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Jun 01, 2021
Holy shit let me why yeah what everyone called jello sucks yeah so we're playing and why if there are three people oh we're playing on a private


did you have anything on this one? No, this is just pure open modernist, but we. We'll modify it in a second, yeah, play normal and then of course here's Jilly Jilly Jilly Jilly um no no no no no, no I'm not getting out of here, jelly, jelly, jelly, they should definitely kill Jenny, so guys, can you? still do the boost thing on your own yeah of course you can Josh I think that's the best thing you can do right now that's probably the only way to grow so I'm not going to do that now how Damn are you getting so big?
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Jordie, where are you guys down dominating? How about I eat gelatin? I don't even see Jenny, she's back. Oh, you guys are fighting for that number one spot. I'm just trying not to die while trying to get out a little. I'm just looking for people, yeah, relaxing in this completely unmolded and calm scene, wait, why is this video called


io modified while this


is modified? Okay, they'll heat up lately and discharge. Hey, in the next episode, in fact, in this episode, did you modify? something not, really legitimate, legit, honest, young people or anything. I changed experimentally, how are you?
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Hi Jenny, I think Jenny figured out what she's doing, she's okay, basically, if you click W, you don't, you lose points. but no, you only lose like a tube and win like ten myself all the time, yes, by the way, you left the Geordi, come on, what did I leave behind and did I leave something behind? It's actually very hot, it's not easy to cheat on this, it's like this is it. I made a very small mod today, okay, this is cool, this is what my guide is almost like a map, there's like Sedalia Julie scattered everywhere.
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Oh guys, you mean Sloan, you keep leaving parts of yourself everywhere. I just follow them and take care of the yokoo jelly, so here we go one day. I'm just saying, oh my god, he ate a little part of me and then he started. Eating you all, yeah, as you slowly passed him, no, I'm pushing myself into the rain, big time, now that everything's alright, your boys just let me slide, let me get out of here, okay, yeah, he'll be on a second, oh yes, oh God. god Jordan oh my god once I see you now Jordan barrier of green things around I'm on my own thing yeah same thing here we go hunk could you do it ah it's really hard for me because I caught and really did anything okay, yes, no It doesn't work, it doesn't work, oh no, now I spawned ISM.
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I'm anything, Brett, okay, Jenni seems to press W, okay, here we go, I just spawned again, okay, split, okay, yeah, I split up, but I don't really know, like enlightened, do what to be. you do, oh yeah, how many viruses are there out there, everyone you don't praise, wait, I think that means you have to press W, years ago, if there are no cheats enabled, type wave and see, buddy, if you could W, makes you super tiny Josh, I knew you guys would think it would be just make sure you press W. I'm not pressing W.
Whatever, I hate the objection police. I'm still chasing the game, but it's okay, the pot just gave up. Look what you did there, Josh. I see. what did you do, what did I do, I don't know why you come back very quickly, smoothly, he enabled this, created this server, yes, I am God, jelly, yes, I am exploding all the time, yes, and you explode in some parts, no . Aren't you just one? You know a lot of them Josh is an egg yeah I did it like the ultimate boost points and then I might start doing this baby come on come on now keep eating everything I'm eating. too many, although that's the problem no, it's never too many Josh it's never too many Jilly what should I oh oh okay yeah because he's tried so hard Billy jelly hey this like this do that yeah yeah like this Josh Josh Josh is taking values โ€‹โ€‹yeah dutch just take over our universe Oh, watch out for that mother, what a mother cell holding Apollo.
Back off, brother, you're stuck in a corner. Oh, oh oh, no, Jenny has a chance, come quickly, pass, okay, and that's my game, she ruined little mother's. tell you the takeover begins once again team up with Jake oh my god T mom so I just took control of the game again oh my god gun no you're a danger to your big deal no no keep dividing up no There's nothing to do with this and with Jodi sitting inside me kappa God just let me go man just let me just go just go just go just go I can't I can't believe Josh I can't leave without my treasure okay I need my combine I know if I could Eat some of it if you could eat it, okay, now Jenny is going to have it again.
This is crazy. Someone can know everything about me right now. What the hell just happened? What did you grow up together? I think I think I think W again a long time ago, what the hell are my screens gone? dog, yeah, what's in the ice cream? I'll finish it. I think we could stop the game. It's happening right now. What the hell? Okay, hit her. What are you doing? Josh. I don't know, you should see my screen. Don't catch. I have family one I care about family Josh no well one of you could oh my gosh oh oh chunks of jello let's eat it and then life is a fat mass ready to split now okay okay , it's fine from inside.
Let's do this, let's do this, let's not even work guys, oh, funding the server and everyone's huge, well, I may have taken over oh no, dad's coming back, it's dad's car, I'm going in to check it out Ellie's return, jelly jelly once again, oh. Jenny, you know we're here right now, I'm not really sure, come on, cold, cold, nothing's changed. Just, yeah, nothing, okay, don't press W yet, sure, Josh, okay, okay, okay, okay, so this is the next mod. 50 BOTS come out if you find it. a red thing then you can group well Tilly don't eat me don't eat me don't be stupid this is it will kill it guys the sprouts nothing needs to lose mass I don't think so, okay, press it, press jelly first next to almond jelly I'm not going to take a chance I think I'm awesome press jelly totally doing this oh my gosh you can increase it but it's quite difficult to increase it no it's only going to 1600 it's disappearing it's flying away but where does it go create create 30 and you lose 20 but it's so fast you can't catch it so that's my time to go to the corner well yeah but then you only get 10 it's so fast I don't even know you've earned 10 you don't win any class it doesn't even work.
Oh, hide in the courts, okay, I'm not going to do that, so basically the only way to do it is through the ears, although these other ones. people, yes, and that is quite difficult. I'm just eating everyone eating cake. I'm just eating everyone eating the slogan on the box. I found a way to do this. Josh Josh I think he knows how it works because I don't know. I don't know what you guys are talking about, what is he doing, they split up enough oh what the hell was that jelly? I'm dead now and I'm dead now yeah, I reached maximum sighs, I reached maximum eyes on my big boy, what? is happening, this is why I build the, but how do you drive them?
Josh doesn't say if I eat that little piece Jory, you're dead, you're too big, oh here we go, yeah, sure, now they'll crush you. the corner, well my friend, yeah, that's it, that's all you need to do, like it's not special, that's all I'm doing, shut up, I'm not going, you're just going to spam. You know, here we go. Oh, keep Abu, look. I'm too big, I can't, Kelly, I can't control it, give up, please don't do it if you know it's been like this, so go right, just go left. I think I'm a little old now I don't work on this link anymore. oh no, I'm starting to work with that jelly, what controller do you have?

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