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Murdered By Their Own Family In An 'Honor Killing' | The SHOCKING Shafia Family Case

Apr 12, 2024
What would happen if you weren't allowed to have boyfriends? Have sleepovers. I see friends. You had to wear certain types of clothes. You have to go home immediately. You have a strict curfew. They don't even allow you to use your home phone, all without your parents' consent. We are going to talk about the Shafia


, known as one of the strictest and darkest families Canada has ever seen. A little note. Guys, I just had my wisdom teeth removed, so I'm pretty swollen. I can't really speak at 100. Perfectly so bear with me today, if you have ever had your wisdom teeth removed tell me your experience because I still have a little numbness, it is manageable but I would never go through the experience of wisdom teeth talking about being cool.
murdered by their own family in an honor killing the shocking shafia family case
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murdered by their own family in an honor killing the shocking shafia family case

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murdered by their own family in an honor killing the shocking shafia family case...

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murdered by their own family in an honor killing the shocking shafia family case
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from Afghanistan they were a big family and the head of the family was the father named Muhammad Shafiyah this is his wife Tuba and together they had seven children Muhammad Sofia was known for being a very successful businessman He started in Afghanistan and moved to Dubai where he worked in some kind of successful used car business and also expanded into real estate business from there.
murdered by their own family in an honor killing the shocking shafia family case
I think they moved to Australia and other places and finally landed in Quebec, Canada for a business. opportunity, he ended up investing two million dollars in a shopping center and was also building a huge house so that his family ended up settling down and living a great life in Canada shortly after they settled Shafia sent an application to the immigration office saying that he wanted sponsor his cousin to come to Quebec to work as a housekeeper, cut nanny, now his cousin was called rana, but I found out that rona was not his cousin, she was actually his first wife, so she was actually in a polygamous marriage, but that is not allowed.
In Canada, therefore, she obviously had to pretend that, as a frog, she was her cousin in order to bring her over. They married in the late 1980s and discovered that Rana was unable to have children, so Shafia married a second time in 1989 to Tuba, where they broke up. Having seven children, her eldest daughter was Zayna, she was 19 years old. Sahar 17 Hamed to his firstborn, a daughter A who was never identified, a younger brother B, another daughter C who was never identified and his youngest daughter, Getty, who was 13 years old, the marriage between Shafia and Rana was very difficult as she records in her very detailed diary over the many years in the diary she kept about her hellish marriage that she had to deal with, especially after finding out she couldn't have children, he would make fun of her and beat her. and they blame her for everything she wanted to leave and I don't know what the culture is really like for them but she says she can't leave because he always threatened to kill her if she left the marriage, not only her husband but his second wife , tuba, was also like the priority wife or the preferred wife, as they call her, and she also made it hell. furana rana says that tuba was trying to separate her and keep her away from


shared husband and rana just became a nanny for the family and she was called the children's aunt, tuba was allowed to buy expensive jewelry, learn to drive and again she She was the favorite wife and Rana was someone who had no freedom since she couldn't even use the house phone and she only received 50 dollars allowance every month, I mean can you imagine the wife of a billionaire and you only receive $50 allowance and you can't even use the house phone?
She too was not allowed to have any hobbies. Tuba would tell Rana that your life is in my hands you are my servant in his diaries after moving to Canada, a western country, of course, the family thought that they were now, you know, a little freer to do things after all , this was Canada, it's really free in Canada, I've been there. but even if they lived in Canada inside Shafia's house, they were under the strict role of


father, Shafia, they were not to meet the opposite sex, not to wear certain clothes, they were to wear a hijab for some of the girls, no makeup, certain attitude, not staying the night, not going. to a friend's house and many other rules and it seems that this rule did not really apply to men but only to women, but to be fair, it seems a retsumer that Shafiya provided the family with a lot of money to eat what they be.
She wanted them to never go hungry or anything like that and she also bought them expensive clothes. Consider the


