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Nerf Wars in Among Us

Jun 08, 2024
uh guys listen I forgot to show one of the skills until later in the video so make sure you stay until the end it's a pretty sick skill guys I'm on the blue team it's


or nothing so listen up I'll give you I'm going to explain. how who is in my team zone and line up biffle guys we have 19 minutes to get as many points as we can whoever has the most points at the end wins the game there are a ton of different upgrades we can do to our weapons there is a bunch of skills up top left every three or four kills we unlock more skills come on guys stop listening everyone wait I have a question for you since we are the blue team.
nerf wars in among us
What happens when they press the like button? People tell them it turns green. no, no, because I'm color blind, oh look, here's football, okay, look at this, we currently have zero points, if I take this, now we have five, yeah, and every time we get more points, this is how We upgrade our weapons, that's right, oh oh, get the football. shoot back use the sprint box use the sprint take cover on all sides take them out I need to take a look so we have 17 points I think we'll get one point per kill and this will give us a ton 67 well once we get to 100 points What is it that, oh, a relief package, stop it, stop, let's do this, but like I said, guys, hit the white pivot, we need time to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button?
nerf wars in among us

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nerf wars in among us...

Oh, I'm sorry, you're so bad, it has a machine gun, no, it has the machine gun. from the aid package, okay, how many points do we have? 77, we need to get to 100 points so we can buy our first upgrade, come on guys, I also need to get the three kills, that's when you unlock your first skill. get to this point it reboots keep them away jiggle peeking jigglypuff hey guys if you're jiggly hit the like button no sorry I'm talking idk guys and also keep giving us more mod ideas in the comments, we need to steal more of your ideas, so connect us, yes we are updated, we currently have a hundred.
nerf wars in among us
Okay, I'll update. I can update my first hit. I can do a quick reload to reload faster or a larger clip check. this I'm going to unlock bigger clips look at the top left I have 20 bullets look at this 40. okay so I have a grenade I can upgrade my grenade to oh hell I got you you're good oh no grenade I thought I have the next skill at five, but I think it's at seven. Oh, come on, we have to go find the center point too. I need to lock down more of these abilities. Central point.
nerf wars in among us
No, you're not giving me that care package. Just, oh, no, just. I opened that care package, look at my skill now, boy, look at the store, I just stole that care package, I have a giant no way, no, they're winning and they get score, okay, get it, we need to get the 300 points to unlock another upgrade, Gary, come here. Gary, that's okay, that's okay, I need one more kill to unlock my next building. Make sure you pick up the soccer balls too. They are winning. Let me get this. Let me get this. Get it. Get it.
Where are you going to look? where are you going to go they're going to be a woman he's going to that tripwire they're weak over here the week over here oh they're dead get the care bags first get the care pack okay then there's a combo there are three different benefits of the care pack help one of the juggernaut the other two are broken if i can get one of them i have the mini gun you have the mini gun buddy if i can get the juggernaut in the mini gun combo it's broken hello ok? I'm also going to set up more tripwires so since I have nine kills now I have this sniper look at this oh oh oh yeah 320 no we need to get 300.
We need to accept at 300 we unlock the next one let's go. guys let's get 300 come on pick up the football zod I got it I was wrong about you attack no we gotta go oh no I need to get this I need to get this I got 10 kills I think at 11 I get another ability. and then I'm 13 or 15. I have the most broken ability. Can? Oh no, wait, how many points do we have? 255. Damn, man, we're falling behind, guys, if you think we can bounce back and win, push that, say these things. Well I also have the giant one, I'll use it on a one minute throw, there's a hit right there, he's one, oh look at the sniper damage.
Okay, I'll let him live. Look at Gary crawling because he took a trip. I'm going to put a trip wire right there. I'm behind his walls. What are you doing? Giant time, I tank all this. Gary. Where are you going, Gary Gary. Where are you going?, Gary Juggernaut. You take no damage. Oh, look at Henry crawling, did you hit? Did you hit my truck? I have 13 deaths. I just unlocked the glue trap. Whatever I've been protecting. Oh boy, they just kicked me out again. Oh wait, how many points do we have? 300. Oh, you just ruined yourself, okay, come here. come here okay listen we have 300 points we can unlock the next upgrade the burst or sniper scope gives a larger field of view and the dart travels faster through the air I don't know I like the first one idea, yes you shoot several, I'm not super, but no, if I use the sniper with the sniper scope I can see further, which means I can throw grenades further.
