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NERF GIANT Prop Hunt Challenge!

Jun 01, 2021
three two rod


s exactly what's up you guys welcome to the battle universe I'm Sam we have CJ Tanner a pencil Conner Wow guys I mean a


today we're playing props krob time is essentially a big game of hide and seek, but we hide in all these really cool props, so before each round you'll be spinning this wheel which will add a new rule to the round. Connor, you get on the rolls, yeah, okay, Connor will be the first Siegert, let's spin the wheel. to see what the bonus is, then Connor shouts shuffle, he could shout it once during his turn, literally all the props have to like move like this, skip the shuffle and his props and then we'll move all the other props over there from you have never seen the accessories.
nerf giant prop hunt challenge
I'll walk you through it real quick and we'll go through them all. It's a bush but it's a bunch of cameras, so someone could easily break into the colorful box. We have a home theater system. We also have a desk in a replica of our water cooler right here. Brilliant. I would love a glass. Okay, we have a refrigerator that is better than the normal refrigerator. We have been English. Yes, what do you want? I bought you leis so now obviously the Nerf Blaster is in the gun shop we got some lockers here get in there nerd I'm happy for Poli and then we got a camera here these are the new cameras we film with okay , we're going to hide, so it looks like we have some. filing cabinets now, which one of these do I want to put on?
nerf giant prop hunt challenge

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nerf giant prop hunt challenge...

I feel like he would walk up and be suspicious of blue first, but then he'll know I thought about that. I'm going wow, this is really touching, are you ready? It's in some accessories. I'm the one they call accessory


ing. If there is dust, although you will end up in one accessory today, there is clearly no one in this one. Look, the legs are gone, but this stripe is awfully suspicious. Come on, you need to have some drinks. in there to help you survive I'm fine knowing that the pencil oh look, I think it's a Sony RX 5600 or someone at the lockers is that's a lifesaver someone at the armory is someone at the vending machine the suspicious vending machine not everyone okay, great, well, narrowed down to two lives, so I'm going to come up here, she said this, what does that mean?
nerf giant prop hunt challenge
She is in this boss. Okay, so I love Will Knife. Then I'm going to woosh Allah, yeah, let's put like a bunch of the bodies there start looking for objects, oh you've got me ruined, the only one I didn't check with the camera, but I think it's like a power play, let me see If I can smell Tanner, speed up, no, no, cheat, no, I'm sniffing, sniffing. for the tanning seat okay, oh hey, it's nothing, it's nothing, it's nothing, no, we're just relaxing, cooling down our home theater, he's not what, why would you think I'd go to work on my laptop?
nerf giant prop hunt challenge
Get something out of the fridge Hey guys, look at the load today, no, no, no, I knew I was feeling good, you want to know it's like I was a legit hero like I did, I wasn't going to fall, I was going to reach out and kick. this and yes, this is so afraid that someone is going to be like I've been caught. I'll sit down now and play it out in my head. I'm thinking about that because Tanner was the one who needed to be found, that means he'll be a secret to the next one. round and we're all going to hide, but first we have to spin the wheel, this is the final turn for Tanner, really very hidden, so Tanner, if you say rehad, that means we literally have to leave the accessory that we have.
I'm rehydrated I'm going to do it, wait Sam, you have to tell me what this looks like, just don't move, yeah, that really looks cool. I'm going to show up here, oh I have my stuff here, yes, Riyad, yes, I won't. It's not that I don't like butter, but really, what would we like to do? Some props we didn't hide in, flipped to make it look like we were in that one, and then. come in and then see the difference yeah, I like it, that can't even be hidden No, so what is that? How does it make sense?
It is a misdirection deception. Oh, my speaker, my speaker. I'm just tearing this one down. Oh, and then I'm going to go away, they're turning to my special space bye, oh yeah, I think I'll keep it open a little bit, okay, let's do this Terminator style that moves in a very oblong way, like it's to cover the someone's body work. of real art why is this overturned why everything is touching, I don't understand anything in there, look, come out, please, oh man, where are you going, Matthew?, someone upstairs, I need to see, it's true, it's better that come out, please, go, move on, you know, raise your hand if you like me thank you thank you would you like something good a handshake another one just in case and another one for love I love you too friend it's a great transaction I feel good leave me one chance left where you go what you do you have to have skill to use maybe this is the home of your system here we go time oh wow for this round guys I could shout taunt up to two times which means the props will have They make a little noise or screech and stop laughter.
I know where they are and I don't have to close my eyes to hear them either. I have this box again. I like this box. It is reconfortable. Alright. It's up. Watch my back. Oh, how do I look? Is it the same angle in Ohio? I'm sure you like this. Okay, you know, wow, this place is a mess. Well, they didn't even bother to close the refrigerator, so there's no one there. A table where there is obviously no one because it is open. cool


gun I'm going to meditate and heal the aura in this surrounding area maybe I can locate some of these accessories problems Todd camera no camera I don't want camera nope I know you're there how did you know I meditated?
Right there and I felt your aura I heard a scream I think it was from here Yeah, you're okay Connor, it has to be upstairs I thought your scream came from here last Oh, I'm killing it baby, let's go now I technically have all my shots, so I could waste them all, are you there? Connor, okay, I'm risking everything with this last shot. I have no ridicule left. I have one shot left. Is it in camel nuts? What corner am I in? I am a simple barrier. I knew you are welcome to my store. It's Sam's turn because she hasn't left yet.
By default, if Sam finds any of the props, all the props get a flash, which means we can go out and hide in a different problem, you fit into this, yeah, they're not going to expect anyone to fit into the little ones, like this that I have to use one of these Alba long arms, okay, I'm fine, hello, okay, wait, how do you know? because you know, I literally just saw it again, it's like Oh one, two, three, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, nice tag. I don't remember anyone hiding in the refrigerators, but I don't feel like everyone would hide it. in the same place now that this vending machine has been used I'll see if there's anyone there Oh beep boop beep I like one CJ please wait wait where are you going okay, keep going so Connor hasn't gone too far like we hid ten seconds, so I feel like it has to be very easy, what do you get in this pencil?
As continuity, really no one. Oh, tanner, Oh, Connor, okay, I was naked, no, it wasn't an honor, it was me, here we go three. attack with two rods, calm down, calm down, calm down, let it go, set it free, set them free, tenders up, hey Tanner, Tanner boy, I don't feel like Tanner can fit in this one, no, seriously, that was my last chance. I would choose what I understood you. feels good so you lose props land prop 1 thanks for thanks for one Sam yeah go ahead and watch this video guys that's the last time we play Pop Hunt go ahead and watch This video is a video that YouTube recommends, don't forget to subscribe. and see you next time, high five, buddy.

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