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[MULTI SUB] 反擊 (2021) 4K 國語 | Counterattack (趙文卓,姜怡伊,陸彭) | 安保專家遭遇惡勢力追殺,叢林大戰絕地反擊 |#經典華語老電影

Jun 20, 2024
One high and one high Increase in sea wind Due to high risk Request evacuation increase duty Shoot Attack ruins the honor of the guard in the wheel That of his grandmother For the honor of the human segment I give you my life today In the back, in the back. Mission accomplished. Get out of here Get out of here go go go If you don't come back I'll leave it here today, brother Wait a little more Some jam haha ​​It's finally here. Oh darling. How did you think of yourself, grandmother? No more traffic jams, it's okay. Hahaha You are the boss, you say it's worth it, he is worth it.
multi sub 2021 4k counterattack
Currently, engineers from China Decline Co., Ltd. and the American Aimeke Oil Company have been involved in secondary exploration Preparing for the next offers from both parties at a later date It hurts! You are Chinese? Sorry, otherwise Mr. Misluziming Hello, Mr. Ziming. I'm Mo Bai, a reporter from Crazy Waves News Network. In response to this exploration event, do you have any countermeasures? Were you so fierce just now? Oh. I'm sorry. Okay, Mr. Ziming, hahaha, come on. Aren't you dead? Ah! Hey, I didn't expect it to be you Haha, why didn't you contact me? I was looking for you.
multi sub 2021 4k counterattack

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multi sub 2021 4k counterattack...

