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Neil Strauss Picks Up Jessica Alba on the Jimmy Kimmel show PROVES The Game works!

Jun 19, 2024
suitable for the New York Times in Rolling Stone, he's written books about Marilyn Manson, Jenna Jameson, a motley crew, his latest


, details his journey into the secret world of pick-up artists, he knows how to do it and he's here tonight to try seduce me, please. Say hello to Neil Strauss Hi Neil now, did you just do something magical to Jessica when you touched her or was it me? I'm getting your take now oh yeah you sure are your take, not so taken although no one is that taken, I can only that's the best way, you're right, no, why is it good, do you know what the lesson is?
neil strauss picks up jessica alba on the jimmy kimmel show proves the game works
Guys are always begging and pleading and being too available, the best way to make someone pretend you don't want them, yes. It's like this because no one likes challenges, men or women, that you want to work for, otherwise it's worthless. I see, so you think like I normally do. I think you are absolutely disgusting if you meet someone, you know what man sometimes? Better than a generic compliment, really, so you can. I read an article you like, like you picked it up. You have Britney Spears, her phone number. Is not true? Yeah, how did you manage to have me doing this interview? with her and all those yes, no, I don't care, responses that she's been known for a while and that team just popped into my head.
neil strauss picks up jessica alba on the jimmy kimmel show proves the game works

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neil strauss picks up jessica alba on the jimmy kimmel show proves the game works...

I decided you know what the


has worked on everyone I've ever met, well, you, whoever you are. They are, so I decided to start pretending to her and it's not flirting with her, it's


ing that you're interesting, you know, being playful, joking around and also being more interesting than everyone else, so I started telling her about her. more interesting body language than Kevin Federline, that would be quite a challenge, so if you read her, you would say that you read her bra, that your eye movements, her body language, say what it means about her, one of these guys in this book, this guy named Ross Jeffries. who Tom Cruise's characters based on Magnolia say that one of the rules has


n authority over their world so I started talking to her about it and breaking them down and then a little bit of mind reading a little bit of magic and then she said : can?
neil strauss picks up jessica alba on the jimmy kimmel show proves the game works
He showed the recorder and she started just by gushing at the end of the interview, she said: I would like to change phone numbers. I'm not going to realize that worked now, you know, she's home right now, maybe breastfeeding. Babies I don't, oh that didn't happen, I didn't know it happened, I read her mind, she ran, looked in the mirror and said, oh my God, I can't believe I just did that. Oh, really, yes, it was the most fun. thing I've ever seen well and then how did you get mixed up with these guys? um, I was.
neil strauss picks up jessica alba on the jimmy kimmel show proves the game works
I did some amazing things like I was a. I made a book about a motley crew and I sat back and watched them have all the fun I was the guy I didn't date in high school and thought about college I decided to go to Vassar College because it's an all-girls school I thought my chances were Better there, yes, did you dress like a woman in your soul, friend Tom? Hanks and still nothing, no girlfriend, oh really, so I figured all was not lost. I'm going to be this rock writer, he continues, she wrote she. Motley Crue had that backstage pass around my neck where anything could happen in this world, right, and it's time for me to go. the only person I ever kissed Oh, you kissed Tommy Leo with your tongue, no, but after that I thought you know what some guys have, some guys don't, huh, then I found out about these guys and they took me under their wing, right? why simply?
Tommy Lee by the way okay so there's no action in the whole ragtag crowd or you wrote jenna jameson coming out right now adult film star nothing nothing nothing so you walk in with these guys taking back our day and them. show you what they are like if you could give us just a few, like the general outlines of how this


