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Nintendo Switch 2 TRUE POWER Revealed! [Specs, PS4/PS5 Comparison, etc]

May 22, 2024
Yes, we've


ed to in-house


and it's exciting to talk about what this system can actually do, but hey, that's the first thing. Good morning Mario and good morning Switch fans. I hope you're having a fantastic start to your day. I am because a lot of independent titles came out today that are phenomenal. Oh, and we're also getting some really good details about the Switch, but first, what's going on? I'm Zach from Switch. ForceAnimal. Well, I've probably been a big fan of the Dunkey video games for years. since he started on YouTube, I think the guy is really funny.
nintendo switch 2 true power revealed specs ps4 ps5 comparison etc
I think his knowledge of the games is very strong and he was skeptical when he started at Big Mode. Big Mode is an indie game publisher and I didn't know if a YouTuber could do it. YouTuber, although the video game Dunkey, made it because Animal Well was finally released and is being universally praised as a wonderful and incredible metroidvania that is an all-time classic. This is huge not only for the game and the developer, a single guy who worked on it for a decade and for us as fans to be able to play Something Awesome on Nintendo Switch, but just for the industry as a whole, I feel like we need a really good, feel-good story after all the feel-good stories that keep popping up in places like Tango Gameworks. closing even after a big i was awesome and we hope to eventually get it on


, I have to pick it up, I have to play it on Switch, maybe we'll livestream it or definitely do some coverage because it looks amazing, I was like, oh, this is just another pixel game, it's another Sid Scroller that I have.
nintendo switch 2 true power revealed specs ps4 ps5 comparison etc

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nintendo switch 2 true power revealed specs ps4 ps5 comparison etc...

