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Nicole Kidman opens up about marriage, divorce and miscarriage | 60 Minutes Australia

May 13, 2024
Nicole Kidman has certainly had her ups and downs in public, she has lived the Hollywood dream of fame and fortune in private, she has faced the same struggles of many modern women - the pain of


, the heartbreak of


- but now, at the age At 43 years old, our Nick is positively flourishing. A loving


and a new family have brought her the happiness that eluded her for so long, and when I met her in Los Angeles, she had the glow of any new mom, ready to talk about the baby's faith and the birth that took everyone by surprise. surprise this is a good part of La, yes, I like it La, um, yes, I like it La Nicole Kidman is a true movie star with all the style and grace of the Hollywood legends who came before her, so it's better meet us that Sunset Boulevard at the Grand Old Beverly Hills Hotel I wish there were some photographers around now this is a really good look to me hey oh there's one there isn't there the famous Beverly Hills pool where I think Marilyn swam there well, well, this is what you are you are with a mystery man yeah yeah hello everyone except everyone.
nicole kidman opens up about marriage divorce and miscarriage 60 minutes australia
Nicole's fame and a claim never brought her the happiness she found at the age of 43 as the wife of country music superstar Keith Urban and mom to 2-year-old Sunday Rose, and your arrival Faith Margaret was born in December with the help of a surrogate mother, but first I want to give you a little gift from Australia, just look inside there are these for Faith, yes, yes, how cute they are, oh my God, Divine. I have to get her on a horse on Sunday she doesn't have these, oh that's so sweet, thank you, we have, we have something on Sunday, too, she's getting a foot, you still know it up there, so do you have any pictures?
nicole kidman opens up about marriage divorce and miscarriage 60 minutes australia

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nicole kidman opens up about marriage divorce and miscarriage 60 minutes australia...

Her mmm, do you have any photos of her? Yes, I have, of course, I have a lot of photos. Yes, I'll take a look at you. Carl, there are my daughters. I think she's sweet, isn't she so cute? Wait, does she have red hair? Turned around, she has red hair, mom's hair, yes, but Sunday had red hair and then it turned blonde. On Sunday, her father is her, yes, and well, everyone says faith is more me, but who knows, okay, Nicole's first pregnancy with Sunday Rose was common knowledge there. It's just that the announcement of Faith's sudden arrival and the use of what Americans call a gestational carrier took us all by surprise.
nicole kidman opens up about marriage divorce and miscarriage 60 minutes australia
She is beautiful. Can I ask you a personal question? Where were you at the birth? Yeah, oh yeah, how was that? and having given birth and then being in the place of seeing my son born this way and the love I felt for our surrogacy career when we released our statement. I know in Australia there was a G carrier, what does that mean? And I think. We were trying to be precise, if it's your biological child, then you use a gestational carrier and if it's not, then you use a surrogate. I mean, who knows what it is, but she was the most wonderful woman who did this for us and we were in a place of desperately wanting another child and this opportunity came up for us and I couldn't get pregnant and we wanted another baby.
nicole kidman opens up about marriage divorce and miscarriage 60 minutes australia
I get emotional even talking about it because I'm so grateful to her that I can't believe I'm still crying now. 60 Minutes um, it's beautiful, it's something beautiful that you should be proud of, you are so proud and anyone who has been in the place of wanting another child or wanting a child knows the disappointment, the pain and the loss that you go through, um, trying and and fighting fertility is such a big thing and it's not something that I've ever shied away from talking about. I've had a roller coaster ride with fertility. I just have and it has never been easy to be now in this place where I have two beautiful adopted children and two biological children.
I just can't believe that's what happened in my life. You know, the bond is the same when you gave birth on Sunday. with faith it's the same yes, yes, I mean, but it's the same when your children are adopted too. I think kids are kids, you're going to die for your kids and when you feel that as a parent, I mean, that's it, that's that. unconditional love and people can talk about it and until you feel it you can't understand it Nicole has always longed to be a mother since Tom Cruz's young wife conceived but she suffered an ectopic pregnancy when she was 25 and they adopted him. daughter Bella and 2 years later son Conor really excited that B Bella and Conor have met a faith, but yeah, it's nice, yeah, I mean, it's different, it's very different because they don't live with us, but I would love for them to come and living with us at some point I mean they're 18 and 16 it's a different thing they're teenagers they're in a completely different place do you think you'll have another baby? uh, I mean, I never say never um, I think if you asked Keith if we would have another baby, he would say no, I think that's fine, but my sister has five kids, so I come from the F and he's like, " You're not going to be your sister, are you?", you'll just keep having more. and more babies, um, but I'm at an age now where it's very, very difficult to have a child once you hit 43, you know, um, and we, um, love what we have, 6 years later her


