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May 02, 2024
okay, it's a pixel, it's a pixel, yeah, that's what I'm not supposed to say, right, you know what I'm going to do, an alpha move. I'm going to, oh, come on, today we're


Roblox horror


. I know you guys are going to eat up this video and I'm so excited because I don't have to do anything and Al is just going to play the entire time. I'm so excited boy, click play Come on Come on, click on it. click on it, click on it, what's the HCK, bro, that's me when I wake up in the morning, oh, it's just the bro, wait, wait, wait, wait, this game is still an alpha girl, so I am too, we too, oh my God, like me.
never playing scary roblox games again
I'm rolling oh why why did that scare me gotta like why is it well developed that makes it even scarier that was good that was good guys wait why am I kidding why is he okay how much? Uh, bro, if you're getting scared, I'm not


this, bro, go, go, why am I in? Why do I have to whistle? Wait, why would I whistle or bow? Wait, lean in, like, yeah, what does that mean? oh you leaning left and leaning right what the hell bro Alana I'm not doing this I'm not doing this bro that's not just stopping but it's going to come out


never playing scary roblox games again

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never playing scary roblox games again...

I don't even know, okay, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, because you're going to scare me, yeah, I'm going to scare you, not the demon that just jumped out of my computer, y'all stop, stop, stop, what is that, they just wanted to pee, no, it's not


