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Murderer, One Punch Killer, Sniper & Gangster On How It Feels To Kill | Minutes With | @LADbible​

Jun 11, 2024
limpy john with his wife and that keeps your mind busy and says oh let's see what bevel is doing and then you're going to bevel oh let's see what bob is doing oh yeah there's bob doing the same old thing it's actually quite difficult because When you manage to take out the target, you're


ing Bob, you know, and you've made a name for him for the last four days, you know, but that's the kind of thing you need mentally. Shut it down, let's go over some of the other missions in the what are you. Is there something that puts you in mind?
murderer one punch killer sniper gangster on how it feels to kill minutes with ladbible
A mission is dangerous. We were in the Basra palace and we have to go to this place called p-jock and p-drop basically alone. run by 15 people that's all and it's next to a prison and it used to be vandalized every night from 11 at night or five in the morning it's the gates of hell the gates of hell and they're trying to free all these insurgents all these other Taliban hierarchies in this prison and it was our job not to let him do that we were on the roof this time and they came from the north they came from the south they came from the east they came from the west They came from everywhere and we were absolutely devastated, we thought we were going to go, so I called Tanya, I got a little angry, you know, I'm sorry, I called her and she answered and I said: she I love you, you know then because I know that she makes what is what noise and I said that has nothing that doesn't It's nothing I just want to hear a voice you know I just wanted to hear his voice and we went back to the roof and yeah we ruined the Fighting it was like a wall broke and when that wall of ice shattered everything I've experienced in my tools through from Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, I couldn't, I couldn't stop it, my wife noticed it first, she knows something is wrong. because of my isolation, my agility, just depression, really and suicidal thoughts, I'm not going to lie, I'm going to cry later because a lot of memories come up, you know, a lot of thoughts, no, I don't hide them, you know, I'm I'm a big supporter of depression disorder.
murderer one punch killer sniper gangster on how it feels to kill minutes with ladbible

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murderer one punch killer sniper gangster on how it feels to kill minutes with ladbible...

PTSD, but I'm ashamed that I have PTSD and I'm the first to admit that it ruins your sex life, it ruins your sex life, it ruins your friends because no one wants to be around you because you're just miserable. I don't want to go out because you get angry so quickly that the army noticed and they called me to the MO's office, which is the medical officer's office. After having been there for 20 or so years, it took me half an hour to get kicked out, yes. I'll say it my wife, we went to America, I stayed there for a while and my wife went back to England to see her mother and I, yeah, I almost shot myself, I took all the bullets out of the gun, I was practicing where to do it. where I would do it and um I put the bullet cocked I put it in my mouth and Betsy was sitting on the back of the couch she's a little yorkshire terrier she's in my life I wouldn't be here now I have a seat talking to you or in this planet if it wasn't for my wife and my dog ​​there's no way I would have checked it it's hard it's hard it's hard you were sentenced to involuntary manslaughter can you tell us a little bit about what happened that was a bad one you know that's the only thing that I have on my conscience what I have to live with, that's the strangest thing I have to live with, someone chokes on a gag for a little work, you know, and they choked on it. me and they want to explain what that is, it's a bad place for me, you know, we've done a hundred times your time, you understand them, yeah, you go, please, come once, boom, if I could undo that, just leave it.
murderer one punch killer sniper gangster on how it feels to kill minutes with ladbible
It would be the only thing in my life that I would undo. Why do you think the death of that victim at your hands has caused you so much mental pain? Because it should never have happened and to this day I have to live with it. I've done something innocent and you don't do that in my world, you don't do innocence and, uh, that's not what I feel really bad about, but when I go to church because I'm Catholic, I believe in that kind of thing. I always hold a candle for that person like I do for my mom and dad and my daughter who died.
murderer one punch killer sniper gangster on how it feels to kill minutes with ladbible
You know, I like candles for him. It is a respect and I said prayer for him. Know? Do you regret what you do? No, i do not do it. You do not know? Because I think what I did was right from my heart. I've looked at it in my head over and over and over and over and over again. Am I wrong? I'm right? Like I don't know, I feel like yeah, I'm right, there's one less rapist on earth and that must be a good thing. Do you think it's the right thing to do to take power into your own hands in this regard?
I think we should target the police to address this. The police officer was raped and raped and murdered a girl the other day. How can you go to the police? A police officer was convicted of raping and


ing a girl the other day. And where are they? Let's go with this, the police are doing the same things, so how can you go to the police? I can, the girls go to the police, they are going to go with their boyfriends, they are going to go with their friends, they are going to go. their siblings, they'll go with their parents, you'll go with someone who will probably do something about it right away and not say, "We're going to investigate, we'll give you a crime number and we'll come back." for you and you are afraid to go to the stores now you can't go home scared of how many women have been raped and raped and children have been raped by pedophiles and they ask them how they feel about people like that should we take the law in our own hands and sometimes dishing out our own justice if it's a monster, then you know that doesn't haunt me, you know?
Would you do the same for your friend? mom for your sister for your brother you know, I mean, she makes us question ourselves and there are humans in that would you do the same thing again if I was put in that situation again? I have a defense. I am a defender if I have one. live my life in prison being a defender then that's what I'm going to have to do and then if I have to die in prison being a defender then I'm going to die in prison being a defender and at least I can live in myself and myself and say: I stood up for something for the right reason.
Did you feel a lot of guilt at that moment? I did feel a lot of guilt but I didn't know what to do with it because how could I know what? what the impact was and I think I was afraid to find out what the truth was, how that crime had really impacted the people involved and you know, the parents told me that James was the kind of person that he would want to do something with my life and get to to something positive that helped me try to believe in myself a little more because I knew that I couldn't achieve anything if I was trapped in the guilt and shame of what I had done and that's when I was asked, do you know what You're really going to do with your life, Jacob, because okay, saying I didn't even want to say the word sorry, I said, you know, I feel like it.
It's going to be an insult to say the word sorry, I want to show you through my actions that I'm actually sorry and um and then you know that's when it says okay, what are you going to do? So I said I will give him gcs. another chance at 21 and um and I destroyed him, did his mother ever tell you that she forgives you? um yeah, but I never wanted to expect forgiveness and I understand that forgiveness is not a black and white thing. Different things for different people, what advice would you give your younger self? forget religion forget color forget sex it comes down to two things in life you're a good person or a bad person that's all it comes down to doing you ever ruin the old life then I had to go through hell to appreciate the heaven and that's what you have to see ugliness to appreciate beauty, you have to witness hate and poison to appreciate love and kindness.
In fact I thought he was going to leave and I'll see him watch. me and him had a mistake and now i know what the mistake was i have to kill him and he just walked up to me and just went straight bang bang

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