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Mom Realizes Police Discovered Her Horrifying Secret

May 12, 2024
Do not do it. I'm not wrong because he knocks like people come knocking on the door randomly like, oh you're not who I'm looking for, you know what this room is like, don't do that, yeah, you're the C too, like you're the um you know the person Dy, yeah, I know why you don't act like you know you just show up here. Time would soon reveal that Navy command had been more on top of things than anyone could have imagined Banna's co-workers were. The only ones who tried to keep an eye on her was that your mom came there because she had told us to.
mom realizes police discovered her horrifying secret
Well, she had told your dad that she would come there yesterday. She's been coming since about when, she says, she's been coming there. Since the day it happened like her, I surrender to her like I don't know what the hell. I think maybe you need to ask her why your story is different, like why are you saying that if she knows she was really here. What is it about? You have to ask her that she thinks I have a of her I don't know, but you don't want to, at least you want to know why she says what is her reason why I do it, but I do it.
mom realizes police discovered her horrifying secret

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mom realizes police discovered her horrifying secret...

You all really believe she's going to tell the truth. She hasn't told the truth yet. I don't know what her reasoning is for keeping the lie for so long because I mean it's too late to do it. Chelsea and Dorel then asked Bana about the possibility that there was evidence in the apartment she left when she moved into the house on Ivy Street. Do you think maybe it's something in the old apartment that they will find that will help them a lot? if they had they would have found him, remember they locked them both down for the three days, four days, almost a week, the


had found shocking evidence in Bana's apartment, specifically in the bedroom closet, Briana had to have They guessed what they had found but I still chose to remain silent on the matter, so ban mhm, you hadn't thought about her just being there alone, you know, she was afraid of all that, don't think about it, I don't want to talk , think. about that right now I mean, well, I've been thinking about it, okay, so I don't know about that cold, which is why I guess I can't sleep knowing that you know how innocent she was, like she was really clean. the people she knows i think that's why it's eating me up so much disturbingly bana's only response was silence if he thinks it's a good idea would you be okay talking to him?tors again yes yes the same ones or do you want some new ones oh hell no that lady is not okay bro that's what I was going to ask you man don't talk to that lady due to Bana's lack of cooperation and some other related evidence that would be addressed.
mom realizes police discovered her horrifying secret
Soon the


decided to put her under 24-hour surveillance and it didn't take long for this to bear fruit on November 11, just 5 days after Taylor disappeared. Banna was seen donating some of Taylor's belongings which included stuffed animal clothing and even some unopened packages of toys around the same time, the efforts of all the officers digging through countless piles of trash finally paid off, They stumbled upon a box addressed to Briana along with Navy certificates with her name on them, this wasn't what they were anymore. However, interested in the trash were also several notes from the naval base daycare requesting a change of clothes and a toothbrush for Taylor.
mom realizes police discovered her horrifying secret
In the trash, police also found several art projects that police assumed were made by Taylor. One of the projects was a handmade card by Taylor for her mother why Bana didn't want these items, especially when her daughter was missing, was a mystery. There was also the matter of what was


in the closet of Bana's apartment. To say it was disturbing would be a huge response. Understatement, one of the first things researchers noticed was a foul smell emanating from the space; It was impossible to tell whether this was the result of more feces found inside or the mysterious stains covering the walls and carpets; it appears that less effort had been made to control it. the smell by sprinkling baking soda on the carpet, the police took multiple DNA swabs from inside the closet, collecting samples from the walls, the floors and each stain, it would take time to receive the DNA results, so they also conducted a Dishearteningly, while the swabs did not immediately indicate blood, many of the stains on the walls reacted when sprayed with luminol, fearing the worst, the police opted to field test to determine if any of the stains were human blood. for bringing a spelunking dog into the apartment, however, the smell of feces and garbage was so overwhelming.
Since the dog was unable to effectively alert the police he resorted to ripping the rug out of the closet and taking it outside into the fresh air. The dog was much more effective and alerted the rug immediately indicating that at least some of the stains came from humans. Still, This was not the only area that got a response when the taxi dogs were brought to Briana's car, they alerted in no less than three areas: the driver's seat, the back seats and the trunk, when the police took a closer look at the trunk of the car, they noticed there was an unknown whitish residue inside, they also found a broken fingernail and an air freshener stuck in the trunk lid that likely came from the package found at the Ivy Street home.
The vehicle had a pungent odor of cleaning chemicals despite the car wash. They also located some reddish dirt on the underside of the vehicle that matched the dirt on the dirt road in Alabama. There was no way to deny it. This was no longer a missing person case but rather an investigation into a death that the mother of bana had feared this outcome all along I want your honest opinion on what you think is wrong come here to be honest I think she flips the switch What would R do to change her FP? She will never know.
Are you aware of it? What are you witnessing? Are you aware of it? having a problem even though you say you haven't witnessed it, are you aware that she has one? What makes you think she? So I would say just with her father, he just said no, he just said, you know she gets angry at simple things. He just accidentally thanked his girlfriend and she got so angry that she blocked all social media. She stopped talking to the police. By providing false information to law enforcement officers, her boss was sent to pick her up at the base and take her to the police station for booking;
However, no matter what he would have expected, what happens next is so shocking that she must have shaken him to the core. Seeing bad news stuff like that on the news and I hate going back and forth with everything that's going on, um, but you know, now they're saying that you're a person of interest, I mean, open the door, open the door, oh, are you OK. something to nap or something you can take I don't know why they said just take a second, it was quickly becoming obvious that something was wrong with Briana, but the boss couldn't have predicted how bad the situation was about to become, he didn't.
HE. exactly they will say something like that I need to go back to your room leave everything say hey you have to say something say something you have to go to the doctor where are you? okay wait you have to go to the doctor do you want me to take you Me taking medical attention, there was only a limited time the boss could wait for a coherent answer before he decided he needed to take action and it wasn't a moment too soon because what was to come would probably stay with him for the rest of his career if not. his life I'm sorry, take him to the emergency room, okay, oh no, Williams Williams Williams Williams talk, talk to me Williams, talk to me just a few minutes later, as the couple headed to the hospital, the worst happened p f p f p oh oh sh no no no oh my god, oh my god, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, come on, come on, come on, don't do me like that, boss.
He arrived at the Marine base's emergency room moments after Bana's massive seizure and was still considered to be in critical condition. The doctors couldn't do much without knowing what was wrong with Bana. She fell into a coma and was placed on life support. Her condition was determined to be unstable while Bana's fate was up in the air elsewhere, other questions related to the investigation were finally answered. The police finished downloading the GPS data from Bana's car. She confirmed what they suspected based on phone records that showed she had done it. On three round trips to the Lyndon Alabama area between October 31 and the early hours of November 3, police recovered video of Bana pumping gas along the route he took, although it was impossible to tell whether Taylor I was in the car with her due to the condition of the vehicle.
Tinted windows also found evidence that Bana had stopped at a car wash on November 4. Security footage from the business did not show anyone else in the car with her. Most significantly, the GPS showed that Bana's mother, Karissa, had been telling the truth. The GPS showed that while Bana had approached her mother's residence, she had not driven there, it also showed that on her last trip to Alabama she had spent almost 20 minutes on a secluded dirt road and was not far from the cemetery. where Bana's grandmother lived. was buried, obviously the police wanted to know why and assembled a search team consisting of police medical professionals and dogs to go search for themselves outside of Lynon Alabama, the area was divided into quadrants to be excavated and examined while a cadaver dog searched the area.
Researchers soon


