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My sister is jealous of my hair

May 31, 2024
Hi, my name is Ashlynn and I'm from Brooklyn. Please like and subscribe. My twin


Brooke and I were born to a single mother and were the cutest pair of twins with beautiful blonde


. Oh my god, I always wanted a daughter, but to each their own. Since God gave me these good-for-nothing demons, how about you give me one of your girls? At that moment I bit the woman on the hand and she ran to save her life, brock, how many times have I told you not to be so violent? I'm Brooke. Mom Ashlynn Mom was surprised because usually Brooke was the one with the bad temper and I was the well-behaved girl, but I couldn't help it.
my sister is jealous of my hair
People were always trying to pick us up because of our super long


, which even Mom thought was going to happen. become super famous one day, but I didn't really like that whole thing about being famous, I was a studious girl and loved books and Brook was the polar opposite of me, everyone at school was her friend and she was the director of the drama club with a big fan followed me in sixth grade, I surpassed my grades and mom took us to a fun fair as a treat, but on the way she ran into a friend and while I was checking out the stands, Brooke went to buy ice cream, but minutes after.
my sister is jealous of my hair

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my sister is jealous of my hair...

I heard her scream, I ran to check it out and some guy was fighting with her over the last piece of ice cream flavor they both wanted. I was here first. Let go you crazy witch, hey leave my


alone, give it to me now or you both will. I went home suddenly crying, Brooke took the ice cream and shoved it in her face and the guy went crazy, he took out the biggest wad of gum I had ever seen in my life and shoved it right in the back of Brook's head, Oh my god, I kicked her knee and she fell in the pig pen at the petting zoo but now Brooke's head looked like a bird's nest and mom almost fainted when she saw Brooke, she immediately took her to the hair salon. but even the hairdresser was scared when she saw the giant mess, there's no way. we can take this off, we'll have to cut it all off, but since there was no other option, they gave Brook a haircut and she looked devastated the whole way home, I tried to cheer her up, it's just hair, Brook, it will grow back. in no time but she didn't say a word and when we got home she ran to her room and locked herself so I tried different ways to cheer her up this time I baked your favorite cookies brother open up I asked mom to buy them. bts concert tickets and she agreed i'm going to be mom brooke and that's when she finally opened God you're so dramatic so could it be that we're related days later when the school reopened for the new session ?
my sister is jealous of my hair
She made Brook wear a wig, but since it was summer, Brook kept scratching her head like crazy the entire time. Oh God, please stay away from me. I think she has lice. How dare you say she doesn't have lice at that moment? The boy sitting behind Brooke. She noticed that her wig was falling off and he took it off. Oh God, she's bald. Wow, we can finally tell Brooke and Ashlynn apart. The one with the pretty hair is Ashlyn and the bald one is Brooke. All the kids started laughing and Brooke looked furious. She jumped on the boy who took off her wig and grabbed her hair until she screamed, the teacher pulled her away and was about to send her to the principal when I begged her to let him go and luckily Brooke got out with a warning but at the same time Next morning when Brooke came down mom and I was surprised.
my sister is jealous of my hair
Forgot your wig, darling? Everyone knows how I look now mom and she makes me itch. Come on, honey, you wouldn't want to leave the house looking like an egg. Mom, I think you look great. Brooke, whatever, I don't need your approval, huh? What was that about in school? I warned all the kids not to mess with my sister, but it seems Brooke didn't care anyway. Then one time I was in the hallway at school when Brooks drama club members approached me. Ashlynn Brook left the club, but we really need a pretty girl to star in the play.
Can you accept the role of her? Please, they kept begging me to replace Brooke and didn't leave until I said yes, but at that moment a guy walked past me and I dropped all my books. Hey look at him buddy but when he turned around I was surprised to see it was Brooke oh sorry I thought I didn't see it was you yeah that's what Ash said she was. I just turned around angrily and walked away and I felt so stupid for not recognizing her after that day, something changed in Brooke and she started talking to me less and less and mom only made things worse every time we went out.
Brooke wore a cap a few weeks later when we got home from school mom was screaming with joy, oh honey I have good news, a few weeks ago I sent Brooke's photos to a company that was looking for a new model and guess what for? They selected her. The first time in a long time I saw a big smile on Brooke's face and then mom said, but now Ashlynn is going to have to play the role. What are you saying mom? Mom told us that the company wanted to use a model for their new hair products and Brooke had since lost her hair.
My hip-length natural blonde hair made me perfect for the role at the time. Brooke grabbed a vase on the table and smashed it on the floor. How can you do this to me? Those were my photos. I was the one who was selected. She can't take my place, but what can we do if your hair doesn't grow back? It's been like this for months and God knows if she'll ever grow up listening to Mom's words again. Brooke ran to her room crying and I told Mom she was. I won't, oh Ash, I wish I never had to tell you this, but things are very difficult at work for me right now, I might even get fired and I'm very worried about how I'm going to take care of my daughters.
Seeing mom so stressed, I had to accept the offer, but now Brooke was very angry with me, especially after mom took her to the doctor and we found out that her hair growth rate had drastically reduced for some reason, so his hair was getting so slow. It took a long time to grow back later that night while I was sleeping I felt someone pulling on my hair and when I opened my eyes I saw it was Brooke trying to cut it. Oh my god, Brooke, are you crazy? Yes, I'm crazy and now I'm going to convert.
You inside me, luckily mom came in at that moment and pulled her away, she scolded Brook really hard and after that day Brook stopped talking to me the next week, mom took me to the audition and when I got the part we had to fly to Los Angeles for the entire year, but Brooke was not happy about moving. I don't understand why we have to leave everything behind just for her. Why can't you be happy for your sister Brooke? This is very important and, honestly, not like you. I have many friends here. You could use a fresh start too.
Despite Brooke's protests, we moved to Los Angeles. The campaign I ran became a huge success in a short time and my ads were everywhere on buses, billboards and television by the time I turned 15. I had a huge portfolio of modeling work and mom had become my manager and she decided to enroll me in a private school, honey, you're a celebrity, now your safety and education have to come first. She was beyond excited to finally have a proper education after all. These years of modeling and I asked mom to sign Brooke up with me too, but as soon as we walked into our new school, kids came running up to me to take autographs and selfies and followed me everywhere and I hated it, but there was Someone who loved to see me so miserable Brooke over the years.
I tried to include her in everything I made of her. She even bought her designer dresses to wear with me on the red carpet, but she just threw them in the trash. What's wrong, Brooke? I have the dress made especially for you. I don't need your charity. Ash, especially when everything you are now is because of me. I hated the bitterness Brook had in her heart for me and I wished I could take it away, didn't I? Worry about her love, you don't have time for her


