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Most Embarrassing Ways To Die

Jun 05, 2021
oh my god, so to prove that I'm the


masculine of them, I can't believe what I'm hearing. What is it? That's why aliens don't visit us. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another reaction video today. We have Ethan, your boy, Simon and. bathtub bathtub top top top top top we, I'm your guy, we're reacting to


ly dumb


people died, darwin award winners, so, let's try not to laugh because these people really died, guys, okay, wait, actually, yeah, yeah, yeah, so this is, uh, try it. Don't make me laugh, oh great, but they got an award, so I mean we can celebrate, yes, Han Steininger served several terms as mayor of Bruno Hammond's small Austrian town.
most embarrassing ways to die
He had a four and a half foot long beard rolled up and stuffed in a pocket. broken he knew he was covered in 67. that would be ridiculous he was just calling it 45. oh, when a fire broke out in his village in september 1567, steininger found himself in the center of the panicked townspeople, his beard coming loose from his bag and came undone as he tried to suppress his movement. Steininger was in too much of a hurry to reroll his beard, so he moved it out of the way. His decision proved fatal when he tripped on his beard at the top of the stairs and fell down the steps, breaking. his neck along the line oh no jj how much do you want one now? hey, you can never grow facial hair, yeah, or you can grow such a long beard, that's it, I don't know, I had to keep it with this good choice, yeah, no.
most embarrassing ways to die

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most embarrassing ways to die...

No, no, you lose, you lose what you have, you know what's better than dying, oh no, no, I'm not saying die, I'm just saying you have a four and a half foot beard, yeah, but it's long just because, like that is. How am I performing well, let's say I'm performing on stage and I just jump on my beard and drown or something, are you going to shoot yourself? Okay, we have, we have, no, no, oh. we have darwin what's my beard? my beard wraps around my neck and then somehow I hang on tight and we move on crushed by a cactus one day in 1982 two young and presumably bored roommates named david grundman and james sukochi decided to wander through the desert near lake pleasant Arizona with shotguns and during their walk, grooming, they opened a nice 10 foot saguaro cactus which was quickly felled and Grundmann then fired two bullets 27 feet high, causing a large, heavy arm of the plant to fall. off grundmann was crushed to death saguaros are only found in the sonoran desert and are protected by arizona law in the case of david grubman's illegal behavior received a death sentence courtesy of the cactus that triggered fatal test number 14 oh No, as the age of aviation took off, a tailor named Franz Ryko decided to pursue a dream that was far beyond the scope of his profession.
most embarrassing ways to die
In 1911, the aspiring inventor participated in a competition to create a safety parachute. He created a safety suit. parachute that was a standard flight suit improvised with rubber-lined rods and a rifle with a silk canopy broke his leg during early tests and he blamed the shoe's failure on the low height from which he jumped well, after a year of Lobbying for permission to test the parachute suit from the Eiffel Tower, Michael was given the green light, police and spectators were waiting. They used test dummies on him and when they realized he intended to test the product himself, they tried to talk right now.
most embarrassing ways to die
It's just that he was so confident. Hey, he made jokes about it. One day in 2008, 18-year-old Cameron Bieberly took a ride in a shopping cart. was attached to the bumper when the car hit a speed bump the florida teen was catapulted 27 feet and landed on his head died shortly after being launched animation campaign a trend among teens that has become increasingly popular in recent years Apparently a growing number of people today's teens and young adults must be shown evidence of a tragedy to avoid dangerous driving that could kill them in a motorcycle helmet protest in the summer of 2011.
Philip A Cantos, 55, attended a protest against required motorcycle helmets in New York state, around 500 people without their helmets in a show of solidarity against the safety law during the Kantos Harley Davidson demonstration 1983 fish tail when he hit the brakes and was thrown over the handlebars he hit his head on the pavement and was pronounced dead but he didn't make it this is the the man put himself in that situation brother, we can't say it, it's the man from Josh, the medical expert who declared Kanto's death believed that he would certainly have survived the response if he had been wearing the helmet that sponsored the ride, maintain their opinion that the motorcyclists should have done so. kept this, see head number 11.
Multitasking misadventure, 20-year-old Khalida Hicks was driving her 1986 T-Top Monte Carlo down a dark Kentucky highway at 3 a.m. m. on an August morning in 2010. She had a passenger named Thomas May with her. and they decided to change seats and apparently didn't see the need to stop as high as they tried to climb over the t-top. I'm going to walk around the passenger seat. His foot hit the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve. He grabbed the steering wheel. and he swerved it to the right, the swerving causing Hicks to be thrown off the roof of the car and hit his head as he landed on the pavement.
Hicks trained at the University of Kentucky Medical Center and died during the surgery that met the number 10. Decapitation in 1995 a group of Polish men decided to measure his masculinity and evidently his intelligence or perhaps lack thereof by playing a drinking game with one of them The ball of his foot was amputated using a chainsaw in an effort to overcome it. 30 year old farmer christoph hesninski swung the chainsaw at his neck and touched his head oh my god so to prove he was the


