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*NEW* GRAPPLER GUN! *BED WARS* Game Mode in Fortnite

Jun 03, 2021
so the rules of this


are simple and they are just like last time we all have a bed if you lose your bed you can't respawn anymore you start with nothing but a grappling hook it's the best of three 1 on 1 on 1 4 oh wait, very quick, real quick, Russell, stop, stop listening to music, music for guys, before you start, hit the like but subscribe button. Hey, tickets are sold out. I'm a YouTuber until my family likes it. I like it, feed my family. Okay, okay, like I said. vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 it's the best of three if you lose your bed it's over let's do this right buddy look at our skins we look amazing I love it I've explained the intros I thought the rules in the intro we're all start with a grappling hook like this That's Craner space.
new grappler gun bed wars game mode in fortnite
Jerome's bass flashes low and in my face you guys ready, all set, safe, the grip literally looks like a bathroom player. Okay, I'm going to go to my face. I'm going to go to my face. I'm going to let us do a minute, a minute of safe time where we can protect our bed, you guys want to do that, let's do it. Yes, yes, let's do it. Okay, minute, minute, minute of bed protection. I broke my bed, okay? I'm just going to build I'm going to build so at 45 at 45 it's let me start at 45 that's when we start well so we should build now so hey buddy do what you want you need to protect your bed protect your city 45 you when we start right 45 is when death chases us okay, I'm actually very terrified right now what friend just don't break your bed don't accidentally break your bed okay, I'll try not to but you know me too no, I know you I know you, I know you I know, yes, so you know how hot it is for me not to make mistakes.
new grappler gun bed wars game mode in fortnite

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new grappler gun bed wars game mode in fortnite...

