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My Prescription For Dealing With Change | Dr. Raymond Mis | TEDxProvidence

Jun 06, 2021
thank you courage is being able to face your fears and many of us fear


people places the world around us


s constantly many see change as an opportunity to give up when in reality it is an opportunity to grow my name is dr. Raymond mythos and I am a certified gastroenterologist sixteen years ago today I was sitting at home praying that one day I would have something positive to share with anyone who would listen to me shortly before I turned forty I was declared legally blind suddenly my The future was very dark thank you to the development of technological education and an incredible wife, a great family, friends, a strong faith.
my prescription for dealing with change dr raymond mis tedxprovidence
I am here today to share with you. My experience strengthened hope. My recipe for facing change. I grew up in New York and had two fantastic parents, both of them. There were only two jobs in my life, so I taught and was taught the value of hard work. My sister and I were raised Catholic, so I have a solid spiritual foundation and our house was filled with a lot of love from the beginning and the wife I had. the expectations of going through life having a life from beginning to end full of happiness I also learned from a very young age that life is hard several events occurred in my life when I was young that influenced me for the rest of my life the first occurred In 1969 , our hometown team, the New York Mets, went from last place to first place, and when I was young, all I wanted to do was play baseball for our hometown team, the New York Mets.
my prescription for dealing with change dr raymond mis tedxprovidence

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my prescription for dealing with change dr raymond mis tedxprovidence...

Four years later, the Mets reached the World Series again, but they didn't. Another event occurred that would have a major impact on me for the rest of my wife while I was walking home from school. I was hit by a car which destroyed my right stele and my dreams of playing competitive sports ever since. I have had nine. operations on my legs and knees the night before one of those operations I was sitting in the x-ray department of Special Surgery in New York City, a group of doctors came in and presented my case and he quickly left and then I watched a young resident dr.
my prescription for dealing with change dr raymond mis tedxprovidence
Feta sat next to me and said, Ray, do you have any questions about what might have happened tomorrow? I didn't know how to respond so I watched Dr. Feta take one hand and gently place it on my leg and with a pen in the other hand I started during the operation that would be performed the next morning on that knee I immediately felt the power of his touch and they said this is what I want what to do in life I want to be a doctor. I enrolled in Siena College in upstate New York and into the pre-med program after my first semester, my advisor, Dr.
my prescription for dealing with change dr raymond mis tedxprovidence
Laura said Ray, your grades won't be good enough to get into medical school. You should think about another career. Never forget that the doctor nourished the touch of him. I asked for a chance to prove myself. I tried hard and to this day I am so grateful that dr. Woodrow believed in me because he gave me a second chance. I pushed myself academically and began researching with doctors. I was at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. I applied to medical school but didn't get in my first year. I was waiting. -Listed in all the schools I applied to so I wouldn't forget Dr. fetes touch I didn't want to give up I enrolled in graduate school in biology at Saint John's University full-time at night I continued to do research full-time during the day and I reapplied for medical school coming out of the interview at New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Maine, a doctor Novotny looked at me and said: Hi Ray, if you don't get into medical school this year, do you have any other plans? ?
I woke him up in the eye and said: I guess I'll see you again next time. year, five days later, on a day we called Good Friday, I received my acceptance letter and since then I have never looked back, my wife and I Margaret settled here in Rhode Island. Shoei, after establishing the practice, we celebrated the birth of our daughter Shannon and Olivia, we sure have. To begin practicing, I was selected as one of the best doctors in the state by my peers in the state of Rhode Island and sold widely. I never gave up on my dreams at the age of 38.
I started having some health problems now, you would notice. I had some difficulty hearing and was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss, it is partial and to this day I still use hearing aids to hear clearly as I approach my 40's. I notice that I have trouble reading the fine print. I said, God, everyone says when I turn 40 you need reading glasses two days before you turn 40. I put them in my shower and they noticed I had a hard time focusing on my face to shave. I think I completed that process from memory. I got dressed, got in my car and started driving to the hospital.
As they pulled out of our driveway and came to the stop sign at the end of our cul-de-sac, I watched as he couldn't see the stop sign and then I watched and proceeded to do one of the stupidest things in my life that I challenged . I drove myself to the hospital while they made the gentle right turn. Luckily I caught the brake lights of one of my neighbors. I followed those brake lights onto the freeway as soon as we got on the freeway, that car pulled out and I was stuck traveling in the right lane, there were only two exits on the freeway.
I had to change his abnormal vision and he gently guided the car into the hospital parking lot, turning it off for the last time. I noticed my fingers were numb from gripping the steering wheel and I had sweated I went to the hospital I called my secretary and we canceled most of the day I called my wife and we went to see an ophthalmologist that day thinking I would simply need a


