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Most Incredible Military Moments Caught on Camera

May 08, 2024
from a Norwegian agile anti-ship missile that can hit a target more than 100 million away and a paratrooper in Alaska whose training jump al


ended in catastrophe, to a Russian intercontinental ballistic missile that NATO has rightly called Satan 2 and a special mine clearance device that looks more like a giant exploding fire hose, here are some of the








in a long time. The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard have struggled to manage China's wide array of lightly armed vessels and civilian dual-use vessels. These boats are extremely agile. making them difficult to detect, stop, and sink To solve this problem, the Department of Defense invested millions of dollars in the Quicksync program.
most incredible military moments caught on camera
Now QuickSync is a low-cost answer to a major problem. Basically, QuickSync attaches a guidance kit to a 2000-pound Jdam or Joint Direct Attack Munition because J dams are readily available and can be launched by most


aircraft; effectively turns any pilot into a ship timing machine. Quick timing bombs now have three critical components: the guidance kit that steers the rocket, the seeker kit that tracks the target, and the payload that takes care of all the damage. To demonstrate Quicks timing capabilities the Navy hosted a live demonstration in the Gulf of Mexico on a decommissioned ship. The best part was that they placed a GoPro on board to capture the chaos from the sky.
most incredible military moments caught on camera

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most incredible military moments caught on camera...

You can see the rocket fly and split the ship in two. a huge wall of water blocks the view and when it dissipates the ship is nowhere to be seen, it's that fast, the GoPro puts things into even better perspective, the missile is so fast you don't even see it, just hits, only water comes out of a hole in the center of the ship shortly after the GoPro fell into the water, a 3D rendering shows what the ship looked like on the seabed after sinking. Normally, the Navy would deal with ships over time with submarine-launched torpedoes, but those systems are much more expensive than Quicksync, plus QuickSync puts anti-ship lethality in the hands of the Air Force.
most incredible military moments caught on camera
We can now attack hostile ships on two fronts, from the water and from high in the clouds. The K300 P or Bastion P is a Russian coastal system. defense missile designed to attack surface ships, such as battleships, convoys, and aircraft carriers. The letter P in the name denotes the mobility of the rocket. This is because it is stored in the back of a truck and driven to where it is supposed to be launched on September 26, 2018, by the Russian military. They arrived in the Arctic to test some of their Bastion P rockets when they launch these rockets, fire upwards and then use boosters on either side to correct their trajectory.
most incredible military moments caught on camera
Here's what it looks like up close and in person. The maximum range of the Bastion P varies between 75 and 186. Although the missile can reach an altitude of 46,000 feet before falling back down and gliding across the ocean, it will fly about 16 feet above the water before exploding against its target. Now, while the Bastion P can do some damage, it's nothing compared to Russia's weapons. stays underground meets the sarmat an intercontinental ballistic missile or an intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a thermonuclear warhead this bad boy has a 50 megaton punch that's like 50 million tons of TNT exploding at once there's a reason why NATO calls it Satan 2.
The ordinance weighs over 200 tons. It is over 100 feet long and about 10 feet wide. It takes a lot of energy just to load it into the launch tube. When Satan 2 launches, an initial explosion takes it. out of the tube, then the bottom cap flies off and the secondary thrusters activate. This propels the rocket into the stratosphere, never to be seen again, at least not until it falls to the other side of the world. Let's see it all again in slow motion. The Sarman can travel just over 11,000 miles, meaning it can travel from Moscow to New York City with plenty of room according to President Putin.
It can carry up to 10 nuclear warheads. Let's hope Satan 2 stays underground where it belongs. Landmines are a crucial branch of any military force. No one is better at that than the US military's amphibious assault. Divisions, that's thanks to the Mark 154 or the mine clearance launcher, the latest in mind-sweeping technology. Picture this, you're piloting an amphibious assault vehicle or AAV and you're approaching an enemy beachhead. You know the sand is full of mines, but you obviously can't see. Fortunately, your Aav is equipped with a brand 154, you relax while a giant, explosive fire hose does all the work. 4 3 2 1 Dey, where you at on the mine clearance line, loads like this have been around since World War II, obviously made significant improvements over the years in a nutshell, the device that looks at the fire hose is a 100 meter chain of C4 that is deployed over a minefield and detonates on command, clearing a path wide enough to move tanks and troops safely, this is what it would look like from the driver's seat, the mark1 154 It's not just for beaches, as you can see, it comes in handy when your army reaches an enemy minefield.
Take this clip from the woods of Fort Stewart Georgia for example, of course there are countermeasures to combat these line clearing charges. some mines use fuze mechanisms that detonate under constant pressure, like a vehicle passing over them; However, the fuse locks when exposed to a sudden impact, such as a huge cord of C4 detonating near Bellarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe located between Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and lva. For them, Independence Day is July 3, they celebrate their liberation from Nazi occupation. The capital city of Minsk, home to just under 2 million people, hosts the annual military parade.
It is something important that requires a lot of practice, so the tanks participating in the parade will be dressed. rehearsals in the weeks leading up to June 26, 20177, one of those rehearsals ended when it started to rain on the parade route, someone should have told this driver to slow down a little, luckily everyone inside and outside the tank was okay , they're lucky. It didn't happen on the day of the parade, as the sidewalks would have been filled with people. The subsequent images show the kind of damage a speeding tank can cause when it loses control. Not everyone is excited about the Independence Day Parade in Minsk.
Some wonder if it is safe for 40 tons. tanks to accelerate down the main road in that way point this video as an exhibition. They also think that all this is a big waste of money, although there are no exact figures. Each parade is estimated to cause $3 million worth of damage to roads afterwards. everything they weren't and built for tanks to roll in, then again the US spends over $2 billion on fireworks every 4th of July through mid-August 2021. Hurricane Grace hit eastern Mexico , traveled across the country and weakened significantly before reaching the eastern west coast. The states suffered much worse than the western states.
The south central state of Hidalgo was