I played a million of those probably decent I probably get like a seven no like that apparently it's out of this world apparently it's one of the best of all time and apparently it has so much depth that you have to play it, talk about it and enjoy it with your friends, so That sounds like the perfect game for us. I'm very proud of Dunkey, the team, the developer, and the game itself, so look for that one. It's available now on Switch PC, maybe somewhere else, but thank goodness it's on Switch. That's what counts for me, but you.
nintendo switch 2 true power revealed specs ps4 ps5 comparison etc
I know it's not on Switch, at least not anymore. Twitter SLX integration. Take that Elon Musk Nintendo will no longer publish on its platform. Nintendo announced a very strange move: starting June 10, 2024 it will no longer be possible to post screenshots and videos on X. previously Nintendo Switch Album Twitter or send friend requests to social media users via the feature of suggestions from friends. Learn more here, so Nintendo is cutting ties with Twitter. I'm not sure if it's just a simple transition to our next console, so let's get this over with. Not sure if it's hey, we don't like Twitter anymore.
nintendo switch 2 true power revealed specs ps4 ps5 comparison etc
I'm not sure if it's like, oh my God, social media is scary and causes problems, so let's stay away from that. I don't know why, but honestly, it's okay, you could post. screenshots and twitter stuff. I never really used that feature, albums, I mean, it's fun to take screenshots I guess, but I'm personally not a fan of photo mode. Game, I don't need the screenshots. I can go. on Google for that, I don't know, I know a lot of people love the photo modes and that's fine, you can still take the photos, but you can't post them on Twitter, you can't send friend requests, eh, that one I guess is it a little more annoying because it was nice to send friend requests since it's so hard with those damn friend codes, but yeah, Nintendo basically abandoned their Twitter integration, a strange move for 2024, but you know I can't blame them for the Switch 2.
It's everywhere, but what is the Switch 2 besides a system that's like the Switch One? The successor that Aawa promised, when will it be in our hands? Well, I don't have that information for you today, although I firmly believe in a March 2025 release. Instead of the date, I have spec details from the manifests. Shipping manifest users on the family forums have been diving into shipping manifests to see what kind of items are shipped around the world and here we have a great breakdown of what these are. The parts mean to the switch and I think honestly this is the most useful type of information because look, we can talk about knowing what chip it has, we can talk about how much RAM it has, we can talk about how much this and that and the other.
What dlss has yada y, but what does it mean in real terms? What are we getting out of this? You know, we've heard overclock underclock laptop performance core performance let's get to the heart of the matter. I love this Neo Exon 619 overview because they give us details in similar terms that we can understand, okay, so when it's on the handheld, based on the parts we know have been shipped and based on what we believe What the Switch 2 will have, in concrete evidence like this, is not just speculation. it's concrete evidence from shipping that the handheld will be right on top of the ps4 before dlss okay a ps4 portal before we get dlss and remember dlss is that systematic algorithmic learning that improves resolution even if in reality it's not better so it will look even better than right on top of ps4 once dlss is activated but a damn portable ps4 ok just now we were playing 3ds and that's far from a portable ps4 so better than a portable PS4 is very nice for me, some people wanted to be a portable PS5.
It's just not possible that some people want to be a portable Series S, it's just not likely or feasible in our current state of the industry, but the documents that say between PS4 Pro and Xbox Series S before dlss with more modern hardware than the PS4 Pro is okay, so now we're invading series, which I think is a totally cool doc, switch to the series level a little bit below maybe and give it dlss to get over the hump, like I love it. You'll get games in 4k, you'll get games that look really good and Mario will look good, the buttons on his jumpsuit will glow, the hat on his head will look nuanced and all the first-party Nintendo games that you've ever come and loved are or are you coming to know and love they are going to look great the ram is slower than the PS5 and Xbox series a lot from what I know, which again is a robust reporting system.
Remember this is not an alien box that is twice as tall as the PS5, this is a small Switch 2, well it won't be. That bit, it will actually be bigger than the Switch OLED, it has a nice 8 inch screen which will be delicious to our eyes, but you know, more capacity than the s series but slower than that, we are putting this portable thing on top. a ps4 docked a bit below a series s then you add dlss and you can go over the hump to make it a really strong ps4 maybe even a ps4 pro handheld and then you can turn it into a series base with that dlss.
I like it. I love it, just give it to us, we're ready to release this, honey, it won't be for a while, but we're ready for storage. They say it will have a maximum speed of ufs 3.1, it should be a hair below the Xbox series. It's 2.1 GB per second versus 2.4 GB per second, so again it's really nice, we're talking about a lot more storage speed than what we currently have on the Switch and I think that's the biggest takeaway what we have here. I can get into the nitty gritty like oh it's between a PS4 Pro and a series s it's above a PS4 but before dlss you know all that matters is so much better than the switch that's what you want to know, that's what's important and I.
I think that's the most important thing for third parties, as I've said for a long time, third parties will crave the Switch 2 in a way that they couldn't crave the Switch One, they tried to put their older titles on the Switch One and for many that worked great, but we're talking about cross-platform games, we're talking about daily and date releases, and we're talking about the Switch 2 being able to compete and get these games even if they don't look as good. they're going to be there now it's not a PS5, but no one should have expected a PS5, it can't be, it's just not possible to have a portable PS5 right now, even things like Steam Deck and Rong Ally can't do that. and those are, you know, the portable PCS, this is a portable system from Nintendo.
I would love this as a Switch 2 and obviously we will have to wait for confirmation from Nintendo when they actually reveal the system and when they actually deliver it, like here is the actual specifications that they will make, that will show us, we will be able to compare it with the Switch, but in this moment this is the information we have based on shipping details, not based on Airy Faery Pie in the Sky, someone thought of this. it's based on legit information and this is probably switch two where we're getting something between a ps4 pro and a series s while docked and somewhat stronger than the ps4 while handheld.
I think it's magic in the air, as you told me in In the PS4 era, one day, young Zachary, you will have a portable PS4 that works better and might even look better on dlss and it will be made by Nintendo, which means Mario Zelda Mario Kart Smash Bros Animal Crossing Tom Nook will steal your wallet. Sweet, sweet, better than the PS4 images. Come on, I would have fainted. I think we need to realize where we are for Nintendo compared to other hardware and not expect the same graphical prowess, but if we get close we can get to third place. party games win win win win change one was a win without it now change two with that ability to attract third parties gets its day and date multi-platform games Watch out for the world change to come for you fast let me know your opinion in the comments down everyone, stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy, stay on pause, out there, I love you so much until next time, change.
Force exit.

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