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NEW Adult Aang Avatar Movie Teaser Breakdown

May 06, 2024
We finally get some updates on Ang's upcoming



and they're a little confusing. We got the voice cast for the


, which is awesome, but there's a lot of misinformation circulating right now about the release date and Zuko whether the movie was a trilogy or not and much more, so sit back, relax and let's try to clarify all of this because, as you know, I'm the unofficial PR manager for Avatar Studios at the moment. First of all, here is the image associated with the film from last year's cinemacon. Fortunately, it was leaked for us to see, but there is a problem as we don't actually know if this image is still a good representation of the movie or not, one because it was not shown again and two, no image was actually shown new. time, which was a little strange, but we got a lot of other interesting news, so let's move on to Ang being 24 in this movie and he's the lead of the movie.
new adult aang avatar movie teaser breakdown
Eric n, who is a singer, will voice him. Composer and television personality based in South Korea. Now this man has a huge following and is probably the most important person among everyone who has voiced an


character. I'm doing some research on this guy. I'm not sure about his dubbing skills. Don't know. I think he's done that kind of work before, but hearing his voice just gives me 1000%


vibes. I can imagine an adult sounding exactly like him, and honestly, he sounds like Zack Tyler Eisen as an adult anyway, if you don't. Don't believe me, listen to it yourself.
new adult aang avatar movie teaser breakdown

More Interesting Facts About,

new adult aang avatar movie teaser breakdown...

There's no way they like wandering around here. They're like little munchkin dogs saying, "Hey, I can't hold on. I need to prepare myself mentally. Toff is obviously the same age as A and will be 24 in this movie and will be voiced by Dion Quan. Dion Quan is a well-known voice actress. and she has voiced many iconic shows like Rug Rats and Fairly Odd Parents. Now the cool thing about this casting is that she is actually legally blind just like Toff, as far as I know she has usually voiced younger characters and I really don't want to. show those things because it might give people the wrong interpretation of things, but here's a clip of her talking and It was really amazing I experienced it in the 21 days without even having worked with him in person.
new adult aang avatar movie teaser breakdown
To me, that sounds like. If she were an adult, honestly, she could use her regular voice in this role. Everyone would be so excited to hear that she does the hard thing when she's 26 in this movie and Jessica Matten will voice her. This was actually leaked last year, so it's nice that it's finally confirmed. Jessica Matten is mainly known for her acting in actual films and, as far as I know, this is the first time of her acting with voice, uh, judging things based on her previous roles. I can see her as a big slut now.
new adult aang avatar movie teaser breakdown
Not only does Jessica Matten sound like she's a good qara, but just look at her, she looks like a grown-up qara if there ever was one. There was once a live-action Qara movie or TV series for adults. I would like her to be live action qara, so Netflix, if you get those rights, try to make something that works here, it would be great if you had the same guara in both universes, everyone wins. Saka is 27 years old and Roman Zaragoza voices him. Roman is a relatively new actor, he hasn't been on many different television shows and, to my knowledge, he has never voice acted before, but when looking at the roles he has played in the past, he has acted more shy. reserve characters, which is basically the opposite of Saka, but hearing him in interviews actually gives me a lot of confidence.
He always says how happy he is to be on set laughing with everyone and he's always so grateful to have these opportunities right now. da saaka Vibes wait someone is missing where is Momo? where is the casting for Momo? and no, I'm just kidding, where is Zuko? Why didn't they mention anything about Zuko in this movie panel? Zuko wasn't mentioned once, we know Zuko himself was in last year's trailer. but now would have been the perfect time to announce that Dante Vosa will be reprising his role as Zuko. Twitter would have gone crazy, but they didn't for some reason.
Almost two years ago news leaked from Avatar that casting calls were made for the film but none were sent out for Zuko since Dante BOS would be returning, this would have been a good time for them to officially announce it here, unless things Whether they changed or it wasn't a done deal, maybe the official Instagram account will. post about this oh nevermind btw they are posting about fortnite code


s if you want to support your guy it helps a lot there are a few possibilities here one of which Zuko doesn't have any lines in the movie so that you don't need to have one.
Voice actor number two, Zuko, is no longer in the movie because he will have his own movie independent of him. Next time or three, Dante Bosow just had scheduling conflicts and for some reason couldn't make it, so they'll hire someone else or I just forgot to mention Zuko for some reason. I think the first two probably, eh, but yeah, maybe there's a chance. I just forgot to mention Zuka, but by far the craziest thing announced here is that Dave Batista is going to voice the villain of this movie Dave Batista WWE Superstar turned actor honestly I think this is perfect everyone on Twitter They always say which villain will be strong enough to take on Team Avatar Team Prime Avatar, well, whoever it is, if Dave voices him.
Bautista, they have to be badasses, they have to be everyone's always, hey, Dave Batista should play Combustion Man in live action and I'm like, yeah, that could work pretty well, can you imagine if the main villain of This movie is Combustion Man? coming back that wouldn't be good, but it would be appropriate, it would definitely be appropriate, but it wouldn't be good, honestly you need someone that tall to be voiced by 7 foot tall Dave Batista, he's an expert as hell, that just has what to happen. Can. I can't imagine Dave Batista voicing a short skinny guy, I just don't think it would work.
The director of this film is Lauren Montgomery and the producers are Brian Coneto, Michael Dante D Martino, Latifa Wayi and Marian Garger, that's a pretty full lineup Lauren Montgomery worked on the original series and was the storyboard artist for the episode of Hama, which is one of my favorite episodes. Mike and Brian are, of course, the people who made Avatar. Latifo was a producer on Cat and Boots and Aran Garger has produced. some very interesting stuff too, let's go over the release date title and everything else because there's a lot of misinformation floating around right now.
October 10, 2025 was the last release date we heard for this movie and it was announced over 2 years ago and we haven't heard any official updates on that release date, we've only heard rumors that it was delayed but nothing official now , the strange thing is that today was its presentation at cinemacon and they didn't give us any update on the release date or even reiterate it. the old one everyone assumes is still there because they didn't say anything but given the layoffs and strikes we simply don't know. cinemacon is not for bad news cinemacon is only for good news you do not broadcast bad news at cinemacon This is the enthusiasm of the people, so even if it was delayed, it would not have been announced here.
It will be announced sometime at the end of the year. I guess if it's delayed, I still hope it comes out on time. the movie is currently under the working title A the Last Airbender now I'm not the biggest fan of that title it seems like Avatar Studios has been having a title crisis recently is it a franchise Avatar Legends now or is it still avatar The Last Airbender Dash as it is call the next, the novels are a little ridiculous when it comes to that avatar, the latest chronicles of the avatar of AER Dash, the dawn of Yang Chan Dash, the leg of the avatar, I really think it would have been iconic if the movie had only one name.
That's just it, but I can also see why they wanted to add Last Air Bender to the title. Overall, it's much better than the last provisional title that leaked. Avatar The Last Air Bender. Echoes and replicas of which I was not a fan. There are a lot of rumors saying that this movie will be a trilogy, but I think that's just a misunderstanding because for years, every time they talked about Avatar Studios they said that there were three separate independent movies, but now people are reporting that it's a trilogy. uh, either they've thrown out years of hard work on the other Standalone movies or this is a misunderstanding.
My money is on it being a misunderstanding.

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