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My Daughter's First Day at a NEW SCHOOL

May 09, 2024
Today my Salish


has only one hour to complete her


day at a new


and then she will have to decide if she wants to go to a very big


next year. For the past few years he has attended a small school, but today Santiago Charter Middle School is going to show him what a great school experience is by starting with the bus ride to school, okay, tell him it's time to go to school , are you ready? She thinks this is intense, the day is getting crazier and crazier, okay, so that's what it is. what does a school feel like uh-oh, the bell rings today we're going to do a decomposition reaction and come help me perfect You're just in time, come in, we have a new student who will help us with science classes come on, okay, put this right there, you're going to grab the hydrogen peroxide and you're going to pour it in, okay, pour that in.
my daughter s first day at a new school
What are we doing? We are making toothpaste for elephants. What do you have to put on your hood? Okay, everyone up front. line go ahead and go back we have to go back okay everything is okay I don't know what's going to happen but I have to film it it's my little girl take the final ingredient and you're going to throw it as fast as you can okay? okay, now it's time to clean up, in fact, rush to my next class. Thank you very much, bye, I don't know anyone here, so let's cry now. I don't know it seems like basketball is this a pe hi this is my


Salish we are just visiting the school if you guys are about to play basketball with her she is so good you think this is a little embarrassing if her dad He's on the


day of school with you, you don't see him, wow, no, what are you guys doing?
my daughter s first day at a new school

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my daughter s first day at a new school...

