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Moses and the Exodus + More of Moses' Story | Stories of the Bible

Apr 02, 2024





this is


moses was a descendant of joseph's brother levi joseph and his brothers had many children and grandchildren who lived happily in egypt eventually a new pharaoh came to power who knew nothing about joseph or what he had made this sparrow. He feared the Israelites because there were a large number of them living in Egypt, so he wanted to put an end to their prosperity. He enslaved the Israelites. He made them work long hours building Egyptian cities, but his plan did not work and the Israelites grew.


in number and strength, then Pharaoh made a rule that no Israelite child would be allowed to live in Egypt.
moses and the exodus more of moses story stories of the bible
This is where the


of Moses begins. When Moses was born, his mother saw that he was a special baby and kept him hidden for three years. months but when she could no longer keep it a secret she made a basket and put it in the Nile River among the reeds. Moses' sister stayed to watch what would happen to her little brother and soon the pharaoh's daughter reached the bank of the river when she saw the basket, hey, he sent his servant to get it when he saw the baby, he felt sorry for him, huh, thinking it must be an Israelite baby who wasn't supposed to live, so Moses' sister asked the princess if she wanted to find her. an Israelite woman to take care of the baby, so Moses' sister went to look for her mother.
moses and the exodus more of moses story stories of the bible

More Interesting Facts About,

moses and the exodus more of moses story stories of the bible...

Moses' own mother cared for him until he was old enough to live in the Pharaoh's house, where the princess adopted him as her son, and Moses, an Israelite boy who was not supposed to live became the adopted grandson of the pharaoh and lived in the palace while god prepared him for a great destiny that was just beginning to unfold


from the


moses and the burning bush this is moses moses was an Israelite boy He was born in Egypt at a time when children were supposed to Israelites were not supposed to live, where the Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians, but God had a special plan for Moses.
moses and the exodus more of moses story stories of the bible
Oh, and he spent his childhood in Pharaoh's palace. You see when Moses grew up. made a big mistake oh pharaoh discovered what Moses had done and tried to kill Moses then Moses fled from Egypt he stopped in the land of Midian and seven sisters came to the well to give water to their father's flock some shepherds came to expel them but Moses defended the women now these sisters were the daughters of the Midianite priest named Jethro when Jethro heard what Moses did for his daughters he sent for Moses, so Moses came to live among the Midianites and married Zipporah, one of the daughters of Jethro. daughters ah meanwhile there in Egypt the old pharaoh died but was replaced by a new pharaoh who continued to treat the Israelites badly the Israelites cried out to god for the terrible things that pharaoh made them do god listened to these people and knew it was time to act one day Moses was tending Jethro's flock when an angel of the lord appeared to Moses through a burning bush that was not burning oh Moses stopped to look at the bush and heard the voice of God say Moses Moses It's all God then told Moses how sad he was about the suffering of his people.
moses and the exodus more of moses story stories of the bible
He told Moses that he wanted to do something about it and he wanted Moses to be the one to do it, oh man, but Moses didn't think he was the right person to go to God. He said that I will be with you, but Moses said that he would not know what to tell the people, so God said to tell the people that God himself had sent him and he promised Moses that his plan would be fulfilled through Moses, but Moses still told him. He told God he didn't think people would believe him, so God said what's that in your head.
Moses said a staff. God told Moses to throw him to the ground. Wow, okay, so God told Moses to catch him. God showed Moses another. sign and told him to show these signs to the people if they didn't believe what he said Moses still didn't believe he would have the right words to say but god said that he himself was the one who made a man's mouth and gave him the ability to speak, so there was no need to worry, even after all this, Moses said God please send someone else, then God got angry with Moses, oops, and said he would send Moses' brother Aaron to speak in name of Moses, so Moses returned to his father. -politician and told him that he needed to return to Egypt.
Moses and his family began their journey back to Egypt and Moses carried God's staff in his hand, as this staff would be the tool that God would use to demonstrate his amazing power. to the israelites and the egyptians bible stories moses and the


this is moses who was an israelite born in egypt at a time when israelite children were not supposed to live moses however grew up in pharaoh's palace himself man who was enslaving the Israelite people when Moses grew up, made a big mistake, so Moses fled from Egypt to the land of Midian after many years, an angel of the Lord appeared to Moses and told him to return to Egypt to free the Israelites after a long time.
When he protested, God granted Moses, Aaron's brother, to speak on his behalf, so Moses went to Egypt and on the way he met Aaron, who was ready to do whatever God wanted him to do. The Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians, but God had a special plan for them. Moses, after gathering the people of God, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him: this is what the Lord the god of Israel has said, let my people go and Pharaoh made the Israelites work harder because of this. Ah, the four men of the Israelite slaves were angry with Moses and Aaron for causing this problem, so Moses cried out to God and asked why this was happening, but God said: you will see what I will do.
I am the Lord, I will free you from slavery. Wow, okay, Moses told this to the people. okay, okay, but they were so discouraged that they didn't listen to him. God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and do exactly what he said. So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. Hey, God told them to take the staff and throw it. down before the pharaoh pharaoh was not he impressed his wise men and sorcerers and they did the same but aaron's staff swallowed the sorcerer's staff still the pharaoh's heart was hardened and he did not hear them shoot just as god had then said Lord said Moses goes to the banks of the Nile River and meets Pharaoh.
Moses and Aaron did just as God had said, but again Pharaoh's magicians performed the same miracle and Pharaoh refused to let God's people go, so God sent nine


