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New York Doughnuts Are A Whole Other Level! | Paul Hollywood's City Bakes | Tonic

Jun 05, 2021
I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world in search of the people, places and traditions that make baking the best. Wow, from the relaxed and sunny atmosphere of Miami to the European elegance of Paris, oh, great, I already went. in the United States to see the


's stock exchanges in one of the most iconic places in the world, one that never stops. I'm in New York as soon as possible and I already guessed it with the middle of Times Square, it's getting dark, this place is packed 24 hours a day, but I'm here to see the base what is the next trend that will leave New York and come to Europe.
new york doughnuts are a whole other level paul hollywood s city bakes tonic
I'm here to find out. I'm going to dive into the latest New York donut flavors. Yes. Wow, I visit a bakery that has turned the rustic bagel into a bagel pop extravaganza, and after almost dying from a cheesecake, I came up with my own New York cheesecake magic. They were onto something. This is a


that instantly makes you feel like you're in a movie wherever you look. It screams New York, one of the things about New York is its size. I mean, I know London is big and has the occasional skyscraper occasion, but New York has more than its first year.
new york doughnuts are a whole other level paul hollywood s city bakes tonic

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new york doughnuts are a whole other level paul hollywood s city bakes tonic...

Everywhere you go, you feel overshadowed by these colossal buildings, not so much. in the Empire State it's a nice day I think I have my head this way, as you would expect, eating in New York is a pleasure and in fact an adventure, even something as simple as a bagel for breakfast is a difficult decision . Hi how are things? it goes well, the


bagel and of course the


rolled bagel, and we also on the multigrain bagel or if you want we have a healthy grain bagel, this is what New York is famous for. Thank you very much for doing it, making everything bigger and better. your cakes I like to think I'm on the cutting edge your bacon I like to think I invent different things but to be honest, for me New York is going to be fascinating and I'm sure I'll get some inspiration while I'm here, it'll freeze my muffin , it's delicious, the coffee isn't bad either.
new york doughnuts are a whole other level paul hollywood s city bakes tonic
I'm starting my search for the best of New York with that American classic, donuts. America has long had a deep love affair with them, but me. I was told that this store opened less than a year ago and is trying to do something new, these are very attractive donors, thank you, they don't get fat, it's all lovely, no, it's already weighing on me, now I'm used to a little sugar in the mine, but The choice here is incredible, chocolate with lemon and poppy, coffee with milk. I think I know what I want: the caramel @mj. I have to try the basic one too, so a simple one and the passion fruit one, well, that's my favorite.
new york doughnuts are a whole other level paul hollywood s city bakes tonic
That's your favorite, do you think it's enough to start? Well, you have to try hibiscus. Yes, I have never eaten anything like that. I must admit, this is candied hibiscus flower. Wow, there is an impressive variety of donors. The owner of the store and the bakery is funny. It's right behind the counter, they make donuts here all day, so they're fresh for the customer, which I'm happy to say is me today. You've taken the humble unattended donut to something very, very different, now this one is filled with toast. almonds, dulce de leche is a South American flavor, it's basically Hoffy on banoffee cake, it's very Morris, that's delicious, now this one is passion fruit.
I'm from Mexico, so I didn't grow up with candy that was extremely sweet, so I crave sour. flavors oh yes Wow, it's a strong meal from Yashin oh yes, look, I guess you've come to Kela one after an


yes for Cinco mojitos so what is this? This is the hibiscus oh yes, that's delicious, thank you. I look, although it is not a strong flavor there is a hint on the back but it looks very attractive although the flavors and the donuts are different they are out there they don't taste artificial they have a full flavor flavor I mean I didn't realize that donuts could be taken at such a


because there are so many flavors you've never heard of.
I'm fascinated to see how Funnies Donut Bakery produces so many flavors all day long, the hearts of the operation where Funnies baking teams stamp the dough by hand. and after tasting it fried before receiving its flavored frosting and toppings, what is it about New Yorkers that particularly allows them to open a store like this? They have a melting pot of cultures, you know, and I'm one of those people. and so is everyone else, so you're always surrounded by inspiration, you're going to see things, you try things, so what you're really doing is your culture, your heritage, the flavors that you have in your mind, that you grew up with. and what do you bring?
To the people of New York, yes, in the form of a donor, that is exactly what makes the difference. I love it. I really do. If this is what New York can do with a donut, I can't wait to see what else awaits me. Baking in New York originated in Europe, family recipes brought through the 18th and 19th centuries by waves of immigrants. I had actually never seen the Statue of Liberty before. I mean, it looks smaller from a distance, but it's huge, but this was actually the route that most immigrants took when coming to America.
It's incredibly beautiful that Maureen comes and says one of the pastries that came with the Jewish immigrants with the famous bagels. I want to take you to a place called Saddles. It is now run by a girl named Melissa. It's only been open almost a year and has turned bagels into entertainment because I'm really the only one who could do that. Hey, if I take these guys inside, look around. This place is very special. This is a very different bakery than the previous one. street bakery where I bought my breakfast this morning the waiters are all dressed in deke bows the center is where Melissa makes all the bagels and around it are the entertainment seats these are the theater seats of your life and when fresh bagels are baked they become to announce and all staff join in as A Chorus Line.
I want to introduce you to Melissa who starts all of this and she's there making bagels. Come with me. Hi Melissa, so this is your house. This is my home. My son jokes that it's the bagel. The jail. Melissa's sourdough bagels are made in a nearby kitchen, like all bagels, they are boiled for a few minutes and in the summer they are seeded and then we put them on these boards and these boards then go in the oven, so we put them in the oven upside down afterwards. After a few minutes in the rotating oven the bagels are flipped so you bake them on one side, flip them onto the plate, yes it's fantastic, I love it, British afternoon tea is served on a cake stand, you took the bun or the cookie.
They take it out and put the baby lip we have on it. We love the elegant presentation and wanted to elevate it from being considered the local deli bagel you can get on any corner. I think it's a great idea. Alright. The point of this is a celebration of the bagel, the celebration of that yeasty bun that came to New York and just went boom and this is taking it to a whole new


