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NASCAR around an hour 2022 Auto Club Speedway Race

May 12, 2024
Many of Daniel's Friends in the stands, on Twitter were expecting Danny Troo to wave the green machete to start this


, but no, the green flag is in the air and Austin Syndric takes off Eric Jones to lead Austin Syndric's first lap and Denny. Hamlin saw a lot of guys taking it easy there again, we learned a lot yesterday. What you don't want to do is get out of this


and you certainly don't want to do it on the first start. Tyler Reic found his way to the top which only took a lap and a half.
nascar around an hour 2022 auto club speedway race
He likes to run to the top and, man, does he do a good job. I really enjoyed watching it, especially in the Infinity car at Homestead, running that thing inches from the top. wall and he would never make that mistake, he can hit it, so we'll see if he can do it all day today. You just said it exfinity the last time these guys were on the track, short practices, there wasn't much rubber on the track. I think this track is clean. There is some rubber on the race track from yesterday's Infinity race. I've probably caught a lot of these guys off guard by tiptoeing into this thing.
nascar around an hour 2022 auto club speedway race

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nascar around an hour 2022 auto club speedway race...

He says: I think so. I think it's okay, okay, let's run. Yeah, the other thing for the rest of the group, you know all the race cars are out there, most of them all ran basically single car races yesterday. I mean, they ran out at the same time, but there really wasn't any traffic, so you know there's a lot of air. More turbulent today and uh it's going to be a lot more challenging Tyler Reic moved up to third now Kurt Bush took his passing penalty stayed on the lead lap as they went now this is what I like about an honorary starter Danny tro se has kept the flag pedestal up, which is the best seat in the house, right there as they pass by at almost 180 mph, tells you what we just saw.
nascar around an hour 2022 auto club speedway race
Everyone who had trouble yesterday, for the most part, fell into threes and fours, and wore that apron you saw. that nine car wreck there I tried it again bold move pass Kyle's bus I think it takes me back to the opportunity these guys had, they knew they were going to make some adjustments with their cars to be able to handle him hitting that bump. Everyone was having problems and today there was no problem. Yeah, there are a couple of advantages with that apron: there's more grip because there haven't been many race cars and there's usually no one in front of you, so you get a little bit of cleanup.
nascar around an hour 2022 auto club speedway race
The air you get there is obviously flat, it's off camera from the banking and I think they'll probably be a little bit more careful going around the corner and the pace will be a little bit slower with the whole race. There are cars out there, don't forget it's just a shorter path to exactly go around Kyle Busch back to ninth place. Ricky Stenhouse moved up to tenth place. Eric Jones is leading in California for the first time and this is the first time the 43 has led here since Bobby Lebani in 2007. I mean, I think that shows that things could be very different this year with this R car.
I know it's very early in the season, but last year I didn't see the 43 car that you know qualifying at the front and leading. laps and look at them there, so I know they want this car to be a great equalizer and I think it's definitely going to give some people opportunities to run up front that maybe they haven't had before on a regular basis, not to mention the offseason, you know, It's time to regroup, try to figure it out, find your strengths and weaknesses and make some adjustments, and I feel like they're talking about adjustments, these guys are making adjustments, they're migrating to the outside of this track, a line that we've become. in a kind of norm, since in recent years we have raised something here that we saw a lot in the Infinity Series yesterday and they are already competing for the position for that outside line.
Eric Jones said he could. I didn't sleep last night thinking about what the start of this race could be like so far, so good for him and that's why you saw that 16 briefly, that's where we continue to open ourselves car by car and a half on each lap with each driver I spoke to after yesterday. Practice and qualifying were on edge, very nervous about how their cars would perform in the race, second place, Tyler Reic on the move, he was third, shaking off the dust right next to the wall, up there, last time , when he started 11.
It doesn't surprise me in the least and it doesn't surprise his competition. I talked to some of his competition drivers and they all said we want to go outside, but we're going to wait until Tyler comes up and cleans up. is now the first among those who had to start at the back when Ryan Blay makes a move on his teammate Pensky Ford, that white Lon at the bottom of the track, all he does is help the drivers separate the banking from the platform, you can go under it. you can go to the grass if you want Kyle Larson had to start from the back, he's the one who moved the most to 16th.
Kyle Busch came here as the only active Cup driver for uh Champion to win here more than once, this is what he says it feels like the left front is too high, super loose with the rear. I have no control with the rear end. someone stands in front of me. He plows them, too tall man. I think you picked him to win this race in the previous race, that's thanks, shine, yeah. He doesn't seem very happy there, but you know, I've known Kyle for a long time. I've watched a race for a long time. I was a teammate for a long time and he tends to get like that if they get the car. a little better for it and roll it to the front uh you know it's going to be smart it's going to keep the thing in one piece and they'll get it going but I think the reason is I just heard comments right there with this new car , as many variables involved, as much feedback as you can give the crew chief so he can do a good job helping you, that's what it's all about and really no one does it better than Kyle's bus, yeah, and me.
Think about Kyle, the more feedback he gives, the more unhappy you are with his car. Usually if he doesn't give much feedback, he's pretty happy. It's a really good snapshot of those different lanes right there. 1 2 3 4 five, you can count them Trying to find as soon as that nine-car chase Elliot moved into the wall, forcing William B to try to find a different line that you don't want to follow behind that car in front of you, which The same thing happens as you see. Chase Elliot right there, looking inside Denny. Denny moved down and took that spot from him.
Check out this 24 dripping wet on the outside and get close to them both. How about Ricky Stenhouse at 47, he started 17th? He has worked his way. In this battle nine full laps remember that the competition yellow flag will arrive on lap 20 so that the teams can check the wear of the tires. They didn't have a long enough practice time to be able to do it, so NASCAR announced that this morning and Goode assigned each team an extra game. of tires for the race, they have 12 plus a set that they have carried over from practice and qualifying Eric Jones led the first 10 laps and then Tyler Retic pulled up alongside the driven wall around the outside of Jones Camaro and placed Navigate, it has been LED in these last three laps, let's check with Jamie.
