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My Holy Grail Retinoids List | Dermatologist Picks!

Jun 16, 2024
If there's one skincare product you should add to your anti-aging skincare routine besides sunscreen, it's a retinoid, so today I'm sharing my Holy Grail


with you. I'm Dr. Sam Ellis and I'm a board-certified


in Northern California. I'm here to help you understand your skin and find products that work for you, so if that sounds good, like this video and don't forget to subscribe to the channel, you hear all the time that


are good for your skin. but why are they good for the skin and what are they? Retinoids refer to a category of ingredients that are all molecules derived from vitamin A and under that general term of retinoids there are multiple different retinoid ingredients that you may have heard of that are used in the fight against skin. -aging skin care and those include things like retinol retinal, also known as retinal hide adapalene troin and Tartine and those are just some of the retinoids that exist, there are many more that are used in cosmetic formulations, but those are the main ones and the heavy ones.
my holy grail retinoids list dermatologist picks
The retinoids highlighted within the field of dermatology can actually be used for a variety of things, so they're pretty well known for their anti-aging benefits, which I'll get to in a second, but we also use them as medications for people who struggle with Things like retinoids for acne and psoriasis work by increasing cell turnover, they also decrease inflammation and can help you build collagen and protect the collagen you already have, so when we look at retinoids through an anti-aging lens, which is the focus of this video, they help with everything. kinds of things like fine lines and wrinkles sagging skin texture problems dullness and discoloration and as a


and a bit of a skincare junkie, I've tried many different retinoids over the years and I'm going to share my Best You Pick , the gold standard when it comes to anti-aging is prescription troin.
my holy grail retinoids list dermatologist picks

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my holy grail retinoids list dermatologist picks...

Now you can get it over the counter in some countries, but in the United States you do need a prescription and the reason Tran is the gold standard is because it is the best studied and has been shown in a large number of clinical trials to help with things like fine lines, wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, etc., but I want to be very clear that that does not mean that the retinoids that you have access to without a prescription, whether that's adapalene retinol or retin aldhy are ineffective and there are studies to support that Retinoids available over the counter also have anti-aging benefits, and you'll sometimes hear dermatologists say that if you're not using tro and don't even bother, but the reality is, as a practicing dermatologist, you see that many patients actually can't and never They will be able to tolerate tanoan due to side effects like dryness and irritation, so it's great to have these over-the-counter options that offer accessibility and convenience.
my holy grail retinoids list dermatologist picks
They are also much less irritating. Let's get into the products and I'll start with one of my absolute favorites. You've heard me talk about it before medicating Crystal retinal 20, so retinal is also known as retinal dhide, which is what it contains. This is just one step away from tretinoin or retinoic acid in your skin. So, inside your skin, retinol is converted into retin aldhy and converted into retinoic acid, which exerts the positive effect. Now things like retinol and retin aldhy can be a little unstable in skincare and One of the reasons I'm a big fan of the medications is because they have a lot of technology in how they stabilize their retin aldhy within their formulation. and this is really important because you want to make sure that the concentration of retin aldhy that what you get on the package says is actually reflected in what's happening in your skin. medicar also does something really interesting when it comes to formulating their retinoids, which is that they don't just formulate them in one potency, so for example, this Crystal retina product exists in multiples. strengths or concentrations of retin alide my



is retin alide 20, which is the strongest form of retin aldhy that I have seen available without a prescription, so for someone who may not be able to tolerate Tran or do not have access to Tran, but you are looking for something that is powerful and will get the job done when it comes to helping with fine lines and wrinkles, texture issues etc. this is my go to and you will also hear me all the time talking about how you should wear your products with retinoids not only on the face but also on the neck, chest and hands, but many people, including myself, cannot tolerate prescription tretinoin on the neck and chest, it causes too much irritation, so in that case look for a good retin aldhy product.
my holy grail retinoids list dermatologist picks
Using it off the face can be really nice, this is one of the more expensive retinoids out there, but I really feel like this formula is unique and special and worth that investment. This product is also quite creamy so I think it's really good if you have dry skin. skin, another retin aldhy product that I love is narum, it's the retin aldhy cream serum and it actually comes in two different concentrations: 0.05% and 0.1%. You can tell I'm a fan of those graduated concentrations because retinoids can be irritating when you start them, you can start with a slightly lower concentration and then work your way up as your skin tolerates it, it gives you a goal to reach.
I love how beautifully it glides onto the skin and how wonderfully it sits under my moisturizer, so I always apply a retinoid at night and then a moisturizer on top, but this is such a beautiful formula, they did it so well now. I don't think I can do a Holy Grail retinoids video without thanking you. Adapalene, also known as adapalene gel 0.1, actually used to be a prescription renoid. You could only get it from your doctor, but now it's available without a prescription and that's wonderful if you're looking for a retinoid available without a prescription to help. you with your acne this is absolutely my number one choice don't bother with retinols or retin alahh adapalene is known as a third generation retinoid so it will work on the retinoic acid receptors within your skin, but it is considered much gentler and people tend to have less irritation when using something like adapalene compared to troan and there are studies showing that 0.1% adapalene is as effective as 0.025% troin in the US .This is the most powerful retinoid that you can get over the counter and without a prescription. so I love my retin aldhy products and my adapalene when I'm looking for something super potent to use as a retinoid.
However, I recognize that not everyone will be able to tolerate them or enjoy those particular formulas, so I have an amazing retinol. options for you too, one of the best retinol products I've tried is Shaunie Darden's retinol reform. Now this product not only has retinol in it but it also has lactic acid so it's an alpha hydroxy acid that's used in exfoliation and you. You might be thinking that it would be very irritating to combine a retinoid plus an acid, but whatever they have done with this formula is not irritating at all and makes your skin look so beautiful and glowing.
Lactic acid is also a humectant. that helps retain water in the skin so I find that you get more immediate results when using a product like this because you get that skin plumping effect, you also get that more immediate exfoliation with the lactic acid and then that gives it the retinol. some time to take effect if you're not only trying to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, but you're also using your retinoid to help with things like texture and discoloration, strategically combining it in a good formula with some kind of exfoliant like the one Shie Darden has done here is the way to go, of course, you can always add an extra exfoliation step to your routine, but if you are someone who has more sensitive skin or want a skin care routine more simplified, this is the Retinol for you and my last



, retinol is stradia's night shift right now.
I've talked about this retinol product many times on this channel, but I'm consistent in what I like. This is an incredibly beautiful creamy retinol product, so for people who have very dry or sensitive skin, it is a beautiful moisturizer in addition to retinol allinone. I also really like that Stradia is very transparent with the amount of retinol that is in this product, so if you are someone who is trying to work on being able to tolerate higher concentrations of retinol or even move to retin alahh you know this is what you are starting with with 0.15% encapsulated retinol this product is absolutely my go to retinoid product Gateway if someone stops me at a party and finds out I'm a dermatologist and wants a recommendation for a retinoid, I always use this one, what are some of your favorite retinoids?
Share it in the comments. Thank you very much for watching, like this video and subscribe to the channel. See you next time.

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