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Most Expensive Player From Every Team

Jun 08, 2024
I have 31 million coins to build a


using the




from each club, starting with Iron Munich. His



card is Team of the Seas and Harry Kane, 4.7 million coins, which is surprising because at the end of the video, Whatever the coins. I have left, I have to discard them and 31 million coins is equivalent to opening envelopes worth $8,000. It could ruin me, so I'll happily buy Harry Kanane. I have to buy their cheapest card on the market so that there are no cheats and place it. the


now, before spinning our next Club, I have the chance to earn a respin, all I have to do is open a pack, so if this contains a


from bam Munich, I earn a respin for our next player, Yes No respin for me, this has 100 players, so it has to have one there.
most expensive player from every team
Surely there we go, ger CDM Joshua is a re-spin acquired. I'm going to need all the help I can get to achieve this. Get rid of these coins and put them all in our team. I have to rule out millions oh please I thought oh Villa Royale I can't think of any players which isn't a surprise as Morales rated 84 is the most expensive card he doesn't even have. 40K so I'm going to have to clear Villa Royale and use my respin and cross


thing in my body like I literally can't cross my legs, cross my arms,


thing cross give me a good card please good the bad news is that their most expensive player is Alistair.
most expensive player from every team

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most expensive player from every team...

Johnston and he's not even worth 40,000 coins, but the good news is that he's a right back, so at least he won't take up one of our attacking positions, which is where all the expensive players are because once the position is filled we can't replace . them, how much do I have left to spend? Oh, only 26.6 million, but we have nine players left and then a money round. Now what am I going to have to do to earn the money if this asks me a question about Celtic? I'm going to be in a world of pain. I will name a former club of Alistair Johnson.
most expensive player from every team
Well, until about 2 minutes ago I had never heard of Alistair Johnston. I think he has played for another Scottish club and for some reason Kil Manuk comes to mind. oh he plays for Nashville Montreal oh those are the only two clubs I recognize on that list. I could have said Montreal. I just have no respin. I have to accept please give me Barcelona Real Madrid Man City Al Ali. I do not do it. I don't know whether to be happy or sad because I don't know anything about the players they have in fc24. They actually have two reasonably expensive cards: Max, who is worth 450,000 coins, and then the most expensive player in that club, the new team. season Riad Mahrez and has 645,000 coins, welcome to the team as if these three players have barely made a dent now if this can ask me the same question again.
most expensive player from every team
I know I can do it. I don't know five players. I can't have mahrez. can have S maximum Bobby firmino, wasn't Mendy there? goalkeeper Mendy, didn't they get the team of the season the other day? Was it Vega Vega? There is another important player who went there. What card? cesie cesie I'm pretty sure not, wait. I didn't have to ban it, oh it did, we've completely trashed it, come on, re-spin acquired, it'll just give me like Man City Arsenal Real Madrid, any of these big clubs please, Liverpool to Miami, to Miami, to Miami, that's amazing, isn't it great. amazing because Messi's team of the season hasn't come out yet, but his team of the year card is still expensive 5.27 eight million expensive coins hey, well, I'm not complaining, I'm happy, I'll pay more, I have a fun Feeling that even when we add him to the team I will still have over 20 million coins in the bank.
Yes, I want to understand it. I have a feeling the money round could be very important before I have to try to win my next one. respin, let's see what I would have gotten if I hadn't taken myami. I would have acquired Real Madrid and their most expensive player is Ferland Mendy for approximately 3.8 million coins, so we made the right decision to stay in Miami or we did it for my knowledge of Real Madrid is better than mine. I have named five players in Miami and I can't have Messi Suárez's cookies. Jordi Alba. My mind is blank.
Who else do you have there? I don't know I can't I can't do it, how did I screw it up? To be fair to me, I didn't stand a chance. I should have gotten Martinez, but I've never heard of any of the other players, so that means there's no respin, we just have to take it as it is. we've given, we're taking it oh what are we going to get give it an icon oh let's celebrate this together look at that guys it's what we call a huge W yeah you agree yeah that's the badge of the icon, it means I have to add the most expensive icon. yeah I'm thinking R9, I probably just saw this and Ronaldo is not the most expensive icon, neither Pelle nor Ronaldinho, it's his latest birthday rude H, 10.4 million, that's the best news I've ever had.