Well, I talked to his crew chief, Tyler Reck's crew chief, who is Randall Bernett, this morning and he told me that as soon as they say, gentlemen, start your engines, I'm going to get nervous, but then. So far, nothing to worry about with this Tyler Reic team, they reinforced him to start this run and that's exactly what he needed. He was too weak from the beginning. The adjustments they needed were in the right direction. He is leading this race. Mike, we've seen Reck for his. Obviously his entire cup career, but I'm telling you when you think about Tyler Reic, you need someone running, that out there, no one does it better than this one, look at this SP opposite Joey Loano, there, Bush Kyle's bus had dropped back from third place to about 11 then turns around coming out of turn two, first caution of the day, everything was fine, he was actually coming in on me, I think I got left behind on a steam engine, temps were high , I don't know why, yeah, you heard him talk about the The seam there has the left back in a seam, so we talked a little bit about that.
You can see the black lines on the corners that clearly divide each lane. We are counting from one to five. Down in ones and twos and maybe a little. a little less than three and four, so when you cross those seams or you get stuck in the seams and you don't cross them fast enough, it upsets the race car and you can see his car right there on the top seam, he thinks that took the left. The rear end stuck there lost traction and lost control of the car. Nascar has stated that this will be the competition warning, so teams will be able to refuel, so you see a slight downward movement right there and as soon as it covered that seam, that's right when it happened, close it, close it, The hard thing is you heard him say the car was coming towards me, it was getting closer the more it ran, it was starting to tighten up, it was getting into that seam, so it's going to be interesting to hear and see how much adjustment do you really give this guy?
Will the clue reach him? CL. An observation. Kyle's bus was using a lot more break than anyone else he had been watching, so when your R TR when your car is loose like that, you have to use your tools. What are your tools? That's the steering wheel, obviously, but you can brake. You can drive into the corner harder by using more brakes. In some ways, it will increase the tension. Those are all tricks of the trade and that's exactly why you watch Break Pit. The road is open here with uh there will be a full 16 when they cross the line.
This will be the competition warning. Jamie. It's been a great first race for Tyler Reick in the LED eight. Five laps. The car is really good. They said, "Let's leave him alone." Look where it goes from here, they'll fill it with fuel. Four tires here meanwhile, Blany on the right on 12. Ryan says the car is pretty good, but they were trying to determine if they should take a chance now or just leave it. Read that right Jamie, the N for Chase Elliott, that race car is good right now. He likes the bounce. The problem is that he hurt the rear tires early on, which made it too slippery with the back of the race car in '43.
Eric Jones, his race car is. Too loose in the top three and four to run like Tyler Reic was. Reck wins the race from pip. Road William Byron and Denny Hamlin stop Kyle Larson well and also see Top Lane here, with the car 10 behind, that's Daniel Suarez in 13. Here's Austin Syri. on the 8th big FL green flag and we're back on green with Tyler Reic and William Byron out front, everyone including Kurt Bus who was under penalty at the start, still on lead lap one and two, sure is fun to see on a restart , you see cars. just spread all over the place it looks like they're four wide in turn two but I was interested to see how Tyler Reic would go through one and two because normally the middle and bottom will be faster with new tires and he just uh what well at the top talking about the bottom.
I've seen this nine car and Chase L does exactly what you see these guys, the three of them running on that rig, finding some speed down there, in threes and fours, they were all. having trouble there yesterday, that's exactly where they were wrecking the turn and hitting a hole, the setup is a little different today, you can tell some of these crew chiefs have made some adjustments for these guys and they can run all over this track or out of it, indeed, Stenhouse seventh. going behind Martin Truex making the pass on the outside and immediately behind Kyle Larson going right with him, yeah you see the five shots out there, he ran out in turn two and caught the shot from the car in front of him and I just passed by him on the straight and I started to see a trend.
These Hendrik cars are showing up just like they did last year. You've got Elliot William Byron and the five cars, Kyle Larson, coming on strong now in the morning warm-up when they started the engine. to warm him up, they found a problem in the ignition system of Kyle Larsson's car, they had to change it, so he had to start this race from the back, like what I saw right there. You see Austin Syri running very close to Kyle Larson. on the bottom of them, I really looked at these cars and I was wondering if he got that D side, could you move that bottom car, he held strong there, very close, drawing the side, yeah, that's certainly the closest we've ever gotten. seen from either side of the car.
Typically the inner car will lose a lot of air on the side and become much more unstable, loose and difficult to hold on to, and it looked like they went through there, both quite stable side by side. Chase Elliott wants the leader to turn. Yesterday he was on pole and now he was first. He was the fastest in the first round. He's going to have to punt and he did it right there between two. It is very important to make sure you are ahead of them if not. That impulse on the outside really paralyzes you and that's notamazing.
I feel like a lot of times the guys that are really good at the top take a little bit longer to get going, you know, it takes 10 to 15 laps to get to the top. rolling and the cars that can run along the bottom seem to fade a little faster, so it will be interesting to see if Tyler can run him down later in this race. Cole Kuster in the 41 had a great day yesterday here in the and he logged a lot of laps and learned a lot by winning that race yesterday. in the Infinity race and although they are totally different cars, I remember we used to race some Saturdays and then we would go racing on Sunday, when you can win a race on Saturday it builds confidence for the next day, it's a different car.
Different equipment, uh, but it's the same RAC circuit. You feel so good after a win, it just, uh, it just builds that confidence and sometimes that means a lot, not quite, that's the cleansing you're waiting for and you can't see it, it's not a very good point of view either. for the observer who tries to cleanse you and comes towards you in the moment. At the same time, it is difficult for him to say. I think these two are going to fight. It will be interesting to see what he shows right there. Tyler Reck is more comfortable with his car running into the wall.