some tragic results partially buried in a shallow grave. Police found a trash bag wrapped in a shower curtain containing a child's T-shirt covered in decay stains, but it was about to get worse just yards away. The first bones and bone fragments were found, most of the skull was found a short distance away along with a lock of human hair that could have been tailor's. The remains had been scattered and seriously damaged by animal activity, as a result police were only able to recover a small portion of what they suspected was Tailor's body, however, they would have to wait for DNA testing to prove this, as that the remains were almost complete, completely skeletal.
Police were pretty sure how the body got to Alabama, but the only person who could confirm it. Their theory was Briana and she remained in critical condition. A search of Bana's quarters at the Navy base led investigators to believe Bana had ingested laundry detergent once they knew what she was being treated for because doctors were able to intervene. more effectively and saved Briana's life once. they released her from the hospital they took her back to the police station and gave her one more chance to tell her side of the story right here you have coffee whatever you want coffee soda water nothing good as before Briana quickly made herself as comfortable as possible possible and seemed to try to go to sleep this time, although she only had to wait about 20 minutes before the detectives came to talk to her.
Good morning, I need to sit down and go back to doing some paperwork, okay, then I'll leave. about the rest of your rights with you, okay and I want you to just acknowledge that you understand that you don't have to make a statement or say anything, you understand that I'm going to need a yes or a no, okay, it's a yes, okay, The detectives They informed Briana of the rest of her rights once again. Hey Briana, did the nurse help you with your throat problem you told me about at the hospital? A little bit. Do you feel better today?
Not complete. I normally use this silence. The moment is very discreet, don't come out and talk, I'm also a little shy, can you tell? you can say it? first we need to have a good conversation so I'm going to need you to get up off that thing over there and stop leaning on that wall and talk to me, okay look at me when I talk, we've had an investigation for a while, our investigation has led us to some things in Alabama, okay, and what we have to do with you today is we have to talk about what's going on now where are you from in Alabama are you from Alabama is that yes you have to tell me yes or no okay, I can't have dialogue here and we can't have any misunderstandings you from Alabama I don't want to talk you don't want to talk okay you're tired you don't want to talk so you don't want to talk to the police at all okay with that anticlimactic ending The interview Bana followed his pattern of behavior throughout the case and He went back to sleep.
Ultimately, the police did not need Bana's cooperation to answer the remaining questions 4 days after this failed attempt to speak with Bana on November 25. DNA tests demonstrated the remains found. in Alabama Woods belonged to Taylor, as a result, Banna now faced murder charges due to the poor condition of the remains and the fact that searchers could onlyrecovering around 10% of Taylor's skeleton, it was impossible to determine the cause of death, however analysis of the enamel of his teeth and skull showed evidence of severe malnutrition. They were also unable to provide an exact time of death and could only say that the girl had died several weeks to several months ago, between May and November 2019.
Since the rate of decomposition depends on the size of human and environmental factors, the decomposition can begin as early as 24 hours after death or as late as 72 hours after death in conditions where the body is not exposed to the sun and is in a climate-controlled environment, it would take at least 4 weeks for the body to to begin to skeletonize. In this particular case, Taylor was a small, malnourished child and was covered with a plastic shower curtain, which would slow the rate of decomposition by retaining moisture and protecting him. Bugs' remains and direct sunlight the question of knowing the rate of decomposition in this case is the animal activity variable that could expose the remains to the elements at different rates if his remains had no signs of animal activity were wrapped in plastic and placed in the shallow grave shortly after the time of death, it could take more than 30 days to begin to see the skeleton.
It is a very real possibility that the girl will starve to death, locked in a closet by her mother and left to waste away in the filth. the stains on the closet walls would remain a mystery albeit without a determined cause of death in September 2022. Briana pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, although her attorney repeatedly requested that she face a reduced sentence due to her exemplary military record. She was sentenced to life in prison. although her imprisonment will do nothing to bring her daughter back to justice at least because the innocent girl was handed over.

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