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National Rally lead the first round of France’s parliamentary elections: Exit poll projections

Jul 03, 2024
High turnout is reported in France, where millions have voted in early



that could bring great uncertainty to the nation and Europe. For the


time, Marine Leen's farri


party has a chance to become the largest in a vote that We could see support for President Emanuel Macron's centrist bloc decline after this developing situation. We have two correspondents covering these


for us at one time. We'll go live to Jonah Hull at the p d Republic in central Paris, but


let's listen to Bernard Smith. who is at the



headquarters when the results come in Bernard joins us from Paris Bernard talks to us we are already starting to see some initial results in what do you review well the



s were just published at the last minute and put the national demonstration is ahead with 34% of the votes, followed by the popular front, the Alliance of center-left and extreme left parties with 28.1% and Macron's party is the most centrist party with 20.3%, so it is a significant result for the extreme right. would give them in Parliament between 240 and 270 seats, it would not give them an overall majority, they need 289 for that, but going to the second round is a pretty good indication of how the vote could turn out, there is a long way to go. between now and then there will be a lot of political banter about the position.
national rally lead the first round of france s parliamentary elections exit poll projections
Will other parties try to eliminate candidates from some constituencies to prevent the national


from taking place? All of this will be debated and everything will be at stake over the next week, but the headline really is that more than 34% of the French electorate has bought the speech of the far right at national rallies and it is a speech to be tough on immigration , but also to reduce taxes to reduce VAT on fuel from 20% to 5% and it is also about national preference immigration was one of the main concerns of French voters and the policies of national rallies are to give preference, for example, to French citizens over other French residents in terms of social housing for student accommodation, even though those other French residents will pay the same taxes as French citizens, wants to prevent grieving citizens from having what they call sensitive jobs and wants to end birthright citizenship in France, something that has existed for more than 200 years, so 34% of the French population has chosen that. a job to do Macron's big bet would be that there would be some kind of what they have called in the past a republican front that would stop the advance of the national demonstration, but just to say, briefly, that this party was founded in 1972.
national rally lead the first round of france s parliamentary elections exit poll projections

More Interesting Facts About,

national rally lead the first round of france s parliamentary elections exit poll projections...

As the national front led by John Marine Leen LED had members of the former Nazi controlled WAFF SS, its


er Marine Leen, his youngest daughter, has detoxified it over the last 10 years and brought this party to the political scene. and this we are starting to see the fruits of the latest and Bernard, while you have been speaking, our audience has been looking at footage, it certainly looks like a pretty lively scene there at the national rally headquarters, what does this result mean to them? how significant this is they will be very happy this is what the


poles predicted what it means for them is it gives them this boost going into the second round this French system means you have to do it, but constituency by constituency So whoever gets more than 50% in the first round wins that constituency, but that is rare in France, so it means that the two or three main candidates go to the next round.
national rally lead the first round of france s parliamentary elections exit poll projections
The national rally will be delighted to now be at the top of that list. the maneuvers continue this week the results of the first round are not always an indication of how the second will turn out we are waiting for Jordan bardel he is the national candidate of the National Rally for prime minister win an overall majority said I will only accept the position of first minister if he wins an overall majority. Marine Leen has put forward the 28-year-old with no previous government experience as his preferred candidate for prime minister. Prime Minister Macron would have to name him if he wins the national rally.
national rally lead the first round of france s parliamentary elections exit poll projections
This general majority next Sunday in the second round will be here shortly. We hope you will tell us what you think of the results. Well, thank you Bernard Smith, this is Bernard Smith reporting from Paris. I'm sure we'll talk to you in a moment, but for now let's move on to Jonah Hull, who is also in Paris, in Place D. Republic Jonah, what does this result mean for Macron? Of course, it is still early, but this does not indicate a particularly favorable situation. I think let's get back to the situation. Context and premise of these elections Emanuel Macron called these early elections taking everyone by surprise three weeks ago, immediately after a major defeat that he and his Centrist Alliance suffered in the European


elections, this month, coming in second place behind Marine Le Pen's national rally, which got twice as many votes as him, the essential question he asked the electorate, whom he called his bluff, sought to catch his opponents off guard, he wanted to tell them, tell us, do you really want a far-right government or was it simply a protest vote and its calculation was based on the fact that a dispersed and divided left would send its votes towards its centrists for an old bombardment against the far right, but instead the left United is about to hold on here later tonight, they have come in second place and, as you say, it is not a good result for Emanuel Macron.
It's worth noting that it could have been worse. His position in the


s suggested that his Centrist Alliance was going to win. Worse still, having lost his share of the vote in the days


ing up to these elections, as the number of national rallies was increasing, the second thing I think I can extrapolate from these results for Emanuel Macron is that, while it is too too soon to project the final results at the end of the second round, unless the centrists are able to drastically improve their position, it seems very likely that he will finish his term as president until 2027 without a government led by a prime minister of his choice whom will have to enter into what the French call cohabitation cohabitation in which the executive is led by one party and the legislative is led by an opposing party, the big question now is who, because based on these results, the national demonstration comes first Far behind them, there is potentially a way for any of those parties to end up in government and Jonah, what you're describing sounds like a long-term politically challenging situation.
What happens in the short term? What will happen next? Well, President Macron has said that he will call a meeting immediately on Monday to discuss the way forward; now there will be a furious week of horse trading between the parties, particularly the centrists and the left-wing candidates in the first round who got less than 12.5% ​​just Fall Away now the highest scoring candidates will advance the huge turnout, the highest In 40 years, it suggests there will be more candidates who will make it over the threshold, potentially suggesting more room for horse-trading in terms of which parties would seek to get candidates over the line. apart from other candidates who perhaps have a better chance of overcoming the far right and preparing for it.
I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we are going to interrupt the programming because now we are seeing Marine Leen speaking at the headquarters of the national rally, let's listen to what she has to say it was a clear vote they have clearly said that they want to turn the page after this current power that did not make them justice we salute these first results by choosing us as an alternative thank you for the trust you placed in us I have a thought for the Patali voters who honored us tonight, nothing has been won yet, the second tour will be decisive and everyone will give us the option or They will give the option to the new leftist party. who is an anti-republican and anti-Semitic Semite and the different political formations that will put Je Jean luk Milan as Prime Minister, we must be determined to give Jordan Bardel an absolute majority in the assembly so that we can launch the reform of France and also the reestablishment of unity and national unity there is nothing normal than the political alternative to initiate this alternative and to carry out all the reforms that the state needs we need a greater absolute majority so that Bardel can be prime minister in a few days for President Macron without a clear majority there will be some old political party and some maneuvers that will try to make us fail and not implement all the reforms that are very necessary dear fellow citizens please renew your vote in the second round if you made another decision I call you to vote on Sunday to join the security and unity rally on Sunday if you vote for the national rally you will ensure that the country is united again so that we can be just one in the coming days, make sure to stay away from those who threaten the country and that they will only make a system that is failing last and for a long time no French citizen will lose their rights, on the contrary, all rights will be guaranteed and once the situation allows it there will be new rights for each of us dear fellow citizens today we will renew hope and on July 7, please mobilize so that the people win long life for the Republic, long life for friends, do not forget to subscribe to our channel to receive the latest news from Al Jaer

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