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Mommy Rescues Ryan in 5 Lock Challenge!

Apr 12, 2024
we are playing with the toys from Ryan's world that Ryan helped create help help is there someone there Ryan what's going on are you okay help the game master connected me here and you have to complete his


s to get the five keys and open how do I find a game master um


what oh no why am I shining where am I you're in your first


and if you want to save Ryan you're going to need this key no, it's not that easy because it goes inside this ball pit oh, that's right there, turn around, I'm going to, I'm going to hide it better, okay, turn around, now you'll never find the key, good luck, okay, let's go in, okay, we have to find the key, we have to hurry, where's Ryan, mom ? coming where it is oh it's not like finding a needle in a haystack oh wait is this the key is this the key wait this is not the key is not the key but it's a surprise that I put there there may be a few more surprises If you look hard enough, this is great.
mommy rescues ryan in 5 lock challenge
I think we can take a little break. Ryan can wait a bit. Ry oo, the mini mystery egg from Ryan's World Series 8 and open it to see what's inside. Oh, surprise, we have player Ryan, look at that. with his cute set of headphones on, in fact we have to open more oo no way, the player Gus, super cute and some Panda combo stickers, look how cute, let's join me on my mission to find the EG. I hope you hurry up. I'm a little bored here. Ryan's World putty, let's see what color it is orange, this can help me locate the key, a little sticky, let's keep looking for the key, come on, where is the key?
mommy rescues ryan in 5 lock challenge

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mommy rescues ryan in 5 lock challenge...

Wait, I think I have some, ah, I knew putty would be useful, look, I have the first one. key yeah, good job getting the first key, but that toy looks really awesome. I'm going to take the a no, that's the r, sorry and good luck finding the next key oh no, at least I have a key, let's find the rest, okay, okay. I'm here what's the next challenge hook you up long enough it's time for sticky hands oh I love sticky hands what do I do oh what do we both have a sticky hand are you aiming for the good things I'm aiming for the bad things just to let you know if I hit one of those it's time to make jokes oh no, okay I'm going first, come on, come on, we gotta save, sure, come on, I didn't get anything, not far enough, okay, okay, look what I got.
mommy rescues ryan in 5 lock challenge
Okay, my turn, I want this clean and square. I want to open it first. Good in the game. Very excited. Woohoo, a fire truck. Look at this, isn't it cool? Oh, my favorite Alpha. Awesome Alpha Alexa. We have none other than the ninja Rion. Oh oh. I can have it? I always wanted a ninja ryion, no I want it fair and square, oo silver putty color, so cool, there's more, can you believe it? It's on Fidget Spinner, look how cute, look at this, you're getting distracted, oo you're being distracted wo w stickers yeah I can't believe it I won Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh I lost again what's taking so long but the game still doesn't It's over you're right, you're right Focus, we have to save Ryan, we have to save Ryan, uh, we have to prank you, oh no, look at this silly rope time, oh no, the silly rope, the silly rope, no, no, they will hypnotize you, no more, no, more, no more, yes, it worked, it worked, my more, okay, it's my turn, no way.
mommy rescues ryan in 5 lock challenge
Let's press that key, we have to save, come on, come closer, m is small but the fire hydrant is big, super easy, oh yeah, I got it, no, no, no, it's time for water, get ready to get wet, wait , wait, wait, what are you waiting for. You have an idea. Do you see this room? Really cool fire truck. See this. You can just go back. Isn't it great? That was really cool. How about I change all of these for you? But you can have a second. What is it? Then no. joke no joke no joke just a fair trade fine I get the egg no joke hurry up and do your nonsense you're right you're right you're right you're right concentrate concentrate me guys let's save Ryan we gotta save Ryan come on I got the key, yes, I have the key, just one, although you still have many more keys to make.
Ninja Ryan, smoke bomb, what's this your next challenge? Four in a row, that's easy. I am a professional at thinking. I got these guys like a pro with this, listen to her, how are you a pro? Blindfolded, four in a row, no, wait, what should I do, blindfolded. Can I go first? At least, it's okay, you can go first again. Oh, I think I found the ring. here, trust that she touches you just do it right, she's getting close to winning no, no, no, no, no. I'm going to have to do something about this, let's see if she likes this, oh yeah, where should I put this here, yeah, yeah, silver on that? side here yes yes there I'm not not going to not trust him no sorry this is


ed NOP this no no no you can't no no no last four in a row oh yeah oh yeah where's my key?
Why does he have this mask? be so hard to understand oh here's your key three keys down two more to go yes, but the next two challenges are my hardest yet no here we go where are we what is this that's where your next key is you have to get it out of that ice it's so hard, that's why you don't use your hands, okay, you have these tools, random tools, yeah, and uh, I'm going to walk away now in case it gets dirty, have fun, we have to hurry. We don't have much time left I think it's working maybe you better look with this spoon this is smarter than me what I can see the key inside I have it I have it I have the key oh I didn't know the ice is hollow inside I should have left it longer Freezer time okay, stop laughing okay, because we're going to move on to my biggest and most exciting challenge, but here we go, uh, where am I and where did the game master go?
What are all these? boxes is your next challenge, where is it? I have your final key. I'm inside one of these boxes, so good luck finding me. What if there is something wrong with these boxes? Come on, game master, believe in yourself this box, what is this? Oh is. a chicken, come on, find another chicken, find another chicken, this one, I got you, what about this one, this one, oh no, not that one, are you here?, oh, this is amazing, this is the giant mystery egg, you know so I can take a little break. the teacher might stay in the box for a while oh what do you get what do you get oh look at all this of course it's my favorite Alexa Alpha Pirate oh I really want to see what's next.
I have my own Red Titan, look and the next one. squishy Peter look at this very funny I'll save you for later I want to see you reveal yourself so no okay I'm going to continue no way H musketeer Ryan that's great come out come out wherever you are watch Pirates mascot ARG along with combo of player Panda white or clear putty F I have your combo I can't forget more decals of course you can't forget the vehicle oh what kind of vehicle is it which one come on what do you think it is? is it a pirate ship or maybe a ninja mobile more guas she tricked me oh got you what kind of vehicle was it what kind of vehicle is cool oh yeah that's really cool I'll trade you for the last key please oh oh right, the key which I don't actually have.
What do you mean? I know the key is that Ryan is going to be so bored in there. I need the last key to save him. You had it in my pocket, but I don't know where it is. Uh-oh, there it is. It's at the bottom. the car, where, there, let's go rescue Ryan, thank you, it was a pleasure playing with you, bye, sweet, I have the truck, go, go, go, oh, amazing. I wish I had brought my tablet or some kind of game I could play here. R, guess what I have. the key I hope this works let's see if if look at this right you can just get out you can get out oh yeah oh I didn't even need the rest of the key wait mom what was it don't even


me how good in At least you had fun doing the challenges well I guess so which was very fun.
Thank you, game master parents. You can find the newest Ryan's World Surprise Eggs at Target and Walmart, including the Ryan's World Giant Surprise Mini Egg and the Mystery Microverse Mega Micro Egg each. Items are sold separately. May vary. Alright guys, thanks for watching our video. Bye, This video features the Ryan's World toys that Ryan helped create.

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