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Minecraft VR But My FACE Feels PAIN (Haptic Feedback)

Jun 11, 2021
this suit allows me to feel




even on my


and check this out when i put my


in the water i can literally feel the water on my face right now. Our goal is to get to the end of this ultimate Minecraft


course. The further we go, the more painful it gets and I promise I won't stop until I'm literally screaming in pain. I wonder what's going to hurt more than having these zombies stab you in the face or kick you in the face because I still haven't subscribed yet I'm just going to go oh god look how many there are if I fall I'll literally cry from pain as if my face was annihilated.
minecraft vr but my face feels pain haptic feedback
I don't have the best face in the world, but I quite like my face. If one of them just jumps up and stabs my legs oh no I don't like this guys look at this if I miss this jump I'm out oh okay we're fine we're fine where is this going? oh I can feel the water no, no, I don't want to sink, I want to go to the sauna, yes this is a lovely sauna, what does this do? Oh, jump, oh my god, if I hit the wood, it's literally going to kill me and if that's going to hurt so much. we're not going to hit the wood we're going to hit them oh my god oh my god I love the trampoline I love trampolines they're so much fun we're in danger where was I what's the problem that's a shark attack I know I don't want to feel a shark, oh my god look how many sharks there are if I jumped they would literally tear my skin apart oh my god please what if one of them jumps like proper sharks can?
minecraft vr but my face feels pain haptic feedback

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minecraft vr but my face feels pain haptic feedback...

I can not understand it. to there without swimming I will have to swim very fast to get there and not be eaten ready I'm just going to go three two one wow oh my God I didn't even fall I thought I couldn't make that jump but somehow I did it right I'm very happy of not being eaten by a shark but I have a very bad feeling about this room what's here oh red carpet I finally feel like a VIP not like a peasant who gets eaten by sharks for a living oh come on I don't I like being stuck here okay guys I know I shouldn't do this and it's probably me being really stupid but I really have to know what this button does I'm just going to go that's why that doesn't do anything oh no oh no the walls are collapsing collapsing I'm going to make it I'm going to make it oh easy easy easy easy you have nothing against me I'm fast gonzalez okay, catch me on this roller coaster, yeah, I want to ride a nice relaxing roller coaster now, oh, I can feel the roller coaster , I can literally feel the train tracks, please don't put me in the lava, please, please don't, oh, oh, oh, oh, my days.
minecraft vr but my face feels pain haptic feedback
I thought we were going to go to the lava, okay, can I get out of this? Oh please don't put us in the lava, please, no, lava, okay, literally, no, no, there are no arrows, what are those? Oh guys, if I just put my face on that, it would be really tempting if I just put my gaze how close I am if I put my face all the way I'll just rip my face off okay let's go on another roller coaster what are those swords? no, no, oh no, no fire I can feel the fire when I pass by, okay, let's go up, this is not so bad, what's here oh no, it's not magma, oh, it's so hot, oh, it's heat, you can literally feel the heat, okay, go, go, go, no, no, no, please, oh no, oh no, please don't die, oh my god, what is this?
minecraft vr but my face feels pain haptic feedback
Well there's magma everywhere, it's literally so hot in this room no, no, no, I survived, I survived, I don't know, I don't know what's going on. here red liquid for the red liquid good god, where is the red? what do you want with the red lip oh blood oh you didn't mean blood my blood no no no you guys are leaving, please are leaving tell me this is not a dead person and it's a dead end oh no, it's not a dead end take me out , come out, what the hell are those? Those drills, if I fall down there, those drills are going to go straight into me and into places I really don't want to go directly. uh, is this triumph possible?
Oh my god, that was so close. I have an arrow in my hand. I managed to catch one here. Oh, but if I stand my ground, the arrows will shoot me. Oh my god, they missed if they shoot me. by an arrow i will literally feel the arrow sticking into my skin so please don't shoot at you oh my god you missed this it's so intense i'm just going to grab i'm going to jump and grab it oh the arrows are down i don't mind triggering this this You don't even need to do anything I just want to get out of here okay, we're fine, we're fine, we've done it, we're done done three two one let's go oh my God, oh my God, oh yeah, yeah, I didn't even catch you with an arrow, let's go Hey you're right guys anyone wants to high five me yeah because you can't kill me haha ​​poor you I feel sorry for you because you can't kill me I know you want to yeah they're here ready to kill me but you can't because no You're tall enough you should have eaten the broccoli yeah come on no oh can I train them can I train? them, yes, we survived, oh my god, that was so close, oh, that's an air hockey table, no, that's a mummy, oh, if there's a mummy inside, how cool, no, that's not a mummy, it's a gap, it's an empty trap, quick, abandon the gravity belt and crouch to escape, okay, give me the gravity ball, okay, leave the gravity belt, I'm putting it on my equipment, I crouch, I should have done it, I already did leg day, what the hell is this?
What the hell is this room, man? It's so dangerous like it might burn me press the button and jump to the top then look into Anubis's eye to escape it's okay, it's okay, press the button it's so fun no, no, no, no, this is so fun, it's like playing mario, but you're actually in the game, oh my god, get it, I'm just going to make mario sounds because it