in the middle. After the storm, the Mexican military deployed hundreds of emergency helicopters to survey the damage and assist affected citizens. On August 26, one of those investigative missions went horribly wrong when a naval helicopter fell from the sky and crashed into a bus watch the blades shatter like glass when they hit the ground no telling how far they flew or how much damage they caused luckily the bus cleared the danger zone seconds before the blades started destroying everything in sight and we're not sure what caused the helicopter to crash.
According to some reports, the helicopter experienced some type of equipment malfunction thanks to the pilot's quick thinking, everyone inside was okay, they were treated for minor cuts and bruises at the scene. The history of parachuting dates back to the mid-1940s, when a platoon of the 29th Infantry Regiment became the first official parachute unit. Airborne divisions have been dropping into enemy territory ever since, of course, with the paratroopers going through relentless training before experiencing the real thing on March 8. In 2023, an Airborne Division in Alaska flew for a routine test jump. A soldier named Josh approached the door and jumped with his fellow paratroopers.
Unfortunately, his jump didn't go very well. Oh, you see that guy over there. Oh honey. Josh pulled out his reserve shot at the last second after the main one failed, he landed safely on the ground but probably needed a few minutes to relax now the parachute can fail for three reasons careless packing or improper body position during the Defective deployment or equipment if the main parachute fails Jumpers are taught to cut it off immediately to safely deploy their reserve shot in this video. Josh appears to have cut off the main shot enough to deploy his reserve before hitting the ground.
The Naval Strike Missile or NSM is precisely what it sounds like, it is an anti-ship land attack missile capable of eliminating enemy ships up to 100 nautical miles away. Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace, a Norwegian company that specializes in anti-ship missiles, builds and sells them. to USA, Japan, Canada, Australia and Spain among other countries, on June 24, 2015 Kongsberg demonstrated how effective their NSM was, they locked onto a distant frot, armed the warhead and fired, let's see how accurate it is This, let's see that again in slow motion the missile enters from the right side of the screen once it hits parts of the ship.
They disperse into the ocean from a distance The size of the explosion becomes even more evident The NSM uses inertial GPS and terrain reference navigation to lock on and destroy its targets The frame and high thrust-to-weight ratio also make the missile more maneuverable than others and because it can travel so low to water it is excellent at avoiding enemy air defenses, the NSM can also maneuver around physical obstacles to attack land targets; In other words, this thing is like the yondu arrow, but if the arrow carried a 260 pound warhead if you have If you've ever seen a WWII paratrooper movie, then you've seen the static line jump.
The U.S. Army has used this technique since the 1940s to deploy paratroopers safely, effectively, and quickly onto a battlefield. The static line is a cable that connects the bridge to the plane in the In the images you will see yellow lines coming out of their deployment packages that connect to a rail above the door as the skydiver jumps, the line pulls the tot and deploys the parachute . All the jumper must do is navigate to the ground and rely on his training to land safely. Either came out pretty good, came out pretty good. I love it, very good, did you land safely?
You can say I'm fine, ma'am, everything's fine. Before these guys jump out of a real plane, they'll go through four to five hours on the ground. level of training the key is body position if you don't leave the plane correctly you could end up like this Mexican skydiver let's say he had the spins hey and we're not sure how long this poor skydiver kept spinning out of the plane imagine being stuck on an endless ride Carnival parade several thousand feet above sea level is enough to make battle-hardened paratroopers sick to their stomachs. They were reportedly able to bring him back inside, but we're not sure how you'd expect them to have water and cookies.
It calms your stomach from all the secret weapons the government is working on. The railgun has become one of the most infamous. They were technically first invented over 100 years ago and have come a long way since then. The railguns we have today are basically massive cannons they use electromagnetic pulses instead of gunpowder or chemicals to launch a projectile and uh launch is a euphemism these weapons can fire a non-explosive projectile over 100 nautical miles at speeds which reach the simulacrum of 6, that is, over 4,600 mph, this is what it looks and sounds like in action now railguns do not fire an explosive round because they simply do not need to, instead they fire a solid projectile that depends on Pure kinetic energy to destroy anything in its path A railgun is a large electrical circuit that contains three crucial parts of a power source, two parallel rails and a conductive projectile.
First, they will run millions of amps through the rails, the current traveling up and down the positive and negative arms, creating a powerful electromagnetic field that launches the projectile at mind-blowing speeds like today's railguns. They are in the R&D stage,We know how to make them and why they work, but we don't know how practical they are. The biggest challenge right now is durability. No one has demonstrated the ability to fire multiple high-powered shots without frying everything. Remember a Million amps is a lot of power if you enjoyed this video and want to see another one just like it, be sure to click the link on the screen now, thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one.

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