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May 31, 2021
welcome to beam ng, but with


, that's right, I'll be playing with Jelly in Craner. It is basically an ultra realistic physics vehicle simulator. I don't really know what I'm saying, but we'll play together trying some out. Crazy


s today, we had so much fun playing this and I really want us to make more videos so you can use your likes to vote. If we get 50,000 likes for this video, we will upload another one and also head over to the tagline. .com to see the cool merchandise and let's get into the video oh oh, where are we?
most brutal mega ramp crashes beamng multiplayer
Wait, wait a second, I'm going to go into the free camera and look at this, this is me here, well, we have a huge we' Let's go down, have fun oh, my car is already running, my car is already running, I didn't realize, I'll help you, no, I'm fine, I stopped, I stopped, oh, mine is completely broken, guys, I have something else to show you. I have something else to show you, okay, wait, easy, easy, look, you see, no, you see this little thing that comes off the edge, this lands on something really cool, yeah, thing that comes out of the air, yes, there are platforms, you broke my door, wait.
most brutal mega ramp crashes beamng multiplayer

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most brutal mega ramp crashes beamng multiplayer...

Wait for my break, wait, wait, Jack works, okay, let's, let's shoot at the same time, let's shoot. I think my car is going to crash, oh my god, oh my god, oh my car landed. in the water, okay, did you get good speed? Look at me I'm doing a front flip painter your car is going to break down um this is sick I love these guys mine is in 20 million pieces okay wait guys I know this is something big stairs here we should try to go that's why we should try the stairs jelly what are you doing down there? let's go to the stairs make it easy easy easy okay okay this game is so let's really try to survive these stairs now okay yeah survive this it's 100 uh okay I feel like Jelly has a better car for this, okay, so should we go fast or slow?
most brutal mega ramp crashes beamng multiplayer
I don't know, I don't know, it's your own strategy, I know how to do this oh oh my God, here we go, here we go, here we go, okay, I have to watch him for this, it's all or nothing, okay, I'm watching, oh jelly, well it's working, it's not good, hey, stop pressuring me, no, um, don't worry guys. so we have to be the least damaged, weaker than yours, Josh, because she liked to push me for a day, oh, I've got some speed, I've got some speed, don't go off the side, but come land on your top Mine is definitely, hey, wait, okay guys, no, no, look at mine, my wheel is literally in my front window, uh, well at least they're not jelly, yeah, underwater, so, wait, where is it?
most brutal mega ramp crashes beamng multiplayer
Let me go, sir, your engine is dead, oh, you landed. here yes, I think the gelatin is the


destroyed, okay, let's try a little, you know, something less


, what is this? Wait a minute, I'm going to be a spectator on this one, guys, I picked out a new car, I want to do this, okay, we have. a big long


, but it's what I wanted and there are things at the end of the TV, why are you in a tuptucker whatever it's called? Wait, sorry, this is just a three-wheeled car, okay, oh, okay, it looks like a boat a bit, come on, come on.
Oh, there we go, yes, my God, this is going to be the best part of this, what are you guys aiming for? I'm going left. Wait, you guys didn't delete your other vehicles. It seems like they are in the middle of nowhere. Wait, oh Jesus, wait, where is Karina going? I actually got it, man, that was sick, Josh, you should have tried that. I'm in movie mode, I don't know, it looked like a car that experienced, oh my god. Jelly, it's okay, you were really broken on my screen, uh, yeah, I'm a little broken, but I'm still on a ramp, come up, we should just try, and if we do, I'll come down on you, oh no, um, oh, you did it.
Don't hit me, wait, should we try to get to this real ramp? Yeah, let's do it, so we'll go down, bring my car, guys, come on, there's like rings in the distance, rings, the three more rings, you can stop by Jenny. your engine is on fire smoking what oh no the right rap would have been so much better oh the right wrap would be so much better uh-oh I'm gonna get some points 200 points come on oh oh you missed it yeah Kelly got it are you kidding me? OK? How many points do I get? None. Nothing.
Well, I'll get a much faster car and go for more points. Okay, you're ready. We all have faster cars in three, two, one, oh okay, it's not about who gets there first. oh, this is speed, I think you were jillian, I'm so fast, oh, I got under them, the crib was, oh, okay, look guys, if you think this was hard, I think you should check the next ramp, what is next? You'll see, yeah guys, take the big one and look at this, so the goal of this is simple, get to the end, no, no, it's not a race, it's not a race, you can go as slow as you want, no There is absolutely no way. that this is possible, josh, but I'm down, okay, I'm going to go super slow, okay, okay, okay, two, two, one, well, I'm scared, come on, come on, come on, come on, I'm not speeding up, jelly, Jelly, rise, spin, oh no, I was doing so well before Yeah, I think I lost control a little, how did I do this?
Oh no, I'm going to fall. I had to try again because I fell. I'm on fire. Oh no, okay, let's go full speed. See, okay, I'm hitting a ball too, I mean, I'm getting to the bottom, but I'm definitely dying, yeah, okay, come on, I've got this, I've got things, I've got this, yeah, I'm trying against you. go ultra speed come on this time josh won't screw it up ultra jelly look I'm as flat as a pancake jelly watch out jelly watch out here we go oh my god I did it how's it going with you crazy this is terrible there's no way they can complete this without dying guys, this is impossible, you look great, karen, land it, okay, I'm doing it right, guys, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, watch the ball, oh, I'm hitting, oh, oh, the I turned into a point, oh. the car is ruined what's bad I'll do it one more time do it no what's wrong you ruined my first try you ruined my phone you're going to beat me why did you ruin my first try I'm going to ruin your second try?
Well, you guys are already ruined. I'm going to dodge everything this time. I'm going to be great. I'll make sure they don't live like jelly. I'm going to chase them. Come on, I'm coming here, let's survive this, oh. Oh my gosh my car is fine I'm still running no I got one bye crainer oh there you go come on get it back get it back get it stop the bottom josh get to the bottom well I lost the wheel , I lost oh no, come on Josh, you did it, oh I'm actually driving, I'm actually driving, he did it, come on, well, well I want to try this job one more time, good job, okay, this time guys What are you looking at if you're okay, bus time? no, jelly, oh no, listen to me, a bus is the strongest vehicle on the road, this one will survive the biggest round, how about it?
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