He takes a while. that line will start to pay off, it will be interesting if Chase Elliot can step up and keep up the pace. You'll know that line is fully formed when Stenhouse gets there because he loves to ride on the edge, but he's been passing cars in the car below. It's really good, very impressive, Ricky Stenhouse and Company in the 47 car, just like you said, moving all over the place, that's what you need to be competitive at this track, you can't be good in one lane or the other having something that can maneuver. around, yeah, I mean, I mentioned earlier about the 43 car how well it was running, I mean, the 47 is another, um, you know, he always runs, he runs well, but we haven't seen him run among the four or five first. on an intermediate type race track, so it's good to see it running well and going towards the front, that's the vision behind this parody of a car.
You want everyone to have the same thing, right, everyone buys these bits and pieces from the same house, that being said. as soon as they get them back make some adjustments make it your own communication the things you heard with Kyle's bus that's what makes the difference so we had that first caution flag which was the competition warning for check tire wear, what have you found? Jamie, Kyle. Larson, like you, not him, Mike started in the 21 backup positions, now in that first race after 15 laps he was a little loose. Cliff Daniels' crew chief took a look at the tires and said we had excessive wear that we really need to maintain and take care of.
Let's take care of our tires, there are no cables, but there is definitely an alert so you can pay attention. I'm interested to see which of those right tires Sid used, whether he's the right rear or the right front, which has a big problem with how. the driving is in your car and how you're driving it now we saw a turn from Kyle's bus oh car on the wall and it's in front it's Chase Elliot has bounced off the wall we stay green the wall pretty good yeah he did both ends no only the right rear hit the right front now let's see if this car how hard is it really good carbon fiber reinforced bodies flange easy way to do it here feel it something in the front forged aluminum wheels that's quite a hit well a pretty hard hit I mean I was running right next to that wall there's just not much room for air there and you see the car went out and when you turned right to catch it you just don't have any room and I ended up getting into the wall, you say room, although like yesterday, this thing comes out and is gone, it's lucky to be so close to the wall because it caught it stopped it from spinning and kept it moving forward if that would have been at the bottom of the track , we would have been under caution at this point and he would have been asking for a set of tires or a rear clip, remember at Daytona?
Richard Petty used to always run close to the wall. and I once asked him why he says that because it doesn't hurt as much when you hit him, it's okay, and I'm going to do it again. He may have a flat tire now, let him go, let him go here, get off the car on the wall to the inside is Eric Jones, there's no chance Elliott will go down two pit stops, even if that was his wish, okay , everyone at home is wondering why we went to this car, this is still going, it's been tested hard, okay, let's go back to the pits. pulls up and Regan, well Mike, you see the number 18 car here had a good run back through the field, he's about 15th, a little problem with that race car now, although he's yelling at the team that may have to pit, so let's go. having to pay attention to tire fall since the start of this race is 1.5 seconds or more.
I'm out of water. What do you all want to do? We're either going to blow up or we're going to To fix it, Kyle is descending onto the platform heading toward Pit Road at a pretty good pace. Larry, what can you do? What are you doing right here? You can't remove the tape from the front because there isn't any, no, the only thing. They're going to have to do it. They are going to have to try to put water back into this system. Yes, there is no tape on the front of the cars. You can see right there, there is a blocking plate in front of the radiator, but there is no tape. on the front, rien mik, the team after that first pit stop when they spun said they got about 20 pounds of sand out of the front of that race car, so evidently that's what's causing the overheating and they will have to do it.
Same thing again here, that's the old Infidel, right there, yeah, apparently the way these noses are built, you can't get in there to clean any debris that may have gotten through the grill and been left there in front of the radiator , yeah, you see him grab those. Coes blacks, that's they're putting water back into the system, it's a pressurized system, that's what those two hoses are and then they try to get the debris out of the radio, they grab the handy leaf blower trying to get the debris out. Chase Elliot goes. and the caution flag flies for the second time today.
Everything has gone from bad to worse. He was in sixth place at the time. It looked like he might be trying to hold that out until a caution flag and he turns into caution damage on the right side after getting up. and on the wall twice I see all the polished letters of those Goodyear tires. Yeah, I'm sure he has a little damage from the first two times he hit the wall and the car messed up a little bit and he tried to make it as long as possible. was able to the caution and unfortunately turned into the caution where, four laps down from Kyle's bus minus three, Chase Elliot and Garrett Smithley are one lap down as Tyler Reick and Eric Jones lead the back to green, there's some syndric audio from Austin.
Square still Square still Square still half up without running half up still out half up for width behind how about four with half by half? You can see when Eric Jones moved and took that channel on the Wake, he got very tight and slid to the middle of the race track is not where he wanted to be the 12 middle Ryan Blay shoots to the middle between Larsson on the bottom and tried to get cnri at the top nothing there that opens the door for Chase Brisco's 14 I feel like the aggression is definitely picking up On the first few restarts I felt like we were all giving each other a little more space, they were definitely running harder, definitely closer to each other than they were to start to feel much more comfortable and they are not new tires.
Superman. cape, yeah, and Chase Brisco, right there, you see in the 14, started pretty far back, moving to the front, definitely, a guy who learned from Cole Kuster, his teammate yesterday in the Infinity Series, running that line exactly where is running, apparently no one told Ricky Stenhouse. His average score here is 19. He hasn't wasted much time going to the front today. Don't think that car 43 doesn't have the same thing. Very impressive with Eric Jones in company on the 43 today. 50 of 200 laps complete Tyler Reic in front by 1.8 seconds as we take you to Fox side by side and you saw Josh Balicki do a lap running in 29th place at the time and you also saw Martin Truex get up and brush the wall and that made everyone scatter. behind him on the 19th wa we are going to ride with Austin syri barely clear everything clear inside inside inside look at him here he was tight how did he miss that or did he do it well we are under caution the question is how is it not because of these three big cars hit by Martin shx but another great shot from the two and then the five too.
