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MYSTERY LOOT Tower Battle *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite Battle Royale

May 02, 2020
The Loot Our Battle This is an incredible



in which Jory and Jelly will compete in a series of fights on eight different levels of the circular


. Every time we finish a


we will choose a mysterious number that will lead us to a chest that would hopefully give us weapons or healing or something that will help us on the next


route or it could be a trap that would damage us, which means that we will be a big disadvantage in the next fight as we go down the


. The rarities of the weapons that come out of the chest increase more and more until you reach the legendary ones at level 8, who will be victorious, you will have to find out.
mystery loot tower battle new game mode in fortnite battle royale
Like if you want to see more and thanks to this person for using them. coats logo the first chest you open in the fortnight will now be a legendary item, you're welcome, let's get into my favorite number. I'm going to go with number 5 guys I'm going to choose 0-0 favorite number okay guys I have his chest yeah guys yeah wait Danny doesn't have a chest should we open it in a second? So I know I'm having a bad day, so let the fights begin, okay, three, two, one, what do you have to jump? at first, okay, I think that's a good rule, yeah, yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about this.
mystery loot tower battle new game mode in fortnite battle royale

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mystery loot tower battle new game mode in fortnite battle royale...

I have a peak, everyone now, guys, peak. Oh, Josh, she's actually here, he just came out of nowhere, Jenny, I'm coming. to kill a team of jello okay okay listen Josh we don't have a gun we need to unite against this guy Jodie you gotta do something Kazoo is running fight you guys are right next to me do a moose or something like that. I literally don't understand this guy, I'm short oh wait where did he go? It's ripe, oh go break it, break this motherfucker running Jodi, you're a loser, oh yeah, I get it, my 20s, my good news, good, that's it. well, how much health do you want dirty Oh, 20 ago, there is an ad to damage the shield, no, no, it doesn't have a shield anymore, okay, well, I fell completely, hey, Jordy, it's okay guys, it's time to reprimand to Jenny, that puts us next. at each other at the beginning of the fight, so it's okay, George, I have to prepare.
mystery loot tower battle new game mode in fortnite battle royale
Oh, murder grenade, yeah, we have to go a little slower on the next one, so we're going at the same time, but here we go, who won? Are you joining because I'll stay with you? Yes Josh please I'm fine so join us as AR how are you going to do this? Josh, okay, keep it spinning, oh, yeah, oh, what I have to do is keep it calm and then. The problem is I still have the shit from the previous round oh hey cop I'm not really sure what my plan is here killing me off the map Josh above oh oh oh - easy for Jordan and he literally doesn't even have a joke Yo, okay , you guys are ready to pick a new one, you know all the weirdness that's going on, you know what I'm going to do with seven again, I mean Josh, what about you guys?
mystery loot tower battle new game mode in fortnite battle royale
I'm going to pick one and it's, uh, I feel pretty confident breaking it right. Yes, three, two, once, are you kidding me? I got stuck with you okay I accidentally ran out let me wait a second wait a second okay fifty hells okay I'm going to open my chest guys oh yeah what's up with the launcher now and? submachine, okay, who wants to be my teammate this time? So fast, okay guys, number two. I'm going to be number eight. Duty, expect an eight. You did not do it? Oh, can we go? They are ready? Three, two, one, boom, finally, yes.
Oh no, are you? I'm actually kidding Oh Josh oh it's so especially Jordi is out because he didn't have enough help to survive Josh come a few inches later hey Jordy he has 50 health in play this round placeable traps don't agree with you Jenny, I want to exchange, come on, it's placeable. traps this is the worst it's actually bad this is hard you just shut your jaw he's right about you he's right about you I know no no Josh this is making me that's all I have even though I had a limit I had unlimited what is this no, no, wait, Josh ran out of traps, wait a minute, yeah, Jordy just died because Josh rings the picket line.
Come on, what's your plan? Josh, she's just going to sting me. I really don't know, yeah. I need to chop it today. Kelly just has to keep shooting, what do I do? Why don't you push it daily? You literally have an AR, not because we don't move, those are the tricks of it. Yes, I only use her strength. I see what you are, please come. my trap with Oh jelly, come on, you got it, you guys will survive to catch it, you can catch it right now, okay, ready, yeah, three, two, one, okay, chess, oh, just get a chest, let's open it ooh, hey, are you kidding?
Jim has a grenade launcher. What if I have a Dodge? I do not want to talk about that. What did you get? What did you get? What did you get? I'll just show you guys, ready, three, two, one, it won't go. Jelly, okay, I want mine, okay, go get Jordi or something like that, so Lodi, since we can't hear anything, hey, wait, wait at least, come and fight. No, are you really trying to get me with this stuff, Josh, are you kidding me now? me today oh no, you can't get it out of the thing ever Josh maybe you should go with a different light no, I'm going to go with five because there's no number wait oh oh yeah, you got it chest Jim I have a catch No, okay, jellies, be nice, okay kid, okay, finally Oh, finally, wow guys, I have unlimited shield potions, yeah, or I have a spare weapon too.
I'm not going to the place, are we ready to go? Yeah, yeah, three - why - oh my god, Josh, you actually started before you said zero, yeah, well, I'm also happy that I won't want a single round, so we're here saying you have to win something, why are you doing this? Josh is shit, Jory, I have nothing. Why are you doing this? No, no, don't leave the service super low. I'm trying to eat. It will hold it down. Where's Josh? Oh yeah, the Jelly boys throw doom grenades, yeah, which could break the whole map. I just realized, oh, so much, it's hello, well, it sounds good, I'm fine, he's healing, I'm not aiming, what do you mean, you have no idea where I am, guys, you have absolutely no idea that he healed, it's ruining the rest of the map Josh, you're picking up his stuff, oh my thing, you're on the wrong level.
I'm not going to wait, what are you doing? No, I was really ruining this yellow, all I did was remove the wool from under you and kill you, just use the super. my boy, it's okay, I thought you were a level below me because I broke the map, no, it's okay, guys, it's okay, five five, chasing me, I guess you know, vomiting and weirdness, we're all ready, trap, Do you want me open? Yes, yes, yes, you can open it, you can open it. Josh left, what did they get? What did they get? Why are they so happy?
So we've got some juice to sip on, man, oh oh, I've got Slough juice too, no, everyone. have shields and cure what woke up wrong yeah three two once are we really doing this man Josh why are we really doing this again vitally always trying to go home I'm going to incinerate pitches are you kidding me? Grenade launcher that's not fun sorry Josh hey what's a