I will do that. I'll do the first in a minute. I'll do that first in a minute. Let me see this sniper look. In this I can see half of our base, he's playing, he's planting things, oh my god, that thing is broken, dude, yeah, dude, I can see through the map, okay guys, listen, I've got all my abilities of kills, you guys need to get the kills now. I have two monsters, so my final ability, where are you going? I'll get you out, oh, get out of here, get out of here, look, get out, okay, I'm going to run now, look at this.
My last skill with 13 kills is the cape. I have an idea, I have a strategy that I want to try, okay, let's get up here and I want to continue. We have to get up to 500 points to unlock the following. I'm going to throw away the clothes they can't see. I'm going to break a trap here, set a trap right there, catch it all right, grab a cape, here we go, that's not fair, that's not fair, hey, what's up?, what's up?, what are you doing there? ?, oh, central point. center dot center dot right here this is the top dot two top dot top dot after this top dot Gary is on the top left taking all the dots oh what a little nerd stop blurting buddy I have a giant too I want get a giant machine gun combo, giant, okay what else do I need?
How many points do we have almost 500? We get the following update. Gary, they won't accept guys. Once we get this point, we get another update. um, we get the following update. We can make a player run faster by running. the super grenade explosion has a bigger radius and twice as many darts ah someone is invisible i don't know i have to run i have to run hello gary are you running into a trap gary oh come on what happened gary forgot oh let's get up oh let me get this aid package? oh look, that's just it oh, i have to reload, lucky, i have to reload, guys, take it out, take it out, can you do this, please take it out?
Thanks, okay, I have three giants. I just need to get a machine gun, oh god, hey guys, where are you going? Gabe shoot him I can't die I can't die shoot okay I can't die I just ran out of that okay, let's set the trap right there sniper there yes yes you are ready 5 50. wait someone is invisible here someone is invisible no buddy, I need to get a skill, okay we need to get more points when you get the 700 points come on get 700 points buddy there are two more skills I need to get from the care packages I don't know help me help me okay? get that one, I'll get this perfect one, they're getting that one, I'm getting this one, how many points will six hundred six seventy-five give us, we have two, we have to scratch you right here, right here, six seventy-five, okay. okay let me get this care package, I have the mini gun guys, I have the giant mini gun combo, I think I'm going to upgrade my normal build level, we're almost at 700 and then we'll get the final upgrade, I think I'll to reboot.
I'm going to go with the burst and the larger clip and the increased speed. You're going to be super fast, yeah, okay, let's get to 700. Look up, look up, you blew it and one more death, let me grab this soccer ball. just the last update this is the surprise the other two oh bring it right so I can I want to get this intermediate skill here it's broken here we go Can I have yours? No, that's mine, get out of here. No, I have three monsters I want. to get the intermediate skill okay this is what I'm going to do gun minigun juggernaut it's mini gun juggernauts in the quests oh hey Gary we're winning okay we have three minutes left three minutes left do I have all the upgrades? okay let me call a character after care package come on guys get an airstrike not you guys I haven't even seen the airstrike yet you gotta get the airstrike that's what I'm trying to do, dude, oh, look at my ok, I got double shot. now okay let me open this i have eric strike double air instruct them wait let's kill him and then spawn campbell oh they just died oh my god okay take this care package for the plane and i'm going to perform an airstrike, look at the airstrike, oh, they are. right there, oh I have the combo, I want to get another airstrike, though wait, what the hell is that was a decoy, that was a fake glucose, oh that's right, I forgot, there you go, I'm ready, I'll be right back Is that the real one? a guy, airstrike on the bible, hit it, ready, set, here, go check it out, okay, you do it, so I'll do it right after the disaster.
Are they having fun, be honest, you know what nine months, what time is it, oh no, they. They're coming back, oh, they're coming back, friend, they're coming back. Hello, advance, no, please, I have 20 minutes or 20 seconds of indus. Hey Gary, let's go ahead, let's make a giant, throw my giant so they can't kill me, oh right? Seriously, you're serious right now, you literally won't even be able to do him any harm oh gary, I've got you, I've got you, oh yeah, oh wait, what's the score? Dude, they're coming back, we have to stop them, did you know?
I'm going to restart. I'm going to get lures. I have an air speed. Well, I'm going to make a decoy. Send your decoys if they explode. They will hurt them. Oh, no way, buddy, look at my decoy. Go find them. they just hydra hybrid pretty fast cape behind them oh my lures are out there oh come out look oh no run run run run run run five four three two one guys press the like button press the subscribe button we made it

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