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More Weird Camera Apps

May 30, 2021
Hey guys, what's up LD shower lady? I'm testing a bunch of super




on my phone, so I downloaded a bunch of ridiculous


on my iPhone and we're going to put them to the test, can you really imagine? Discover my animal spirit just by looking at a photo of me. Can you take x-ray photos of people? These are all the questions we are going to answer today. The answers are probably no, so let's start nice and simple by figuring out what animal I am now. I was under the impression it was a human, but apparently it may not be, so let's try that.
more weird camera apps
Oh, okay, let's take a photo. I'm hoping for something cute and tender. Oh my God, I'm an otter. I'm very happy with that. Actually, but since this is a scientifically accurate test, I'll have to put up my photo a few


times to make sure I still come out as an otter so that this time it doesn't recognize me as an otter. No, apparently I am now. a fox. I'm starting to think this might not be legit, but I so want to believe it isn't. I am now a koala who couldn't be further from an otter.
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Unfortunately, this app doesn't allow me to add any photos of my friends, so I can't see what kind of animals my friends are supposed to be, but maybe I can find an unwilling participant. Okay, let's quickly find out what kind of animal you are. Quick scan, scan the face, scan the cat, yeah, okay. find out what kind of animal body really close to the cat's body are multiple meerkats, well now I know that I don't actually have a pet cat, I have a pet meerkat, all thanks to this super accurate face scanner app, okay, Let's continue with the next one.
more weird camera apps
It's actually an x-ray scanner. I know what you're thinking. Who knew an iPhone could double as a complicated piece of medical technology? It's not me, but today we're going to try it, so let's point the


at my body. Here's my good one and start the scan scan me waiting for the results okay it's just a random person. I didn't even take a photo of that part of my body, wait, there's a baby, there's a little skeleton of a baby inside. I'm starting to doubt. validity of these x-ray results maybe they changed someone else's scan in the lab with mine because that's not me, let's try again, we got it, what's that?
more weird camera apps
What is it like to take a photo of my back? Okay, I'm starting to think this. it's just random x-ray images and my phone isn't actually an x-ray scanner. Another disappointing app, but moving on to the next one is really promising. This apparently allows you to find out which YouTuber you look like now. Personally I think I see myself. It looks a lot like ldshadowlady. I don't know what you guys think but I have a feeling ldshadowlady isn't in your database so it'll probably say zoella or who else has pink hair noodles so let's put it to the test look at the camera.
Press and hold What is he doing? He didn't even take a photo of me. He's just analyzing who I look like. So, okay, Jenna Marbles, really. Don't know. Next, let's try to find my spirit animal, all we have to do. It's look, oh, this one is actually taking a photo, uh, a chicken, you know what that actually makes a lot of sense, you don't even need to try it again, this is definitely 100% accurate, okay, get ready for this one because things are getting better. They try to make you scary, this app adds a ghost to your photos, so maybe you can use this to prank people.
I can pretend there's a ghost haunting my house and I have no idea, so let's take a photo, are you serious? I thought it would look much better than this. This is rubbish. I don't think anyone is going to fall for that. That's rubbish. I'm literally going to delete that app. It doesn't even deserve to be on my phone. Okay, so we might have I've had a lot of failures so far, but I'm sure the next one will probably be just as bad. This is a lie detector, but we will see if this app can detect when I am lying.
Okay, so let's put my face to it. your name Lizzy I'm telling the truth okay now I'm going to tell a lie and see if she knows how old you are 46 oh I knew she was lying. I've never played Minecraft. That is not true. I've clearly played Minecraft. The app is a liar, it's not me, another piece of garbage in the next one is simply called a dog. I think it will tell me what breed of dog I am. I can't wait to find out, oh my gosh, this is actually one of the most exciting ones.
I'm a sad little dog. I wasn't even making a sad face. What happens if I make a happy face? A romantic little dog that is clearly me. Okay, once again, what dog am I? I'm a wet dog. Well, this is getting worse and worse. Okay, so we've done all the testing, now it's time to filter my face a little, so I'm going to try the "Make Me Old" app and see how I'll look when I'm seventeen. So what the hell is this? Oh, I have to do it. put it in manually, okay, okay, that didn't work.
This is so stupid. Another stupid app. Let's try this one. What is it?. I'm supposed to put my face in the dog's face. This just seems stupid. Oh my god, this is ridiculous. None of this seems. real, oh, just like every other app we've tried today, this is dumb too, but I always wanted to be a majestic lion, somehow I even screwed that up, but this one looks good, apparently it has a cover over the filters, like this Let's try them. this is like a light show in my face i actually like the next one wife why does this exist?
Okay, try this one, oh, it was actually Instagram, a bull, this one is cute. I'm pleasantly surprised, let's see the next one is like well, wait, this looks very familiar, isn't this the one from Instagram? They stole these from Instagram how about this fancy one not so fancy what's up with this one? I feel so violated. I can't believe that just happened. How many cigarettes next? What a cigarette filter, okay you know what's true, smoking kills, don't smoke guys, it's bad for you and it's not cool, but this filter is very unnecessary. Really, my goodness, but this is my favorite filter.
The next one is blue. I do not know what is happening. here, but I feel very uncomfortable, okay, it's a horrible transition, but look how my hair becomes fabulous, oh no, it's gone now for the final application. I'm actually very excited about this one. I saw you playing with it and it looked really real. funny, so let's try it, okay, then let's take a photo, ahhh, wow, that's high tech and oh my god, that's scary. I don't like that at all. I can make it say different things who you are and my face is not natural.
I couldn't move like that even if I wanted to, that's pretty


, but I think it can get weirder. Let's import a photo from my vacation in Iceland with Joel. Oh no, that's horrible. What's happening. We are moving our faces in sync. It's so weird oh that's so creepy oh my god this is by far the weirdest although no one's face should move like that yeah that's scary okay here we go here's a cute leaked photo of Joel and I oh my god that's adorable weird but adorable how about oh my gosh look at the eyebrows shaking so this is scary it doesn't look good oh look your parents are disappointed in you we don't approve of it oh my gosh this one is scary oh no , that's just scary, I'm sorry for doing that?
I apologize for that, it's so strange to have both faces at the same time, okay, you know, that's enough, that's enough camera apps for one day. Things are starting to get a little weird, so I hope you enjoyed this video. If so, don't forget to leave a like and let me know in the comments below if you really like any of these apps. See you next time.

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