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Myron Mixon's Hot and Fast Brisket Masterclass - A Recipe For Rachael Ray

May 07, 2024
Hi Rachel, thanks for having me today. I'm Myron Mixon, the all-female barbecue band. I do all kinds of barbecue. I own restaurants in Alexandria, Virginia Old Town, also in Hoboken, New Jersey, I also teach barbecue classes and that's where we are today. my BBQ pavilion here in Unadilla Georgia I write cookbooks, I have my seasonings and sauces online and also a lot of smokers that we are going to use today we are going to make


, most importantly a lot of people sometimes have a problem with them they can do the pork they can do the control they can do the ribs but


is always the hardest for them we are going to show them how to solve it today I have what they call an excellent food, it is a good high marbling it has a lot of fat content inside the breast we are going to do the trimming work we will do the cooking we are going to do the injection we are also going to rub and put the sauce on it So let's start first, we have to remove the silver from the fat that you see here.
myron mixon s hot and fast brisket masterclass   a recipe for rachael ray
Always remember that the rubber seasoning does not stick to the grease on the membrane, so we have to remove it, but right here, on top of the flat surface. like keep this sheet flat, I don't want to punch holes in it and make a mess, so we're just going to remove what we can easily reach and what you can't get, go see how I'm doing it. Just by keeping that blade flat, did you sharpen a knife? Now you often see people trimming the


. The first thing you want to do is remove this piece of fat from here.
myron mixon s hot and fast brisket masterclass   a recipe for rachael ray

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myron mixon s hot and fast brisket masterclass a recipe for rachael ray...

I'm a firm believer, not just with energy, with any kind. of protein the more you remove those pieces of fat part of the lean meat the more you take away losing moisture is going to be what you have I don't remove this piece of fat right here so I don't do it if you remove it it just leaves another surface for the moisture comes out of the breast, we don't want that to happen. I'll take it off the end when we're ready to cut and eat, so I'll leave it now that I've got the flat section removed of all the membrane and fat, it's time to get to the point of this is where the burnt ends come from.
myron mixon s hot and fast brisket masterclass   a recipe for rachael ray
I forgot to tell you that you want slices and burnt ends today, so the point itself starts right here behind the flat and rolls to buy halfway up the breast so that the point itself doesn't go the entire length of the breast, let's mark it where I think it ends, we are going to remove the fat that sticks to the meat. itself just remove that fat from the top to have good burnt ends you have to have that crust that is cut not only on one side but on both sides to make those delicious cubes that we are going to prepare, we are almost done here, no.
myron mixon s hot and fast brisket masterclass   a recipe for rachael ray
Take a long time to do it now remember this about trimming meat, it's always a starting point and a stopping point, like I said. I have been teaching since 2005. I have seen many people trim meat within the competition circuit, even in restaurants they sometimes end up cooking more or throwing away more than they cook you don't want to do that is like I said it is a starting point and a stopping place thank you all right now is the time to inject I am a company I believe in injecting meats. I love injecting all the proteins.
I think you can always add flavor regardless of meat quality or grade. Plus, every time you inject it it's in liquid form, it adds more moisture to the meat, so I love adding that. injection what I have here 16 ounces of water. I'm adding eight ounces of my meat as you prepare it, I probably won't take it all, but it's always nice to have. This brisket here in front of me weighs about 18 pounds. For them, the


