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Monster Town - Monster Truck Fire Truck helps the Monster Trucks Cranes ! Monster Truck of Car City

May 03, 2020
hello milo and mitch what a beautiful day where are you going uh oh it looks like you will have to choose between these two paths which one would be come on guys don't fight over this which one will be now now you should flip a coin to solve this, Mitch, you choose heads and Milo, choose tails, okay, so the side with the


is heads and the side with the number one is tails. Great, let's flip this coin. Well, let's see it's expensive, guys, so it means Mitch. He has won and can choose the direction he wants.
monster town   monster truck fire truck helps the monster trucks cranes monster truck of car city
Milo Mitch, look at that impressive tree. Guys, it looks like they put something on it. Let's check and see what it is. Will they watch? This is a giant cake. What are you doing upstairs? Even though that cake looks so delicious, Milo doesn't want to get the cake back from the tree. What if he was someone else's? Well, they found it. So why all the fuss? No again. No Milo brains. Can you get to the other side? the branch is fine, it's fine, don't worry, Maverick will get you out of there in no time, just wait a little longer, hey Maverick, enjoying this beautiful day, bright sun and ice cream, well, you're not so bad, oops, I spoke too soon. look what's happening hipster you know what to do my hipster hello guys what a good idea to cool off on this hot day take a deep breath hipster and calm down max milo and mitch need your help they are trapped by the


and they can't I won't come out I'm sorry Marty Max has to go, but he'll play with you again.
monster town   monster truck fire truck helps the monster trucks cranes monster truck of car city

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monster town monster truck fire truck helps the monster trucks cranes monster truck of car city...

Oh, which way should you choose Maverick? Oh, there look at a coin, they must have gone this way, look, look at this smoke, you better hurry up guys, Milo Mitch. Are you OK? Wait, a little slower Maverick Max is handling the situation amazing Max thank you very much for rescuing the


How do you feel


and thanks to you Maverick C there was nothing to worry about now Mitch is still wondering how come he was a cake? hanging high on a tree, okay, Maverick hid that birthday cake for you because he knows it's his birthday, he wanted to wait until tonight to celebrate since the day is very hot, that explains all the worry.
monster town   monster truck fire truck helps the monster trucks cranes monster truck of car city
They thought this was all their fault. okay maverick everything is okay now you're right milo it's time to eat that cake oh god you're finally agreeing on something guys it must be an easy miracle guys well done enjoy your birthday cake my friends see you soon well it looks like a tough race it's Happening around here wow, you're a braggart, don't get too confident, the race isn't over yet, Marty, look, you've got a hole under your helmet, Marty, wait for Marty, where's Moe? There is no trace of him anywhere. You can see? He, thank God, there he is, wait guys, Maverick can help you, well, oh, oh, hey, Maverick, Marty and Moe need his help.
monster town   monster truck fire truck helps the monster trucks cranes monster truck of car city
Can you go to the lake now and see what's going on? Maverick, you have to get there quickly. So hello girls, what are you doing? oh oh you're playing mouse with the cat it looks fun mia here comes maverick there's an emergency marty and mo we're in danger you're on the beach can you come oh oh look mia there they're in a hurry oh wait moe mia's going to come back Good way to go Guys, you're almost there, are you enjoying your trip? Great teamwork. Guys, marty looks like Maverick has been guarding your hole. You look well.
So what would you think about starting a career again? Mo says he already had his luck. action for today, guys, go ahead, how about a race between Mia and Marty? Air vs. water, what do you guys think? Okay, Maverick, you can count, that's it, good luck to you


s, and be careful this time. See you soon. Hello Mia. Like you're having a lot of fun out there wow mia that's awesome careful out there though careless mia oh mia are you okay? You broke one of the pipes during your fall, the well is flooding, we have to call Maverick so he can really come back soon mia, hello little nonconformist, why are you so sad?
Oh, I see you wish this trampoline could take you through the air and make you fly. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually, little one. I have a mission for you. Mia was doing some loops, but I got stuck in a well and it's about to flood. Can you get help quickly? it happened to guys guys guys listen maverick needs your help mia is trapped inside a well that is about to flood can you help her great, come on then there she is quick guys, she's almost drowning don't worry mia maverick has brought some help ? We got you almost there, guys, use your hook.
I have you, my. She tries not to fall. Thanks for your help. Cranes, you really make a great team when you work together. How are you going to repair these pipes? Oh boy Maverick Mia wants to give you a tour of the


to thank you you're finally flying maverick enjoy the car patrol wow hello babies having fun tonight what is it uh this is a ghost race babies run this is the phone to call the patrol of cars and here come the baby cars let's call for the babies that patrol the car and only they can save us from this Matt Frank Hector Car City needs you there is a ghost haunting the playground oh a joke it doesn't matter at all this is not a joke there was a ghost what guys this is so dark here oh no it's the ghost you're right Matt no need to panic let's stop this ghost this is a perfect plan Matt Hector you'll fly all over the place


trying to spot the ghost, once you do you will call Matt and Frank. and they will join you, frank, once Hector sees the ghost, you will drive behind him and chase him, then Matt will drive faster and betray the ghost at the end of the road.
Patrol car get ready go there this is Hector Matt Frank Hector found the ghost now you can go after him and catch him this is not a ghost this is charlie matt stop this is not a ghost this is charlie charlie charlie break now of course guys this is halloween charlie was wearing a costume well friends, i think it's time for you to enjoy tonight and collect candy. Good night friends. See you next. Hi Troy, what's up? You are delivering equipment to the hospital in Car City. Oh no, the tunnel from Train Town is blocked. Are you okay in there?
Troy. Hello Marley. Troy the train. is stuck in the tunnel can you call the super


to come and help me hey carl troy the train is stuck in the tunnel and needs to deliver important hospital equipment how will you transform carla into a forklift perfect how amazing Now are you ready to save Troy? Alright, come on, Troy Super Truck is here to save you. Are you ready to lift something? Super Truck. You did it. Good job. Super Truck. Troy is very grateful, but he has to go to the hospital now. Super Truck. Look, hey, phew, good job.
Marley. truck you need to put that rock somewhere safer super truck is going to put the rock somewhere safe now mark where you will put it super truck do you have an idea that's the perfect place for a big rock a rock sculpture oh well you can build it new you better stop it before it turns into a super rock see you later friends you're driving amazing there Marley are you going somewhere or are you just having fun? You're on your way to Tom's paint shop. How exciting it will make you look. the incredible hulk, well you're already pretty awesome, so that sounds perfect, be careful entering the paint shop, marley, you're a pretty big guy, hey tom, that's better, we'll get to see marley's transformation now, all set to begin with, of course, him. he needs some protective glasses great now you're right the incredible hulk is incredibly green let's see what paints you have red blue yellow white and green ready for your transformation marley tom where are you there is tom and it looks like he has marley something new and amazing wheels, what is it purple paint for Tom?
You're right, the Incredible Hulk wears purple pants. I think you'll need a large paintbrush for this. Tom. Wow, wow, you look great, Marley, but maybe you should look angrier. Oh, they're perfect, no. You think Tom, now you look like the Incredible Hulk, Marley, what a great job, watch out Marley, don't forget you're the Hulk, now you're going to have to bend over a little, oh boy Marley, you don't just look like the Hulk. You are also as strong as him, but fortunately not as angry. Hey guys, follow us on our great adventures by clicking on more videos.
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