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Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee interview on Headbangers Ball July 16, 1994

May 16, 2024
about Motley is true with John and we will find out a lot more so stay tuned, yes we are talking about earthquake stories. We are talking about how we hold our weapons during earthquakes. The Earth stops, yeah, or I'll shoot, so we're talking about John Krabi. She got Motley Crue and you mentioned before that you started writing songs. I mean, how did you feel? John helps you unlike most songs like the record, the thing was when John joined us we made the decision to no longer be I would write a song or me and Mick would write a song or Tommy would write one. song and bring it to the band, we would put it all in a circle and just write it together.
motley crue s nikki sixx tommy lee interview on headbangers ball july 16 1994
I mean, I may have a riff or Tommy may have a riff or whoever, John, but we all contribute equally and then when the music is done. However good we thought it might be, then we made a tape and John and I would go away and write the lyrics. I no longer wanted to be a singer's lyricist. I wanted him to be involved in this, but I'm sure it's really a new Motley Crew. I mean, I've had a new singer. Hey, we wanted to change things very differently. We wanted to change the name. What would have been a name?
motley crue s nikki sixx tommy lee interview on headbangers ball july 16 1994

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motley crue s nikki sixx tommy lee interview on headbangers ball july 16 1994...

Well, I don't know, we never got that role because You have to realize that the record company hires a band; In essence, they own the music that you put out during that time and that's the name too, and to them they were like, you know, if you change the name, you're not going. to sell so many records we're like it's so wet we're a new band there's a business you're still starting I mean it's more or less a new band now for people who want to go see Motley Crue shows Tell them what you can understand because I mean, I remember almost every Motley Crue tour and every show was a little different, yeah, and tell them what to expect because you're still doing some old stuff, obviously, yeah, how does it sound? with John singing mate before um it's like we're doing our little version of uh unplugged at the end of the show we come out acoustically with a little drum set and everyone plays acoustically and we do some old stuff, some new stuff sometimes we do.
motley crue s nikki sixx tommy lee interview on headbangers ball july 16 1994
Beatles songs delete songs whatever it changes all the time some people just uh last night I was checking America Online man the acoustic set at the end of the show scared me man it was so amazing it was great to hear like home, sweet home. guitar instead of piano, you know, and John plays the harmonica, so you can also play in these types of settings, you can change the show because you don't have to worry about the lasers going off right now, you can say you know what let's just put this here and make this time different that we lost we didn't have lasers or pyrotechnics we have cool lights and we just improvised man it's cool.
motley crue s nikki sixx tommy lee interview on headbangers ball july 16 1994
Everything changes like starting over is great, okay, let's play. Motley Crue, the first video from the new album is now available in your stores, of course, and go see them when they resume the tour on the 27th in Ohio, so it will be with the same opening bands, King's X and typo, okay? ? thanks for stopping by now, let's play Motley Crue with Hooligans, Christmas tool with prison sex and we call Motley Crue here for a reason, there's an EP that I didn't even know anything about that you guys are going to release. Well it's coming out soon, you can order it through the new album, it's got a little order form on there and, like, eliminate the middleman record store kind of deal just for the diehards, yeah, you can mail order it and it's like Oh.
It's like six dollars or something, yeah, something like that really cheap and it's like six songs and our producer, while we were recording that record, said that they knew that he had listened to everyone's writing efforts on his behalf. They all have their own weird styles and he's like, I want each guy to take two and a half minutes and go completely, do whatever you want. Musical freedom. There are no contributions from anyone else. Everyone is on their own, so let's see what happens with each guy. I did a solo, so it shows exactly what everyone's style was and in a nutshell, right before we left, yeah, what each person sounded like, so yours was more like Nikki's would be me and mine is like a Tough man. from uh reminds me of the Beastie Boys Know some real steel guitars, yeah, Beastie Boys, me, Panthers, yeah, and there you have something like that, you know, it's just and he sings, plays the guitar, the bass, I did the same .
I don't think he's just psychopath, it's like he's an evil man, it's more and Mickey is much more, uh, maybe the cure will be found with her. The Sisters of Mercy meet, yes, the guns, there you go, yes, very cool, punk backup singer, so to understand this, if you look on the record, there is an order. It forms something else on it, it's really cool, you know, John's mix and there's a song called Baby Kills that Billy Preston played clavinette on, who is it, oh, it's amazing, so there's four solo songs, one full band song with Billy Preston, there are many. of conversations and personal things between them, yeah, it's pretty fun and you can get that in the live show too.
We're selling it there and we always want to keep it personal. Another album will come once I get such a good response that they want to release it. If we do, we want to change it, we want to take maybe talk, add a couple more songs, change it so that this one that came out is really just for the dog, so it really is, I mean, we mentioned it. before, but it's really like a new band starting out, you almost have to pay a lot of dues like you did when you started, when you started, we love it, so you like to start again. as a young man, I love it, I mean, I'm probably having the best time I've had in over 10 years, yeah, because people would think, oh yeah, you've been when it was the most important thing, but then it turns to shit , Yeah.
Like you said before, it's Vegas, man, yeah, I'm in a rock and roll band. I don't need the background singers, the lasers and the Pyro. I stay there. I feel like a puppet right now. They're real guys playing real music. Yes, stay. Tune in, we have more


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