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May 02, 2020
Yes, who is there? Guys, wait, Lukas Mark, there are sirens, you here, wait, guys, wait, guys, you are here again, what's up with work? What is this? They brought donuts, they look good. What about the flowers? Wait there for Maddie and what. were these flowers for this Christy double Osiris are you watching this bro the




are here with donuts and flowers fried girls yeah really real right now




hey Cyrus you guys not valentine's day please follow me hungry oh well good donuts brother no O'Dea, okay yeah no god for you.
mini dobre brothers stole our girlfriends
I wash your flowers jumping on the love sacks in the season. I love Darius, I would say they seem confident, so sure, just like I don't know what, I don't know what we should. Do it with them, brother, come here. Flowers of Venus, there is no girl for you. Here you match the flowers from your friends' house. Greg Scott, don't work here now please, you're supposed to be mini Darius, let me get a donut. Hey, my God, you got it. my favorites, thanks, thanks for the flowers, those are for me, those are for me, right, thank you so much, I'm happy you made it, man, you don't have any, whoa, this is so weird, bro, hey, no, She'll love it, get off, no. know the store in either Romeo, come on, we have to resolve the situation, wait, Romeo Romeo, oh wait, I'm sorry guys, he's just a fox, okay, these flowers because there's no girl for you, he's Well in the future, now I will accept you for nothing, so what is really going on?
mini dobre brothers stole our girlfriends

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mini dobre brothers stole our girlfriends...

You really are here. Take our girls on a date or something. Yes, well, how are they going? They're not even old enough to take Jamie. I'm going to take them to Clara, brother. okay my girl, whoa, yeah, I didn't know they were planning this, what's up with this? You don't have to do this, it doesn't have to be good enough, whatever it is, yeah, here I am trying to get some girls, no, I do it, okay? Soon you like your car brother, he doesn't even know how to start it. I got my man, this is your car.
mini dobre brothers stole our girlfriends
He's definitely doing well. Dori, you got it all right, let's do it, come on brother, you got it, you know it. what key is there, go on, turn it on with me, see you later, yeah, have fun, bro, yeah, wait, wait, wait, you guys are the time, okay, I'm just going to pretend he's not stealing my girl so it's more easy. my little cousin or something doesn't make me feel any better okay let him fly yeah yeah he was a little quick so I don't know if we're gonna take him for a walk he's gonna come with us so I just guess you're next Running, okay, yeah, okay, I guess we're running.
mini dobre brothers stole our girlfriends
Do you have a favorite color? Actually mine is pink. Romeo's bike is too fast for us. Well, then I think Romeo was chasing something, probably a deer or a fox. You know, it's just. normal day, so I think we should go back inside, what do you think? Oh yeah, sure, yeah, come on, come on, this is a great day, you're having fun, yeah, me too, brother Steve, what's going on right now, man, I don't know, tell him. Yo, buddy, where did Matty and Minnie Darius go? I don't know dude play hard and leave or what our date was tonight, where's my girl like she's going for a walk or I think they're coming back, though it was like yeah yeah mini.
Mortgage your name and have a girlfriend check this, any money to do that, I'll just put it together, yeah, oh, you won, we're going to do our thing right, right, you guys left them, so let's go, oh, wait. I'm just going to leave the mini mini market Hey bro, okay listen, at least we know where Lucas' girl is, but our girls might find them. What can you stand? Not me, I'm just trying to eat, yeah, yeah. What are they doing well? We decided I was a little tired of the Lambo, so we decided we were going to catch some fireflies. from your first few times it's a really good wine on a shirt, okay, see you.
I wonder how they feel about catching lightning on a girl. you guys caught one. whoa, where is she? Where is she? oh my god, come on, oh well, Cyrus. Brahms my girl they went for a walk or something yeah I can't see them they left the other area cause Romeo can disappear yeah he's just running a Calvin and he remembers Kelly I know oh that's a pool with the dog. oh oh yeah, see them, without shame or fear, no, no, I need to see the figures hmm, they're having fun, man, I tell them, come on, hey guys, what are you doing?
Well, guys, it's okay, I'll get you anything or not. I don't know, man, I already hit the one who does things, oh, we have two more, okay, yeah, having fun, what. Oh, would you look at that, uh, I forgot the donuts, oh, I'm not going to clean that, I'm not going to clean that, hey, he started. Okay, okay, we'll have fun, Maggie, okay, I'm getting out of this, forgetting about what's going on, yeah, buddy, Mini Darius and Maddie are out catching fireflies right now, well, that's a bad idea, What do you do then brother, yeah I know what I need? to advance my game that's really down to earth and okay guys sorry I just got back from seeing you at the pool and I'm not going to lie it was really relaxing and I just wanted to let you guys do your thing but it seems like they're having fun so I think we should go do our thing and maybe TopGolf yeah everyone's good I mean we gotta get ready for the tour so if you don't have your tickets make sure you have them in the door.
I come to get your merchandise at Hey, I hope no one gets hurt outside, even though it's getting pretty dark. Well not so much. Thanks guys, peace.

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