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Molly Makes Her Insane Crispy (???) Pasta With Spicy Sausage Ragu

May 18, 2024
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and Rego color when people ask me what is the first recipe they should cook with moris Mo, I often point them to this one because I think it is a recipe that really embodies the spirit of Moris. What's more, take humble ingredients and find a way to get more flavor and texture out of them and push them a little further than they would otherwise. Three things you will learn today in this recipe. Number one, you should leave the dough


. Number two, Calaban chiles not everyone is familiar with, but our flavor is a great way to add heat and dimension to a recipe and you can find them in most grocery stores. number three, you may notice that there is a little QR Code at the end of this recipe on the page of the book that says cooking with audio and that is because sometimes there is a better way to follow a recipe than watching it on video and that is part of this book that I am going to talk about.
molly makes her insane crispy pasta with spicy sausage ragu
About step one later, do a little prep as usual, so I already did the first part, which is removing the casings from a pound of sweet Italian


, so I just cut them up, opened them up and you can also get sausages from loose leaves, loose sausages, whatever. you can get sausages that are not in the casings and if not, just remove the casings, no big deal, a couple more ingredients that we are going to make these shallots with, so I have three large shallots here that I am trimming and peeling , so I'm just cutting them crosswise into rings and then the last thing I'm doing as far as preparation is I'm just removing a bunch of cabbage leaves from their woody stems and I'm going to cut them into bite sized pieces.
molly makes her insane crispy pasta with spicy sausage ragu

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molly makes her insane crispy pasta with spicy sausage ragu...

Roll them up like this and then go across and make 1 in half inch strips cut once in half so they're not long and stringy and you don't like having this like a ribbon, that's how you prepare the collards. two cook the


, you should have a pot of boiling water if you don't, now is a good time to put it to work, this water has already been seasoned with salt, so a couple of generous handfuls of salt, come on and let's cook this