Give me your contact information. I will come to see you after completing the mission. OK Hello, my old friend. Thank you. It's so nice to see you. Thank you so much. I'm happy to see it too Ahhhh There was a shooting at the scene A Kunlun official was shot and fell to the ground The current injury is unknown Witnesses say The murder suspect escaped into the jungle injured The army is demonstrating The gunman had probably Professional military training Use a high thickness information gun as a crime tool. No other suspects have been found at the scene Hello, Ah!
multi sub 2021 4k counterattack
Ah! Ah! Hello This is the first time I've seen someone try to break a rope with bark Ahhhh Since you have a Chinese face I think it's more appropriate for you to speak Chinese. Oh yes yes yes My parents are Chinese I just grew up here In fact, I love my country very much Come and try our Chinese barbecue Hahaha snake What if I were you? Just sit by the fire and eat something The forest at night is not what you imagine I'm just here to grab my camera Have some This boy is cute to eat this Why?
multi sub 2021 4k counterattack
I'm hungry. I don't eat the killer's food. Why are you like this? Do it because I'm hungry. That's not what I'm asking. I ask you why you killed that sleepy officer. I didn't kill him. The murderer will never admit to being the murderer. Have a drink. Well what are you doing? How bad Just this tea Local materials Heat removal and detoxification Drink it, it's good for you What is that? Those are my socks. Your socks you give me to drink The water in your socks Yes, wild water must be filtered Plus, it's pure cotton. You, you, you're going too far.
Stay still You will sleep here tonight And you? You really don't look like a murderer. I'm talking to you. How rude. He is very handsome. what are you proud of? Ah! UH Huh. Flat head go there Hey, hey, what are you doing? Forget it, he's no longer a threat to you. This is the battlefield. You don't kill him. He will kill you when he has the chance. Hey, forget it. Ah! Thank you. Ahhhhh Aha. Ah! It hurts my wine and my tomatoes. Come on Luo Ziming What are you doing? Why are you bleeding again? No, we have to get help.
We are looking for the colonel. I interviewed him before. I have a good relationship with him. He will believe what I say. Where you come from? It doesn't matter where I come from. The important thing is that I'll take you to the First Colonel. Make it clear to him. That's my camouflage costume. What costume? Oops, don't worry about the costume. Now I think you're not the murderer. There must be a misunderstanding. Don't worry, I'll explain it for you. You're done. That's all, I'll go. You stay. The search party will find you in a bit. Stop following me.
Hey Hey hey. Luo Ziming You can't take me. Left here alone, I really want to help you. Hey, Feng Ziming Lu Ziming Hmm Are you okay? Lu Ziming, you insist. Wait. Hold on. Here it is. Wait. Hurry up! You are on fire. You have a fever? Go get a first aid kit. First aid kit. This is Ant Radio. What follows is a news interlude. The colonel will spare no effort to arrest the murderer. Due to the Chinese identity of the murderer. Oil and gas tenders invited will decrease. Oil and gas companies are completely out of business.
This will not only make the company lose the project but will also affect its goodwill in Southeast Asia. American Leon Miller, who had previously broken into the press conference and claimed that the military had accused Lu Ziming of conspiracy, has been charged with disturbing public order and other crimes Then you will face deportation I have to take you to the hospital without a first aid kit first aid You will die It's too late. Is there wine here? Wine yes Red White beer Which one would you like to drink? Go get some gold tweezers. Are you going to pick up the bullet yourself?
The location is a bit deep, please help me. I can't, I can't, I can't, I won't be fast. I'm sorry. Alright. Alright. Hahahaha I knew it wasn't you Ziming Do you smoke? That? Ahhh Ahhh Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! UH Huh. Ah! UH Huh. UH Huh. Ah! Ah! It should be that Emick sent Colonel Low. They want to remove declining companies from the bidding process. Now with this evidence his conspiracy will not succeed. I will leave Kunlun tomorrow. Before I go, can you help me send the information to someone who knows what to do. The bill is not clean.
Don't stop and leave the Tesco Rainy Season store Leomil Sir, the fishing tackle you ordered has arrived. Come to the store to pick it up when it suits you. It is inconvenient for me to pick up the goods now. Can you deliver it? I'm sorry. We do not offer delivery. Why don't you come to the store and buy it yourself? OK Then I don't feel wronged. Family you guys I know I've spent a lot of money selling fishing gear I don't want my family to know I'm spending money I still have two shipments to deliver I'm not in the store.
Then tell me shipping location and time. I'll find you. 12:45. I will wait for you at the entrance of the Ananda Temple shop. up You haven't changed yet Sorry. You got involved Don't do this It's me You'll do the same This card is the truth of the matter Help me publish it This $200,000 is for the last mission They're a little late Hahaha Is it because of that explosion? You're coming with me. I'll help you find a safe place to climb. Someone will fix everything for you and send you away. Why are you leaving me again? I have no family here My parents are long gone Now I feel sorry for them too I don't want to run away alone for the rest of my life Will you come with me?
I can't go As a Chinese, I definitely can't take the blame for this. I can't let my brother die for me in vain. I am also Chinese. As a journalist I have a greater responsibility to tell everyone the truth. You're not going to leave me. Aren't you afraid of death? Would you be scared? remember Open the safety before shooting next time There are 4 corpses in the tomb There is one on the roof Lu Ziming After this is over What are your plans? Hey, what kind of girl do you like? Focus Make your observations Someone at 3 o'clock Back back I'm extremely difficult in America.
You have to have soldiers come at 9 o'clock. Come on. The guards were excited. Beware of sniper bombs Ziming Lu Ziming How are you? I'm being watched by this sniper. I can not get out from here. Then what do I do? The bullet came from the opposite mountain. In the 4 o'clock direction. Go around behind. Don't alarm him. Is that you? What's going on here? You planned all this yourself. Are here. You have the chance to kill me Kill yourself and you won't avenge me You used me It's a plan You gave this idiom to me Why did you do that?
There's a lot of money in it. money We are brothers who were born and die together. Then you're going to kill me. You've changed. I don't even know you anymore. Ziming, I found him. There's a car parked there. Now you can start talking Chen Ming, there is no one in your car. That's a sniper rifle firing. He's using a remote-controlled sniper system. First we have to seal his face. He blows up the eyepiece of his weapon. Did you forget what I taught you? Now pay attention to the distance and wind speed. Hold your breath. Then shoot Ouch, it's biased.
Alright. One more time. It won't move. Move as if you were shooting at a target. I have it! Stay still Hemming, what should I do now? Move towards the two o'clock direction Don't show up Listen to my password Shoot the sky shoot Su Ziming Come on, I lost. Nice to meet you. What you gave me I gave it all back to you. From now on we never met Yes! People like us don't have grandchildren. When I met you I knew we were the same Sooner or later you'll be like me Man died for money Birds die for food So you know what I'm trying to do.
Ahhhh Ahhhh Ah! Ahhh Ah! Ahhh Ahhhh Aha. Ah! UH Huh. Lyon You don't know what brotherhood is. I'm not the same type of person as you. Do it yourself Ah. Hahaha Hello doctor The two Chinese people above, what do you mean? It says above. Troubled officials were killed. That was premeditated. The First Colonel accepted huge bribes from American companies. These two young people were wronged. And finally, China falls. The company obtained the oil rights. Big brother, look Ah! prepare

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