for him. He continually says


about the honor of family and family was very important to him. I mean, whatever honor it was for him, the kids attended. regular public school and were very accustomed to his Western Canadian lifestyle. Now one day her eldest daughter, Zainab, who was 19, is practically an adult, she met a boy and they fell in love, but again, unlike other families, she was not allowed to have any boyfriends she didn't get along with.
She was allowed to go out and the only person she was able to meet was a man her father approved of, so she had to meet her boyfriend hidden, such as in the school library or in a secret place, for fear that her male brothers would find out. They will find out. and gossip to her father, which would be a big problem, she would tell her boyfriend to act like they were strangers if they were around her brother and he shouldn't give the slightest hint that they are even friends and coming to find out the men in the family, especially her brother Hamed, was like a mandatory reporter and like the second father, even though Zainab was the older brother of the eldest daughter, the younger brother had more power than she could ever imagine.
If she had ever seen her sisters do something against family rules, he would do it. report it and they would receive severe punishment according to them, severe punishment i.e. beatings, verbal abuse and even a lot of threats to kill them, it's hard to imagine because it's like what kind of parents would actually threaten you to kill them for meeting their boyfriends or going back to home. late, you know, doing teenage things, I mean, it's something that most teenagers, actually all teenagers do, it's a time in your life when you want to explore, have freedom and meet people.
It's just a natural human instinct, but Zainab told her boyfriend about it all the time. You don't know my father, he is that kind of person, Sophia, the father, had a lot of business in Dubai, so he actually came and went very often once, when he returned to Dubai, she brought her boyfriend into the house , which is one of the biggest no-nos you could ever imagine. She didn't know that her brother Hamed would be coming home so early and unfortunately they got caught. This is the crazy part, but Hamed, being the firstborn of the house, had immense power.
She told her older sister that she couldn't go back to school, so she ended up confined to her room and not going to school for over a year, and not only that, but if she wanted to leave the house she needed a relative companion. like her. I don't leave the house alone talking about some of the other sisters. Sahar, who was 17, was also living under intense stress. Obviously, she really wanted to put on her makeup and take off her hijab at school, so every time she was dropped off she went to school. She took off her hijab, put on makeup and acted like a normal Western girl.
She was accused of kissing a boy and dating and she told the teachers that she was very depressed and that she didn't like how her family treated her, so she was talking. to school counselors or whatever about their situation, but it seemed like it wasn't as serious as most Western teachers would know because they don't know the other cultures or where, what kind of lifestyle, or what kind of honor family they were in. really living. She was so unhappy with her family and her strict rules that she tried to harm herself by poisoning herself, unfortunately her mother only responded that she can commit suicide, you can go to hell, her own parents didn't even They came to comfort her after this.
Obviously the school officials called the parents to inform them about what is going on in their family, let's talk about it, but the parents got very angry and said that Shahar was lying and that she was a bad teenager and you know what was. all made up and whatever happened between sahar and the parents she ended up going back to school and saying she was fine and just wanted to go home she didn't want to make a big deal about it so the