manly one of them cut off his foot I can't believe what I'm hearing what It's, hey, that's why aliens won't visit that guy.
I should have seen the other guys here like at a barbecue, someone says why don't you have a foot? uh me and the boys are playing this game oh dave cut his head off yeah he won turns out he has the biggest oxen in 2018 a 21 year old man decided he needed more the crew ordered him to stopped, which he did briefly until their backs were turned. He soon faltered and fell overboard. Several life preservers were thrown several feet away from the man and a crew member waded into the water five feet away to help, but he couldn't stay afloat and eventually drowned in the mud, so I have questions about that, bro?
Why are you doing handstands and stuff on the railing when you can't swim, family? I want to know how. he learned to make hands which I like I feel like you learn to swim before you learn yes yes yes he got it all wrong you could swim if you threw me in a river you might as well throw me a funeral a Toronto lawyer named Gary Hoy was incredibly proud of the stamina of the windows of his skyscrapers and the durability of the windows of his office on the 24th floor. One day in 1993 he decided to impress some entrants by checking for the first time that the window remained as usual before running again.
Glass Peter Lowers, managing partner at the firm, told a local newspaper that Gary was one of the best and brightest students they had ever sat down with, like at a board meeting or something for inspiration, brother, and they said this guy just "Hey everyone, welcome to work, I want to show you this video, yeah, I suggest you hire another number seven. Death by DIY in 1996. Mark Gleason made one last effort to quiet his snoring so his girlfriend Tracy Lambert could sleep. Doctors had told Gleason that his snoring was caused by sinus problems from a car accident was incurable, but the Scottish couple were determined to get it under control after taking some sleeping pills and drinking a drink. some wine, Gleason stuffed tampons into his nostrils, fell asleep on Lambert's couch, and discovered his lifeless body the next morning.
Gleason died from asphyxiation caused by both the tampons and sleeping pills, which It increased his breathing difficulties, which was accidentally proven by an accident in an Ohio courtroom in July 1871. Attorney Clement Valandingham argued that his client, Thomas McGeehan, was innocent of the murder. mcgeehan was accused of killing a man. named tom myers during a bar fight valentino argued that myers accidentally killed himself with his own gun to prove it used an unloaded gun to show the jury how myers could have done this that night the lawyer placed a loaded gun next to the unloaded one in a table in his hotel in the process of demonstrating to his fellow attorneys how Myers could have shot himself.
Valen Dingham picked up the loaded gun from the table and shot himself in the air. British scientist and nutrition fanatic Basil Brown consumed a gallon of carrot juice daily. and 70 million units of vitamin a over the course of 10 days the combination of toxins had the same effect on his liver as alcohol and he died of cirrhosis when he died his skin was bright yellow oh some people may not know how dangerous What vitamin toxicity can be, it's common knowledge that consuming anything in excess can lead to disastrous results number four, obviously, I just consumed a lot of things in large quantities that I probably should, so, yeah, if a woman, come on, where is this guy if a woman consumed? too much sperm is that would kill her too much of anything you'll hear as soon as you get rid of everything as soon as you pass the breakeven point you've done well your body can only do so much we're not superheroes anthony who worked as an electrician in new york city and should have been well aware of the dangers of downed wires.
He paid the ultimate price for his foolishness when the police arrived at the scene. His vehicle was engulfed in flames and he was dead. Daredevil doll number three was a famous one. Chinese guy Some of his famous acts included doing push-ups on the side of a skyscraper while walking His body was found the next day along with the camera that found him losing control The moral of the young man's tragedy is that there are much safer


to win success in stardom i wonder what you should do just some reactions try not to laugh man i figure what you should do so look how he's done it so many times yeah i wonder what that instant feeling will be like bro as soon as you are allowed.
See how, bro, it's over, it's probably there like it finally slipped, bro, but as soon as you let go, you've accepted, I'm done, bro, I'm crushed to death by a car when you're fixing a heavy object, don't worry. you feel. underneath, if you're wrapped up or have a slight false move, it's game over. Cerunus macionis learned this lesson the hard way in mid-2018, he attempted to repair his car while he supported it on a tire and a jack with a block of wood that crushed the car. mations his partner noticed that it was blue and a neighbor tried unsuccessfully to lift the car the efforts to save the man's life were in vain the neighbors noticed that it was blue as if he had been fixing that car for a couple of hours now it has been there for On the day I had the number one tantrum in a wheelchair elevator, a 40-year-old South Korean man in a wheelchair, known only as Mr Lee, had an explosive tantrum when he approached an elevator in a shopping center when the Doors closed and he was unable to enter instead waiting for the next one, he rambled repeatedly and then, an apparent underestimation of his own strength, pushed them into the elevator 19 feet to his death, oh, warning the general public against the possible consequences of violent anger, mall officials promised us to strengthen their elevators, oh.
Oh my god, so many of these stories, oh my god, I threw up on the 19th. I wonder if he was still holding on to the water hole. I think so. Do you think he landed on these wheels? No, wheelchair Tony Hawk in the X games. Man, rest in peace. Yeah.

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