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My Dragonflight Warlock Leveling Guide! Tips, Tricks and Ways to Optimize!

May 25, 2024
bombers before, force after, it's up to you. I'm going to shrink all the time, no big deal, regardless, uh, I grabbed Soul Strike here now. You could very well take this point out and throw it here on felmite, both are probably a wash honestly. To you. Hell, maybe there will just be more storms. It doesn't matter either way, huh, Anelian training here, more Bell fallen guard damage and steal, more filthy storm damage armaments, more thug guard damage and for our Commando, more imp and dreadlock damage and a point here in Guillotine for a massive AOE if you want every 45 seconds or so and I have one point to complete it, I guess one in Demonic Meteor, one in Thunder and then one point to complete it here in summon Demonic Tyrant.
my dragonflight warlock leveling guide tips tricks and ways to optimize
Now I haven't chosen the Soulbound Tyrant or High Warlock skin because honestly, at the beginning of things. they're going to die really fast when you try to tire him out and the pack is dead, it's really not worth it later on, maybe it's worth it, but honestly the demonologist's damage is strong, level your pets, just destroy everything they're running , they are breaking them up. down you're running long pulling the next pack and setting up Tyrant as you go while you go to Tyrant um most likely I mean at certain points it's not incredibly impactful the extension is good for taking pets to the next pack and the next pack, but The actual deficiencies of the tires are not too worrying from the start, maybe even overall, it's up to you now, you could score points on this and just say: "Hey, I don't want to." Guillotine, I don't want this, just do it like this and potential it, okay and add points here later in a similar measure, you can say just take two points in Hounds of War, you can put points in demonic calls, I put zero, but above.
my dragonflight warlock leveling guide tips tricks and ways to optimize

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my dragonflight warlock leveling guide tips tricks and ways to optimize...

For you the biggest thing with the demo is just a passive pet ball that chases me around when you're killing things and I think this is probably the version to start with so if I were to play the demo this is where I would start linking the build below in the video description now if you want to level up as Destruction Warlock in Dragon Flight uh this is the build I've settled on there are so many different


to build a


spec for Destruction you can choose to go the route fire and brimstone, which I don't really recommend, you can go through more here, like your old two-piece four piece that will ruin and destroy Avatar, you can even go into the Embers dialogue, but I think this build is probably the most complete and I just do it better for generic


, so uh, chaos, bolt, randifier, hierogens and the cataclysm, obviously, conflict rate from the start.
my dragonflight warlock leveling guide tips tricks and ways to optimize
Havoc Cry Havoc, which provides many similar things to the stack. Chaos will clear if you're splitting a bunch like AOE stacked by ik asphalt which is pretty cool uh background here obviously we're going to Channel Demon Fire and Raging Demon Fire and leading up to Flashpoint here now we're playing furious obviously it's good, it's more AB damage plus an emulation extension which can be somewhat relevant at certain points at the beginning, things are I'm going to die very quickly, but you also get Flashpoint unlocked here, very solid, uh, one point in explosive potential, just a shorter and safer cooldown, a no-brainer, now we have the option to roar Blaze or What's this called?
my dragonflight warlock leveling guide tips tricks and ways to optimize
Improved conflict here, basically a third conflict, right? most of the time in most scenarios I've gone with Roaring Blaze, it's better overall, more fire damage and as you know permanent split or permanent single target but it's not permanent you know split setup , it's not a single target setup, it's like you. You are attracting mobs and killing them quickly and moving to the right, so I took the third conflict rate. You have improved the conflict rate. Third conflict rate. Shorter conflict rate that goes in the shadows. It burns here, which is fine. You will use it a lot on mobs. they are dying fast free Shard refunds, good for sniping mobs.
Let's move on, but keep in mind to grade buffs confidently so that Third Conflict has a shorter conflict rate, Chaos Conflagration, and Shadow Burns have a 50 chance of ensuring your next cast has the ability to perform a critical hit. so more conflict rates faster conflict rates higher conflict high crit chance go to ruin increases conflagrate CDF damage shadow burn and soulfire you're not even playing uh for 20 conflict rate damage so big short cooldowns all of the above and go into hellish roaring chaos and big


