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New HELLO NEIGHBOR the CROW GAME! (FGTeeV Hello Guest Alpha 1: The Never Ending Gameplay )

Jun 01, 2021
You have a button in the store. Do you have a button here? There's a? button here let me get a button you got a button brother let me take it you get a button what is this what is this nothing oh what is that door let me get to that door that's the boy's door I know they have buttons on that open door no Now I'm trapped , I curse you, button the door, look but hold on. I'm stuck in the store next to the button door, if I hunted animals, I brought it to the taxidermy and put it on my wall, that would be a furry decoration, I'm so sorry , it's Stan, I'm stuck, I'm stopping, I'm stopping, I'm sorry.
new hello neighbor the crow game fgteev hello guest alpha 1 the never ending gameplay
I'm so stuck guys that's it for this video because I don't know what to do yet get lost more and then come back to you if you live peacefully in Beverly but I want out of the video but Shawn crushed me in my face he told me no , we have to move forward. I figured out how to get past this locked door in a big bag and a bunch, so here we go, get out of here. I'm not even sure if I'm going to do it. I'll be able to get anywhere but I'll show you what I did I came down here I jumped over this I went up this hill parkour parkour and ladies and gentlemen but before I go up there it looks like something needs to be done down here yes button button let me press the button man wait wait oh oh that's a plug here no go buddy I'm making progress he's just crouching under the stairs I can see you silly we can all see you we gotta turn these lights on Oh daddy aah why is he here?
new hello neighbor the crow game fgteev hello guest alpha 1 the never ending gameplay

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new hello neighbor the crow game fgteev hello guest alpha 1 the never ending gameplay...

Oh, it's like a puzzle. Stay there, birdman. I don't understand why he's just staring at it. I did it. Do you like insects? Connect that to that. I connect it to those things. you need two more and then I mean you need two more buttons, maybe you know, dude, as far as I can wait, wait what's not on my camera. I set up a camera before and it was creepy, okay, camera down here, oh my god, he is. right there, okay, now we can spy on him perfect, let's hide in this room, right here, oh god, ha, this is perfect, oh god, no, he's coming, he's got there, Ian, look at him, he's peeking out, oh god , okay, close that door, look, he's looking. oh no, he's coming, oh my god, oh, this is perfect, yeah, get out of here, go, yeah, it's okay, maybe you don't need this anymore, you know what?
new hello neighbor the crow game fgteev hello guest alpha 1 the never ending gameplay
Okay, yeah, you know. I think we need it because I'm not going to take any chances. Is he? Oh, get out of here. I have to plug this in somewhere. I need a generator. Yes, I think I'm missing a generator. I have it. Generator. Light kit. Wire. Gasoline. Maybe a battery. Probably not. Let's steal everything we're not paying for. Ok box, I didn't know you held it down, dude, right, am I right and boom? Ok, now where's my gas? Do I put gas here somewhere and then we have to plug into somewhere right here, plug in there and then what? what a look, yeah, oh I did it, okay how do I get this, wait this is the camera, wait I'm so confused, what am I doing?
new hello neighbor the crow game fgteev hello guest alpha 1 the never ending gameplay
I pressed a on this, I pressed e on this light bulb, I became Mr. Light Bulb label. you like a shot of gas no thanks let's take this and plug it in there okay we've got power let's see let's turn it on yeah ladies and gentlemen JT and glasses let's focus okay I'm focused hey we're close we're so close oh no, I smell like a boy, what are you doing, getting a tan?, you look like you've seen a ghost, oh, so I'm just adjusting the light, no, I'm just illuminating something, look, I got it, maybe we need it. one more cable maybe one isn't enough to power this thing so it can play longer on this channel hey hey like and watch the whole thing or I'll kick you here but what are we going to the store? get a lot, man, I want this one, I want this one, on what, okay, I'm stealing it, no one is here to pay or would pay, okay, bye, complicated puzzle.
Do I need to plug any in? What should I put another one? You are a big power-hungry man. I bought a Jake, my Ichi drink. I wanted to eat it but I drank it. It doesn't matter. Now we just have to figure out how to light all the light bulbs. No, oh, the buttons came off, that's why only that light appeared. let's go see it for some reason the door opened no it's not open yet oh I can't wait to get in there I'm going to go in and kiss that elevator huh I wish I was good with cakes.
Let's always think: is it open? Guys, press, press, press, I want a pretzel now that I said, press like this. I don't understand it, so that's the third one. So this is right, left, right, left, how about right? right right right right right right right does that I feel like this is just for something different oh no, he sat down did you turn off my machine? Don't touch my machine. Dont wait? No, it made gas. You need gas. yes, it needs gasps, oh no, it needs a lot of gas, use a thick little machine, start an interesting one, I don't start right, what is this?
I guess I'm not very smart, guys, sorry, I guess I just can't. I'm just bad, I need to be fired, fire me, maybe I should sweep the school floor Baldi right now, we're saying goodbye forever, goodbye, okay ladies and gentlemen, these videos are not over. I lied again because I had help from the Gods,