like mario, oh this is cool, it was so much fun, quick, get on the icy escape, quick , what is happening? Why are the lights flashing? So, oh, how do I get out?
I am very afraid. I feel like I have a bad feeling about this, so I just have to escalate. Come on, let me go. Okay, we escaped, guys. I don't like this room. I have a really bad feeling about this oh my god did you see how close that came to killing me? Oh, it's so close I'll be gone, I'll be gone, why does it stop there? Okay, we have to go. I'm going. Get out of here this is because I don't like this place the meat pits oh my days why is it called meat pit?
Because if I fall there I'll turn into meat if I do guys, should I see what it is? it


like he's being cooked alive escaping from barry by running through the conveyor who is barry i think barry is not at home what is that why are there so many barrys barry said as if there was one person but there are tons look how many there are there is an army of barrys, yeah, you better not, oh, I have to make this jump, if I miss it, I'll literally feel like axes are hitting my face, it's going to hurt a lot, but you know I won't miss it, I won't miss this jump easy. let's go see you barry it was nice to meet you they're just going to go through the revolving door wow look at this who's that what's that we're in a chocolate factory hello maybe because we're in the chocolate factory you're the boyfriend oh he's a friendly giant , I think, can you imagine how much it would hurt if he just turned around and slammed us into the ground?
I just want to hit his leg, you're okay buddy, hey, oh wait, I'm sorry, I hit him and he. He didn't hit me, okay, that really scared me. I'm going to leave you alone. I'm sorry for hitting you. I just want to get on the chocolate, which is so cool. I can literally taste the chocolate. Bow and I'll cross. happily take a boat oh my god, is the boat going to protect us? How is this little boat going to protect us from sharks? I don't like this, okay, let's go for it, I'll go, there are sharks everywhere.
There are literally sharks everywhere please oh oh my god okay I want to go see the island icon one of the sharks gets out of my boat how do I get out? okay no my boat broke my boat broke oh oh there are sharks everywhere how do I get another one? boat how do I get out of here that's the end that's the end if we just swim that's not a good idea that's not a good idea if we just swim if we just swim oh my god no shots come on go oh no, ah, I can feel it, oh , he's fighting me, get up, I don't like it, oh I died, that actually wasn't too painful and I promised you guys I wouldn't stop until I'm literally screaming in pain, so now.
I'll put on a very sharp spiked suit that will literally dig into my skin every time I feel something in the game, this will go right into my skin and as soon as I feel something in the


suit this will just dig in. inside me and this is going to hurt a lot I'm just playing this fight two one under my shirt and it's really not very it's not nice at all it already hurts oh this spike suit already hurts I'm not even eating myself alive so imagine how much it's going for me It's going to hurt when a shark actually bites me right now.
I'm going to go really fast and um, oh, all the sharks are gone, huh, oh, no, no, no, no, oh, there's still more. sharks I literally have a sharp point oh this point is hurting me now so if I fall it will kill me it will kill me whoa whoa whoa I don't want to fall please don't break it. Don't break, go, go down the waterfall, come on, I'm so close I'm so close yes yes freedom climb to the top or feel the wrath of the Atlanteans I don't want to feel the wrath of the Atlanteans hey warriors of Atlanta, I enter peace I'm alone By the way, if you couldn't shoot me, I would really appreciate it.
Okay, are we safe here? oh no, no, we are not safe, how do I get out?, how do I get out?, how do I get out?, can I come in? Here, my goodness, what the heck is like a little water slide? Okay, I don't know where it's going, but it looks pretty cool. I just hope it doesn't hurt. I think we have to go to the end. up I really don't like this I have a bad feeling like these maps are always so painful at the end and there is a chest although I don't really have much stuff so I'm going to open the chest oh never, certain armor I really hope I don't need to use it I don't know why what that's never the right armor oh my god no no no oh get off oh oh oh my god oh why are they still trying to kill me, I don't even oh how I went through that pain so we could progress in science because actually I like feeling pain in video games, it makes it more immersive.
Like and subscribe right now or you two will be in pain in Minecraft. I will also kick them to make it so. it hurts and click on this video right here, it's an amazing video, I promise just go and watch it, you won't be disappointed, I love you guys, peace.

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