was closed but On the other hand, Sahar was calling his relatives in Afghanistan telling them that he really wanted to leave the family or run away or do something.
Her youngest daughter, Getty, who was only 13, was also rebelling against the family, I mean, of course, she's 13. She has her own hobbies, she wants to meet friends, but instead she was going through extreme depressions, she skipped school with bad grades and was even caught shoplifting. She claims that not only did her parents punish her, but her brother also shamed her for coming home a little late from the mall and her brother hit her, so it's been about a year since Zainab was punished for going to school. , but she couldn't take it anymore, so somehow she contacted her boyfriend through her sister and they were able to.
I think I tracked down Lee Chad using emails, so one day she snuck out of her house and explained to her boyfriend exactly what was going on in her family. She told him that she wanted to run away and that you either have to help me or not. I'm running away. morning and the next day her boyfriend picked her up and she was declared missing. Zaina decided to seek help at a women's shelter and once her doctor discovered that she was missing or had run away, she called the police and filed a missing person's report. They report that the day her older sister disappeared was also the day that all the children knew that they were going to be in trouble too, the rest of the children did not even return home that day because they were afraid of being in trouble. punished by their own parents the police came and was talking to the children and the children actually confessed what was happening inside their house and the children told the police about their abuse the kicks in the face the punches in the eye the threats and much more Of course, they called their parents for this incident and it seems that as soon as they called their parents, the kids got so scared that they started downplaying things and the police just let them go home and that's it. . happened after that, so this is where things get super shaky and scary.
It's been about a month since Zainab left the house and Rana overheard a conversation between Hamed Tuba and Safar, they were arguing about how they wanted to kill her daughter Zainab and the other. The ones from now, rana, assumed it was her, but she was also the next target. Eventually somehow zainab and tuba her mother came in contact and they had a plan and police believe that the murder plan started from here so to zaineb's surprise tuba mother said. She will allow her and her boyfriend to get married as long as she returns home. Zainab obviously thought this was out of character for her parents, but who knows, maybe her running away was something her parents needed a wake-up call and finally allowed her to be. free and become an adult, so she ended up returning home and even though her parents didn't want her to get married, she stood her ground and they decided to have a marriage ceremony two weeks later, after zainab returned home, the day finally came of the wedding reported that actually this small wedding reception not even her boyfriend's family attended because they also did not approve of the marriage, but according to the relatives, not even her boyfriend's family came to the reception, she was really embarrassed I guess, not even having like the arrival of her boyfriend's family was like a disaster and a failed marriage for her.
She was soupset that she fainted during the ceremony. That's when Zainab just couldn't take it anymore. She had a little talk with her mother and that day at the ceremony she told her. her husband that they had to get divorced and that the marriage had ended and that not even a couple of hours had passed. Sorry, I have to stay with my family. The father was very angry, but he was in Dubai and told his relatives that if he was there, he would have killed her right then and there and that he needs to restore the family honor by marrying another person that he approved, who was the uncle's son. of tuba, it's just that as a second cousin, third cousin, I don't know all this time.
Before her father arrived, Sahar was also caught in a restaurant seeing her boyfriend and now she was caught by her younger brother. And she told her parents, you know, I saw Sahar with a guy and I think he is dating someone and the truth is yes, sahar was dating her latin boyfriend and they were very much in love, sahar even pretended at school and people were getting very worried because she wasn't eating, she lost so much weight that she fainted again at school when the nurses called her parents to pick her up from school, no one came and sahar ended up walking back home, so it was these three girls who were giving me trouble.
Her family's eyes were now finding time for her father Safira to return home from Dubai much to her surprise when her father returned to the United States. They all claimed that her father's attitude changed and that he was much less strict and very lenient, but. Of course, he was a little suspicious, did the father really forgive his daughters or was it all part of a plan now, shortly after his father arrived? It was June 22 when the father bought a used car, a 2004 Nissan Snantra, I told the family that Everyone is going to have a nice summer vacation, so the next day everyone went out on the road and ate good food.
I only see some waterfalls. I see some people and you can see these photos. They are having a wonderful time during this time and even a couple. Weeks earlier, police found evidence that Hamed used her laptop and his phone to look into whether a prisoner may have control over his real estate. Canadian mountains with a lake in Quebec. Documentary about murders and where to commit a murder at a given time when the family was sleeping. At a Mattel it was recorded on his phone that Hamad drove all the way for five hours to check out the crime scenes and see where the perfect location would be.
On June 29 at 8 pm, the family left the motel and headed to another road. Trip investigators believe they hit the road late at night, from 8 p.m. until after midnight, on purpose so that the girls would be tired. Now is when things get a little mysterious and it's pretty much a guess as to what investigators think happened. then there were two cars, a lexus owned by the family and the nissan, the car used in the nissan rana zainab sahar and getty were writing and the driver who switched between tuba shafirah and hamed and his lexus with his other children the next day the police I found the nissan car under water and the four family members rana zainab zahar and getty died even to this day we don't know how but rana and the three girls were taken to secluded places in a canal and the police believe that They were held underwater by someone or some people they were held underwater all at the same time one by one we don't know the mysterious thing about this is that there really were no signs of struggle the only thing they found were some bruises on the top of their heads, suggesting they were hit with something, but it was only found on three of the girls' heads, so they could have been hit by something, then they drowned and then they were put back in the car, that's when the family somehow pushed the car into the canal.
There are certain possibilities of how this happened and they believe that the three members, Tuba Sophia and Ahmed, were at the scene and one of them could have been taking turns or one of them leading everything to drive the car into the water, but when that didn't happen it worked, they believed that the lexus was used to push the nissan car into the canal and they found evidence that the headlight parts of the lexus car that were broken and still stuck were inside the nissan car the next day there was a record of Hamed he even called his sister's phone to make it look like he was looking for them when he found out they were gone.
Around noon, the three family members, Hamed's parents, entered the police station seeking help to find their missing children and Rana. Immediately the police knew that something had come up and that the story didn't make sense. Firstly, the family did not seem to be panicking, they seemed to be fine and when three of them were interviewed separately, they still maintained their innocence and had nothing to do. with that and they didn't know what was happening, everyone tells a story that it seems like zainab was a troubled teenager and that she took the car and wanted to go for a fun ride in the middle of the night and somehow ended up in the water because to an accident because he couldn't drive, there is actually a witness at the scene and it was an eight year old boy who said he saw two cars at the scene that day, so the police knew there was another car. that could have been involved, the autopsy showed that no drugs were found in the system of any of the girls and again, only three of the people had bruises on the top of their heads, the final conclusion of their death was drowning, I want say, if you believe it. about that, there are four people and they were all adults except Getty, who was 13, but still, how did they not overpower the people who were doing this to them?
Who did the actions? The three of them did the actions as if no one really knew, except to overpower four people, that's a lot, so if you have any idea what you think happened and how they got four of the girls to drown, please let me know in the comments. comments because I can't even understand that there were Many media outlets tried to interview the family after that day and they were seen very tearful and feeling the loss of their own children, but of course behind the scenes the police knew that this family was very suspicious, so with enough evidence they were able to obtain a wiretap order granted by the judge, what the police heard over the two days was


to the three, simply beating and cursing their deceased relatives to hell with their boyfriends, disgusting, rotten kids and talking about how they think the police might be onto them.
They all have to stick to the same story a lot, and that was enough evidence for them to get a warrant to finally arrest Sophia's families. When they arrested the Shafia family, they maintained their innocence somewhere, I think they changed the story to Ahmed. The one who did the act of pushing the car into the water came up with the story that he was young, he was just playing, he accidentally pushed the car into the water and didn't report it because he was scared, of course. Prosecutors were adamant that they premeditated everything, from Google searches of all the 911 reports from the past, they believed this was something called an honor


One of the prosecutors stated that what is passed off as honor is actually a man's need to control a woman's sexuality if a man cannot control his own home, which is represented by the behavior of women, which It means that he cannot be trusted with any other public matter. His youngest son testified in court saying that the family was great and that his sisters were the rebellious ones and were bad teenagers. and that it was he who really looked for where to kill because he was suicidal, he did not know the difference between suicide and murder and that is why he looked for murder, finally the judge did not believe his stories and they were all sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 25 years this is a really sad


the girls just wanted freedom frog also wanted freedom they were tricked by their own parents and their own brother into having a wonderful vacation and the fact that there were so many chances to get The help of has not yet been provided help is crazy to me, let me know what you thought.
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