Oh surely you're not going to kill me with that oh I'm in no hurry to press the jelly your way because you have a grenade launcher you just look like you have the ability to Destroy the entire map single-handedly, that's too much. power at the same time Jordi is trying to kill me while I'm trying to kill you well that's an accident okay charge up Jordi is literally breaking up more of the map like a grenade launcher.
I won't deny it, okay Josh, see you later as soon as I realize, we should have a winning streak, okay, you ready to hit on a level, yeah, lucky number zero with a pen, okay, right next to Josh, come on, oh my God, I have chest damage, but it's recovering, of course, I didn't recover. well enjoy it Geordi where you were running away when I started I'm just jumping down yeah sections okay three two one come on you guys stay real calm when you stop playing mate we're focused to concentrate , they need it here. love buddy, oh my god I'm ready to reload, okay guys move on to the next round, pick a number.
I'm going to choose the lucky number seven. Okay, look at zero six. He caught me wrong twice here. In fact, I'm going to use my lucky number. eight do it this could be legendary I'm ready guys yeah ready 3 2 1 come on Oh you're kidding Oh 50 hell why oh this is this is the last round Jordan okay this is I have a legendary um no oh yeah I don't have anything legendary , okay, count down, three, two, one, jump, jelly, oh my God, you are a nasty le. Oh, come back to the trap after the round started, we're free, what do we think of that?
Was this, what is this? I really do not know. I still have very bad weapons to close. You have the surprise why I am the aggressive player right now. Oh, SMG blue. How many deaths do they all have? I have a I mean, I have six deaths, well, why? don't tell us in the comments who won, who you think what in the comments section, okay bye, remember to wear the coats logo in the biweekly store if you want to be cooler than all your friends, you can thank me later. bye

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