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Jun 07, 2021
place on the iron ore. Well, that's not the right block, there's iron or right there, so it probably has to go on the opposite side of that door. Well, come on, it's in this direction C, so if you could turn left here it will take you towards the pool yeah and then hopefully we can get in there and find out who did this. I still think he's alive, okay, this must be the right way, okay, I see pool towels, yeah, he's okay here and we can go in, yeah, should we? We should, oh, there's a hatch, it looks like there's a big sewer system down there and the drain screws look loose, use your screwdriver, I don't know what I'm doing, I'm going to drown in this pool, okay?
minecraft we become detectives   the family treasure   custom map
Friends, we noticed that there was a hole right here in the fence, this hole in the fence looks like it was cut, so someone escaped from here with the chest, okay, let's see which direction we should go or to the right It's always the right way, okay? go this way okay, okay, let's go this way. it's definitely oh wait this looks weird wait maybe yes maybe there's something to go there I'm stuck okay it turned out okay we'll go the other way there has to be something else right here it has to oh wait I see something is that the key and the boots oh we have something the pool control key can be used to drain the pool okay, that's perfect and wet shoes okay, put on those very peculiar shoes, then , what did you say?
minecraft we become detectives   the family treasure   custom map

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minecraft we become detectives the family treasure custom map...

I say these shoes are wet almost as if someone had gone. in the pool and I removed them this key also goes to the pool control room okay, let's go back to the pool control room I bet it's going to drain the pool so we can get in, okay, let's go, ok we're calculating it's out now this is really fun I feel laggy from time to time although I feel like when the items loaded into it lagged yes it did it must have to do with Redstone so let's get back to it the pool control room.
minecraft we become detectives   the family treasure   custom map
Friends, I can't believe it, we are solving a mystery, we are like the famous Inspector Gadget, no, we are like Sherlock Holmes, that was the right they had to take and the other guy, I don't remember his name, he was always the partner, no one. ever remember his name it's sad okay here it's okay here it's okay so you put it there here we go and then you push it down bam it's draining yeah oh look that's draining so we should be able to get in there now everyone Right now let's see what there are in the sewers.
minecraft we become detectives   the family treasure   custom map
I really don't want to go to the sewers because of Dad Chen. Okay, for Gusto. Am I on the right path? Yes, this is the right path, so just turn left here. Okay, that would be nice. I'm very proud of us, I think he'll be there, I think maybe so I think he was there the whole time. I just don't see how this giant chest would have fit through any of these small holes. Wait, something is happening. Can. Don't move oh no oh okay Gusto okay let's get in here we need a screwdriver now yeah okay here we go it's safe in here and it's still closed.
Time to carry this back to the conference room, okay, 1 hour later, ah, you saved it. wonderful dear, so who is to blame? Well, first I found the trunk in the sewers behind the pool. It doesn't say behind the pool under the pool. Whatever it is down there. Yeah, and I also found some wet boots outside the pool. Is this this? I'm going to tell everyone to take their socks off. I need to check for moisture. Oh, that's great. Now they could be so kind. Oh my God, let me see his boots. They predicted it. Inspector Gadget of him.
He checks people's boots. paying attention to the first person you should the first person you should be your guest who is who you thought was which first we should basically know who it is they're saying I think it's Julia okay let's start with grandpa grandpa , let me see those. boots of yours, can you take them off? I'm trying to get grandpa to give me your boots, he won't let them come off easily, he just grabs those boots, see if you can grab someone's boots, okay, why can't I grab them? Try hard, I'm in control guys, I'm in control.
I'll do whatever it takes, okay, wait, oh, I checked Julia's not using, of course, but of course, she was Julia, we knew she was yes, I admit it was me, we knew. Because she was very rude, but why did you try to take such a thing when I arrived? I snuck in the back, snuck into this room, read the wheel, and found out I wouldn't inherit any money, so I decided I hid the


chest so it could be mine, but she got the whole house after that. . I headed to Lance's room. I knew there was a secret entrance to the storage room so I dragged the trunk into the room which was a good save so I took it to the window and threw it on the floor she really just came out with all the goods I'm a good interrogator afterwards From that I emptied the pool then I moved to the sewers and filled the pool again this a lot of work happened, it was almost meeting time, so I Hur I Hur kicked him out, I hurriedly took off my shoes and dropped the key, I hid the items in the closet and walked through the front door as if I had just arrived, so I should.
I'll call the police, no, I think that would do more harm than good, why don't we take a look at the


? Oh, open the chest, yeah, finally, okay, come on, dad, oh man, I'm nervous, this would be amazing, come on, I'm. predicting it old photos wait Antonio said something look children there is no need to betray each other it is trust sometimes the true treasure is the memories you create whether they are your dad's gestapo memories or ours or it is or it is wait, discover below weather in Hartsville High oh so this is a prequel oh maybe gustavo is alive after all so we've never played the other map that came out first this will tell us if we play the next one ooh that's exciting can you open it? group of old men, wait, take some of them, put them on the wall if you can, okay, here we go, I really see anything, game mode, zero, okay, let's look at these photos, okay, leave it oh, oh, there I'm, oh my God. were you holding um our baby um pel Penelope yes oh remember that time um Gusto was pointing at my little one my little toy oh my God oh my God the memories of when he died and I took that photo of him which is very disturbing.
I'm again, oh, you have several copies there, oh, how nice, it has many of the same photos. Can we get some more photos to see? Okay, use your key. I need to use the key. Let me take a few more, like the memories are coming. back I remember it all so ph up he really loves this photo, doesn't he? I know you do remember that time the spider attacked Gapo and we took a photo of it because we thought it was funny. Remember that time Antonio was fighting with Julia, so. so many good memories, wait, that's Julia, yes, that's Julia, oh, so many good memories.
I mean, we've had tough times but we've also had good times, let's take some more of these. This is fun. I love it. Remembering the good. He loves that. photo, right? Oh, there's the portrait of gusta when he was behind the fireplace, yes, beautiful in His Glory Days, there you again. I'm obviously his favorite daughter. I mean, obviously we can say that at this time he had so many photos of you, it's ridiculous, he likes me more, okay, last photo, you really blame him, there are too many memories, delayed memory, taste, oh beautiful, looking so handsome As always, oh man, friends, we have solved the mystery of evil Julia from the beginning, it was so much fun being a detective. and I enjoyed having you as my companion.
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