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my confidence was shattered by a past relationship

Jun 08, 2021
I went to the post office this morning, picked up some letters from some of you, and spent the morning reading them. Each one is very moving and I often find myself reflecting on your words and stories for the rest of the day. One wonderful viewer in particular asked me how I've developed


, considering that I make videos and have accepted the positive and negative criticism that comes with it. I've also been asked how I combat allergies this time of year, and unfortunately, it's a constant battle that I have yet to find a lasting solution for. 
I considered myself a very quiet and nervous girl, but despite this she really enjoyed my own company and had inner


in myself even though she was very shy around other people.
my confidence was shattered by a past relationship
Then I turned 18 and was living with my family on a naval base in Italy. I wanted to study literature nearby, so I started my studies in Ireland and then finished them in the United States. This was a wonderful experience, but also difficult. I had always lived with my family and the sudden change was a lot to take in. Everyone said I would stop missing them eventually, but that never changed. 
I was in a very vulnerable position during those years of learning to be an adult and unfortunately that made me a poor judge of character. I felt alone and desperate for someone who could make me feel safe in a world that suddenly seemed so chaotic, and unfortunately, that desperation attracted people with the opposite intention.
my confidence was shattered by a past relationship

More Interesting Facts About,

my confidence was shattered by a past relationship...

I was blind to the difference between someone who wants to support and help and someone who wants to control and suppress who you are. I was very young and I say this knowing that I still am, but it's amazing how certain experiences give you a completely new perspective on life. As naive and unbelievable as it may seem, I really couldn't believe that someone would be intentionally cruel, or that it meant that people don't necessarily want to change. So, I believed in excuses and apologies, always ready to forgive and forget. To this day, I still don't understand people who do cruel things, and I honestly don't think I ever will.
my confidence was shattered by a past relationship
In retrospect, I learned a lot. I realized that I had to become stronger and more assertive, and not agree with things just to be nice. I also had to distance myself from people who had no regard for my safety or well-being. Of course, I won't pay them the compliment of telling them that my experience with them led me to be confident, because that's not true. I am on a journey of self-love and confidence despite them. I had to be brave and make my own decisions instead of letting someone else take charge. I had to learn to be at peace with the body, mind and soul that was given to me.
my confidence was shattered by a past relationship
Stop wishing things were different. Treat my mistakes with gentle understanding.

Finally, I decided that past experiences would not stop me from loving again and being open to the fear that comes with it. I'm happy to say that I know someone in my life that if I could describe in two words, it would be kind and gentle. Someone who wants to congratulate you, not control you. And that's all I really needed. With an unbreakable foundation of love and respect, everything else slowly fell into place.

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