, so one of the following looks at two commands momentarily. Everyone knows I'm a shy, retired baker, but when I was in New York, the next time there were loud hot bagels, it was quite loud.
I think that was one of the best things about New York, obviously, you have these huge buildings everywhere, just go. vertical and then, right in the heart of New York, you have this Central Park. Central Park is huge, it runs from Midtown to Harlem and is beautiful any time of year. Most people who live in New York come to this place. It's a bit of a respite, so let's say the equivalent would be High Park in the UK and London, whether you fancy a horse-drawn carriage ride, skating, jogging or rowing, it's all here and one thing that's quite Poignant for me, coming from the North West of England, is a memorial about There's a Boy.
I'm a big fan of John Lennon. I was born and raised with the Beatles. My mom and dad were big fans. My mom saw him in the cave many, many times and she didn't really think there were police. which is strange and I made up the call, this place really feels after it, it's a nice monument, you know, it's still to come. I discovered a new way to bake bread that is so easy I almost can't believe it works. It seems like a real artisan bread could work. make my own tribute to New York inventiveness by putting their cheesecake inside my chocolate brownie.
Enters. I'm in New York exploring the inventiveness of this incredible city. My next bakery is in Hell's Kitchen on the east side of Manhattan. Sullivan Street Bakery is so well known because even the New York Fire Department stopped by for lunch. This is a personal fact-finding mission for me because Jim Lahey is famous in the bread world for coming up with a super easy new way to make bread at home. very nice things you're known because you changed the way we mix bread you mean you're talking about it's not necessary that's the one you can show me and explain what this is all about yeah I'd love to show you. you want to come back if you're quick I've always made bread at home giving the dough a good long need, that's lovely yes, but apparently Jim came up with a method that eliminates all that effort and I want to know how it works.
This is the technique you came up with, so the no-knead process is a really simple principle. 400 grams of flour, you had yeast and that's about half a gram and this is 8 grams of salt, okay? Fine table salt, sea salt, yes, and then mix it together. This method certainly produces better bread than even the best artisan baker. The baker's attempts and what is beautiful about him pause him. It requires no effort on your part. Mine or that of his viewers. This also sounds. It's good to be true. I have prepared 300 grams of water for you. Let's go into detail about hard water or soft water.
Tap water. It's okay, just regular tap water. Pour it in and then I'll put it together like this. done and that's Shaggy and that was like 6 yeah, normally I would be working this day for maybe ten minutes until it's soft and stretchy. They're very different methods because obviously you're not working, they just leave it as is, but this is all Jim makes perfect, it's covered and left alone, this is what it would look like, so you go from that to this, the dough rises very slowly even though it is not necessary, it is now soft, what is really strange is during my baking life.
I've made dough like that before, without realizing it, I just mixed something up and forgot about it, came back, it exploded, what I didn't do was get to the point of baking it, respect the integrity of the dough, you don't want to cut into it. in a bunch of small pieces, you want a whole piece, okay, Jim is what I would call a head of bread. I love his energy. Anyone can do this and that's it. It really only takes a few seconds to bake. Tim has a whole new technique using preheat. pots or Dutch ovens us and then in the United States we have a dough that has been sitting here for a little over two hours a little too big for the pot, but we are going to make it work anyway a little crooked is not ideal, it is the start kid and we're going to put this in the oven now for about 20 minutes personally.
I've never baked in a Dutch oven before so it will be fascinating to see how they come out, so they baked for 20 minutes with the lid on. closed about 15 minutes with the lid open, I can pick one up now they're still hot, but tell them quickly I'm white, yes, so I'm going to try to cut this so it smells fantastic, yes, but look at that structure you see. as if you were right, a real artisan bread from the center of France. I love it. I love the way it is structured. However, I say it. This is a really awesome bread.
Know how to think of the best home life you ever made that your grandm


