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Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Gender Spectrum

May 06, 2024
Is it better to think? Is it better to think? uh, I know you think you had something with Martina Nava. What does it mean that I have a I have nothing? What do you mean by a meat? Yeah, well, she has a beef with you. Why does she have a meat? with me because you think guys with dicks should get into the women's pool basically no, no, oh no, well whatever was cut and reposted, I don't know, but what I said was that, um, in this emerging space where you have people. express yourself on a



and now you want to compete in sports, that's still a frontier to be resolved and I don't have the answer, but I can suggest one, whether it will work or not, maybe we won't compete by


neil degrasse tyson on the gender spectrum
Since we compete on hormonal ratios, okay, it's a test. There was a woman who had unusually high testosterone levels and they wanted to disqualify her because of how manly she was when she was born a woman and she competed as a woman, so yes we are like that. how are we going to do it, you know this again, this is what you really want, wait, Bill, no, I thought about this more than you think, so what you really want is an interesting competition between people who are equally talented , at least. An interesting Super Bowl you could watch is a halftime explosion.
neil degrasse tyson on the gender spectrum

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neil degrasse tyson on the gender spectrum...

Look, what we agree on is that there are anomalies in human nature, while you, the vast majority of people, sorry, are still men or women and certainly every cell in our body is. dictating one of those other sexes, I mean, obviously, hormones, obviously, that's fine, I also produce sperm and other people produce eggs, that's what hormones are, you can't deny it, that's fine, but we as liberals, I think we're agree that you know. They are anomalies in nature, uh, and they must be respected and protected, but this attempt to reorganize the entire society around a very small percentage that again we can protect and respect without pretending that every baby is a ball that bounces like a penis, What I don't know is that that doesn't mean anything, we have no idea what this kid is.
neil degrasse tyson on the gender spectrum
I mean that seems to be where you want to go. I mean how many people fit this description. We must reorganize sports around sports. We have men, sports and women. sports and if the best team in the WNBA played the worst team in the NBA, the score would be a million to zero. Can we organize society around that basic point with this, of course? As long as we protect and respect people who don't fit in we are going to segregate society between dark skinned people and light skinned people because that nature made it that way and that's how it's so good nature made it that way you and it's not segregating well none of that attitude from 150 years ago was two years ago you act like this is a yes, of course, Lincoln, this was a big topic in the Lincoln Douglas debates, trans people, that's right, remember that since 1861, yes , I remember those debates 18.
neil degrasse tyson on the gender spectrum
Lincoln was about becoming trans, oh for the love of it, you're ridiculous, no, no, so here it is. All I'm saying is, how about this? I'm looking at schools in Manhattan and there's a school there and there's an old one built in the '20s and '30s and there's a door that says boys and a separate door on the other side of the school that says girls, oh God, why are we doing this? because people are mostly boys and girls, but why divide them when entering a school building because they urinate differently? Jesus Christ, I have to try to explain this, no, because you know what I thought when I saw that it's colored Font over here white font over here that's what I thought when I saw that well you that's not the same well that's not exactly the same that that's what I thought it's not exactly I agree okay I agree but this is what I always say about these types of problems that there are two ways you can get bitten for something, one of which you can be too far away from it, yeah , like I was too far away from C, certain issues, racial issues, of course, how would I know? also lose myself thinking wisely as I am because I'm too far from that if you're too close to that yeah, uh, you miss the elephant, well, you miss the elephant, it's the fly on the Mona Lisa, why does the fly want to be on the Mona Lisa, I don't know and I can't even appreciate art, but it's okay, you get my point and I think when you see that I totally understand why a man your age would do it, but I don't think it's accurate, so I used to fight in the high school and college, okay, it's relevant to this conversation, believe it or not, I was undefeated captain of my high school team, although wow, but it was in New York, the real fighters are in Iowa, you know, and Oklahoma. oh I'm sure there are some wrestlers, there are some, but if you really balance it out, it doesn't have tough guys, we have tough guys, but they'll shoot you or punch you in the face, they're not wrestling with wrestling moves, but everyone's ways, what?
What I want is a match that is interesting to watch, not where one person dominates the other in wrestling, they know, there are 10 weight classes in high school. He weighed 190 pounds, making 50 pounds or more. He weighed 190 PBS, very good incentive to stay there. because if he was over a pound the next category was unlimited, so he was there at 190 pounds. I'm not going to fight someone at 127, no, they find someone else at 127 to fight at 127, that makes the fight more interesting for the viewer, so yes we can. divide wrestling into 10 categories and that becomes the wrestling match, but all the men against each other are correct, so now the key point is, okay, okay, so all I'm saying is what's the What makes the man the man, it's the hormones, okay?
It's hormones and you decide to give yourself a different cocktail of hormones. I am like this by the way. I'm not saying it should happen this way. It's a way to start thinking about it. Maybe track meets have hormonal categories and maybe giving. yourself the wrong hormones are harmful to your health, wouldn't you admit it? Do you think we can safely do things like this to make you feel this way because you're concerned about the health of people who are deeply concerned? trying to find their place on the gender


, you care so much about their health that you don't want them to go through that, it's not something that keeps me up at night, but when the topic comes up, I worry about them like I worry. all the people, so if there's something that you do by the way you think about all the people, of course, yeah, that gives you that, okay, you're thinking about all the people, no, I'm being, I do it, yeah, old school liberal, yeah, okay, so uh.
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