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May 09, 2024
stay inside simple instructions you can't keep like you know what you've done very soon before you know it they'll just Track you here like you're doomed, you're doomed, Michael, have you forgotten that you're a criminal, a criminal? hard like that. Do you know the seriousness of what you just did? God, I'm going to have a lot of problems. you keep doing this all the time we're in trouble we're in trouble after like you we're in trouble Michael I don't know why why was he calling me Reger I love you like I don't know who knows with all the crazy things you've been doing who knows more than Jesus so it's possible that he has like a double gang member that's over they saw it I'm doomed isn't it like you never knew this was going to happen or is there something you fear are you afraid of losing him because you like him?
my sugar boss   maurice sam okawa shaznay ese eriata
No, why would you think of something like that? I have nothing but pure hatred for that man, so tell him that. the truth tell him the truth and ask for forgiveness before he finds out tell him the truth hey brother you again yes please I hey hey hey hey wait wait brother please a minute I need a minute of your time please I beg you I need to show something good Please, please, see this guy, you look exactly the same as my friend who disappeared three months ago, that's what's missing, yes, it was the same time I had the accident that took me to see, I'm not wrong , we have been searching everywhere. for you brother everywhere you are here to arrest me no, you are here to arrest me for drug trafficking right, you are a policeman no no no no no no wait, wait brother, I'm not a policeman, I look like a policeman no, listen, brother, it's possible If you don't trust me, you may not believe me, but I need you to please trust me on this one.
my sugar boss   maurice sam okawa shaznay ese eriata

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my sugar boss maurice sam okawa shaznay ese eriata...

I have to take you somewhere, show you some things that might juggle your memory, okay, I only showed you your picture now, so it's not that I'm lying, it's okay, but I just need you to trust me, come with me, let me show you something, please, I'm begging you, please, this house I like everything in this house and more it all belongs to you and um, I couldn't wait. for you to come back she left at some point so sad she told me that we are married she came from me at the hospital who is that Monica the lady I am living with as my wife Monica but Monica is your housemate what is Monica your house M you are not married, you only help if you want, my name is TGA, she is gone, she is only here for KN, the house, I say, I think I should show you everything, so the whole composition belongs to you, series men .
my sugar boss   maurice sam okawa shaznay ese eriata
All In, where do you have it? I thought we had agreed that you wouldn't go out anymore why would you do this to me Monica tell me do what Michel what are you talking about stop stop calling me that's not my name you lied to me you used me he manipulated me that whole story of being a criminal why because because you wanted to be in control why look I don't remember much but from what I have gathered you were my domestic staff not my wife why would you do this to me what did I ever do you kill my daughter that's what you did and yes I was your domestic staff and I hated you because you are the most despicable human on this Earth You are evil your daughter yes I lost Zena because of you I lost her just like that, if you were nice to me, just a little kind and understanding, she will still be here, but no , if you remember anything, you remember that you were the worst human being ever, so you should thank your stars because I didn't want anything.
my sugar boss   maurice sam okawa shaznay ese eriata
More than killing you, my daughter was the most important thing to me since my husband died, she was my everything to me, but you didn't care, you humiliated me, you oppressed me, you treated me like I was nothing. It matters, you can go ahead and have me arrested, do whatever you want, but look, I don't regret anything I did to you because you deserve much worse. I didn't know you lost a son than a beautiful girl, you're right I'm a monster and you were right to treat me the way you did, I mean if I was in your place I probably would have done worse Monica I'm sorry, I feel it a lot in recent years.
The months I have lived with you have helped me change my life. I have lived on both sides and I realize what it feels like to be in your place and if I have learned anything it is to value and respect people regardless of their social status. and I'm so grateful that you broke me so many times I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you helped me become a better version of myself and I'm super grateful for that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's Okay, I'm so sorry. , why did you decide to work as a partner? I mean, you live in a nice house, this place is good, you're doing well, this place, the thing is my husband had made a payment and we made a payment for 3 years before he passed away, we're lucky to have A roof over our heads, but other than that there's nothing, so I had to find something, anything, something to help us, looking for something better, I just had to do something.
To my daughter I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm so sorry, yes I did, please sit down. I asked for your account number because I wanted to pay you for the last 3 months that I haven't been in, okay? I also added an additional 20,000 Nira, which means I am increasing your Sal salary from 30,000 to 50,000 God, thank you please, please stand up, please, okay, okay, please don't ever thank me like that. I'm not God, okay, okay. can you go back to your post oh wow you called me sir yes please ok can we drop the S and just call me by my name?
I don't think I can do that, I mean, regardless of everything that happened. still my


about that I saw your certificate you have a diploma in business administration that's where I also saw your date of birth that's why I know that you are suitable for the job and if you don't mind me asking you why you decided to work as a partner, well, You and I know how difficult it is to get a job in this country. I mean, I've been looking and looking and I'm still looking, so there's a secretary position available in my office.
I'm speechless, I just say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I will, I will accept it. I'm very grateful, thank you very much, it's okay, it's okay. I should thank you. I have learned a lot from you. I learned that it doesn't cost a dime to be kind, just be kind to your neighbor and I'm so sorry I put you through all that, thank you, it's okay, can I take it home? um, okay, go, okay. What's happening? I'm fine, what happened to her? TGA has been arrested, wait yes, but you told me you were going to New York to follow her modeling career.
Wow, she stole from a guy. Wow, well, that's good for her, that's good for her, no. no I'm fine I'm fine she will definitely be there for a long time after stealing from me thank you thank you

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