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Miranda Kerr: Inside The Wardrobe | Episode 15 | British Vogue

Jun 01, 2021
Hello British people, I'm Miranda Ko. Here today I'm going to talk to you and show you some of my favorite pieces in my closet, so I love wearing comfortable jeans. These are my favorites at the moment. They are a little broken like you. You can see them ripped at the knee, they are easy to wear and I have them on with my fluffy ugg slippers here which are super cozy and I love the colour. I love pops of color but you'll see it throughout my


as you can see behind me here I'm a shoe lover.
miranda kerr inside the wardrobe episode 15 british vogue
I'm going to show you a couple of my favorite pairs of shoes. In fact, let's start there since I love shoes so much. These shoes are made by Tabitha Simmons, who is a friend. They are mine and they make me very happy, they are shiny and I love that they only have a small heel because it is not too much. In fact, I love wearing them with this outfit so you know you have your jeans and then you just put them on. a small shiny shoe, you have a little kitten heel, nothing too much and a small brandy melville t-shirt.
miranda kerr inside the wardrobe episode 15 british vogue

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miranda kerr inside the wardrobe episode 15 british vogue...

I love t-shirts, as you can see, I have a lot of t-shirts in there, a white t-shirt. A shirt for me can work, you know, with a pair of jeans, it can work with a lot of little things like pants or skirts, or you know, I just think you can do a lot with a white t-shirt and it's a great layering piece, like that. which, like I said, these Tabitha shoes are amazing. I also live in these shoes. White shoes. These are common projects. My husband wears these slippers and has worn them for many years. I think he was like a trendsetter in wearing these sneakers and I tried a lot of them searching.
miranda kerr inside the wardrobe episode 15 british vogue
I like the perfect white sneaker and this one is really amazing. I also love to have when it comes to shoes, a great basic flat shoe. These shoes have walked everywhere, as you can see with me, the little Chanel flat shoe is really versatile, you can wear it. with jeans you can wear them with skirts you can wear them with shorts you can wear them with dresses and they have definitely walked a lot an amazing and sexy heel is something I really love. This is a new one I just bought. I bought it, it's a giovanno rossi, I saw it and I fell in love.
miranda kerr inside the wardrobe episode 15 british vogue
I love the gold heel and just the fact that you know you can see through, I find it very sexy and also versatile, it can go with so many different pieces. in your closet like go with a beautiful dress or a beautiful fitted skirt or you can even wear it with jeans and a t-shirt um speaking of shoes, I know I'm going on and on about shoes, but I'm obsessed with shoes these boots are made for walking let me tell you These boots have spent a lot of time walking the streets of New York City and Paris and have truly been a staple in my


