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Miniforce Best Episode 8

Mar 07, 2024
I don't want to leave them. Nothing can be done. The mini force must comply with orders given by headquarters. What's up, guys? Then we met close friends like Susie and Louie, although leaving them is a bit sad, I really don't want to leave, who knows if Susie will be more comfortable without troublemakers like us bothering her. What are they saying? Coming out like moving out of the house says Susie, are you serious? vault, is this a joke or maybe I heard you wrong? Lucy Vault is playing another joke on me right Suzie it's a joke right Sammy answer me please I'm sorry but it's not a joke liars it's all a lie oh this is the beginning of a new chapter.
miniforce best episode 8
I will take control of this world with the help of my dark powers, I will launch an all out assault and capture all the animals.susie stop crying we really don't want to leave it oh you guys can't just leave me I'm sorry susie I'm so sorry susie we really can't tell you everything but believe us there is a reason we are dating let's enjoy our last moments don't go please sammy I will treat you better max lucy please don't go susie saying things like this won't change the situation okay just leave you guys came here on a whim so you can leave on a whim too i won't stand in your way so leave please leave susie it's a summons come on guys the mini force faces its worst imaginable crisis.
miniforce best episode 8

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miniforce best episode 8...

Pascal's dark powers have reached his critical power. They are so strong that even the line. he was chased by pascal so pascal is stronger now we can't think of him as the pascal of the past this pascal is the strongest possible enemy the strongest possible enemy and not even we will be able to stop him however there is no other option we must win all costs to protect this precious peace, we will win no matter what we do, sir, we are all determined to make it right. Yes, this will be the last mission we have in this sector.
miniforce best episode 8
It's very dangerous, but I have faith in you. it means you must stop pascal sir mini fours transform transform good and justice stop there pascal as long as we many members of the force are here you will not set foot in the village you silly brats show those pests our new power attack, how can this be? The zerobots are incredibly stronger due to the dark power, it's no use, let's all use force weapons, they keep coming and there are so many of them that we will face them head on with the sword transformers, you pitiful fools, I will show you the true strength of my power dark attack together guys okay yeah try hell on earth.
miniforce best episode 8
Do you see that you are no match for me? It's time to finish this. I will dismiss you now, mini force, oh, so the mini force has finally fallen into my power. Now that I've gotten rid of those pesky interferences, world domination is just around the corner dark power come to me oh now get up how could this have happened? I'm so sorry, I'm sorry we couldn't help you, wait. wait wait wait vault let's take a photo before we eat why but why do I want to eat it now louie take such a tasty photo what did you say? the final battle two now this world is all mine please get down please mini force no, this can Don't hurry up and open your eyes, all you brave mini forces, you just can't lose like this, no, no, mini forest fort for our security until the end, right now it is our turn to help them, little boy, it is too late for now no, it is not, if we gather and pray for them, they will definitely wake up, you are right, let us gather our strength together, pray for Let the mini forest wake up, okay, come back to us heroes, please give them strength, give your strength to the mini force. jump please help us when sincere hearts reach the heavens miracles can surely happen love and the cheers of the people give rise to new and beautiful miracles huh, what happened wow, everyone's fervent prayers allowed you to wake up again oh blame , I knew you would wake up, yes thank you very much to all of you that was all you were doing I knew you were not gone okay, let's stop pascal okay e4s transform good and justice, stop it, pascal, we will attack him with all our firepower Well, how can this be?
We threw everything we had at it, but it didn't even leave a scratch. I have been in many battles, but I have never seen such an annoying monster. Vermin simply disappeared. It's time for a four-way merger. There's no need to hold back, you think the fusion will change the outcome of this fight, we'll know for sure when we try it, come on here, Pascal, uh, be very careful, the only thing you have is that we can't take it anymore. In the end no, we will hold on to Pascal and self-destruct. Okay, what are you doing? Everyone will explode on Pascal at this rate, but we are the last hope or no one will be able to stop Pascal.
Give it your all until the end. Well, let's go. is this let me go more place vital energy deactivate me what are you doing bulls oh what happened to you lucy max sammy vault wake up everyone vault vault i think the automatic security system saved us ray we were able to defeat pascal thanks to you it was only possible because we worked together you all have shown me the meaning of true courage you are excellent it's a given for the mini force i'm glad everyone is safe we ​​really defeated pascal is this a dream Definitely, but i should pinch you just in case eh, no, no, it's Well, Mindy Force, you have brilliantly succeeded in your mission.
I'm really proud of you, thank you, thank you sir, now I'll tell you where your next mission area is. Be well, Blue Bell Village. What if there may be future threats to Blue Bell Village? It has been decided that you will stay in Blue Bell Village for the time being. It's over, Susie, have they really left us already? I think I should have treated them. Better, I really miss Vault, Sammy, Lucy and Max. This isn't a dream, is it, you guys really are back, yeah, you're all back, whoa, yeah, you guys are here forever, although you're not going to disappear again, right, uh, uh, I guess?
This means we have to deal with Susie getting hooked again. What did you say? Hey, Volt, you want me to show you what mini fours really are. It all starts right now.

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