s designed for faster hellions and you have Flashpoint here which gives you a haste booster that decompresses quickly now the most important thing here is to go into a pack you can just cast your cataclysm directly into a CDF, enter a Havoc Cry Havoc split or you know. conflict right split whatever you want to split Shadow Burns if necessary this build should just Munch packs is a massive AOE destroy if you are in a group leveling build.
I can see this is a very solid build, drop your infernal, destroy everything and move. Get on with life now once again you can go into something like let's say you just don't want a conflagration you can go into something like this here no comp no Shadow burn no conflagration no ruin and see how it's okay you know Ashton remains uh two points there two points here and then you'll like ritual ruin instead, maybe just grab Inferno, only it's incredibly customizable. uh I'd rather that Havoc rolling grab didn't grab uh fire and brimstone here, no scorching flames like that if you want to level up. f b okay, you can do it, but I don't think it's worth it from a damage standpoint.
There's no charge and obviously the points you get later are kind of cool, so maybe you can go. on things like eradication leading to fiendish embers and stuff like that, it's not really a place that's okay, I'm missing a spot somewhere that you can grab by rolling Havoc if you want, maybe go into counterattack, but this build it's similar to the Mythic plus builds you played on the stream really just a big consistent cataclysm CDF Havoc meets Cry Havoc the build feels good for leveling up I probably won't play it but if I was playing Destro I'd be happy to have it so many options in Flashpoint hellish chaos shorter a million conflagrations chaos build Kata CDF Havoc let there is a lot in this build, so if you are looking for general items that can help you with leveling speed, experience increases the player's power, everything This is the part of the video for you from the beginning.
I want to try the tree rate. I think it has the fastest run in beta from 60 to 70, it's about three and a half hours long. He has an amazing video that is more detailed. depth in this section about your entire leveling experience items



all of the above. I'll put a link below. I saw him a couple of days ago. I actually forgot about these speed gems. I saw it in your video and here they are. in mind, so shout out to him, he's awesome, check him out if you want a deeper look at certain things.
It has a few more elements. I omit them from this video because they are difficult to demand, they are difficult to grow. low drop rates, like the Timeless Isles Shooting Star, if you want a deeper look check it out, but all these items here are ones you can purchase from the auction house or a very, very, very small bar gold of grinding, so get into it. From the beginning, it may seem quite simple and basic, people forget this a lot. Shadowlands, consumables, flasks, potions, intellect potions, healing potions, armor kits, runes and shadow core cutting, weapon oil, uh, the flask are cheap, potions are very cheap now.
Armor kits are pretty cheap. The augmentation room is permanent, if you don't have it, you can buy the little blue ones, they last an hour. I doubt we're dying much when leveling up, especially as a


