things and we'll take a look at the loot we got real quick, so skill customization is relevant for now, one thing I'm not sure about is that it doesn't let me equip my soul core, however, I think that might be after we purge our first darkroom anyway, it seemed like I got it.
I have to lose now, one thing I want to point out is that although they are both level one, it seems that this one is stronger. and that's because of that thing above: familiarity, the more you've used a weapon the greater the familiarity and the greater the familiarity the stronger that weapon will be. You also noticed that this has a value of three bars, this has a value of two bars, so in general you know that yellow is better than white, blue, better than yellow, purple is better than blue and then , once you get to New Game+, you'll get a prompt to join which is green, so for these two we're going to talk about this, this little icon here. that means this is inheritable and what it means is that if this weapon gets maximum familiarity, I can use soul blending to move that ability, Urn Amrit vs yokai, to a different ability, essentially giving it these three abilities, that being said , it's not something I really care about. inherit, so let's put this guy down for now, taking a look at our home equipment or loom.
None of these are really calling to me right now, so I think we'll stick with what we have. You have treasure sensor and luck. bonus and get rid of it and backstab damage taken or no magic bonus some water damage not only interested in that either so I'm settled it's level. Oumar's hindrance looks good, but we're still going to keep fucking, excuse me, resistance. I can resist. I'll get five extra attacks. I'm going by force. I'll get three. If I use courage, I will get four. And that's why we chose the axe, because I only get these two points. an extra 45 life, I get more weapon damage and I get more equipment charge, which means it's heavier here, so let's end this episode here for now, in the next episode we'll move along this small town of fishermen to that dark, creepy cloud and then through the rest of this level to our first real final boss, so stay tuned and I'll catch you all soon enough with more

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