from Cruz, Nicole had almost given.
When she met love, I'm going to love, she met Keith Urban, the wild boy from Kabula, who conquered American country music and within 18 months they were married even in the early days, while Keith struggled with drug and alcohol addiction , their bond never wavered, we found each other. each other in this huge world and we're crazy about each other, you know, and now we have this family that, you know, we got to experience when we were 40, and he has two little girls, so now it's a big one. life for him. and I'm so glad I met my partner, you know, the person who protects me and loves me, sounds like a good guy, Keith Urban, he's a good guy.
I read somewhere that you liked his hands, that's how it was. just oh well, I mean guitar players have the best hands. Sorry, Carl, but they just have them. Yes, they are fine. In reality, carpenters have good mechanical hands. I like mechanics' hands. This is rare. Yes, it says a lot about a man. Okay, next question. Although it's now clear that home is where her heart is, Nicole still can't resist a challenging role and her last film Rabbit Hole offered one of the most difficult. He is God after all, why didn't he make another Angel H?
Sunday Rose was only one year old. When Nicole played a mother grieving her son, was it difficult to leave all that at work and come home on Sunday? A. It's kind of hard to let go of everything that was hers, but I was in a place of, I mean, I would go back to her and you know, lavish her with love because he was so grateful to have her. Do you really think I don't see him every second of every day? The Rabbit Hole is Nicole's first foray into film production under her own company. so the praise heaped on the low-budget movie means even more, there are tons of you out there and there are tons of me floating around, yeah, and this is just a sad version of us and you've got an Oscar nomination that must be fantastic for this movie it was probably the sweetest nomination I've ever received for anything really yeah I was in Nashville when we found out and I was jumping around the kitchen with Keith and with Sunday and Faith wasn't jumping it's the Nicole Kidman has been nominated for best actress for the third time and remains the only Australian woman to have won the top Nicole Kidman award, but despite Oscar glory, three Golden Globes and a career spanning 41 films, Nicole maintains her talent is a mystery even to her.
You're our most successful actress no, I'm not yes you are no, so I don't think you're very modest you're great I think I'm realistic honestly I you don't think you Are you a great actress? I don't think she's a great actress. No. I think I have moments where I can access something that is profound, but I don't know how and I don't know. I don't see it as greatness at all and I don't see it as mine either if that makes any sense, well I guess I see it as thank goodness. I wouldn't want to be anyone else anywhere where we have a vision of you.
Um, the first interview you did for 60 Minutes when you were 20, it's really cool, it was like that. Now I blow-dry my hair and I actually did the Brazilian hairstyle. Have you heard about that, Carl? Do I need to know that this is not the case? You mentioned Brazilians and guys say no it's the hair dryer thing so I had that once but my whole life I've been trying to get rid of curly hair really yeah any girl with a curly head will tell you that and now I'm like Oh, I wish the curls would come back, but they don't come back the same way, so anyway, hair is another conversation.
No, I don't mind talking about hair, what would you say to 21-year-old Nicole today? um I would say enjoy it you know because really that's all we have is um is um and choosing love. Life is a funny thing, isn't it? I wasn't sure I'd make it to 43 and I have, who knows, maybe I'll make it to 83, maybe not, my grandmother made it to 89 and what she whispered to me just before she passed away, this was my mother's mother, with whom I It was very close, she just whispered. Be happy, happy, which is a beautiful thing that your grandmother gave you.
Just be happy Nikki, my grandmother told me before she died. Your mother thinks you drink too much. It was her? I was right Carl, maybe you're right, well there are things. That may help you with that, yes, despite all her success and natural beauty, Nicole has suffered criticism for looking too perfect. She admits that she tried Botox, but not anymore. People are very cruel in some ways with the way they perceive. and look at you and really focus on getting to know your face. I heard you once defend me on the morning show or something. Yeah, I just don't think there's anyone who cares.
You know well, I worry about my face, but no. I don't want to, I, I, I think you know people are going to do and say things that they've done my whole life. Is it a constant worry to always have to look fantastic? Is it one of the things? I don't feel the need to do it. Honestly, I have a husband who is quite tolerant in relation to him. I think you know love in terms of the goal: I want you to love my soul, I want you to do it because we're all going to grow together and all of that is going to go away.
Oh, and if that's what captured you or interested you, then we're doomed, so I think a lot of that just fades away when you get into that much deeper place and Nicole is in a good place right now. a happy


, mother of four children and that Oscar nomination, finally she really does have it all. I'm just a girl who's been put in some pretty extraordinary situations at some point and I'm kind of navigating my way and I fall and make mistakes and I get up and hope for the best and I try to behave as authentically, um, I guess, and um, um you know a moral code that I think is right and that's really all I have so luxury arises and the monotony keeps her calm keeps her happier than what would otherwise be intensive care for the most vulnerable people flock here they are our guests and this is how we treat them it's a hit in Thailand how it is here fabulous so why not?
I work in Australia, the industry has been crying out for decades to fix the problem and give people more help. Hello Lolly, I love you. I like my mom.

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