for glasses if there was upon evaluation, it was not a


I received, but I received the news that I was now legally blind and would never again be able to drive or perform procedures on patients.
I was devastated. I pulled my wife's story out of my back pocket. I don't know. I remember reading this chapter over the next few months, my wife and I went around the country doing more tests to figure out what was wrong. In fact, I went to work every day and, although I didn't know how to use my vision, I had my secretaries read patient records to me. He would go into the ward, assess patients, and if they needed a procedure, he would refer them to a colleague to do it. In February 2002, I was told another valuable lesson about why not all relationships. and my wife was built to last my professional relationship was over I know a wave and restlessness came over me and I had a sleepless night and if the sun came out that night and early in the morning I had the memory of a conversation I had with low vision specialist in dr.
Badillo in Connecticut working on his visit told me, you know, darn, it might be a question of when or if you could do the procedures again. As soon as I arrived at the office that day, I had a feeling of hope. I called dr. Boudreau and I asked them what they meant by that bill. His experience was that if I could sit in front of a 20-inch monitor, my vision would be corrected until 2025, as if I were wearing a pair of glasses while receiving the phone. They called the state medical health committee and said ray, you're not going to believe this, but there was a group of doctors here who recruit struggling enchiladas, their experience was that if you could do 30 procedures and follow sighted doctors, they would examine your eyes. regularly and review your records, you would be considered saving the doctor, then we took our monitor and put it in the back of our procedure room at the hospital for weeks every morning.
He would go to the hospital sitting in a corner watching other doctors during their procedures. and we communicated back and forth what was being seen and what was being done one early morning in the dr. Candice Dyer said Ray, once you come here and finish this procedure for me, the room opened up like the Red Sea. I'm not sure how I got into the position I did, but the monitor was where it should be. I'm not even sure how. the gloves went on my hand but it was like riding a bike and they put the scope back on my hand with the lasers that I scared on that screen and also the dr.
Dyer, what do you say Ray? What do you think of those power-ups on the screen? As I looked there, I couldn't see any polyps. I couldn't see anything wrong and suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I mean, I can't do this. Don't put people in danger, I replied quietly, I don't see polyps. She said, well, because there aren't any, so dr. Dyer was testing me. Word on the street was that I could recruit any health and 60 patients volunteered to be my first good friend of mine. John said ray because you had a good bucket of will and they continued thinking about a story I once heard about doing the right thing, a gentleman commented: you know, every morning when you get ready to go to work, you take your shirt off. hanger and the hanger falls to the floor, the first thing I do is pick up that hanger and put it back on. the rack and he said yes, I understand that for years he would be ready to work, my hanger would fall to the floor.
I said I want to deal with this later, at the end of the day, I would go back to that closet with my naked body. The feet fall down that perch and no longer experience exquisite pain. As soon as the hanger hits the ground, they put it back on the shelf after completing a rigorous accreditation process on April 18, 2002. I was the real estate practitioner and have never looked back since. That time my name appeared in Rhode Island Monthly magazine. I am one of the best doctors in the state of Rhode Island. A magazine called the best doctors in America and everyone.
Many compassionate care awards were written in 2012. Articles were written about how to tell if your doctors are doing quality work. and these articles said that doctors should detect precancerous polyps in 20 to 25% of their patients with the help of our hospital. My palm detection rate was 42%, almost double what was accepted before we fought. Excited doctors, that's thanks to technology last year. I really liked saying, Hey, Ray, let's bring in a group of doctors who don't know who they are. Impartial. A gentleman spent a day with me and I did 13 cases and at the end of the day he commented that he praised my technique and at the end.
In the end he spoke to my medical director saying that Ray was seeing things that many, if my colleagues in Pennsylvania had missed, the achievement I am most proud of, though, is being able to return to the softball and soccer fields as coaches for my daughter, maybe it wouldn't have been. I could see them get a hit or score a goal, but as a parent who was on the field with them several years ago, I read a quote from Henry Ford and it said something like this: Experiences of extreme value in life, I think to be true for being able to look at our experiences I learned from them we grow by facing and correcting our mistakes and turning them into assets during the last 16 years I have had the opportunity to look at my wife and see how I live it.
I have done things absolutely differently, but it is progress, not perfection, but he also saw it in reality. I told my wife based on five principles. I called them my recipe for