works great for 13 to 14 pounders up to 20. Now you have a grain that works with this brisket. It is working so that I always inject it with the grain into a breast.
That's always why it allows for the injection to flow evenly through the brisket if you go along the grain, it doesn't happen that way and it also ends up showing holes where you made the injection marks, it doesn't look good so What we're going to do is we're going to do about half the injection on the flat part, then we're going to turn it around and do half the injection at the point where we're going to get the burnt ends. Look at it like a chess board, like squares, you want to make sure. you hit each one of those squares.
I have the injector at an angle that does not come out the bottom. Okay, let's turn it around. We have our point. Now the grain of the points takes me to all of them. Now I left the fat in it. bottom of the floor to protect it because I'm cooking with the grease lid down. 99 of today's smokers include charcoal grills which we will talk about later. The heat comes from the bottom up. I'll leave that cooking fat cap down. protects where I'm going to take the slices from, so now it's time to inject our Point again injecting with the grain, that's all I can get.
Let's leave the injection aside, now it's time to add our seasoning. I like to use regular vegetable oil as a binder, it's neutral and I want a neutral flavor. It's also something that really gives it a great color when it reaches the temperature that we will cook today at about 300 degrees, so I'm going to get a good mahogany colored vegetable it's going to help you it doesn't take much I'm going to do three layers of rub I like to give more than one bite I like to give more than one type of flavor when you're biting we're going to have a hot one we're going to put on first with a very light coating, we're going to go in with a hickory seasoning and then my hickory salt.
One thing about beef and especially brisket, it could pick up spice from the hot dressing and may need salt. you need it now, note that I'm not going to put any seasoning or seasoning here in the fat. I'm going to remove it before eating it, after it's done, so there's no need to put it there. Another reason is that we go. To cook, part of the cooking process will be in a pan where you could catch and say a little bit of that, oh, that's you, and set it aside. If you had salt and rubbed it all over here, you'd end up making the ice too salty. finished, I always like to do the top part, the last part, you'll see it looks great, a little hot massage again, Hickory and I'll finish it with hickory salt, now we're ready to start, ideally if you had the moment and could wait and wear this tomorrow.
I would have postponed the seasoning after injecting it. I would put it in a vacuum sealed bag, vacuum seal it, and let it sit in my refrigerator the next day. Raise the flavor of this brisket up here, it will be great as is, but if you have the time to build a vacuum seal and let it sit overnight up here and always remember this, never apply your batter to any protein that "We're making to grill a barbecue until about an hour before it lights up. You do every rub there is, keep in mind that yours has salt content and that salt starts to draw in moisture and we don't want to do that, right?" Now I'm getting ready to cook, I'm firing up one of my Bark 3600 Myron smoker and blend pellet stoves, we're going to talk about charcoal grills in just a second, but I like to start in a pan, the reason is that the cleanup keeps it from dripping onto the grate inside the pan, this saves me a lot of trouble cleaning up later, when I'm done cooking, it won't damage anything, it won't restrict smoke, but it's an easy cleanup. now is the time to continue cooking at 300 degrees just like that now while we wait for the brisket to be ready we will go over to the charcoal grill and show you some tips on where you can grill on your charcoal grill and make a brisket just as good, it's cooking in one of my smokers here, let's go over here, oh, we've got the brisket here cooking in my pellet stove, let's talk a little bit about how to do the same thing. cooking process put on a charcoal grill, everyone knows that charcoal is probably one of the first things we start cooking with, it was for me, no matter what size you are, I have a pretty good size, a charcoal 36 inches. grill you can still cook proteins just like you're cooking them here if you want to do it low and slow or hot and