, so one is more than enough and weapon oil now. I've seen some people go as far as Wing's Intellect Macro Potions or Angie's Strength once on each skill or some skills I guess and basically popping them on cooldown every five minutes for a bigger energy boost which will be a lot of potions if I want to do that, go ahead, uh, I don't think it's broken or anything, it's a lot of potions and a lot of gold for a very small profit because in the end, if you don't run fast, it doesn't really matter. first of all, but it's an option if you want to do it, feel free, on top of that, get a week on track, uh, potions, flash armor kits, runes, all of the above and there's your player power, Gainer, part of it now, the other big thing here.
What I highly recommend getting are the Guild Battle Standards, Co-Op Banner, Unit Co-Op Standard, and Coordination Battle Standard, they offer an additional 15, 10, and 5 XP if you are killing mobs within 100 yards of the banner now. Small zones experienced for killing mobs in certain parts of different zones are also part of Dragonfly like they were in Shadowlands and previous expansions, small ones like XP zones, all kinds of things, they're very effective there, they're effective just in general. Parts of the Zone you are in en masse there are weak warriors for these. I'll try to find one and put it below in the video description too, so say, hey, this is off cooldown, put it on cooldown, very simple, very effective, free.
The experience is definitely worth getting, it is quite cheap. I think all you need is a friendly guild representative. Now we move on to no. I guess we are suggesting materials that you don't need, but they help you in leveling experience number one. Goblin gliders now. you can ride a dragon very early on in Dragonlands, dragon, dragon flight, good Lord, um, but even with dragon writing, there are times when you might want to hit like a lighter for whatever reason, right. I wanted them even when Max left when I've had a flight every once in a while and before you start dragon riding, there are a few points where these can be effective in getting ahead of the pack.
All of the above, I take a couple of batteries, they're pretty cheap now, but all these items. Here, if they can be purchased from the auction house, they will be more expensive as we get closer to leveling, so pair stacks of Goblin gliders should be good to get to a similar level. Weapon shoes once again. Ride dragon from the beginning, but until you get even at times like when you're leveling, you run on the ground if the weapon shoes are only in AOE, packs go down, get together with one pack, multiple packs, put them all together, They drop pop rock CDs, whatever, blow everything up, gun shoes do that. much more, much faster, much more effective, certainly worth buying now, they cost around 60 gold right now, there will be many more in a couple of days for the release, so if you are watching this video now, get them now to a similar extent to the battery. they last up to 61 essentially like they're not, they don't work beyond 60, but if you're looking for an optimization early on it's probably worth it whether you've warmed it up or not, especially in war mode, getting ahead of the rest is very important, so the glider drums, gun shoes, all of the above here, these things, everything, every little increment of the advantages that you can get, what you want and the drums, do you need help with that, in a similar measure, it has light hoof plates now, these are on a real mounting rig, it's kind of up to you if you want to use them or not, the current mounting rig I have are actually the comfortable Riders boarding, which which prevents you from being some kind of mechanic for days.
Riding dragons is very early for the 10th time so I mean realistically 20. more speed this is actually worth it uh I take one they are also very cheap right now so it's up to you but Get ahead of the rest before you start putting together all of the above. Now, bear tartar is now fried Bonefish. I looked up Bear Tartar and then found out that fried Bonefish is actually apparently a better version, so if you want this, you kill a mob, you get a speed boost, same as bear tartar for a long time, if you want stat food , I would.
I don't necessarily blame you for that, but this gives a substantial speed boost, again, two stacks of swiping two stacks is probably more than enough and the speed gems here are now more than just speed gems when it comes to these. things, so you have the astride Sage, a door, I don't even say that word, uh, and astride viridium here, 28 speed and 19 speed, um, they're unique, so you canhave one of each right, but if you go back to 9.2, maybe even 9.1, I don't remember. with elaborate equipment there is the possibility of adding speed to them so that you have your baseline, uh, resistance and minor speed, increasing your cape.
We al