ever used. to make that's where this house is a big compliment, the grandma thing, I mean, I like a huge self, but like all the bleary-eyed double-weave Purdues, I think in Europe, like Baker's, they were restricted by tradition and rules, and I think that in New York not that. It doesn't exist. I think they dominated the recipes that came out of Europe. I think he changed, he did something completely different, that's why I had to leave New York. Thank you. Yes, what I'm slowly discovering about New York is the quality of the bacon.
They have some fantastic recipes here and what they have done with those recipes is taken them to the next level. I think it's revolutionary and that's the key: New York is so much bigger and better before I leave this city. on my way to visit a New York institution I want to welcome you to Brooklyn I want to welcome you to the juniors I'm told you don't know cheesecake until you've been to the juniors this New York family has been reinventing it forever last 65 years Alan Rosen is the third generation to make this recipe for 65 years we have been on this same corner making the recipe exactly the same way as when we started it's amazing and then even the signs on the road here yeah well We were lucky that they changed the name of the corner of Harry Rosen Street.
Wait cheesecake corner. Harry Rosen was Alan's grandfather who created this recipe in 1950. Now I have come from the United KingdomUnited to see your cheesecake. Generations from Brooklyn Heights have come to eat. Junior's diner and upstairs, in the original 1950s kitchens, the cheesecake shells are still made by hand and, unusually, all of Junior's cheesecakes have a sponge base. I have to try a New York cheesecake today we are going to start with our classic what We started with the original, the New York style plane, we are going to try this one, which is the one my grandfather started with 65 years ago.
I like it well, I like it a lot, it is very, very creamy, you can taste the cheese it contains and the cake. beautiful and soft it turned out wonderful thank you I'm glad you enjoy it I can't finish it all and I want to keep your fork oh we have more on the way okay we have a slice of strawberry please Marcel sure when Alan said he had strawberry cake mocha, mango, strawberry and cheese, I wasn't kidding, fresh strawberries, now it's delicious, it's a standard filling, yeah, same thing. exactly the same, okay, bring it, whatever you have marcin.
Wow, what happened is that for the last 65 years, young people have been working on their original recipe creating more and more amazing cheesecakes for the pilot book, so I'm sitting with my dad having breakfast 20 years ago. Yeah, and my dad says, why don't you take a plain cheesecake and put it inside a chocolate cake? You know, it shouldn't work, but it makes us expect sincerity and that's where we came up with red velvet cheesecake. Okay, that's pretty light, so laugh, grope along with this video. I love the color of those. I'll enlighten you with some fruit.
Now I have an apple crumb. It's hard to explain, but the flavors are excellent. The strobe light you particularly want. Back to the fennel, okay, so we had two of America's most beloved desserts, basically apple pie and cheesecake, which is a great combination. If I hadn't eaten any of those, I could probably clean one of them however I could. I don't have any more, yes we did, we have some more, of course we do. Allen also has Black Forest cheesecake, oh wow, and carrot cake cheesecake, does it get bigger than that? It's a big ass, we'll work on it.
Later you are doing great, I understood, thank you for so much chocolate mousse and raspberry swirl at the same time, thank God, these last ones, seriously, it is that a portion, yes, a normal size portion, we did nothing special for you here today, no offense. not very good all these cheesecakes taste amazing I promise you they do. I'm pretty full after my one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twelve spoonfuls of cheesecake if New Yorkers can innovate so can I before I leave the juniors. I asked Alan if he could invent my own Hollywood cheesecake.
You'll be the only one except our baker working upstairs in that bakery, so it'll be awesome. I heard you're very big in the UK, so let's go. I'm going to let you leave it up there, thanks Alan. I just need to sit down, even if it's a rat. I've decided to take my own chocolate brownie recipe and somehow fit Junior's cheesecake inside, so you'll still have your cheesecake. I will break it. I continue with my chocolate brownie and we will try to mix a little, it will be a pleasure, a mixture, so to speak, a mixture, yes, yes.
Alan's recipe, which has not changed for 65 years, is Philadelphia cream cheese, which he will mix slowly. sugar two eggs double cream and vanilla extract my brownie starts by beating six eggs with sugar do you mind doing it by hand? You say it's cheaper to cool a little by using the mixer on the eggs. I pour a warm mixture of dark chocolate and melted butter directly into You can see how loose the next perfect self-rising flour is, the last thing you should do is add chocolate chunks if you don't make them like this before the cheesy brownie, maybe next week call a Hollywood cheesecake, you wish it were that way.
Oh yeah, he thinks it's funny, but I think he'll be a winner. I think it's ready, all yours, my beautiful friend, this should be quite delicious, it actually looks quite interesting. I have one more there if he wanted to change colors too much. You want it. to be quite rigid, so you see the cheesecake and brownie together, we bake at 170 degrees C in original youth ovens, that's amazing, thank you very much, that's a great look, yes, the cheesecake and brownie are They baked at the same pace and they stay. Wow, I give the brownie an amazing looking cheesecake marble running through it.
He had never tried anything like this before. I'm looking forward to it, greetings, it's delicious, really wonderful, it's a lovely mix. You still have brownie textures. I have soft chocolate and brownies all over the bottom and cheesecakes on their own. I want something. This is my innovative little nod to New York and its history of incredible bakers. I like it here. It has given me back something that I think I was starting to lose. Basically, New York has given me the passion to come home and try a lot of different things and not be restricted by the tradition of one recipe, change it up, why not?
That's what they do in New York and it works.

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