I think they both could have missed it. I think you're right, but I think the five hit the two on the left front very hard. Eric Jones with William Byron. in the second row with Chase Brisco and we return to the green eight laps left to reach the end of stage one prohibition of going out to the front within 14 within 14 corner of the door couple corner I'm going to try to drag you back in the corner, of course , you heard him say feet and out, they certainly are all over the track, look at that purple car bouncing Brad Kazlowski down, that's a loose and full ride there and you saw Denny had a great run in turn two and gave him the car six. pretty good push right in the middle of the stretch before we get to turn three, so everyone is definitely feeling more comfortable and more confident not seeing as much drafting with this car as I thought I would see on the straights, everyone Passes are just pure momentum in the middle of the corner, that's 14 from Chase Brisco, yeah, he just keeps getting closer and closer to the front and every time he does that car is going to handle better and better, there's going to be a big difference and he pulls himself up. . here at Clean Air in the top three or four oo cross move Jamie Chase Brisco starting third at Daytona I talked to him before this race and he told me we had unloaded, we're pretty far away but we were able to make some decent adjustments In that practice session shortened from yesterday, he said that as long as I can run on the top of this track, we'll be fine.
He said I'm out of control at the bottom, that's exactly what he did to get to the front, Ricky, if he didn't hit the wall, he was really close coming out of a two, there's Sten's house at the bottom and that 47, That thing is red as a firecracker and he's running it today like it has a short fuse. Since we started stage racing in NASCAR, the winner of stage one has never failed. go to Victory Lane in Fontana and I think the worst stage finish for any previous winner here in Fontana since the stage race came in second place, so they won all the first stages and the second one is worse, they finished in the second stage.
So this might be a little different today. I think it can still be a different race than what we've seen before. Very impressive tuning with the tuning you've seen on these cars. Yes, they are gaining ground, but also. gaining ground with adjustments every time they see Pit Road, they see a car a little further forward towards the front, more and more top contenders are having trouble early on, as we look back from pollster Austin Syndric Chase Elliott is two laps behind Kyle. Busch is four laps down, four laps to go to the end of stage one.
Eric Jones is slowly advancing on Tyler Reic. There's a look at fullback Kyle Busch and William Byron trying to close the gap. Daniel Suárez in 13th place. That's our Fox visor camera connected to his helmet. I can see especially below, it's a difficult ride here, part of it hurt me just to see it, yes, part of it is because, let's face it, the track yes, it has a character that is difficult, but these teams choose to run these very stiff cars, there It's where all the downforce is generated under this car. You've heard us talk a lot about that with the diffuser on the back and things like that.
You have to drive the car very stiff to be able to control the space underneath and you get everything. low strength Ricky Stenhouse has now dropped to ninth place, well Mike we are talking about teams that have made a lot of changes so far, today the 47 car has not changed anything on that race car, Ricky has been quiet all day, he we see going back. and losing another position or close to losing another place there, it remained silent on the radio, nothing from the driver, but now Blay behind him is in 10th place, which is the last stage point to be won here in two laps more and you see that Ricky hasn't done it.
I'm not quite committed to the top, but as you see the 8 car up there, the 24 showing up on your screen, some of those guys committed to that high lane, staying above that top seam through all the turns, seem to be the best cars the longer thetour, I'm surprised it's not when you talk about Ricky Stin House, you talk about aggressive right there, that's the guy that's going to put it on the wall, be aggressive from the get-go, so maybe there's something going on with that car. that's just a little too edgy, it's not comfortable being there near the wall, but it still needs some adjustments, like Rean said, yeah, it's a risk-reward type deal, maybe he's just not ready to take the risk until they get its the car a little more comfortable and Brian Patty does a great job with that car it will do well for him and make him comfortable and I'm sure he'll make it up there before the end of the race and he did last night the check doesn't pay nothing to win the first stage, just some points.
Stenhouse tries to hold on to that final stage. Point when Tyler Reing arrives with a half second lead and reck will take the fifth stage win of his career and the first in Fontana by half a second over Eric Jones William Byron Chase Brisco lson Bowman legano blay cnri and Stenhouse 24 still out there clear clear clear 24 out now out just the 24 11 middle back now that's spotter Kyle Larson the wind is giving him a good push back right away, it's giving the 14 a big push too to take the lead, actually, but now it's shoot down across the pad, you need to hear clearly, that's what car five is hearing right here and he's you're going to hear it three wide to third, you see Denny's car come off the pad and hit that bump that we were talking about all day yesterday and saw some dust fly out of the bump, looks like he's still hitting that hole pretty hard down there and then you see another push from Tyler Reck pushing the 14 to chase Brisco around Larson and the five behind him.
This is the race I came here for right here, Kyle Larson.just became the race's sixth different IAL leader at the start Finish Line Chase Brisco in front Tyler Retic wants to get it back and if possible he'll want to come back to go around Brisco before they move him to the top because that's their line and, uh, it's hard to get out of that line and once they take it away from you, it's going to be hard to catch up and get around him again, that's a great point Matt and I haven't seen Chase Brisco really commit.
For that outside, really nobody has more than Tyler Reic, so it will be interesting, he will have to make that move like Tyler Reic, if you see on the outside that he starts to catch it, you see it in the mirror and you have a choice. to make you work it out and get up in front of it or let it go pushing in, in, that's the one you didn't expect. I'm looking for it outside, which one is not in the place now is below. But is he going to take the lead? No, oh yeah, he came in there really hard and it was clear in the middle, but you have to be able to continue that curve and be clear of the curve and you get a lot of momentum from that top, um. and he just couldn't, couldn't complete the pass, guys, how can you race so hard when someone is in his ear saying, put away those tires, take care of those tires?