Better buy that one. time is running out 10.4 million oh my rude word i have never used this card it has to be disgusting for that amount of money it has to make a big dent oh that's fantastic news we only have 10 million left to spend but like We all know, there are many clubs in play that do not have very expensive players, as we found out that Johnston Pulet made most of his appearances for AC Milan, for that reason he will represent them today, so we are. I'm going to take them off the wheel and that's the club I'll have to answer any questions about whether they spin on the wheel AC Milan's biggest rivalry the wheels love me today oh I wonder M oh if only there was another Milan club oh W ay I'm going for Torino.
I don't think I'm going for Inter Milan. AC Milan's main rivalry is with this neighboring Inter Milan Club. They shared the money for how many years to give me that resin. I have the feeling that the wheel is at the beginning. He was going to continue being very kind to us. I was disappointed, but then I found out that they had a Willian card worth 380,000 coins. Do I take it or turn again? This is the hardest decision I'm getting rid of for them and I'm going around in circles. Could I live to regret this? There may be a high probability that I will regret this yes, I regret it, wait, their most expensive car in fc24 has a rating of 93 as team of the season verman, that's a shame, it's only 6,000 coins, that's it a good card, mate and I'm going to need good cards in the end to spend around 10 million coins and that's still worth $25,000 once again.
I faced a problem. I don't know anything about PSV. Oh, great, oh, just one. Previous club he played for, well, it's Dutch erid VC. I'm going to say that guy over there played for antp, wait it's actually somewhere in Holland or Belgium okay and it's in Belgium, junk I thought it was in Holland. I'm going to say he played for the azed Alman Haron V Heron and VanDam, I have no idea who they are, no respin for me so that means whatever spins I have to take, just give us a big F oh my god, oh my god, that's it. to be good, right, Chelsea, I can't think of who it could be now.
I thought it was going to be Tot Co Palmer, who's worth about a million coins and is also in my club because I packaged him as untradeable, but he's not Lauren James. has a close to 4 million coins, because none of them fit in the team because they only play Striker Cam and the right wing, the most expensive player that fits in our teams is possibly the biggest transfer failure of the season mudri 255,000 coins. I expected a lot more from Chelsea, I'm not going to lie, I'm not even under 10 million but we only have four players left and defenders aren't that expensive unless I can get Liverpool, but it's not all bad news so I support to be able to do it. do anything from here last season ended Did Chelsea finish in the top third, middle third or bottom third of the table?
This is actually difficult. The top third is the top seven, right? Did Chelsea finish in the top seven? Yeah yeah Chelsea finished in the top third 2223 season because this season isn't even over there's still one or two games left oh no they weren't in the top five please 12 it was so long ago but how can I remember it so that we can't turn again? I have to admit I'm worried if we don't give Liverpool one of these last four turns. I'm in real trouble. The Spurs have the team of the season. Romero was worth about a million coins, making it the most expensive card in the game.
It's the team of the season, son, but he plays on the left wing, we just put madri, left wing, applause, madri, so I was right when I said that Romero 92 was worth 520,000 coins, that's actually not that bad, Let's buy it and put it in the team, hey. We have less than 10 million left, if I don't want to depend on the money round, each of these players has to have around 3.2 million coins each. I don't think there are three defenders. Look over 3.3 million now I have to get this. right, give me last season finish the highest card in fc24 son was the most expensive so son has to be the highest right, what rating is that son?
I don't know, I'm going to say son, team of the season, come on, I was right. I need Liverpool for Van djk We need Madrid for Furland Mendy We take Leverkusen for Galdo Brighton and Lamp is their most expensive card that fits our team I'm going to have to re-spin it for 4K it's not enough to spend I'll tell you What if this is Liverpool or Real Madrid? You have to like the video and subscribe to reach 1 million subscribers. It's destiny, we deserve it and this is destiny and I deserve Liverpool. Liverpool lusen, that's good, that's really good, please tell me this guy plays left back. no he won't, if he did I will leave team Seas and frong in the team because he has more than 4 million coins but unfortunately he doesn't but it's not all bad news because I need a left back and they have galdo and he has 1.6 6 million, that's really fantastic, the team looks amazing, which I'm going to need in the money round, we have two players to go first and I need to try to get this down from 8 million and over $2000.
