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New VR Shooter Is Actually A Horror Game!

Jun 04, 2021
What's up guys, today we're playing Blood Trail? They released some new levels and Niko has never played them. Niko loves shooting


s, don't you think I love shooting


s? Bang Bang. I'm empty. Niko is also a big fan of John. wick and all that stuff and you know what the John Wood Bone Works videos have to come out, guys, we just have to wait because you guys are so busy working on this that you don't have time to mess around with us, but subscribe if you want. to see it yeah, it's going to happen, it's just coming, it's just a few little appetizers, this is like you know you play, hey man, in this game, so we'll see the new levels, very spooky.
new vr shooter is actually a horror game
I can't wait for you to see it. Basically you have to survive Niko, these guys are a group of crackheads who murdered your daughter and also your grandmother, and you love your grandmother, so you have to go in there and put them out of their misery, oh drama classic, well wait, why? You came before so that's the worst action movie ever he went out for revenge and the first cultists were killed at the end guys oh my god oh no I draw yeah so that's what you got like gear, they are your weapons in this game, okay, yeah.
new vr shooter is actually a horror game

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new vr shooter is actually a horror game...

No, no, don't go easy on them, the toughest thing I've ever seen, wait, you've got a head-mounted flashlight that'll be fine, yeah, he's carrying one of those little cave divers, he's got his little camp flashlight. and is ready for battle. What is my ammo status here on each gun? I would be very intimidated by a guy who approaches me and this doesn't even take away my smile, he doesn't grimace when I pull out a gun, it's like you're in a book, he soon hit that guy, he should also know that he has, he doesn't have shirt, which is even worse, getting shot without showing up, oh boy, you also have a gun with AR and you're funny every single one, yeah.
new vr shooter is actually a horror game
Cultists are trained to line up like this: I eat others, you shoot if you get up, pass, they only tell you how many bullets they see on the left, like everyone is collectively counting your shots, you say, oh god, where's my, they are on your forehead you have to look down right front left okay you have an inside I have a no it's the sound like no I said yes look at this guy's face they stay down how intimidating he said mo said I see a little light coming through the road and it's a man with the camping lantern on his head and a gun we run at them all at the same time they say no, just whatever you eat your pants, we're ready to go to Dallas intense when they stop to catch up with some of them they have guns so you get it so the best part of the scheme is a sound design yeah very well done so you guys survive as long as you can yeah look at that moment where they're talking. semester just using shotty nor we like to check my animal like in real life yeah check it here you been counting ready to start you been counting all the tops yeah a dirty rotten egg Nico do you know what oma means , Yeah? look here to get that sweet oh mom you'll probably miss your shot yeah so use all your shots before you do it you got six you got six shots oh yeah five left six like a real texan AK I was about to shoot you like in one shot he kills oh yeah, yeah, if he shoots you, you're done, yeah.
new vr shooter is actually a horror game
I think if you look at your watch you can see how many guys you slipped on a banana peel nineteen, okay, try to catch me there right now, it's a little touchy, it's like sometimes. you think or use your trigger use your trigger or grant grip for the trigger squeeze the bottom of those oh that's very strange the last time I played I had no problems I think it's to reload your gun first oh yeah reload your shotgun and then get the ammo because it's like you're in your pocket, oh good night sweet prince, the missile will tell you that you have to work, you have, you can hit them, you have to pee, no you can't just hit them with your open hands.
Oh, God, hit them with that thing, ah. you've got that bone crunch that satisfies captain vigo you're going to reload i think i'll just pop shells out from under your left oh that's ink oh my god the game is perfect until you have to reload short fine ammo and then it gets completely confusing yeah, yeah, let me see if I can figure out how to pick up the ammo, yeah, that could extend the game's blanks by like a minute, go a little further. I'll have to be more tactical next time I play. I just stayed still. in one place, I know it was a really good idea, although yeah, the key you have to keep moving because the ammo appears everywhere, your keys you have to keep getting the ammo because that's how you're going to die, oh man.
I probably have like ten bullets left or something. Oh, first we play this. The word ammo turns the hook, so we always went to look for it when they were upside down. We were thinking: what the hell is it? Oh, what kind is it? It's a gun. Try to grab it with your left hand should I just think you got it, oh my God, okay, what a corner on the gun, go again, come again, we have to discover this ammunition, yes, the mystery of the OMA, the design of sound is lovely, mm-hmm, especially because indoor and outdoor sounds totally different if we are using Steam audio, we have a problem with your weapon, it's not just a standard for you, yes, well, they are out of reach , oh, they're in NPC, yes, they're in that sick new NPC, in any second epistle. okay, he's got two other guns, oh guys, bleeding, I booked it, reload that gun, we got a chance, that's why they call you, you shot him, he bled on himself from the wound, oh boy, that's brutally good at toughness on that PC, it pays high. about courage, go well, great, so now you don't have any more burqa max, so if you have it, you can reload, you can reload, yeah, just look, oh, there's all my down there.
I see from my magazine for each gun, probably because I probably just also need to remember when I run out, yeah, oh mom, make the mouth, no, I can't really use this, oh mom, right now, can I meet that shotgun and use it until you get a recharge? Oh, teleport, you said what it means: hit someone. with that, good start, yes, really the answer and for you the problem is that when you give it your shotgun, it like a limp doll brain shows us how cold and bloodthirsty you are, yes, leave us a trail of cold blood, I thought, blood test.
Oh, followed by blood, yes, that's the worst possible option. You are in the basement of this tree house. Yeah, yeah, it's not a good situation. I've seen a lot of