for quite a few years.
They've been with me for There are a lot of fashion weeks and I just love them, they're not really something I can ever put out in Los Angeles, so I miss them a lot and I love them, I think they're something special and everyone should have a pair of boots. that they love it and you can put it on and wear it like under a dress and just have this sexy boot even if you don't see the full length like you can, you know, I don't know, it's for me, I love those jackets. I was saying layering pieces, so this leather jacket is a staple in my wardrobe.
Nicholas gave it to me when he was working. He was designing at Valenciaga and I love this jacket. It fits me like a glove after all these years. I mean, I must have had this jacket since Flynn was um since before Flynn was born, Flynn is now nine years old, my goodness, so it's been in my closet for a while, um, but I really think that when you have a piece Like this one, it's an investment piece that I'll keep for a while and feel like I'll always have this in my wardrobe. It's the same with denim jackets.
I actually love denim jackets, so let me post this one here. My jean jacket that I wear here is an acne one. but I wear it a lot over g, I mean over dresses, it's like something you wear over the shoulder, it just makes it feel more relaxed when you have a denim jacket on and I love the tone of the denim, I love that wash. I feel like it's soft and cozy too. I love having pieces that you can just throw on and automatically feel comfortable. This is one of my favorite pieces for that. I was shopping online and saw this and thought I love the colors.
I feel so happy and then when I tried it on after it arrived I thought, "Oh my gosh, I think I wear this almost every day." It's also another thing that feels like a robe and cozy, and I love all those, um, cozy and roblox elements. and it comes with this so you can tie it or not and it looks great with jeans and a t-shirt but you can also wear it over a dress, another favorite jacket here, this one is a neem bing. I got it from your website. I think she does some really cool things and I like, you know, the cold and jackets.
I have this thing where I don't necessarily like putting my arms in jackets. I like to use them like this and for me. It just feels more relaxed because when you put the jacket on you feel a lot more serious or something you know when you just put it over your shoulder, in my opinion it's a little bit more relaxed anyway. I am also a lover of dresses, long dresses. in particular, so I'm going to show you a couple of my favorites, this dress that I've had for many years. I love the print. It makes me very happy when I wear this dress because it is very cozy and comfortable. during my last two pregnancies, so yes, when I was pregnant with my two year old and when I was pregnant with my 11 month old, I used this as if I was pregnant and then immediately after having them, so you can Use this, I What I love is that you just put it on and you can have it flowy or you can use it to tie it up and it's like it fits in all the right places and it almost feels like you're wearing a robe when you're talking. of robes I'm obsessed with robes and how many this red dress is one of my favorites um I feel like it just stands the test of time it's a Dior dress and an investment piece for sure it's super cute it kind of is . one line, I love the color and it makes me very happy and I have used this for the last time, well I think I used it last Christmas, I don't know when it was before, but yes, I love it, let me see, this is new. dress a recent purchase and I love this dress it's something you can wear and it's really like I don't know it increases it's easy for me to breastfeed and I love the long sleeves I roll them up and actually pair it with this belt.
Another thing I really love are hats. This hat is super cute. You know you can wear it with anything. It's also very good, obviously, when you go on vacation, but you can also use it. it's like when you're relaxing at home in the garden put your hat in this little hat bag it makes me so happy talking about the color the colors in this when I was actually with my husband and I thought, oh look at that cute little bag It's from Louis Vuitton and we were looking in the store and he said maybe I'll get it for you and I was so excited and I think it's adorable because it has these cute little roses and I'm a very tactile person so the different textures here really make me feel very happy and you know surprisingly you can fit quite a bit in there um there you go that's one of my favorite bags another one of my favorite bags is this beautiful little straw bag and it's from Darwin and it really has been an amazing bag to have throughout the summer.
I wear it with everything, it just mixes and matches with whatever you have and I think just having a cute little straw bag like this is just a great staple in everyone's wardrobe. This is also a cool new bag that I just bought and this is the Annie bag made by Alex and I think it's super cool because it's handmade in New York from recycled plastic bags. I love it. The color and design are super cool, you can literally use it like I mean, right now I only have masks in it because I've been using it as an accessory bag, but I love it because I could use it, you know, put like everything out there here, I might even use it as a baby bag for my kids or I don't know, I just think it's a really cool bag and really cool colors, I wear these sunglasses almost all the time with everything, although I have a collection of sunglasses quite big these sunglasses for me I just like the right style the right shape you know they are I don't know I just feel like the color they are a little bit they have a little bit of gold and a little bit of silver they are cartier they are a little bit dirty I need to clean them just shows you that I wear them a lot and these dior sunglasses are also my favorite in my closet and they also need to be cleaned because I think my little ones have been playing with them trying on my glasses.
He loves it. My two year old son loves trying on my sunglasses. He finds it very funny. I'm talking about pops of color. Here's another bag. This little yellow bag from Celine. My husband bought it for me. I love it. yellow makes me feel so happy it's like the sun these shoes are fun for date night because I love the heart on the back I think they're really cute I love shoes that have something interesting that you don't necessarily see You might not You see it when you wear it from the front, but then you turn around and it has that interesting heart detail on the back and as you know, I love glitter, these Prada shoes are cool and shiny. bling hello um let me see what else is here uh I think these are great I love butterflies I feel like accessories can make or break any look so I think it's important to invest in shoes or bags and basic pieces for your wardrobe so I think that's it, I mean, those are really some of my favorite pieces and I really appreciate you taking the time and going through some of my favorite things in my closet, until next time, bye.

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