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Miranda Kerr's Routine: The First 5 & Last 5 Things I Do Every Day | Allure

Jun 03, 2021
speaking of tea hello, I'm



and I'm going to take you from my


five to my


five good morning at lua it's 5:30 am my husband just woke me up so I have between 45 minutes and an hour before my three children little ones wake up. I use that


time in the morning as a little ritual to take care of myself, so I do a meditation when I first wake up. Being a busy mom running my own company, it really sets the tone. during the rest of the day it's something I really rely on for many years because I've been meditating since I was 18, it creates that space to really be present and in the moment to me that's what life is all about. about how to be present being in the moment going deeper into ourselves and getting closer to our spirit it is important that we be like the willow people have this idea that maybe an oak is like the strongest tree but in a storm that rigidity is what makes it break and the willow in a storm bends in the wind bends in the rain it is very flexible I just remind myself and my team that it is important to be flexible and go with the flow since I was a little girl.
miranda kerr s routine the first 5 last 5 things i do every day allure
I have been very connected with nature, so the second thing I like to do in the morning is open the blinds, the windows, I have a small balcony, so I like to go out on my balcony and just give thanks for the day that I would like leave. I extend my hands and put the sunlight in my hands, you can feel the heat in your hand and just imagine the sun filling your entire body, as if


cell in your body is filled with light, it is what I imagine and feel the energy of the sun cheers me up even if it's just a minute or two it really makes a big difference to set the day in a positive way and if it's raining just being grateful for that rain I say to myself oh wow like I'm so grateful for that rain like it's going to nourish our plants and the same thing with the sun like thank you sun and just be grateful for all the elements.
miranda kerr s routine the first 5 last 5 things i do every day allure

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miranda kerr s routine the first 5 last 5 things i do every day allure...

The third thing is that I like to dry brush my body, so what I like to do is just get the circulation going. and I go up with the brush, it just stimulates blood flow, it wakes up the body and it's a way to detoxify, so you go up and then you go up to the heart around the heart, so I start at my ankles and work my way up. Since I was 21 I have dry brushed my body right before getting in the shower, it feels so uplifting. The fourth thing I do is take a shower and what I love in the shower is that I have my two-in-one turmeric facial scrub.
miranda kerr s routine the first 5 last 5 things i do every day allure
I really love using it in the shower as an exfoliant and it has peppermint poplar bark and papaya enzymes for that exfoliation, it also has the Rosehip Seed and Crushed Quartz Physical Exfoliation. I love turmeric because it is anti-inflammatory. It's also great for helping my pigmentation and helping brighten your skin. Now my face feels super fresh after removing the turmeric scrub and then using the noni. Luminous facial oil to return nutrients to your skin. I use it morning and night and it gives your skin that beautiful natural glow. You see beautiful, glowing skin, so this is a really invigorating part of my day where I get rid of dead skin cells. on my face I feel energized and invigorated the fifth step in my


is a cold pressed celery juice so now I'm going to make a fresh celery juice so we get celery fresh celery from the organic farmers market it's alkalizing it's full of electrolytes, so now I just pour it in there, drink 32 ounces, I wouldn't be without it, it's great for energy levels, it's been great for my skin, it's super hydrating, I mean now my whole family drinks celery juice


morning at first. my husband was a little skeptical but now he drinks it every morning so now we all drink it as a family so I've already made my first five and now I'll show you my


five so I have very busy days.
miranda kerr s routine the first 5 last 5 things i do every day allure
I'm a mom of three, so my nine-month-old is still breastfeeding, so I breastfeed him four or five times a day. Actually, it's almost the hour in 10 minutes. I'm supposed to breastfeed, so in between nursing and putting the kids down for a nap. There are a lot of


that go into my day because two of my kids are under two, I put them to bed at 6:30 p.m. m., which is really cool. I start his wine


around 4:45 and then sleep at 6:30. Go to bed and then I do my little routine, so I just put the kids to bed.
Evan is doing his training, so I'm going to do a beautiful little line ballet and then take a shower at 6:45. I have an appointment every day. with mary helen who likes ballet beautiful she is also a mother she has three girls her children are asleep my children are asleep I can have that time to exercise without feeling guilty it is a good time to take myself and recover my you know get in shape me I love to take a bath I love to light the candle and light a little palo santo sometimes what I like to do is put about a pound of sea salt and a pound of baking soda I love to put a few drops of lavender oil in the bath or sandalwood I put some crystals in the bathroom like rose quartz crystals I use this bodywork for my whole family, for me and my children I listen to snatam


his music I find it very enriching and relaxing talking about tea we get fresh thyme from the farmers market and put it in hot water and then just boil the teapot, put the water on hot and let the thyme steep in the little tea cup and just add a teaspoon of honey and then cheers, thyme tea is very relaxing and if I don't have leaves fresh thyme, I'll just have lemon balm tea.
I really prefer reading about health and wellness, just finding a new recipe from my favorite book, clean to heal and the way the foods we eat affect our bodies. the way our thoughts affect our body and mind, so right now I'm reading Cleanse to Heal by Anthony Williams. I think it's a really interesting book, so I'm enjoying it right now. I keep the Noni Shimmer Sleeping Mask on the side. in my bed and I put it on every night as the last step of my routine, it doesn't go on your pillow, it locks the hyaluronic acid into your skin at night, your skin is restoring and rebuilding for me, that's my lifesaver and it really It has helped my skin a lot, like I said I am 37 years old and honestly my skin has never looked better.
So I'm religious about my routine, that's something I will always make time to put on and this does the magic for you. While I sleep every night I put my phone on airplane mode and putting it on airplane mode is a great way to disconnect. I have an international business and sometimes it's hard for me not to respond because my business is almost closed. as my fourth child, he's like my little girl and sometimes it's hard to disconnect, but putting my phone on airplane mode ensures that if I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I won't check my phone for emails and that's it. , thank you so much for learning about my top five and bottom five.

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