I'm currently ruling out what I need to know about luser. Name a former Galo club. Oh my God, he played in Portugal for a long time, but who was the club he played for? I don't think it's Porto because I had criticism for a long time. I think it's Sporting or Benica. I'm going to say that he played for Benfica Benica. Oh my God, I didn't know he played for Barcelona. Oh, just the B team, but Benfica, that's crazy. I already have it. wonderful thing we call respin wonderful thing called respin I'm a I'm rhyming well stad renas I have to check they definitely won't have such expensive players who am I kidding I'm checking imagine if they had a banger and I just didn't see it I would cry there are no bangers , the most expensive is a man like mandan, which costs 500 coins, so I'm definitely going to use the respin.
Subscribe for Liverpool, everyone, come on, Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool, I'm breathless after that, Van Dijke is not only the most expensive player to fit in our team, he is the most expensive Liverpool 97 card valued at 7 million coins, oh my god, Virgil Vano, come in the team, how much is left? 850,000 coins we need a bouncer and then we have the money round and I know I will answer this question well. I know all about Virgil vain and I know all about Liverpool. I don't know how many FC cards he got how many cards like different cards he has a fc24 so he definitely has a gold card he has the team of the season he has a team of the year yeah oh he has a Nike Nike so he has four I feel like he has a team of a week or two, let's say there are five or six.
I'm still not sure he's gotten anyone else. I'm going to say that van dijk has seven cards in sc24. I'm actually right, now that you have seven cards, when I look at Here are two other types of cards, but one of them is your red team of the season, which is your team of the season, so it doesn't count and the other doesn't count. It's not even in the game, it's a Euro 2024 card which must be for a promotion coming up but it's not in the game so it doesn't count, so seven is correct and I get a respin.
I'm going to even you out, although I don't think it matters. Allison is like the only expensive goalkeeper and Liverpool are gone so no matter who we get it will be cheap Newcastle Nick Pope has a 24,000 coin card might as well spin again I don't know we could get something better. I'm Shirona. I must admit that he was on the verge of losing money until I saw the Gaza team season 40,000 coins. I'll have some of that for the teammate. What is our final amount? 88,000 coins, that's $200 worth of packs. I have to discard them unless I can perform well in the money round, so I deal the $888,000 coins to each of the 11 players and I go play a game of fc24 and when I score with a player I save those 74,000 coins, so the only way to save the 800,000 coins is to score a goal with each player and I will even spice it up because if I really lose the game I will randomly discard one of the players from this 30 million team as well as the coins.
This is a game ofCompetitive champions and their team is disgusting. you don't miss this of course you don't miss 75,000 safe coins oh Modric of course he buries it oh my god he has a goal come on more money saved well it looks like they left a controller so just I'm going to try to score with as many people as I can 4 days of rage I quit they haven't put the control I'm very confused I'm very confused I thought they had lowered the control oh that's a blow and a half Messi doesn't miss this he doesn't do it yes he does it no you miss this though no it's not coming let's see if Gaza can go for it Gaza's got it got it got it oh that's not bad I mean it went further than I thought it would go jeez that's a touch and half, what are you doing?
Gaza, what are you doing? Leave that out. I mean, it's my fault, lesson learned, hurry up, Kane, hurry up, K, come on, number. four, my defenders are going forward Virgil Van D will score in a matter of minutes Virgil, that's delicious, oh, well done, open, oh V, I told you, score, I told you how little I play, they got angry, they retired, incredible Oh, I can't do anything about it. It leaves me with 43,000 coins that I need to get rid of, so I'm going to buy this Maldini icon card and while I'm putting it in an SBC, do me a favor, like it if you think we deserve a million subscribers.
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