and I'm pretty sure I know exactly what to do this time, okay, you're ready, let's put some gas in, here we go and it's okay, full, now let's turn it on, turn on the number one, okay, now look at this, hey.
Mook leave me alright so look the second light is on go to the second light turn it on now the first light is on turn on the first I can't believe I didn't understand this now the third light is on okay and now the fourth and then turn it, did you hear that? Let me show you that the door is open. I have the door open, but then you're sitting here and you're like, oh my God, how do I get there and you just hit your head? But now, how do you get there? Well, apparently excuse my chest.
This is not only the extinguisher, but it also pushes you up. Yes, right there, can we close it so we don't fall? I don't know, but now look at this. look at the ledges and jump yeah, come on, come on, no, that wasn't a good jump, what did you jump? No, no, ah, it's all out, throw you away, I have another job, yes, right there and now go, yes, there, come on, come on, there. come on boom and check there's another switch but for that I need a camera okay please please put it there yeah now I


would have done that.
I'm just not smart enough to figure this out, wait how do I change cameras? Here we go. there I am, but there's that switch, let's bring it really close so they look like avocados to a color blind person, are they green? I'm not sure they cut my head off, oh god, wait, come on, wait, no, my turn is hard. Okay, we got it. I love this


. Hey


s, it's all about puzzles and strategy, and man, I'm just not, I'm not smart enough, but I want to be. The tea is for now, turn it on, okay, and now let's switch to number two and look at the fourth one, boom, the first one, boom, the third and the second, what happened?
Ah, he's on the stairs. Oh, a new area just opened up right there, come on. run run run run jump at the same time like this let's go let's go let's go yeah I've got it good now I just have to park order that's this door by Patrick Stars I don't know, but I better drink this now that I'm at 120 baby, okay, So the tea calms me down. No, oh no, I need a lot of tea. Sorry, I just screamed when my heart rate went up. That is interesting. Soothing tea. Run a jump. No, I had to do this again and that's the last one.
What's the the battery has to be there, okay, come on, come on, we could do this, we could do this and go and no, no, okay, come on, come on, we got this and go, wait and go, yeah, no, and it's empty, let the tit tube rise. TV needed, sorry, come on, please do it, please do it, please do it, yeah, okay, where am I? I have just done it. What is this? Hello, the neighbors are at school. Oh my god, I'm here. I can not get out from here. I'm very happy to hear it. I drank a lot of tea in case I go crazy painting at the school of my heart, but why does it seem like there's nothing to do here?
Why don't you mess with me? My part is to go up there with the pleasure camera. It's okay up here, yeah, come on, come on, come on, come on, yeah, it's okay, I just like to jump, jump, yeah, I'm on the roof, baby, what's up here? Oh no, drink some tea, relax, yeah, okay, what's the point of being? up here I can't let myself die oh God oh wow oh God jump slightly okay, walk here okay, what's there? That's nothing, that's a fence. I can't, I'd order shish kebab, okay, what's up here? No no no no no no.
I think I need a rope, oh I don't have a rope, how come my heartbeat isn't speeding up right now? Okay, let's go again, let's go slow, he said nothing, there's nothing there, slow, come on, slow, come on, slow, come on, slow, come on, slow. I love the FG TV goodies in the


book please okay guys I literally have to leave this video here. It's too much work for one video. I'm tired, they're going to fall, let's say, here we go, that's all for today. I left you to think what you thought, okay, I lied, the videos didn't end, but I figured out how to escape one way, this isn't the way I was looking for, but whatever works fine, generator off, hey, hey, no plug, hey, walk away, plug it in there. let's go to another outlet another outlet and another outlet this thing is hungry for outlets another outlet we need one more hey hey hey get out of here so another one there and boom and now let's turn this thing on you've got the carousels going hey Hey, you're gone , so let's put this little rope on that character and then, and then, ah, what do you do, open the door?
Yes, thank you, thank you, get rid of that. Okay, now I think he's helping me escape. Thanks, that's what you get. Don't try to attack me here we go rope in animal shoe yes, open it, pull the door thanks, hey, no, now he doesn't want me to escape, make up your mind, but guess what the door is, open it my friend, now I'm getting. to the top of the mountain hey, there he is, he doesn't want to see me, go, look, he's crying, no, don't leave me, you can't leave me, goodbye,


, goodbye,


, I'm leaving you, why did he make his way, scared.
Get out of here yes, peace, get out Raven, can you come? Yeah, okay, I made it to the top of the mountain. I have to shout fake noodles. He rescued me once again. He told me this is how he did it. That kind. That was. So what is the point? from the bus the elevator the roof like damn they threw me a lot this was very easy okay now the video is over what's going on it's going crazy - what are you doing man is that God I don't know I have a gun it's not fair Smeagol I have a ring do you want a ring who is different watch your mouth Lex there's grandma watching

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