That's a great point and that's what they're trying to figure out. You have to keep those guys out of CU. Clean air is so important that you can't afford to give up those spots, but you also can't afford to abuse those tires early in these races. It's very, very difficult to try to balance managing these. tires as you progress through the races for all these drivers William Byron, the only one of the top four who did not start his career on dirt, now moves up to third place, well Mark that makes you want to be there, no it's not like that, but when I walked down the frontstretch and looked down into turn one, it took my breath away, so I have nothing to do there.
I let these experts take care of it from here on out. Mark could probably still beat half of these guys on the field. Don't let them fool you, you know, one of the things I'm thinking about here is that those tar strips were always a problem, so that's another thing you need to put into the equation. If you get on one of those things, and we've seen it today, you get on one of those things, these things can jump on you pretty quickly, but we always had problems, we always tried to straddle them or stay above or below them. them, so that's one of the features of this race track that even adds another dimension, you know, as you go through the corners, you see those seams in the asphalt, one right under Austin Syri's left tires, there cnri drove to ruof Mortgage Victory Lane last week at Daytona, who could join him this week here in California Syrix won the third fewest starts before winning the Daytona 500 Trevor Bane did it in the second start of his NASCAR career and who did it in the first one in 1967 driving a Holeman and Moody forward, Mario Andre, you can really hear it. he's working on accelerating there, very, you know, aggressive on and off the throttle, trying to figure that out.
One thing he has done is go up. I said, trying to figure it out, that's running down that outside line. You can see those leaders driving to the Sunset doing that I see Austin Syri, you talk about learning, he said that on the pre-race show in my interview, I need to learn as much as possible and that's exactly what you're seeing him do with Brad Kazlowski in the six spots there. in 11th place, just ahead of yesterday's winner, Cole Kuster, and now they pull away by three, entering Chase Brisco at the front in a Steuart Hos Ford Larry, well, he's got a nice race car, but the old team of pits is getting it right with the eight cylinders.
Mike, his last TR. two trips to Pit Road now remembers four tires every time the stop on that p 154 ​​9.3 last stop 9.9 with a wedge adjustment on the right rear wow, that's being done by Chase Brisco, who grew up in Indiana, a big Tony Stewart fan turn turned four a car next to the wall that was Christopher Bell everyone takes ADV uh evasive action Denny Hamlin had already entered Pit Road before the caution flag waved here on lap 91 now Hamlin was on road in rean Mike Denny Hamlin had to pit early Right there, there are problems with the temperature in that race car, the gauge kept going up to 315°, he said we have to come now, since he sees what happens because of that caution , so that's the third Gibbs car to hit Pit Road with overheating problems. one of them was previously for Bell the other was Kyle's bus Bell was in 13th place when this happened the safety car is in reic and Brisco once again takes them to Green Christopher Bell's car is still motionless on Pit Road five wide looks like I'm 10 out there Eric Jones He got five places on that restart going to the end of the race track and it was all a big race coming up through the gearbox, he pushed hard as soon as he crossed the line starting goal, you can see it reaching the peak inwards in bold. move and it was worth it, how do you go from four wides in the middle of the corner to a single fault or two wides in the straight?
How much is given? How much do you take? Yeah, I mean, it's kind of like a funnel. Go through there as fast as you can and everyone has to funnel to the top, so when you get to the end you just have to use all the asphalt to get to the wall and keep the momentum going so you can get a lot. more momentum from the top, but you go through the middle of the corner much quicker at the bottom, so like Clint says, when you're at the bottom you want to get clear as soon as possible and get in front of them and take that. off Lane, far to the other side of the straight, look at the difference.
I take it back to the last reboot. I'm more for the victory on Pit Road. You see Chase Brisco back there. Sea in traffic now does not have that. preferred line, the guys are dripping deep into him, sliding him up and now he's fifth or sixth on the sheet and he's in big trouble with the dirty air in front of him, keep an eye on Chase Elliott, he's back within head. On the return he restarted in 25th place, moved up to 18th and made his way through the field, there he is third in this line. It's also interesting if you look at the top four, Joey Lano, up to fourth place, but all four of them just ran faster. lap of the race and you would never think you would see that almost halfway through the race.
Now watch Eric Jones gain four or five spots here on this restart, fourth on the inside as they take the green, he had the race like I said. the momentum as soon as it hit Joy Lano's bumper on a 22, turned left on her side and look what a difference it made, well Mike, it's been an up and down day, that race car raced a couple of times. started to lose ground for him, started to lose a little bit of ground, since then they improved the car, he is not that unhappy with the race car, the biggest problem, although on these restarts he keeps taking the wrong line and the yellow flag was canceled , that's a pretty tough blow for Chris Busher.
He was one of the drivers that had a non-contact spin yesterday and Busher was 14th and on the lead lap when that happened there, I think he was in the middle of one and two. Yeah, he heard his radio there say he had a flat tire on the entry, so on lap 100 12 we have the sixth caution flag of the day in this race and we're going to look through Kurt Bush's windshield on our Monster Energy camera . Yes, the accident was already over when we arrived. I could see it in the camera view, but you saw Chris as he walked away.
He had a flat left tire. The other three were up, so he said a tire blew out in the driveway. I know a lot of people are trying to run out of breath. pressure to get good grip at the end of The Run and possibly got a left flat tire and that's what spun him (see 43) much like the last restart, he really went through the bottom of one and two, very Very quickly, he managed to get through. there fast enough to clear the leader, I don't know how long you'll keep him at bay, but he's doing a great job on that first set of corners.
The thing really has initial speed in these races. I don't know if these pressures are up, that's the setup, but he has a lot of grip and comfort from the start, while these other guys are sliding around, he's able to be very aggressive on restarts. Oh, and Kazlowski spins, just let him roll. Go straight, let him go straight, you're not going to do anything, just go straight, there you go, you're good caution number seven, lap 117, let's go back and see what while he shoots again, let's see what happened to Brad. Yes, there's Brad. You see it. go down to the APR at the bottom trying to run 22 sneaking out of it here a little bit just got loose came off that bottom looks like he hit that bump in the back of the car got upset and when he had to slow down a little bit and Turn the steering wheel to the right to catch that car and prevent it from spinning.