, what are they like? God, so, actually, could you try it with Jessica? Would you mind? She would try. I'm a talk show. No You don't learn the talk show game, oh they're a different game, here's the thing, there's one night, there's this idea that you know someone is beautiful, you have a hit with them or something, but in Los Angeles everyone is beautiful, that beautiful person comes to Los Angeles to try to make.
Okay, if you're beautiful, so light, you got lucky in the gene pool, so if I asked you to name three things about yourself that would make me want to get to know you better, none of them can be about your looks or what you do, what would? um I'm loyal, true, reliable and hardworking, that's amazing, maybe it can happen, no, let's say the whole step, it's all guys, he was trying to sell himself to women, they're always trying to say brag about themselves and they think they do it for a living and instead you have to flip the script make someone with no interest in you start selling to you that's like one of the pieces Wow, thanks for playing nice Wow, up for it?
That was effective. I felt like that's what smart people I don't know who talk to me do, they don't care so much about physical appearance and they actually look for more than that and they tell you that they're smart, yeah, that's it. go beyond hello yeah you're crazy yeah you know yeah you have to look deeper than that because at the end of the day it doesn't last forever like when I was 20 and I had a cute top that was something I think we wanted . use it, yeah, so she assumed I was gay, this


for the game, you know some of the things.
I have a friend who reviewed it for a magazine and said that half of the things at work there's a side where you have negs, the playful, backhanded insults, oh. Those he said are very effective and it is also basic human nature. The idea that a guy named Historia taught me something called Caster in theory, how does it go after women say hello? My name is a mystery. He does it and that worked for him. Well that sounds like one of Michael Jackson's friends, the things that everyone has nicknames for because everyone is online posting their whole sex life and their fears and insecurities online, so you make up these names because you want to meet a girl and have him Google you and find out that you've been doing all these things, no, so this is all like a clever game on the Internet because we don't like revenge.
I think the future of dating is right and these are the guys, all guys and them. They're frustrated, and they go on the Internet and then they learn this and then it's like they see a club when it's not watching Jenna Jameson, so they can go into this chat. Now I'm in real life and you'll see it. sunset any night, you can go down and you'll see these guys, they're all doing this thing called strutting, they're all standing out, they're all using the same routines and it's like the guy is strutting, strutting, they have their own language. on the way and I got a call from a guy and I'll say my name was style don't say hey I was in a set of two and I was trying to deny the target but they looked at me from the hurdle I should lead idh Peter DL. as soon as she was in SH b11 and that will mean something yeah but it means you guys are nerds that's right these are the guys who like playing Warcraft a month ago and now they're playing Warcraft but or what whatever the game is, but. in the club with real people, well, etc., but like strutting is this like showing off, yeah, strutting is like the way people do this job, like what kind of girls are Britney Spears Britney Spears in an interview, but what kind of girls these guys are banging yeah thank you very much what kind of girl works.
I went all over the world when I was dressed as this and I did it in all the countries and the same thing, we are doing the same social dynamics. here should give you the basic broad strokes yeah real quick give us super broad strokes okay so instead of walking right up to the person you're interested in flirting with right away you approach the whole group and win over the group of people you almost pushed. She pulls away a little bit if they flirt with her a lot there is no refuge you say oh my god she is always like that how do you hang out with God you walk away you are showing your friends that you are not flirting with her. and you went over her friends and look at her, little by little you will win her over, that's the basic idea, but they literally have this planned to perfection. kids will drop out of school, drop out of college.
I do not recommend it. Oh. I'll do it until they're on it, that's how obsessive. Wow, yeah, well, it's nice to have a lot of guys hanging out. We're like learning to play blackjack or something. It seems a lot more fun than blackjack. What do you want? money for himself and why isn't your picture in there because look if I were you you should put your picture in the book because then the boys will know, well you know, Neal got the device from the girls you know, here's the self esteem. down the drain. man, no, I mean, but you know, a chubby guy like me, I know very well, with this look at this bald guy, he can catch me with this beautiful hair, what part, boy, you know, it actually works, the big cheesy guy, thanks. right, oh, that scares women, it scares them, so I can go at least a little unnoticed. okay, very good, this sounds like an interesting book, it's called the game, if you want to pick it up, Neil Strauss.

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