Think everyone stop, she's Salish, it matters, she's going to make a three-point shot, yeah, what a great moment, and there she goes, let's play a three-on-three game, hey, let's play in teams. I have YouTube, okay, that's how it will be. very funny, come on, come on, you think daddy doesn't like this, really, yeah, it has to be just the girls, oh yeah, you have a girl. I'll be here cheering you on, oh good pass Salish, did you guys see that, what a chicken? all the way to the rim, she just goes in, hits that thing, okay, I don't know if my little girl has the aggression for her to like playing in the WNBA, what do you think?
my daughter s first day at a new school
I think she's great, I don't know, she just needs to do it, oh oh. I'm sorry, oh my god, that's my girl, I just made a basket, come here, come on, okay, lots of support, school, here we go, we can do it girl, just you and me, okay, actually, it's really difficult, oh, this is not poor old man, how? You guys like this great, I love it, it's so much fun, yeah, I heard you guys talking about the school, there are no boys here, right, it's just an all-girls school, yeah, this isn't an all-girls school, no, They are children, this is going to be a problem.
my daughter s first day at a new school
I'm trying to settle a debate if you think a big school is better go for it if you think a small school is better go for it oh wow small schools of course this is a big school so you guys like it school, even though he is very crybaby, I think. It's also being very funny and I think it's entertaining. Many of the students say we have to go, we have to go, next class, come on, bye, I have no idea where we are going, I am no longer in shape for this type of video. here they can be anywhere, oh this one, I guess, oh wait, welcome to your first day of school.
Oh, this is definitely not what I envisioned for my dream locker, but it won't work, obviously if it were a real first day, it would. I'm not coming to school with her, but we only have an hour to do a school tour, so this is the way we decided to do it and I'll be here, say, wait, wait, does anyone know where room 405 is, how are you? you feel? about a big school right now   I know there are a lot of kids, I'm embarrassed why? Because I'm here oh, she's okay, she's okay, thank you, thank you, she's okay, hello, she never spoke French when I was a kid.
I was always changing schools, so I really understand how you feel, it's never easy being the new girl I guess we're leaving, I think the next one is banned, no, this is banned, okay, no, sorry, I think it's here No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hello, it's that big, it's that band. that's awkward that was awkward I hear it I hear it right here well, today could you I don't know how to say say go get them I'm sorry new kid and the crying dad I'm going to leave I guess she's all yours bye wait let's go I'll ask you to play the drums today, yeah, go ahead, let's listen to one, well let's start from the top, this is how I do it one, two, three, what was that?
Oh, that's how you play the drums after some classes. Salish made some friends and they helped me. she feels much more comfortable oh yes, yes, no, have you seen a new girl? uh she's a little little, her name is Salish, if you see her somewhere, I'll see you, I thought we could have lunch together, oh, she's okay, so she's just yeah, no lunch. Okay, Dad still goes to school with his daughters. What is just one day. OK. Okay, I'm going to eat alone. I will eat alone. Thank you. Incredible, good job. Okay, I have no idea what I'm doing.
My father is gone. I guess I'm in your next class. Are you happy? Can I see your papers? I'm going to have Sadie, one of our head captains, take care of you. Sadie, here's your uniform and your dress. Huh, that usually works? Come on, this time let's try. with the pet, okay, I don't know, it's my dad, yeah, it's me, your new pet, right, no, how about servile, kill it though, kill it, queen? That's what I'm talking about, school can be very difficult if you don't know anyone. but it can also be the most amazing place in the world if you have friends oh yeah I don't know how Salish feels, she looks like she's having a lot of fun.
I always went to a smaller school and loved it, but this school. It's amazing and if it was, I've been having a great time now I think that's it she said uh 109 what are we looking for we're nine what five okay we're just lost sorry hello come on come on. fuck like this every day I'm still shy so the big thing about school if it's every day I don't know if I can do it I'll try your title should hint at the theme of the poem hello hello new yes yes English sure Okay, come in, have a seat wherever you feel comfortable, who wants to read your poem? ​​No, I don't have a poem, are you sure?
Yes, check your backpack, let's see the magic of school, did you write this? No, i do not do it. I know what you mean, yeah wait what do you mean? Okay, foreigner, I would never write a poem for my daughter, but how was there a poem? ​​I could have written something like this and maybe you all could play with this. Teenagers can all act. great, but we love our dad, he is not stupid, he helps us overcome our fears and offers us advice to ease our tears, he is our biggest fan and Advocate, our dad is just great, this was the most awkward moment of my life , okay, bye everyone, that's not what parents do. your first day of school, of course, I'm going to come, I'll help you, okay, this is a new student, her name is Salish, but you can call her, I say, nice to meet you, so what is this class?
This is culinary. Very good, well, she is your student. She's trying to get a feel for what all the classes are like. She will then decide if she wants to go to a big or small school. Do any of your parents come to class with you? Oh, is this weird? yeah, yeah, it's weird, okay, then I'll be there. I love you, you got it right, okay, that didn't turn out well, don't get into kitchen chews today, you're going to try to become a pasta expert. 10 minutes go by, why am I bubbling? Okay, I really like this school, yeah, so the girl is nice, yeah, she's been going to a small school, she's thinking about going to a big school, what do you think?
I think it depends on her and what she does. She wants to, but that's true, thank you, it's fresh, yes, it's fresh. A great way Santiago gives back is that they take the food they make in this class and use it to feed local people who need fresh pasta, so this is our basil pesto that we made and mix it with your pasta noodles and then test it. Look, all schools help us or are they just things. I think we are a special school. Okay, we have to run. Well, you did this. Wait. This is very good, you have more projects okay, come on, bye guys, come on, okay, okay, today we are going to do portraits.
Okay, oh, okay. I had never done that before cubism like Pablo   Picasso. We're going to draw faces as best you can, but I want to break it down into shapes today. I've never done this so I have no idea what I'm doing. Yes, there we are going to draw your dad, okay, come here, dad, how can we place this part of his face in that circle. Okay, when I do my hair, you better make it look good My eyes are not very level, but it's okay, it looks amazing, thank you, let's think of a really strong color for your dad, which reminds you of your dad, 30 seconds and then we have to move on to the next class, dad.
I'd love to finish this, but I don't think I have the time, so thank you very much and bye, what do we think? Thanks, I've never done this before. Do you have any idea what you're doing? Don't speed up. all the way here, there you go, that's great, except I've never flown in Esports for 7th and 8th graders, this is cool, okay, so I can get up, wait, I'm doing a backwash like that how Salish felt. alone again another kid helped her feel at home I saved him again good job thank you this is stressful flying a plane one thing about big schools is that they have a lot of buses and it was so much fun oh my god it was so good to meet him Next year, bye, see you next year, bye, it was so much fun, but oh my god, I'm so exhausted.
Now I have to make a big decision tomorrow. Okay, I've had a night to think about whether I like a small or a big school. The school was better at first, it was a little difficult because I didn't know anyone, but then the kids were very nice and there were a lot of great electives, drum roll please, a small school for the last few years, so why Why not try to make the school as suitable as possible? As long as my dad doesn't go to the first day of school again, wait, he would never actually go to the first day of school and you say.
Obviously he would let mom go, uh, wait, what?

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