He just stood in front of traffic and can hold it. Kyle has three Camaros ahead of five fors and then Denny Hamlin's Toyota. When we get back to the 33 green car he did it again, the five even tried to get his quarter pounder down, they slowed him down a little bit and he just rolled a center one and two so fast on that first lap that uh it cleared both rows. of cars and he came out to the front two behind us with the deck 22 top deck top deck that's Eric Jones spotter Rick Carelli who was one of the greats of the NASCAR truck series what you heard him say there myself, I heard Mark Barton speak. this when he was up here and it's exactly right, you can't just change direction when you're at home and you see the car and he said sure or check, you know protect high protect high it's not like you can just turn right at that moment redirect your momentum back to the left, you have to do it slowly and methodically move up and try to, you know, close that block Alex Bowman at the end of this group, he brushed the wall last time by reic back to the lead over Jones Lano has worked his way up to third place Larson fourth, you set him up and it takes a couple of laps to do it because you make a pass, you hang to the outside you think you're on your perverted line, he hangs if he hangs to the left and drags you down now you start the process again it will take you to that corner eventually you will get the job done last lap of stage two Tyler Reck has opened up with Eric Jones putting in his fastest laps of the race within the last half dozen here , well I guess that explains it, they are competing for the last stage point so that's totally understandable, yes it's time to settle into these stage points, they are very valuable as you progress. season I gave everyone a pass last week with the Daytona 500, it's all about the Harley J Earl trophy now we need some stage points and Tyler Reic and Company did it, we're going to be side by side for the fourth place, that's how it was and Blay prevailed, so it's reic.
Jones Lano blay lson kuster cnri Al marola Byron and Hamlin toter retic Eric Jones Austin syri very high with that yellow Deuce look the shot that comes out of the corner is blocked by hisproblem yeah you saw Cole make that quick move he was probably hearing the same thing from his spotter but he covers the top and goes up there and uh he had a pretty big run at him there for making that move but he got in the hole four wide, oh problem, a car slides and saves and everyone scatters. T car If we stay green, he'll go ahead and go down Pit Road, yeah, he's, yeah, I guess it's just that Cary didn't have a spin, he had one of those in practice and he saved it.
Al Marola was in sixth place now rolls to Pit Road. Road does not stop in his pits to stay on the lead lap, I show you yesterday and today for Eric El Marola, yes, yesterday is quite impressive, since you will see the same thing there. Clinton you saw him hit that bump and you saw things coming. through the back of the car with the friction blocks or the diffuser, whatever is hitting the ground, it's definitely annoying, the car certainly did, but Tidler Reic, there's his career to date and today he's leading 87 of 149 laps and won both states.
I tell you. Eric Jones isn't letting him get away, he's been chasing him for several laps, he's working a little further down the track to keep some clean air in that nose and it looks like Tyler is the second time we've seen him move just a little. A little loose earlier, Clint mentioned how he moved going into turn one and just moved a little bit into turn two there too. Another thing I see on the 43 on the front grill, you see some debris right there and any little crumbs in this sport. No matter how tight things are, it helps.
I can't help but think that maybe a little more downward force on the front of that thing, give it free crap. They said you can't put tape on it. They didn't say anyone else couldn't. well that's true, what might help is a Sunday NASCAR on Fox Crank It Up, not even the paint is right in here, clean up the balance, check you're back, just what happened to Tyler, Reic, Jamie, he just radioed his team. He has a vibration, he says it's a puncture in the right rear, his team goes up the wall. Trouble for our leader here when he goes down, he hits the wall, guys and William Byron is involved and now warning waves, ninth flag of the day, well, it definitely went wrong. to get worse right there for Tyler Reic, but including William Byron, he was returning to the front, a big blow for them.
I think that tire is blowing out, you mentioned it before with Chris Busher, maybe I'm possibly running that stuff with too little air and I finally got the best of it, yeah, I didn't mean to jump on the crank up there, but I saw on the edge from the camera a rubber flying from the back of his car and I immediately slowed down, I think it exploded to the left or a tire. down there in turn one, yes, there it is. Now cars pass through the interior. William Byron is not one of them. That was really strange.
He arrived very late. It would be interesting to see the full view if there were other cars around, but he got loose and had. to catch him, yes, because that happened quite a while after he was going slow against the top reck. He arrived at the pits with caution. I think Byron was starting to get out of his car, it's kind of interesting Me, 43, was in control of the race and chose the outside instead of the inside. He has had a lot of good luck on the inside, on every restart he flew one and two at the bottom and took the lead many times out of the corner. two, uh, chose the top this time and let a couple of guys walk past him.
Chase Elliott coming out of turn two, he almost took that door off its hinges, well, he slammed that door off its hinges for the 48 car, but that shows how important it is. Do you have to get there? That window closes so quickly between the two of us. If you don't close it, you'll wish you had, probably 15th. Now Nascar has the restart under review, making sure Eric Jones was there. the first car to shoot into the Geico restart zone, it's okay to pass the control car to the line, but it's not okay to hit the gas problem, double two keslowskis and more.
I think the wall is Wallace, guys, we could have ended up here. The reboot was fine, we're told, and Harrison Burton is gutted for the second week in a row without him doing anything. It was the third car after Bubba W's 10th caution, so at least Brad Keslowski, Bubba Wallace and Harrison Burton were involved coming out of turn two and that funnel you talked about, Matt, it's almost like the bottom would close, yes, like Glen was saying, you have to try to get into that hole to get to the top because you lose a lot of momentum from the bottom when Everybody piles up, we'll see here what caused it, but you have so much momentum down there that it seems like Bub was trying to get in the middle here and put Brad in the left rear and the accident started. into it and then Burton, luckily, you don't need that clutch to shift up the gears because here we go, side bumper, barely, fast, clean, half, half, going backwards, he's going to get there, you're fast, you're fast.