It's okay, it's okay. There we go, let's go. I don't feel well. I'm just trying to make mine like a maze we started. Well, I'm afraid. You don't have to attack each other if you don't want to, you know, I'm too scared, should we all be friends about a tank?, ok, let's be friends, let's be friends, let's be friends, watching the video how. about how about everyone concentrate, everyone concentrate, flash flash, he can't talk, no, oh yeah, I forgot to say that rule, I forgot to say that rule, no explosives, sorry, no explosives, they'll cheat, There are no explosives, oh you, you are already fighting.
new grappler gun bed wars game mode in fortnite
I'm fighting with someone you make a crater No, yeah, okay, you get a death in the crater, come on, we cry, you fight. I looked the other way, right? I have always gone down, but he has the bet on him, he can reappear, he can reappear, our thieves, go ahead, wait, he is not. protecting the part of it, move away from the crater of the bed. I still don't have any identification. Do not worry about me. Do not worry about me. Do not worry about me. I'm building a small fortress. He is building a small fortress. there's Craner's base, there's Flash's base, there's two rooms, give me that laugh, oh my god, that closes, this is so good, so everyone's bed is still okay, yeah, I bet it is, I hope so Oh God, so I couldn't fall asleep. in the air was that vengeance of the flesh: who is here? oh I gotta get out, I gotta get out, I'm out, come with me, Jerrod, come with me, Jerome, I've kidnapped you, oh no, do it, that's good, oh no, no, stop, stop, stop, oh this.
new grappler gun bed wars game mode in fortnite
It's very intense, okay, if Craner dies, he's out. I have a purple scar, no sparkles, better with that, okay, here's one more life, one more life, okay, I should really get out of here before Flash gets mad at me, okay, I'll answer quickly. answer quickly answer quickly in my bed okay I'm just afraid that flash likes to get revenge if flash or Craner die it's over for them hey Ian I heard you have a bed okay it's not in the garage the bed of all is broken, if we die, it's over. Oh, who's excited with me?
Who is there one by one camping? You are all campers, not me. Oh wait, I want to get my hook. Oh, all the hooks are so cool. I know, I know. I mean, I'm someone right next to me. right next to me who is that who is that who sinks into the craters is what b1 b1 oh yeah, I know you're around here oh look, they're camping it's one by one oh, I hate it yeah, it's okay, it's okay, oh , it is, oh, sorry. Let's kill Jerome no, it's me versus flash me versus flash okay, you're my favorite superhero oh, this is so funny okay, first round goes to me we'll do the best of three if I win the next one, it's all up to you guys on my camera just fell oh god yes why does the camera always fall?
I don't know, Craner, I don't know, are you guys ready for round two? I couldn't really find a bed, so I set up like a tent on the floor, yeah right, Jerome's house is there in the broken house, he has a tent, my house is there, I bet there is Craner's is there and Flash is there, buddy, the flash is so far lacquered, you know you have such a good house flash, I think this is right flash, okay, ready, guys, ready, remember, yeah, to the 29, start right now, we can build, we can build, we can track, no one just heard that I need to protect my sleeping bag at all costs, oh, that's cool, oh yeah, remember the rules, remember the rules, bunch of cheaters, no, no explosives, the closest thing, okay, remember that yourself, how about you remember Ian catches me outside?
What about that? Sorry, sorry, you started it, you started another one, I forgot, oh no, I'm sorry, I'm panicking. I see I heard that. I heard that. Do you have your grappling hook? Yes, we have our grappling hooks. Oh yeah, wait, it's someone. in my house, wait, hey guys, wow, dude, it's so good, well, well, here we go, okay, I can't use explosives, damn, come up, man, hmm, who's in my house, who's in my house, it's something, it's not me, I'm still landing, flash I just have a care package Oh no, Craner, where are you? Yes, I kill Grady, who is shooting at me.
Jerome, no one, Jerome, I will finish you, Jerome, I will finish you. How does this cut, those explosives. Sorry, oh no, that's not explosive. Downed drones that just left. why there's like a war oh you guys don't have this war on my base like I'm sorry but this is my base guys friend flash just came in here with him oh he broke my bed he did what he broke my bed flash You destroyed my bed you moron. I can't believe it anymore. Instead he goes oh yeah, well. I can not do this. I'm in flashes. I have to find the bed.
I have to find the bed. Dude, you can't get lost with Flash. he is the master of traps Oh, can't you see I can't use these explosives? Jaga has an IQ level of 2000 exactly that's why he doesn't speak, he just communicates telepathically that your Flash is going to act, where is the tribe?, there's the traffic. Traffic is bad Yes, I'm sorry for your loss, sir, where is your bed? This is bad. I took it as bad. I put it down again. Yeah, okay, so Flash and Ian are currently less dubbed. Yeah, I don't have a bed, so Splash, Flash.
He has one more life, who is he if I were Craner anywhere? Oh, upstairs, hello, merchant, bed, did you destroy his bed? Oh, his bed is gone, oh no, I'm still wandering around like the only one with a bed right now, yeah, Jo's the only one with the bed. Wow. Come in, oh, stop, stop, think of the kids, think of the little kids, little kids, oh, so it's building in my face, I see you up there, boys, on my roof, I killed this sneaker, I already have it difficult enough. you live in a tent and you come here and break the same thing as last time we all only have one life could you say this is intense?
No, you're here to stop your tags, buddy, your stores are gone. Wow flash, I'll finish you off, okay? I thought I saw someone there but they don't show anymore oh no oh not so full of me get out of here don't shoot me talk to me okay okay I come in peace where everyone is nowhere oh no where everywhere now Oh, no, constant, go there, someone said, I'm in my water, it's not me, stop, stubborn, I'm afraid of that light machine gun, oh, here we go guys, energy, Tod, it's okay, Oh God, where are you? where are you? oh this is the most intense, you actually got a pickaxe today, well yours won the second round, let's go to a third final round, whoever wins this one, whether it's a crater or a flash, we have to go out for an epic look towards below to find the winner.
Shall we just watch? They just stare at each other okay, everyone ready for the final round right here at my flash stop we all gotta praise the tomato, oh my god, oh yeah, everyone shoot this, everyone go, everyone go, so that house is Jerome's house, that house is flat. OMG, did you make the towel big? Another one that house is Craner's house and that one is mine. Everyone is ready to go to your house. Oh, final round here, everyone, the winner is the guitarist and the most handsome, you know. I'm the prettiest car, okay, we'll start at 4830.
Everyone start building forty-eight thirty forty-eight thirty here we go, this makes me too nervous. I don't know if I can like doing this long term. I have a riff. to go oh can I have something to drive my bass? I can have it? I can have it? Can you give it to us? If I can have it, you will kill me. You can have it. I can have it? No, no, that wasn't like an invitation. to kill me that was you probably yeah, fix that we have 15 seconds 15 seconds I have the perfect explosive Oh God, I'm not sure if I like you, you ate a bunch of old owners who are shooting at me I think that's the last straw, man, it's That one I'm not invited to your birthday party Oh, DRO down Oh, give me that mini chance to talk Who's the flash?
It's you? Oh, I made a gun. Do you know what happens when I get the minigun? Ian. Oh no, where's the flash? show yourself now young lady flash where did you go? It's a little Houdini is this your asylum no, don't mitigate the house I have man I think I hit how that didn't kill him - oh, you thought a lot, I think inside like three or four times yeah, oh, you had a porter crack, you had a crack to go, at least my bed is still alive, damn, after what you all did to my base and you have a machine gun.
Oh no, Ian has the machine gun now, Jerome. Sorry no, you started giving a crazy guy like that a minigun isn't the reason I'd want to start with a guy again dude, that's the second walk through the legs I've gotten caught with that, no more bullets for this one major thing, I think your bet is destroyed yeah, I don't see it anywhere oh gee guys, I got three people behind me, yeah, the craters ended up down, oh, where are you, wait, Flash was there, Jerome, yeah, it broke, what a minute, where's your back? I'm in his basement.
I don't see him anywhere I think his flesh broke and the bed broke I didn't do it Oh José, you're lurking, we can work together to find his bed, his bed is gone, this bed is gone, you're wrong, wait , where is slash now? Josh's bed is broken, okay, the meat and the feds broke, it's my broken part. I don't know what's going on anymore, wait, someone is getting in my face. Oh, this was your house. I didn't even know this was your house, obviously you broke my bed. the bed is broken now Oh no, everyone's missing, you know, Ian saw the bed, everyone else's bed is gone, wait a minute, I brought my bags back, it's better, but Venice to Rome is out, oh, I pressed the flash for so much damage, so Craner's bed. everyone's gone mine's gone bad so if I play the defense


defending the scene I'll defend this city he's probably a snitch he's so sneaky buddy it's because he doesn't talk we never know what he's doing, you know, oh, there's, there's, there's. there's there's there's there filming here we go this is such an intense fight filming who's shooting there oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry wait please I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I use my face for things Ian please I'm sorry oh this must be it bass it's crazy it's so cool holy shit dude that was so much fun guys so I had two rounds I already had a poor flash and Craner I'm sorry guys I'm sorry what the fuck but anyway guys , we'll end this here if you enjoyed it, of course, press. like button below if you want us to do this again this was a lot but this is one of my favorite game


s that we play also hit the subscribe button to be new to any of our channels and yeah this grappling hook, Friends, this is a little crazy.

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