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Night Raids are Epic in Escape from Tarkov!

Jun 05, 2021
going dark, oh this is so bad for now, yeah, they snuck out, I should have gone out with the others, hey, they stink really bad, dude, just don't take the painkiller because that makes it so much better. I know it looks terrible on stream it looks like that too. bad, I think it's better in the factory or if you go in, although I think so, it looks better, it's in the forest, like that, it just doesn't look good, then your task, oh, we have to go to the dormitories, let's focus on your task button, how about that sounds good to me? someone is using a t7 even though we are dead.
night raids are epic in escape from tarkov
Oh look, I actually went and saw some pictures of someone using it like a real, like a well, like you don't even have to put black around the edges. Oh my God, isn't it? It's as clear as crystal, yeah, damn, now you're going to face a tough time, but if you die with it, like you're losing a lot of money, yeah, that's the right thing to do, so I lost. so much money yesterday I don't want to lose any more money yeah yesterday I lost a lot of money there every time like I just died every time we have to get one we have to get a PMC to save the bears it beats the bottle Galactica starts let's know about what's that no I don't go man your gym yeah but I don't watch the show oh man literally you just live you're eating you don't go back and watch no I feel you.
night raids are epic in escape from tarkov

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night raids are epic in escape from tarkov...

It's always nice to hear my own voice, well mmm, I have a hard enough time editing my own footage, yes, he would say that. I think we are going to have to invest in the best. I mean, I'm willing to invest a little and we can. get some better, better, turning on the high beams, oh now that's on, yeah, it's the D ball, super bright, three stores open at the top, copy those stairs, okay, one for Scott Moore up there. I'm going to check the room, okay, dead. People I know, stop, I hear someone outside, I think well, they say you're right above me, did you go left?
night raids are epic in escape from tarkov
Uh, I went up the stairs right now, no, I hear you, I think I heard someone else. I'm going to upload to the third copy. I'm going to go check my room there are a lot of dead things up here it wasn't one because something happened it's another building that's another building damn it I'm going up two stairs now yeah it seems clear we have a big bag up here for you third floor . Yes, did you check the mark? No, it's already open, it's me, Bobby, maybe it was you walking in that direction and then it closes.
night raids are epic in escape from tarkov
Don't know. I think I heard someone outside, so we may have missed him. What are you saying? Do you mean big back? the scab here no, no, this piece of meat, wow, this beefy boy, how am I supposed to be holy? I'm dead, I just killed them. I didn't think you could go back there. There's another one, oh, he's dead too. There are three, friend, yes. Three down buddy, how did you get back there? So he was upstairs, he was on the third floor, right, he was in, he's behind you in the bathroom, he was in the bathroom, yeah, wait, that wasn't you in the bathroom with me, no, I was, oh.
So he was with you, but how did they do it? The students should have cut that out and just watched it again. It wasn't that, oh my God, B. They were sitting there. Jokes on television. It's too late. This is all mine. Wow, okay. Throw away my stuff, yeah, I'm going to get rid of your stuff, I'm going to relax, I'm going to do my best to get rid of your stuff back here, maybe no one else will find it here. I could con all


, wait, yeah, take your time, actually, yeah We're on our way to leave.
I'm going to order and configure another configuration and we can do a scab race. Yeah, yeah, get ready first and then heal and all that. I don't think I should do it. a lot of time here these guys messed up a lot did they have