with change. The first is the acceptance of responsibility, passion and purpose. What about acceptance? I was taught the serenity prayer many years ago in a 12-step recovery program that said: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the truth. difference. Can I change my vision and hearing loss every day when I look at my alarm clock and can't see the numbers from my pillow?
I save my low vision and hearing and promise myself to give my A-game in everything I do. day what about things? I can change my attitude I see my attitude as my tuned button If my attitude is cloudy everything becomes a little darker If my attitude is bright everything becomes clearer What about daily responsibility? Responsible for facing my fears daily. Also, if I have hurt someone, I take responsibility and make amends. How about responsibility number three? This is the one that got me out of bed every day. The first responsibility I have was to our community. and our patients, taking care of them, most importantly, a responsibility to take care of my wife and children, and most importantly, a responsibility to myself, to reach my potential in life.
It is for this reason that I had a plan B that was always going to have to be a plan B, so I thought about becoming an entrepreneur and one day I started eating ice cream. I started thinking, hey, you know, I promote fiber daily. Only 3% of us get enough fiber for well-being. Ninety percent of American households buy ice cream. two together, so although I got my career back, I never gave up the dream of ice cream, with the help of my wife and an amazed team we promoted and launched a product with benefits, an ice cream called ice cream really good, all natural, it hasbenefits.
I got twenty three percent of your daily fiber but the second benefit we hope we donate part of the profits to groups that help blind children so that they too can reach their potential in life what about passion if I didn't have passion for life and my career? What I do for a living would never have overcome so many obstacles to get to where I am today if you love your job you will never have to work a day in your life. I believe that is truth and purpose. I used to think. My purpose in life was to find and care for my patients, provide for my family, but I believe my purpose in life is to find inner peace and serenity.
Well, how do I take care of my mind, my body and my spirit through three events? of the triathlon events of life and also got rid of that word expectations of having expectations like two women fear losing something you don't have or have or something you want the other thing is to get something you want A couple of years ago I woke up one morning and I thought I was seeing better. I know I suddenly thought: what is this about?, followed by a small feeling of disappointment. I actually sat back and said, Where is this coming from?
Well, you'd do anything. get your vision back, get your hearing back, be independent again, drive and then I realized I had changed. If I had given this talk 15 years ago, it would have been full of resentment from all the people who turned their backs on me, but today it is full of gratitude, the proverbial kick in the stomach was the kick in the pants I needed to get back on my feet. foot. I also learned that I changed the way I prayed. I used to pray to get my vision back from my hearing loss, but today my prayers are for giving. give me the strength to get through my day with life on life's terms and please do the same for my loved ones give us this day our daily bread I also pray to have the courage to face my fears daily and they finally pray to move on The door to my past opens just a little bit so that when life gets rough and tough I can look at my experiences and know that no matter how heavy the weight is on my shoulders, I won't break down when it reflects.
The future is difficult, it is difficult because no one can predict what will happen tomorrow, but I hope that by sharing my experiences, knowing that you can see your own experience, there is hope for a really good tomorrow. It is within each one. and I thank each of us

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