plagues to Egypt to show his power. With all the suffering, Pharaoh's heart remained hard and he did not let the people go. On the night of the last plague, Pharaoh woke up and heard a great scream in Egypt because there was not a house in Egypt where there was not someone dead. Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and they told him to go with the Israelites so the Israelites left Egypt immediately and headed to the promised land taking with them many riches from Egypt and they took Joseph's bones as they had promised him many years before. but after Pharaoh was gone he changed his mind and prepared his army to take back the Israelites when the Israelites saw Pharaoh and his armies coming, they were terrified but God made a way for them through all of this the Israelites saw the great power of their god, the only true god and they put their trust in moses his servant bible stories moses and the red sea this is moses who was an israelite born in egypt in a time where israelite children were not supposed to live moses without However, he grew up in Pharaoh's palace the same man who was enslaving the Israelite people when Moses grew up made a big mistake so Moses fled Egypt to the land of Midian many years later God called Moses back to Egypt to rescue his town with the help of his brother Aaron the pharaoh.
He did not want to let God's people go and God showed his power throughout Egypt by sending plagues even with all the suffering. Pharaoh's hearts remained hard and he did not let the people go. On the night of the last plague, Pharaoh woke up and heard a great scream. in Egypt eh, because there was not an Egyptian house in which there was not someone dead. Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and told them to leave Egypt with the Israelites, so the Israelites immediately left Egypt and headed to the promised land, taking with them many riches. From Egypt they took the bones of Joseph as they had promised him many years before.
God led them through a pillar of fire during the night and a cloud during the day. God told Moses to make the people camp along the seashore. red, okay, where is it? Here God told Moses that the Egyptians would come after them, but that God would show his glory and power through this. When word reached Pharaoh that the Israelites were gone, Pharaoh changed his mind and prepared his army to take back the Israelites. The Egyptians found the Israelites camped. along the seashore when pharaoh and his armies approached, the israelites panicked, cried out to god and asked moses why did you bring us here to die in the desert, but moses told the people not to were afraid, the Lord himself will do it. fight for yourself just stay calm then god said to moses why are you yelling at me tell the people to move well when night came the pillar of cloud turned into fire and passed between the israelites and the egyptians then moses raised his hand the sea and god made a way through the water with a strong wind the wind blew all that night turning the bottom of the sea into dry land come on, are you so that the people of Israel walk through the middle of the sea on dry land with walls of water on each side, then the Egyptians chased the Israelites into the middle of the sea, but just before dawn, God looked down on the Egyptian army from the pillar of fire and cloud and threw their forces into total confusion, let's get out of here, far from these. the israelites the egyptians shouted the lord is fighting for them against egypt when all the israelites had reached the other side god told moses to raise his hand over the sea again who got it moses raised his hand over the sea and the water came back to their usual state place the Egyptians tried to escape but God dragged them into the sea that is how God rescued Israel from the hand of the Egyptians that day when the people of Israel saw the great power that God had shown against the Egyptians they were amazed they put their faith in god and his servant moses bible stories moses in the wilderness this is moses who was an israelite born in egypt at a time when israelite children were not supposed to live wait hey moses however grew up in Pharaoh's palace the same man who was enslaving the Israelite people when Moses grew up, made a big mistake and fled Egypt to live with the Midianites, but God called Moses back to Egypt to free his people with the help of his brother Aaron after God showed his miraculous power in Egypt he led the Israelites through the red sea and towards the promised land they followed god who showed himself as a cloud by day and fire by night while god led them through the desert the Israelites were thirsty and hungry they complained to Moses and Aaron and said If only we had died in Egypt, God told Moses that he would provide for his people every morning.
They woke up and found manna for the day. What's that? And every night God gave them meat. The people were still thirsty and were angry with Moses, saying: No? You brought us here to die of thirst, yes, so Moses cried out to God and God told Moses to strike a rock and water came out of it for the people to drink and so the Lord provided for the needs of his people after traveling through the desert. For three months they arrived at Mount Sinai and God called Moses from the top of the mountain. God spoke to Moses there about the future of his people and reminded him of the miracles of the past.
After three days there was thunder and lightning as a thick cloud covered the mountain, the people heard a loud trumpet sound and Moses led the people to the foot of the mountain to meet God. God told them how his people should live and how they should honor him and respect one another. The Israelites had seen for themselves. that god had spoken to moses from heaven these rules that god told them are called the ten commandments and the israelites feared that god by his great power had taken them out of slavery and had provided for them in the desert

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