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(Nerf Battle) Payback Time 15

Jul 01, 2024
Why do I keep losing? I'm just better than you. You also lose some


s, yes, but not as much as you. You know what I wish for you never. My brother, come on, friend, you don't mean it. Well, it's true, guys, that's not how. Brothers should treat each other, there goes a baby crying again, guys listen, you don't understand how lucky you are to have each other later in life, when you're older you'll be so grateful to have a brother who I will be there to support you in all your life decisions, considering that all your friends that you will make throughout your life will be your friends forever, do you understand?
nerf battle payback time 15
So if Liam makes me mad, he should love him because he's my brother, yeah. Liam will always drive you crazy some


s just like you two like to drive me and your mom crazy, but regardless of the situation we will always love you, but what if I'm never nice to me? I doubt he'll ever be nice to me. you, but you must always love your brother, no matter how many times he makes you angry, yes man, you still have to love me, even if I do it to your face, no way, lady, if you, to my face, never I will love, heavens, man.
nerf battle payback time 15

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nerf battle payback time 15...

It's just a joke, but that's how you feel. I feel like we shouldn't be brothers anymore. Liam, you guys can't stop being brothers. They will always be brothers, much less twin brothers. Why don't they get along? Fames are great. something to have and nowadays people take it for granted, believe me guys, if you don't build a strong Brotherhood now, you won't care about each other's achievements and milestones later in life and you will pretty much only see each other on birthdays and the holidays put on a fake smile but in reality they are forced to just see each other it seems like it's time for another life lesson in which afterwards I'm sure they will care about each other's well-being even though right now they don't care Hi Josh, we're Eli and Liam are dead.
nerf battle payback time 15
Do you want to earn 20 dollars easily? Oh yeah, I thought, so now this is what I need you to do every time you see Eli h in the driveway. I need you to come to him. Liam helps Jos. What are you doing? Yes, that's right, you better run, Eli, are you okay? Yeah, I think Dad told me to get the mail. I have nowhere to draw. Write to me, that's strange, maybe it's just us recovering from last time. It seems like the perfect time to say. girl power, right, Josh Josh or maybe it's something else, isn't that dad's number, so dad told Josh to do this?
nerf battle payback time 15
Why am I not surprised, wait a minute, you came out and saved me, yeah man, you're my brother and I care about you. what are we going to do with daddy PBT baby, yeah let's do it PBP all the way, it's time for revenge, put here, that was a play. Hey man, why are you changing your shirt? You know how hot it is, oh, good point, Candon, for the last time we can. I don't understand you Candon, give me back guys, I'm mommy, do you copy me? Yes, we are trying to find dad. Yeah, I heard all about this from Josh's mom.
You must have scared him a lot. Liam, well, no one picks up my brother and I found out your dad was the mastermind behind the whole situation, so what's the plan? Well, first of all, did you know that it was a year ago when they started getting back at Dad? Okay, take it away guys, what's my surprise here, baby, yeah, last year. It's been a blast, it's always fun to throw your dad right in the face, well then it's time for your dad to get a new line of revenge that involves a new set of weapons from now on, sweet, where will they go up so fast as you can?
Just us. Have a little time before your dad finishes building the trampoline. Look we now have a speed improvement. So what's the plan? I need you to chase Dad out to the front yard so we can surround them and he'll have nowhere to go. As? you know daddy's not ready for us cause he don't have a baby b he's still sleeping yeah no babies this time let's bring it right I see daddy are you ready? ready let's go out oh man you see those weapons how am I going to match? Against that not again guys get in the house quick we can't let him take baby Becket okay I need high powered weapons and baby Becket oh my god Candon has an upgraded weapon too , how am I going to defeat these guys?
Wait a minute. I have the entire arsenal right here. The question is what weapon should I use against them. These will definitely work. My God. Who died here now. Where you're going. All that's left is mom and I know exactly where she is. You have no idea. How long have I waited for this man, gay, gay mom?

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