y, you just focus on your work. Time passed and Brooke gained confidence in her own appearance and joined a local modeling agency and I decided that I was going to leave the world of fame and finally concentrate on my studies but the same day mom told me that I had been chosen for the lead role in a big movie but mom I told you no oh honey this is the last time I promise you it's just that I made an agreement and now if you say no, we will have to pay a large sum of money to cancel it, okay, but it was the last time, a few days later, we had the movie announcement party and mom was taking me to buy it when a card fell out of her purse.
It was an invitation card for Brooke's first play at the theater where she played the lead role. Mom, we should definitely go cheer on Brooke because this will mean a lot to her. It's the same day as your movie announcement party and that. it's more important. but I didn't totally agree, I left mom at the movie party and snuck out to see Brooke perform and she was amazing. I didn't find it in her dressing room, but I left her flowers and left. My movie started filming shortly after and I was a I was a little starstruck when I met the lead actor, Tom, he was a super famous movie star at the age of only 20 and had a huge following, but it was very friendly and instantly made me feel comfortable and over the course of filming we became really good friends on my 18th birthday, Tom even surprised me with a cake and congratulated me, but at that moment I noticed Brooke outside my dressing room, I went out to see her, but she was already gone and then I didn't see her all day, but the The next morning I woke up to an actor's worst nightmare, my phone buzzing like crazy and pictures of me hugging Tom and rumors of our connection They were all over the news, but there was no way anyone on set could have leaked those photos and That's when I remembered seeing Brooke on set the day before Holy Freaks.
I couldn't believe I had sunk so low afterwards, when I left the house there were paparazzi everywhere and I had to dress up to go to the shoot when We got to the set, we were about to start filming when Tom's girlfriend walked onto the set and He threw the newspapers in my face, you homewrecker, how dare you try to steal my boyfriend, you ugly-faced lizard? I didn't steal from anyone, it's all fake news, baby, can you please? Calm down, but she didn't calm down and tried to attack me at that moment, Brook came up behind her and threw a slushie on that witch's head and security took her away for trying to create chaos on the set.
Brooke, what are you doing here after ruining me? reputation What are you talking about? Oh, stop it. I saw you on set yesterday and I know it was you who sent my photos with Tom to the media. Have you completely lost yourself? It wasn't me who did it. Mom, what the hell funyuns? Mom was the one who sent your photos to the media. I heard her talking on the phone this morning. That's what I came to tell you, but I saw you on set last night because it was our birthday doll. You came to see my work even when you had a big movie party and it meant a lot to me, so I thought I would return the favor by visiting you, but as soon as I got here I got an important call and I had to leave.
But that was not all. Brooke told me that she had doubts that Mom had been up to no good and when we investigated it we discovered that Mom had been stealing from me and filling her bank accounts. Holy monster, she was a blood-sucking mosquito. The next day mom came shouting to us with joy. I have the best news. Ash. I signed you up for three more movies and now we'll be super rich. That's why you sent my photos to the media. Who told you that? Even if I looked on the bright side, all that publicity and dating rumors with the superstar got you three more movies, but you sold your own daughter for money, shut up Brooke, mom, we're not kids anymore who you can manipulate so easily, yeah . you broke our trust and stole your own son you are the worst manipulative liar i have ever seen oh no don't say that ash i did everything for you guys you are a liar mom you did everything for yourself and that's why I canceled all your contracts and removed you from my position as manager.
No, you can't do that. Guess what we already did. Suddenly mom completely lost her temper and tried to attack me, but luckily Brooke had called security and the police and they. I took her away, I'm so sorry Ash, I always thought you were a bad person and I always blamed you for everything, but mom was the real devil and she played with us as she wanted. Okay, Brooke, you have nothing to apologize for, but yeah, no. I don't think I can keep filming this stupid movie. How about you take my place in it? You mean it, of course.

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