vision uh none of them so far alright alright alright so much loot here so much loot I'm trying to figure out what's worth a little bit more I think it's something else that doesn't I don't have to fix it. I can sell it for a decent amount. We can place this support.
Let's get rid of that. It's morning. My brain doesn't work. Tetris is not my strong suit. There we go, that works now. I'm not going to three bags. In our idea we will also have two different platforms and armor and a lot of weapons. They are going to be so heavy. I'm fine. I won't, yeah, I won't worry about anything else. I have to make my Located Exit. Does my character look like he has this big beefy back? Look at them because they're ridiculous, that sucks. There were no steps at all. They're all in the bathroom.
That's terrible. I don't know if they were sorting the loot or what. They were doing, I'd be with nectars, I'm in a building, oh, yeah, here, yeah, hey, big star. Oh night vision guy dude you gotta try these oh how much is that $1,700 to figure it out throw it throw it oh boy those are awesome and try mine oh no here yeah okay throw me my helmet, then it's probably easier, oh yeah, yours isn't that bad, it's much cleaner here, mine is sure sick, it's nice though, it was like seventeen hundred, I think all in all, no 17,000 no $ 1,700 oh. dollars, all the US, that's probably good, okay, I have a pair under 70K or something, I can now, I'll be ready to run, these are fucking sick, this one is definitely much better, yes, those, those others are nice, yes, this one. it's got a lot of black so I can't really see at the end the peripherals okay you're straight Bravo six going dark like I'm playing Splinter so it's actually pretty bright even though it's a star.
It's lovely? I don't want to see that light, we want the night, actually maybe I did. I also tweaked some of my settings to get a little better and I can still see relatively well, but okay, let's move on to oh, it's gotta go. to the dorms, so he panics, that's where I could see so well right now oh yeah, I died right now he never bothered much well, there's a guy on the other side well, I think I just won, John, yeah, just I'm halfway on the other side of the wall, I forgot to bring some fragments, they still wanted to bring more, do you want one?
I could leave you one oh I think it's okay for now, let's quickly go check this guy out, I think this poor guy, oh I think he was doing homework, I should have left him. them, the half that takes them down, yeah, here's level seven, take them down, I had nothing, bruh, watch out, watch out, right corner right, cute, kill Edie, another shootout, I'll push the guys, I might be in the roof, my two legs out. I'm going to take a painkiller, oh God. god this made them push up I'm up I'm up no don't shoot me I'm in the corner I'm in I'm in not in this fight are you okay in there am I okay?
I'm healing, he's running around the outskirts, so I went around that building to the right side, there's another angle, okay, I'm outside your building, there might still be two more. I know you kill, I wonder at this moment. I'm near the checkpoint, so like where we ran down the road, I'm back where we were, where you were, like where you used the two keys, right, yeah, I'm crossing, I mean, guys, here we have to take this guy out , although I think we should go back the way you were, turn left around the building, yeah, I wish I had pushed them or just at that moment, because now we have this as a waiting anticipation, yeah, well, turn off the lights.
I'm behind that, no, no, actually I think it's him. up on the bridge listening yeah he's on the train tracks until a good array of calls or Nene Nene I think there's another one somewhere my legs locked again I think he's at the end of the train tracks okay, yeah take some time I'm pushing the Train close oh you right now I'm healing oh yeah he's here sure getting my last healing if it were you I'm on the train tracks trying to cope and right now I copy like my back is facing you copy yeah I see you I could have killed him with a grenade but I'm not sure if I can turn around and drag it right angles over them yeah if you want to go underneath stop me I could be from the checkpoint shooting at those guys.
I hate this. Yeah, yeah, I don't know if I killed him or not or if you ran back somewhere hey, let's both push down, he's under here, good death, we could have one more. I don't know what I'm doing here, yeah, come on. check all the angles jack point shoot ok I think we're good I think we're good famous last words true yes true and there is one there are two there are two there are three I just finished there are four when you think you have them all there is a car that is an 8 iron There's also one right here, yeah, the one that's done, this is one of the most romantic ones, look who's got a belt, he'll be the head of this guy, I think a lot of things, oh, he's got a black, uh, yeah, whatever. it's 230 Kaz, that's big boo boo boo Domino, let me get rid of my contacts.
I think it's an insurance fraud, don't listen to me, you know what his mistake was, he didn't have the biggest bag, yes, the pilgrim, but he didn't have the biggest bag. one in his bag, he held up his bag, game, look at this guy, oh my god, no, I see it stacked - oh, it's even more stacked, oh man, oh, I can't take all this loot, I mean, I guess That makes it more loot. I see what I can do here. Hey, check and see what kind of ammo and stuff he had first. I got movement on my control point from right to left.
It could have been a dumped car. Okay, there's water in this game, another, another, going up the scalp. died, you know, I have a trusted BP in this BP, okay, let me get rid of these magazines and if you want, you could probably take his gear. I have a MK 3 in my bag right now, how do I do this? Give me one. moment date your time I'm looking at the angles and I drop this guy's build looks like he could take off my gear because it's a shirt, but ah, this is too hard if yours is secured, just leave your peace of mind and take his, that It's okay, I can't.
Do you want to take his armor? Armor will come in Gen 4. It's up to you. You don't really have to think that if it's damaged it doesn't have much mana. You stayed, yes, I'll check. You have already blossomed, yes, yes. Go ahead, it's all yours okay, you've got a bullet in your face, your eye's bleeding, that's where I keep it, okay, okay, yeah, see you old man, I gotta go, okay, I don't think I have a boss, I think it's me, come on, yeah, come on. just go wait somewhere above us, yeah, Scout Blair, not just yours, awesome left side, huh, sweetie, I'm gonna run to the ammo, okay, someone's got a, it's near the bus station, I don't think I killed him, he ran back into the woods, he had a big bag, I think he was a player, yes, he was deaf.
Where should we go to the forest more unless it was a non-player as a player scout? Yes, write more. We could exfiltrate at UH what your task is here. on the left, these doors forget about the damn task, okay, let's do it, so the only way out this way is the second floor, second floor, okay, yeah, it's checking a little more, we have to go down to the first, okay, yeah, side I. I'm sure checking the safe, okay, I'll open the door. Here's a trash can in the parking lot somewhere. My ten o'clock is huge. My people extract.
Oh, let's do it, let's do it. Actually, I don't know if I can, then. I have rubles if you need it and I don't have rubles, okay buddy, I'm making a money transfer here, yeah, I'm going to sell you real quick, he'll send me PayPal, hey, lean in, I have a little bit. I have 2600. here, save the change. Would you both be ready after the hearing 3 2 1 Hey, it's okay, honey, it's been transferred, yeah, you can extract it for the people here, so you don't have to stay on the side, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, cable in seconds.
Well, come here, please don't shoot now that we're out, oh hell, yeah, good mission, complete the kill, assured, not bad at all, do those night visions, they're sweet, yeah, that was, uh, I was very good.

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