, it's not


, don't do it. Don't let it scare IAH, it's a picture okay, okay, okay, what's up, okay, okay, that's not scary. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. If you wait. Why does it feel like you have no defense? You like the tilt. It's your defense. Not going. The microphone is just chasing me what is even anime ah anime ah gasp it's not scary elah don't forget you can always shut up brother what am I doing right it's not giving it's not giving it's taking it's stealing no He just thinks about how stupid he is saw the person who made that sound effect exactly how to make that sound effect this I'm sorry, I'm the cat calling us right now oh, you whistled, didn't you whistle? oh wait, you just like to summon him.
never playing scary roblox games again
I like it? Continue. Can I go to CH? Please, I like something. Me after climbing a section of Pásame after being on the Master ladder for 1 minute. Oh, hell, it's the chair to think like the Blues. Clues, okay, um, up, boy, oh yeah, this game, yeah, get out, go, hurry up before I jump. Scary. Okay, we're playing, we're changing the game. I silenced it because I was afraid. Now we are playing before the truth. Oh my gosh, this is so cute. I'm with people this time. Can I please go to a room with someone else?
never playing scary roblox games again
Yes, two players. Oh, just try it. Go to Z. Zerus Zern. No, Zern. No, no, Zern. We wanted, please, man. Technology, my little Zur, what did I do? That was so scary. rude we were trying to form an alliance I was on your I was on your team I was on your team I was on your side I was ready to fight for you like wait wait wait see that realistic blood that's not oh my god can I put it like play tlor s. I'll put on the lover album if it gets really bad and then I'll put on lover.
Okay, this can cause anxiety. Check concern. Check anxiety for life. -old men, this is happening because of all the things, oh my god, I'm dizzy, should I get off? I hate when you start in the car, bro, what model was it? This is, oh my god, bro, can you speak up, princess?, like she's not giving David the thumbs up. so we're detectives and we're on this disappearance case, turn right there, why are you waiting at the last second? everything's going well, they're just giving voiceover jobs to anyone these days. H keys can open doors with Keyhole, that was a very good tip.
This is a nice rainforest. ASMR. Go ahead, how did they get in? I'm like, come back. In the car, how did they close the doors? That's crazy, okay, go to the house, oh, we have to find a key, I'm sorry, what should I do? Should I look for how to defeat him? um, quietly, what is it. literally hanging from a tree and we just didn't see it, boy, get in there, bye, okay, there's not going to be anything. Alle, would they scare you so early? Yeah, oh, oh my god, wait, what is that? It's just a Windy Day, my God, it's day, it's aesthetic, if you don't think I'm freaking out here, no I don't, wait, what was it?
Freddy Fazbear bro love this crossover collab oh my god have you ever heard of it? of a clean magic eraser, shit, oh, now we're getting somewhere, what does it say? what does it say? bathroom kitchen kitchen living room oh bro I'm not even like oh why did I have all this that was so unnecessary they didn't do it oh there's a key, we didn't even have to look for that guys what the hell boy I don't have time, this ain't an escape room bro I don't have the brain power wait so 3112 is that the thing oh he's big. brain he's cooking you're so smart I'm dead actually you're dead when you open it oh my god wait what oh it's the second floor oh my god I'm so excited because the keys open doors but It has to be exactly. in the hole remember it's advice not to stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, like, what am I supposed to do like you?
They wouldn't do two jumps on the riv, no I don't think so, what are you waiting for, oh you can't zoom. Who is that? They were so cute oh my god me and the ones that don't stare into my eyes okay you need to shoot this voice she literally sounds like she's 12 okay I actually need to find these your steps right ? away from that stay away from that stay away from that go go go go Al no, I want, I want, I don't keep walking away, keep walking away, oh, stop playing with myself, it's okay, that means I did something right, yeah, so I thought some sentences that some sentences okay it's a pixel it's a pixel yes that's what I'm not supposed to say it right wait wait what was there I oh come on come on El Elijah God gave you dominion over this what you know what I'm going let's make an alpha move I'm going to start oh come on this is what the monster sees when I start eyes wait let him focus oh my god ask alpha move forgotten memories made without a printer without a key Or because we didn't get them all it's because that we're playing this game now, guys, that's us when we see Freddy Fazbear, why did they invite me in the first two seconds?
Yeah, don't play with play, oh, play with it, yeah. we love friends YG boy yg we look sick oh wait low key damn like they're the ones in danger oh my god Freddy Fazbear is scared of us wait why are they actually so nice and this is a big love Little song why there's only one me it's this girl it's this girl what the hell oh why is there tilt in this game too oh everyone's tilting today bro let's go hey they didn't know it yet like that I told you we were on oh he's trying to him he he he plays for both teams he wants some of you too I don't want it oh shit oh don't look at the eyes that L looks at exactly oh oh what a nice bag come on oh my god, we are literally go, go, go, no, no, no, no, oh my god, oh just come, don't waste your time, oh no, no, he died, he died, where are they in Malay, my god, please go faster.
Why not boy? Why boy? Oh my God, what do we do? keep going and Girl Follow and girl looks as scared as she's been in the elevator the whole game she's like the most confident of all of us what's up wait actually why does she look so insecure bro she shows oh what the hell just pass no Is it a YG girl or a YG boy? I told you he's going to do it, no, he's too scared, do it, he let it. Why, please, what's wrong? Mhm, where am I? What am I supposed to do? Holy shit, oh, actually no, that wasn't you, I was like what do we do, he's faster than us and since he's just what I thought, I thought you were supposed to be on a controller and you and you, that's good, what's the goal?
Oh, it depends, it's Chris Chris, my God, he doesn't, oh oh, you can't talk to them, Chris, you guys don't know Chris like that, oh, my, my, oh my God, no, they got the girl, they got to the girl, where am I? That's how you know. they're Chris Chris I see, he, they didn't catch him, bro, Chris is working, no, Chris El, come out, what was that? What was that? I thought he was cooking like I thought he was cing no, I thought he was right. something that's dumb bro oh oh Chris is he it's just him now oh I feel so bad it was just this guy playing what is this guy playing him?
This is why he's actually high. That's why his game is so improved, okay? Guys. That's the end of the video here we have to leave it because it's too late for us we don't have a way out right? What do we say? What did Jesse say? No, we're not going to do that. wait, what was it, what was it, we're not doing that, we're hot shots, we're Hot Shots, okay, see you in the next video, bye, we're Hot Shots, sorry, we don't have any. an outro flame emoji but abundant red

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