You're okay, you got it. Lano observer listened to that observer. You can tell he wasn't quite sure who he was listening to in the mirror. It seemed like he was more confident than the observer. He did it. He almost clarified what seemed quite important to me, of course, right? Yeah, and I think that's the confidence you get from working with an observer for a long time. He understands his tone of voice. It's not always what he says many times. that's how he says it and you get a little ahead of yourself there and uh and you make that move sometimes before he can call it, you see some old fashioned slide job right there, coming out of a dirt corridor ooh, third place right behind them , three wide and coming right in the middle is Blay, who there's no rush


like the afternoon rush


in Southern California, that a lot of things happened for a straightaway right there.
Rick Hendrick's Camaro is now first, fourth and fifth. lson Elliot Bowman, everyone has had their problems today Pensky Ford second and third. He was just going to say: how about Blay join his teammate in Legano? Blay is starting to come up one of those names that you haven't really seen much of, suddenly here he is, he's been patient. and he's smart all day, he's there, well, there at that time, when he's counting right now, he said he hadn't been anywhere 6th eight quarter, he was practically in the money all day, still there, the 22, still there, in the back corner, even just a 22 for six behind you, so only second place is up for grabs there and don't look now, but who just appeared in the top 10 for the first time today is the closer Kevin Harvick.
I told them that if anyone can figure it out, it's that man who never gives up somehow. somehow always seems to be there when the time is right one back to four one lane down Harvick looking for 9th against Daniel Suarez got H for 11 Hamlin with him no it was under him pass them both on 02 for two for one how are you? he better get up though here he comes 99 99 had to get off the gas trying to beat him there he was and he got into position he pushed him he had to get off the gas to avoid knocking down the wall maximize his acceleration time on the exit 4 right here, so maximize your acceleration time, that means trying to figure out how to keep the throttle low.
He saw it right there. He did the same in one and two opinions. He stepped on the accelerator too soon. He could not. Keep it up when he lifted, you saw the difference that made Kevin almost two car links when he, when he came off the throttle, excuse the 11, yeah, when you get lifted late in a corner like that, you lose. There's so much momentum, sometimes it takes one more lap to really get going and get back to the same pace and the same lap time and the same speed and momentum that you had before. Right there you also heard him have to get off the accelerator. in the ex on the corner, so what are you doing there?
Matt, how can I get this where I can? You know, putting the throttle all the way out of the corner, not having to give up, yeah, I mean, I think you just keep working. It's your corner entry stuff, you know sometimes when you're trying not to drive so hard you're hitting the gas early and then sometimes you build up so much momentum that you actually have to lift it again later, so I think it's just a matter of of everything. input and obviously your driving, there are a lot of times where you just can't do it, but you just don't accelerate too much too soon.
Kyle Larson has a lead of 8/10 of a second over Ryan Blay Jamie and the first time k Larson. has led today talked to Cliff Daniels, his crew chief this morning, he said, listen, today is the first time we're going to get a data point, an accurate data point on this new car, we want to be on the smart side, not on the desperate side they have been today. smart taking care of his team, reminding his driver to take care of those tires and look, he went from back to front when he counted most Ross Chastain turn four a lot of smoke, you can go down inside, everyone looks like they're going to get in. via Chastain had finally had a great day working his way into sixth place.
It looks like he's going to get stuck too, so when the front wheels are on the bank and the rear wheels are on the ground, it's going to be hard to get it. that car was moving, yes, again, it seemed like the left ear was possibly in that scam, he was trying to run up to car 43, a little bit lower than him, it was pretty much the same area where that pothole is and it seemed like he just traction broke. so fast that he couldn't catch the same area where that tunnel and that lump goes, and he did a really good job of digging out of the hole, you know, going back up through the bundle.
I know, buddy, it's exactly what he thought the green flag pushing him still five already pushed someone to the head and then dove under him, which is what you see right there, I saw it earlier in the race. Chase just won't be able to defend himself up there, Brisco. on old tires that are fading quickly Kyle did a great job on that restart, he pushed him on the straight where he was stable and as soon as he hit the turn he made sure to choose a different lane because those old tires weren't going to work. Hold on for more than one corner Joey all the way I was looking at Joey in the pits, he came out of his pit stall if it looked like that clutch issue, um, you know, it wasn't 48 on the wall and Bowman on the wall coming into three, who?
We're going to be in the lead right here, the yellow flag is going to come out, oh, we're still green and both of you look at this. I think Chase might have hit the wall there, he definitely hit the wall now that Bowman hit Pit Road without warning. flag I think Clint, your eyes got bigger than his, yeah, here's another one who got hurt trying to go up the tower and shoot. It looked like Kyle was going to think I was going to go with him and he shot outside to try to get out. Kyle approached the block and it was too late and he trapped it in the fence.
Good recovery from Chase Ellell Man and Alex Bowman just jumped in from underneath. He maybe he was in on the scam and it hit hard. Chase Elliott on the radio wasn't happy with his teammate's abrupt move to the top. I don't think you want to hear what he had to say. Jamie Kyle Larson's radio. Kyle said he didn't know he was there. That will be some comfort. It must be difficult to have teammates in a situation like this. You can't take care of them, can you? Hey, the way I look at it as a teammate, you're thinking that a teammate is going to help push you toward the guy you're having trouble with side-by-side. in a drag race he caught it three times, he made the block and unfortunately, you know, he could have wrecked both of them right there, well, he's going to be an interesting radioactive on Race Hub this week, that's for sure, third, fourth, fifth, Austin Dylan , Daniel Suárez, Eric Jones, look.
