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My Girlfriend DM'd 100 of my Friends to See Who Would Reply..

Jun 04, 2021
see if the guys are going to lie for me because all the dear guys that were with Yo that time, so it looks like they're going to end up lying, okay, the first person he's going to call is Romney's husband, Jessica, okay, let's see what does he say, he's the friend, although he's like family to me now, so Ramy, it's Kalyn, hey, I was wondering, was it Brian? with you on Sunday Sunday why oh because I was wondering because like he said something that didn't make sense, even though it didn't make sense, like what was he, yeah, he was with me, but we're fishing, oh, really, you guys were fishing on Sunday, yeah , what, oh, okay, I was just curious, but thanks, okay, yeah, no problem, yeah, we're listening, okay, cool, thanks, bye, yeah, what were we, what were we choosing, no, you weren't The next person we're going to call is Marco Marco is the friend and he lives in San Diego, he knows that.
my girlfriend dm d 100 of my friends to see who would reply
I'm dating Kaelin, we're doing well, or maybe I could call from my phone. Hi Marco, I'm Kale and Brian's


. Hello how are you? Well, well, I was wondering if Brian was with you on Sunday, this Sunday. Yes, yes, him. He came, he came down to where I am We went to the beach Oh yeah, he wasn't the beach, yeah, but just for a moment It's cool Oh, okay, okay, okay, thank you, yeah, no problem, okay, Goodbye, Marco, I love you, let's go. I love you so they were at the beach and Rami was with Marco and Brian at the beach and then they went fishing and okay last but not least Clint okay let's see what he has to say.
my girlfriend dm d 100 of my friends to see who would reply

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my girlfriend dm d 100 of my friends to see who would reply...

I have a feeling he's not going to lie for me. I think it's too honest. I also believe it. Hey, oh, Clint, hey, I was just wondering. Was Brian with you on Sunday? Was Brian with me on Sunday? Yes, oh yes, he was here. Why what happened? He was just curious, but he's fine, thanks. Yeah, he was here, okay, cool, thanks, okay, bye, yeah, we've got three loyal


here, come on, so now I know they've got my back when I'm kidding, just kidding, when you, what do you want? He's fine, so are we. I waited about an hour for my


to respond and we actually received two more responses.
my girlfriend dm d 100 of my friends to see who would reply
Are you ready for this. I'm ready. We have the adaptation. I actually assumed Adapt


respond. Yeah, you did, but he responded with something super funny, so the message was: Hi, what's up? upstairs just wanted to see if you want to hang out soon he said triflin smh well it's a good thing i didn't really send that and then we got a message from kira who is kayla's


no so he definitely saw the message. you sent caitlyn she said so you don't want to date me ah ok i know the title says cuss out 100 of my friends but i just don't have 100 friends but that's the trend you know.
my girlfriend dm d 100 of my friends to see who would reply
Of the 30 to 40 people we messaged, five of them responded not bad, of course, Sherman is one of them, of course, Brandon said it too, but like it was them together, Kira, you didn't even message him a message, but she noticed, she noticed Tanner Ricegum. of course, of course, I knew that, yeah, Jarvis and Adapt, so seven people actually responded, not bad, that's crazy, some of them were loyal, some of them you didn't know, it is what it is, It was pretty obvious what he was doing. a video thank you all so much for watching be sure to leave a like subscribe if you're new and wait you have one more wait we didn't even message Noah yeah we didn't message Noah I don't have idea of ​​where Noah is. es, but we have to talk to noah, where is this guy?
No what are you doing? Why are you texting caitlyn? I just wanted to see what was wrong. I just arrived in that lambo. I'm so sexy I need a fan.

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