. in two phases once until everything starts Dante in boiling water like every great pasta recipe and then we are going to drain it we are going to add a little bit of oil and then we are going to put it in a non-stick pan and that is where it is really happening more is more magic in this recipe where we take an otherwise very standard pasta ingredient and turn it into something much more than normal, which is crunchy, crunchy and tasty and Al Dente, but like Jammy C crunchy, crunchy and multi-textured with garlic, crunchy and all it takes is a couple of minutes in a pan and it's like why aren't we all crisping our pasta?
molly makes her insane crispy pasta with spicy sausage ragu
So here we go. I'm going to watch this because it's a PB. box but I'm adding half the box, it's always good practice to stir the pasta right when it goes in so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot and we're going to let it cook until it's all al dente. I think this orate will take about 9 or 10 minutes, which is pretty much exactly the amount of time you need to start the Ragu, so we're going to multitask here and I'll start by browning our sausage. I'm doing a bit of a generous sip here, not a measured amount, just enough oil to cover the bottom of this pot.
molly makes her insane crispy pasta with spicy sausage ragu
Okay, now that the oil is preheated add our sausage, so I'm just going to add it as a link here to start. We're going to let it cook undisturbed so that it browns on the bottom, so I'm just going to turn them over because we have a good color and now we're going to brown them on the other side, let's check our ear because we're going to drain it. as soon as it's all Dente and then let it sit for a second. Crispy needs more time. You want to look for perfect Al Dente pasta here because it will drain and hang for a second and then become crispy again. above, you don't want to go over the Al Dente on the first cook because we're going to get all this crunchy crunch on the outside, so it's like you don't need it to be very Dente at all times. so I would almost fan them out the side so it cooks through so they look nice and golden, so I'm just going to take them out for a minute here so we can do other things in the pot like sauteeing or shallots. so I'm making room so I'm going to set them aside for a second and then we'll go in with all the shallots and I turned the heat down to really low here because it's really hot right now we don't.
I want to burn the shallots, but a couple big pinches of salt and then we'll stir them constantly so they get nice and Jammy and they cook in the sausage fat, which is great for the shallots if you "You must, at this point, you're excited, always reserve the pasta water. You've heard it a million times. This will help create a really nice, creamy, starchy sauce, so save some of that pasta water and then we'll drain it." . completely and then very quickly here, just before returning to the shallots. I'm going to toss them with a little bit of oil so they don't stick together right now before we get to the crunchy moment and then we'll set this aside and see how they're translucent and they cook, they're a little bit softer, it's a Jammy shet.
Next, we're going to add our Calabrian chiles and our tomato paste and add those. together because they are both like a paste and if you've ever seen a recipe that calls for browning tomato paste, it asks you to do it because it somehow caramelizes the tomato and brings out some of the sweetness of the tomato, so it's not just the raw tomato flavor, but I'm going to combine these two to caramelize the chiles and tomato paste together and then we'll add water to deglaze the pot so that it's 1/4 cup of tomato paste, each jar of cabán chiles is a little different, so I'm going to start by adding 2/3 of this, which is about 3 tablespoons, and then you can always taste it and decide if you want it spicier later in the meantime.
We're going to get the biggest nonstick you can, this one is extremely big and we're going to start heating it up because we're going to be frying, slicing and crisping our o kete on that, so this is what we're talking about, these are like cooked Jammy. caramelized and looks more delicious. TBH, okay, now to stop the cooking here and deglaze the pot, we're going to add some of that paste, water, scrape the bottom and now we have a nice liquid base that We can wilt our greens and it only takes about four or five minutes, so we're just going to add them and cover them while they're cooking and while that's happening, we're making the final crispy finish of the orete, so I'll pass. three crispy the orete, so now I'm going to add a couple more splashes of olive oil and depending on the size of your pan, you'll probably want to cook this in two batches so as not to overcrowd the pan, which will create steam. which will prevent browning and crispiness and everything will take much longer.
We've got our lug greased, so you hear that sizzle, that's what you're looking for. I'm doing about half and we finish on medium high heat. so if you stir them constantly, those bottom edges won't make enough contact with the bottom of the pan, so you have to resist the temptation, let them cool for 3 or 4 minutes, it's not that long, come on, I'm very happy with the fact that which are half crunchy and half still like tender noodles because that's going to give me a multitude of textures when I eat so now I'm going to transfer these guys and leave the oil in the pan because we're only going to use that for the next batch so I have a slotted spoon and I will transfer them when they finish directly to the Rago.
We're going to get these guys while they're crispy, we're going to crumble this sausage in the the pot just crumbles it into small pieces someone should do. I should make pasta chips, they are so good in a future restaurant. I'll put hot pasta chips on the menu because they're like that and then if you like powder at Palm. M so we're going to add these last Crispies okay and now we're just done so we're going to stir them into the sausage that's back in the pot we're going to start working this all together and I'm going to start adding parm just on top until it feels like everything is nice and covered and


and no one is naked, but I mean, look that would be delicious already, so this is a good time to ask you how spicy I want this pasta.
I want more Clarian chiles or I'm fine I think I'm fine here I'm fine here I'm happy with where we are finally I'm squeezing the juice out of a lemon and that alone is going to help brighten everything up there's a lot of oil and sausage grease and crunchy things going on and Many times it is very good to add a little lemon to brighten pasta sauces. There is an optional add-in in this recipe that I'm going to add here because more is more, which is for borate, which you can choose to include if you're more of a classic Spicy Ragu person and you just want to call it here, that's totally fine, which ones are we? our takeaways.
Did we learn number one? You must make the dough crispy. I can't convince you until you try it because you won't be able to taste the crunch. Factor through television, but I promise you it's there and it's very special. Number two of Calabria. Chili peppers are an amazing Pantry ingredient that you can lean on when you want heat, but you also want to introduce some funky flavor and some other depth of flavor number three and we haven't talked about this at all, but I'm going to take a moment. right now, this QR code in this book will take you to an audio cooking experience.
It's a new development that I didn't have in my first book and I think it could be life-changing for those of you who listen to audio. Learners versus visuals, so check it out because it's really cool, you think it's going to be like the typical R sausage, go, but no, there's more.

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