have here my baseline speed is 100, focus on obviously 103. now you can make multiple pieces of equipment in the 262 versions that they have. They are unique, but the ones that are lower, the 233 versions, are not unique, so in theory you can make them in smaller pieces, like minor idle pieces, you know, the speed gain as long as you have it will decrease your general eye level because it's 233 compared to 304. 311 whatever you're on, but speed can be very useful early on, so for example, I put this. I go from 103 to 109 speed. I put this. I go from 109 to 116 speed.
If I dwell on some gems here, let's release these. two inside, is there a gym there? So throw that one in there. We'll put this big one on my helmet because why not, who cares? Let's do this. I go from 100 to 118 speeds and it shows even just by running. There's a speed boost here, just in case I end up blowing up Rush like a warlock. I'm literally zooming like I'm going to die if I jump here, but I have 178 movement speed with an extension destroyed, making a mistake, very, very, little damage. from running I'm on the ground, run like you have a movement speed of 180 and this is still potentially missing other speed pieces like another ring, you can put it on your neck, maybe we're going to zoom in, we're just zooming in, no. one is holding us back, so every little thing here and there can necessarily be a big problem, but in the end, if you're trying to minimize as much as possible, they all add up, they're all small incremental gains, but in the long run, if you're looking for min max have fun if you enjoy this kind of stuff those are the items I'm looking for to level up now very briefly when it comes to gear there are a couple of things worth mentioning for early leveling uh the most important one is that yes You're using it on Tumblr as Caster, it stops working at level 61.
So you can use it during the first level or so when you're leveling to increase speed and activate the verse, but it stops working at level 61 and up. On top of that, first of all, it has no secondary stats, so you'll want to have some sort of weapon to replace your entombra or your off-hand at a certain point. Now, fortunately, I have a staff of mythical stars and anthrus, um. I would look for one, maybe like if you have a computer plus out there, if you have any players out there upgrade them, if you deleted a staff or an item out of entombra you can go into your item restore on the Blizzard website and try look for.
I checked it and found it. I had to restore the staff, for example, but Tumblr won't work past level 60, so keep that in mind, plus the equipment being mostly at eye level will be the most important level. They don't work anymore, legendaries don't work at all, and even when you have it, even if you have a lower eye level, it's not that big of a problem. First of all, I'll most likely play a trinket like probably some passive trinket maybe like Wallace's hymn something becomes like a passive stat boost and maybe even this thing uh decayed contract core a passive damage trinket and if you want unused shrink it's something like a grenade it's cool.
I wouldn't really use the shattered orbs, there's too much damage being taken, but uh, some sort of satin fold passive range, maybe a passive damage effect like this and a two minute trinket if I'll actually use it if you're not going to hit it , just hit two past the trinkets at the end, no big deal by any means, even if you're relatively prepared, the first few levels really shouldn't be that bad. and around 76, most of your equipment is being replaced anyway. Oh, and I forgot to mention one last thing for those wondering about accumulating 25 quests in your quest log and turning them all in when release comes to get a level ahead of everyone else.
It seems like Blizzard probably took that into account, uh, because currently the daily quests in Surf mortis are giving. I think a thousand experiences, uh, patterns within patterns are giving zero experience, nothing like that. The random world quests in the area don't give any, plus if I fly here to this quest, for example, being the mysterious Greenery. I guess it's giving you a thousand experiences, well even looking at my quest log to see if there are any older quests. I see that you take out your tithe, a thousand experiences. I guess this will be 1K or none here is also a thousand yeah so I'll tell you right now 60 to 61 you need 200,000 experience.
I'm in beta right now at 60. You're not, it's not worth doing 25 missions and spending time spinning. in 25 quests for an eighth of your bar as long as everyone else is in the zone doing quests and getting 10 15K per turn uh if you like this stuff before unfortunately it's over if you hated stacking quests before the expansions come out . Impressive, no. It doesn't seem to work anymore, if that changes I'll update the comments section of the video, but for the most part you just jump into Dragonfly, destroy the zones and have a good time, no Shadowlands quest stacking or anything like that, so yes, thank you.
To see guys, this concludes, hopefully, gave everyone a better idea of ​​what Warlock looks like from each respect perspective to level up and head into the Dragonflight, which, as of the day of filming, will be within seven days. I'm going to love it. inspection uh I'll probably be in a group with the guild but either way being able to tag a group of mobs just run run run everyone just dies you can heal yourself infinitely with ID and have a diabolical dry burn. Rush on the all the time seems pretty solid at the same time demo just passive pet slash hit a mob just run and then your pets destroy them even Smash in a group setting even a single heart or even a single target uh solo leveling, ok just pull a group of mobs Drop the Rock run fire move yes all warlock builds are very customizable and pretty good for leveling up depending on what you're doing but like I said at the end the fastest speed so far in the beta it's been like three and a half hours, I think it might even be less than that at this point.
I expect the average player to take five, six, seven hours. I'm not going through any worlds first, we're just chilling and the Guild leveling up hopefully as fast as we can, but not like any kind of accelerated speed settings because honestly, once you hit max level there's no, you know, squeezing in eight dungeons, we'll reset like this, we're just relaxing, which is good, which is cool, maybe a couple of changes along the way and, yeah, look. Where it goes, I hope you enjoyed the video. If I missed any builds or anything you want to talk about, drop it in the comments section below and I'll be sure to get back to you again any week.
Rewards plugins or the profiles you watched all for free on my Twitch and my Discord links are under the wa exclamation mark and Twitch chat or on Discord, I'll open it up for both of you to pay Spin and Wago and yeah, that should finish. and if you're on a witcher, thanks for watching, I hope the




section was interesting and we helped a little bit too and uh, yeah, so Shameless plug will stream uh, leveling and all that on my Twitch link to Then if you also want to go through that. It should have drops, also the feldrake drops by the time the Belgium drops start by the time the expansion is released, actually, which is cool, so, yeah, quick, uh, shameless plug, like that I want to give a big shout out again, my sponsors. because in the video guys thank you a million times again for all the support on the page about 10,000 times I really appreciate it thank you thank you if you watch the support and Patreon should be a link here and down in the video . description thanks for watching guys while that's being said uh if you like the video hit like and the side buttons this helps a lot and I'll see you all again soon on the stream peace.

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