like we're cooking the brisket today you can do it on your charcoal grill the way we do it at the bench our charcoal , I'm talking about bacon on the side, probably about three pounds, three to five on each side, smoker, thanks, when I'm on the bike, I talked about moving all the charcoal, now we'll start on both sides if you have a smaller version from a charcoal grill that I have here, just put one side on it, now what I like to do.
I have my coal banks on both sides. I go in and light the charcoal right at the top of each side, it will give it a long burn. In other words, it will burn from top to bottom. I put my meat in the center, so you're basically going to have a reverse flow with the heat and then it's going to come out of the pile right here if you just had a smaller version of the charcoal grill. Here you want to bite one side, it does the same. I always put the meat where the charcoal knot is, don't put it directly on the chocolate or you'll burn it, but this is how you take a charcoal grill and do it.
For you, what I'm doing here with this pellet stove turns out to be some amazing barbecue, so keep up the good work, get back to your charcoal grills only, fire up that great brisket or whatever, now's the time to get back Here, let's work a little. on the brisket, our barbecue warriors, now that we spent our brisket on that for two hours, take it to the smoke and give us a crust, now it's time to cover it, we can steam it, start tenderizing the meat and finish the cooking now same. I'm showing you a little tip, the best thermal gloves in the world, cotton gloves, then you take your natural gloves, go over them, very flexible, how the meat breaks down, how to fix and tape the pellet smoker brisket .
Now look, that was great. mahogany color, that red color we are looking for has a good crust instead of crusting. Good time to cover it, put it back on the pellet cooker and finish, we're going to cook an 18 pound brisket for four to five hours, it's incredible. it retains all that moisture, you're going to love it now, has anyone cooked proteins and wrapped them or even pandem like I'm doing here, have you ever seen the whole reaction with the meat itself and with the rubbing it starts to eat the foil ? that fall on the meat I don't want that take some butcher paper all the parchment paper put it on the meat first take the aluminum foil cover it tightly we are going to continue probing with our meat thermometer while we cook after about two hours and Start to check the points down here and I'll check when it reaches 205 degrees and I'll turn it on at the point where I'm throwing it, I'll let it rest, now I have the brisket cooking for the next two hours, two or three, depending on the size I have to prepare our sauces the brisket sauce I need some competitions we are doing very well I have my hot sauce going it has the mill inside I have my hot sauce a bottle look about two cups of beets that's what these Then we have balls and then we have a little of honey and I know it sounds strange, but honey hardens in my hot sauce about a cup.
You should always heat your barbecue sauce before putting it on any hot barbecue or hot meat. practicality don't stick your hand in the refrigerator grab a bottle of cold sauce put it on hot meat don't do that we're getting ready to reheat this come back it's time to remove that brisket again let it rest see you in a minute okay our brisket has been on for four hours and 15 minutes, we don't get to 205 when I find myself with the thermometer at our point, now it's time to let it rest, but I mean, let it rest, that doesn't mean taking that brisket.
Put it on the counter, let it cool and rest means keeping it hot enough at 160 degrees to 180 degrees while letting those juices start to come back when you cook vigorously, you're rendering out the fat, the fat is rendering out all that stuff, but when you start. When you let it sit, it begins to drag everything inside. Resting not only brings moisture and juice back into the meat, making it more flavorful, but it also relaxes the meat where it's most tender, so that's what we're going to do now. and the best way to do that is put it on our moving blanket, leave it in the pan, cover it with something, we'll let it sit for two hours and then we'll come back and take the tip off and then remove the rind or rind on the other side It won't be long after that we'll be chopping and slicing our signs for the burnt ends, okay, two hours until the rest, don't let all these juices start coming back into the meats, relax, it's tender, nice.
It's time to separate the tip from the flat. Let's unwrap our brisket, take off the aluminum foil, take off the brown paper, go ahead and remove our brisket while I take out my brisket. I have two fat separators that separate the eyes from the oil, this is what I love in my breasts, the naturalized you that you cooked from the breast, look at that, you can see that it separates, that the oil goes to the top, the good thing that reaches down,that one's not so amazing either, now I'm going to Roll the breast upside down, reach over here and grab my slicer.
This is the spot right here where I cleaned it up so I could get the burnt ends off. All I'm doing is separating the membrane and the fat that separates these two pieces. of meat from the flat, you see that fat line, place my flat back in a pan, cover it, put it back under the blanket, let it rest because we still have about an hour of cooking time left now that we have our point we want have crust on this side just like we have here take your slice, clean it level the meat remember that piece of fat I tell you not to remove it well there it is now you remove it take a little bit of my Hickory rub we are not going to put the triple layers I'm not going to put the hot hickory and the salt we went from a piece of meat this thick to this thick so I don't want it to be too salty so just a light coat of hickory rub take one of my grills and rub it with the side facing bottom because the heat of 99 of the smokers manufactured today comes from the bottom up.
I want the heat to reach that side. He just cleaned it so it would bark at me. It will go back to the smoker and it will take about another hour to an hour and a half. Well, our point. I've been on for two hours and now we have a nice crust on the bottom, now it's time to take advantage of our good timing to prepare our floor for slices. I took it out of the pan, I still have the grease cap here on the other side. I will eliminate that some people don't like to eat it.
I don't care, but you don't always do it for yourself, you do it for your friends and family, so we have to remove this grease and clean it up a little. Believe it in part. I'm not going to remove it all, but now I'm sticking with the thickest part, whereas before we prepared our saw sauce on the bottom, roll it over the sauce, the top always sauce the top of whatever you want. I'm doing it at the end so it looks better, okay. I have the sauce on top of my brisket. It's time to return to the smoker long enough for the sauce to set.
It takes about four minutes. You know, I want to cook that sauce on top. what you want to do is set it up right, it's not sticky, it's not runny, so here we go, bringing up my point, I'm going to do the same thing, all I'm going to do is sauce the top, so again the point is that a thin piece is not necessary. a lot of sauce and the cubes will be thicker than I will make our slices stick together again during the four minutes I always cut along the grain two pieces of meat that are always spoiled when cut with tri-grains.
The tip and breast are always cut against the grain. The grain, I can see it around the curve, leads me towards you. I'm going to make five and a half inch slices now. I'm not going to throw all this away. I'm just doing it. something to make it pretty now I have all my slices will be five and a half inches so it's not so pretty that's good now it's time to get our point back now same thing here the first cuts will be with the grain the grain is taking me all of you Let's trim this outside edge, make them cuts about half an inch wide, strips coming out half inch wide strips, now we're turning it, we're going to cut across the grain to make our half inch wide cubes, oh look those beautiful little things over there let's bring our plate put some of our burnt ends around it we're not done yet take a little bit of our sauce let's give it a light coating we're not trying too late because we've got the good stuff next now you remember when we we look at you and the fat separator you can see it's separating right there the oil from the good stuff the good stuff is at the bottom I'm going to take a little hit of that look at you even though I'm making a mess, I'm outside, it won't matter, there's the easiest brisket


you've ever seen, with time included the two hour rest, you're looking at no more than six hours start to end, from a 12 to 20 pound brisket, that is the cooking time.
Make sure you choose a good quality piece of meat. Your local butcher will be able to help you. I'm glad to be with all of you today. Rachel, thanks for having me, Rachel, I heard that after 17 years on television you're preparing to retire. I want to tell you that you have been a great inspiration to many people in the food world, including me. I'm going to miss seeing you, but I know you. I'll have fun, maybe one day when I get to that point I can retire with you. I'm looking forward to it, but congratulations on all your success.

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