movies that end here. Brandon, no, you're really testing the halo ranges. sit down, it's okay if you let it go, go back in your case, it's all there, like those little lights, it took me a while to get it down. Oh, new gun, new gun and push them down with a gentleman, a notebook, it's outside, oh no. Frick, oh, it's not awkward, put it in the bag, all the way, all the way, all the way, trust me, just crush it all the way in, that's what she said, all of them, these guys, the way harder, oh mom, everyone gets OMA.
Oh no on my watch oh no I'm alive you can smoke some crack to get your health back yeah where's that? yeah, where's my? It's for tobacco use only yellow crack pipe, it's not really like we have to go to shotgun school. The game is about figuring out how to reload your weapons. I show myself how a real professional weapon. They are so close to my pink strap. Going down was a bad move. I think VR games in general need to stop using pump and shotguns in their games. Think about this, it just doesn't translate to like you want a run when you're in shotgun, it's like you want to feel it hit the back of the shotgun when you're racking your back and you want to hit the front when you're out. there without it you're just sitting there flailing hey guys you want you want to have a good time yeah when I'm having a good time Wow there's no reason to shoot in the knees but they sure made it look good when he liked it oh that one guy is still alive, he could be rolling downhill.
Got it, fast reload - much faster selector. yellow, oh my god, there is no such thing as a fast recharge, oh my god, do you get it? No, that's what there is, there is a type. Coming after you, you didn't look hard enough, these are your exaggerations, I use tobacco in a pipe, we can't see it, don't forget your towel, don't forget my wet towel, South Park reference for all you guys, they're nice, these guys They're hungry, grab the Edomite tobacco pipe because he put his hand on top of the barrel like a real operator, he's a microphone operator, wait, really, I think so, that's cool, his microphone may be off, whistling at everyone. microphone, yeah damn, I think it's like instead of me you got shit, you're out, maybe you need to be wetter, vi, it's a time for that, okay, the lights go out, oh boy, definitely , going up instead of going down is the way to go. angry I really wish I could run in this game but if so you just run away from these slow idiots.
Okay, when I play again, I'm going to try to be cool, I'm not going to try to be tactical in the sense that I'm going to try to be cool, okay, I think it's good that I listened, it's amazing the microphone, hey, listen to yourself, yeah, that's why you keep that thing, you have that trick. Wow guys, a small part of the team, guys how he really pushed it off the ledge where is he? that oh ma so Swift blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah where's that other guy? Omg gang sim stay down oh dude look how you followed him and he says oh no I don't want to yeah that's right keep walking wow. what a deal hmm it's like Walmart a revenge sale has a pullback hey that's not good.
Wow, are you the first person to get this far? Kill him universally back to the shotgun desert, sir, oh, oh, Maas, up there, where is he? Oh. I see it, did you see that yes, he said, give me a? I mean, it's funny, the cold shoulder, I hope you know, if Oman said, moving over there, there you go, that's a good ending, did he just touch it? Oh, we see the keys. You used it first that was awesome man there's a trail of blood oh my god I hear you as hard as you think it is to reload weapons from watching this video it's a lot harder how hard could it be a positive?
II to be quite difficult, hey. Bad boy stuff in my house, okay, I'm going to go here and get this oma Paul, her legs are gone, she's gone, let me give you this, look at it directly, look at that one on your peripheral, okay, shotgun or what is this? boom ah yellow Oh mom, check your six. I can only imagine how many splinters you would get without wearing your shirt in this area. Hello, everyone promised to subscribe if you have the next person doing a 360 truth 60 court record. What do you mean 360, can you do a 360 and are you a murderer? 60 Pierre goes to your left if you are not subscribed and you delete us there first do something like finish well well oh yeah it looks like you don't have to subscribe 360 ​​they have to call together to do that again well I guess you see the level.
I guess I said two three in the basement, buddy, you gotta get to the basement, peace, oh, don't do it. What did I tell you? What the hell isn't FL? Oh you hit it off just like that damn crackheads they cut me with a crack knife my drag oh it's not the crackheads I'll kill you the controls yeah when the numbers are infinite the numbers always win oh man hey you did one of these and you boomed one of those beats in the background and then you did one of these you did it they're pink like your character backed up that bad yeah 1 2 3 fail 1 2 3 hit my hand

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