He spun this thing all the way to the end of the turn and saw it with Alex Bowman out there loose and on the wall, it's pretty amazing that these guys, in the effort they put into this race, got into some dust up there. Chase Elliot had no contact between them, but Elliot got up and crashed into the wall and is now close to missing a lap. His teammate definitely showed his displeasure right there and rightly so, so it was a bad deal and Larsson is really starting to stretch himself. He's been a couple T faster than the second place car here for a few laps.
I've been watching like I picked a different line right there, it's like the three and a half marker straddling that marker on uh, you know, on the one and the two between the third rail and the fourth L and Legano can fall in the clutches of Austin Dylan here and this is where I think that Alliance that we talked about with RCR, you know, Jones is part of that. I can't help but think, Matt, that maybe some air pressure some things like that that they were doing worked well for them maybe that information was transferred to the three of Austin Dylan made those adjustments and here it is, yeah, it looks like all those cars are working fine, you know?
More cars you are affiliated with many times, when one works well, allthey will work fine and vice versa if they have a bad day and completely miss something on the Sim or something they were thinking about doing this. week, um, everyone probably has to work on it. Denny Ham moved up to sixth place. He is the leading Toyota behind three Chevys and two Fords. You can see that in the car, talking about the view, it's not just the sunset, but we've talked about these. the cars and the amount of sand that comes out of this race track and that diffuser and how pitted everyone's windshields get at the end of the day and you can see that visibility is difficult when you get to turn three, that's it Daniel Hemrich behind Kurk Bush, they are 12th and 13th, just leave it. he rolls that thing Accelerate down, take off the gas, pedal, baby, it's so different from the last time we were here two years ago Chase Elliott, after going down a lap, turns and waves the caution flag that would be the caution number 12, uh, Larsson fans are no happier than Kyle Larson right now is outside Suarez inside and they are even crossing the line trying to get outside, he almost did it with Eric Jones with a good run from the top , it's the third car to come back on the outside, it's led a lot today to the bottom opens in the middle five tight 22 got loose clear Stop here clear Stop 22 back inside clear Stop protect the top protect the top up up up up above look at the push from 43 Eric Jones pushing Daniel Suarez here comes a run 9 the head of steam right here drops to make the pass it's not clear back out there it's not clear clear clear clear Dylan all the way down trying to make something happen he doesn't have enough race to get out of the corner, but the Top Lane is putting some pressure on him now that he's out of three lanes up four Lan Daniel SZ leading this race with two laps to go I don't think anyone will guess that the big race of lson in the draft falls to the end and in the line Larsson for Carling three The Chevy are fighting for victory.
You heard Daniel really shoot up the end of the track in threes and fours and have to get up big in the turn. You heard the spotter earlier in that last race trying to coach him. He needed a better. exit of turn four now it's Dylan Dylan in the draft his chance to run towards Kyle Larson with a lap and a half to go Larsson is going to open that door to the inside but Austin is running down the middle of the track trying to keep the greatest possible impulse. He expected him to shoot deep and test that apron to try to wrap up the middle and the side.
The white flag waves one to go sponsored by Credit One Bank and the 31 slides down. the grass everyone can get through this he bounces off the wall they've taken the target we're still green lson with 310 on Dylan Eric Jones coming up for second can anyone catch Kyle Larson today he's not going to the back here look at Jones The Big Run? on the outside Dylan at the bottom slides up the tail of the five here they come for the checkered flag Kyle Larson keeps that surf going for the trophy in California man what a race and can't say enough about Austin Dylan Jones and Suarez I mean, I don't think anyone would have picked those guys to be second, third and fourth today, necessarily all of them, so man, what a race, elro, 29-year-old defending California series champion Kyle Larson , will go to Victory Lane for his 17th career victory and 11th with Hendrik Motorsports, let's go back and look at the move he made to take the lead.
See Daniel Suarez, he had to lift well there to stay off the wall as he approached the exit and execute the run he had off the bank, yes he had such a run that Daniel couldn't even get to his right side to try to cast him and Austin Dylan. Being right at the end I thought he was going to give it a run, he had a chance and at three and four I thought he was going to go down a little bit more than he did. Chevrolet sweeps the top four places, how? about this Kevin Harvick Eric Alaro where the top 10 came from Kurt Busch from behind another top 10 four Chevys lson Dylan Jones Suarez then three Fords legano Al marola and Harvick Kurt bush is the highest finishing Toyota in 8th place after starting Last came Daniel Hemrich from six laps down to finish ninth and Ricky Stenhouse top 10 incredible job by those guys uh Kurt not only started last, he started last several times, like you said, he did all those laps up he made the top 10 he doesn't even race the series full time and Ricky Stenhouse running 10th, it was just a really solid day for that team, Kyle Busch returned to the lead lap just in time for the final restart and gained seven more places, finishing 14th behind teammates Truex and ahead from his partner Denny Hamlin.
Couldn't this guy use a race car? Yes, Kyle is more than pretty good, he is incredibly talented. We always knew and when he got in this car last year, I think everyone knew he was going to do it. Be the guy to beat and I really don't see the change lasting long. He actually started this race under penalty in the rear. This morning they changed an ignition part that they found faulty during the morning start and warm up. and stops on the front straight. 281st career win for car owner Rick Hendrik here's Rian Smith Kyle lson getting out of the car waving to all the California fans Kyle it doesn't matter the car it doesn't matter the track you just got In it, you go fast, the second career win at California Speedway, yeah thanks, it's always fun to win here in your home state, so I worked hard all week there, I didn't feel very good in practice yesterday, and everyone made some good adjustments during the night. and the car handled much better.
There were definitely some guys who were faster than us, but they had their misfortunes, so we kept our heads focused throughout race day. The restarts were crazy, all the racing was crazy, so it was definitely wild. But it's great to get a win here in California and I hope we have a little run. Kyle lson returns to California and wins, what a performance!

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