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Minecraft but there's Only One OP Block

May 05, 2024
I just have to add a bed, yeah, hey, welcome to your house, Chester's friend, welcome back, ah, your house looks glorious, oh god, it looks a little ugly from the outside, wait, no, wait, Wait, I have an idea, if I do this. He looks like Chester, those are his eyes and this is very bad but I like it, Chester's house is very Derpy, very nice. Do you like it, friend, do you like your house? He likes to chew on that door okay buddy, let's get back to that


, are we so happy to have you? Oh my god, I broke the wrong Chester, sorry mate, you're doing good, I'm not going to talk about it, come on, give us an island, give us a break, oh waa, that's not what I expected, okay, look .
minecraft but there s only one op block
That's it dude, we have some cool new armor, yeah, it looks good. I want to keep my elytra on, although in case I fall off the edge, this armor is sick, it gives me double armor and any hits I take from a mob. It will also reflect double damage, so it's pretty stinky, right? What do you think Chester? Yes, I think so too, a small repair shovel, ah, very useful, come on, give me an island, yes, a new island. This looks sick, it's a giant rainbow. spawner There's like spawners inside looking creepy, dude, I like it, uh, let me put the elytra on first before I forget and fall off the edge, what are we going on here?
minecraft but there s only one op block

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minecraft but there s only one op block...

Challenge breaks all the spawners, okay, no problem, oh god. That's a lot of mobs, was that you Chester just did that, do it again buddy yeah catch him oh Chester is sick. I haven't seen him attack but he does a guardian burst like all the mobs around us, oh god you missed one. you missed one ok who needs those recoil cannons when you have chester on your side hey yeah the mobs keep spawning where's chester buddy chester ah you might have fallen uh-oh , okay, break it real quick and then we'll jump to Chester's? Is there? What's up buddy, let's get these spawns huh, keep handling the bed, oh my god, don't fall, don't fall, keep handling the mobs, I'll take out the spawns, okay, we'll team up together Oh. no, Chester fell, it's a solo mission until he respawns, yeah I have one and I think this might be the last one, hey, challenge complete, good job buddy, it was tough.
minecraft but there s only one op block
I have a lot of arrows on my face, how about not, looking flawless? boy, okay, we got something interesting out of that, here's something, yeah, we got the rainbow, it's a rainbow, if it rains, it rains, it would be the rain, rainbow, what does it do? I shoot it, oh, it just breaks all the items. that's so cute it breaks all the items in front of me and then explodes into fireworks oh that's G beautiful, I love that, very destructive but in a beautiful and very satisfying way, it's funny how we have these two islands that really look like nice and then we have this catastrophe here oh well, it was worth it, a new island now oh my God, what just happened oh no, what just happened everything is free of rocks the islands op oh, I have to do something, Can I break this with my pickaxe? maybe with my bow, oh god, Chester, are you okay?
minecraft but there s only one op block
Chester, where are you, friend Chester? Okay, okay, you've got this new island, it's like an obsidian egg, but I think we have to rescue our other islands first, what are you doing up here? guys, get out of here, final crystals, it's working, so I guess that's what I have to do here, yeah, oh no, my poor villager friends look at you surprised and confused, they actually look pretty calm about all this, They are like we are too rich. to worry about all this we're too rich to worry about the sun we're going to take you out oh no everything's going to explode everything's going to explode well I'm sorry guys I have to do what I have to do can I? do less damage if I wrap them in the ground hey, oh god, I'm just breaking the whole town, but I have to hey, liberated island, that's so nice, three more crystals, one, two, three and here are the last ones, yeah , arrow, that's great. and that should do it, ah, Bedrock is free, now it's time for the new scary island.
What's going on here? Bedrock's giant egg. I hear the ghosts there. Chester be prepared for anything, buddy. I don't know what's there. Oh, God, yes. Rainbow Ghosts hey guys hey arrows attack rain down on them oh what a cool weapon buddy yeah take those Ghosts this is the easiest battle I've ever done buddy and even if they attack me They take double damage because my armor feels good. to be op dude, hey, there's something there, let's take that after we take out these bad boys, some good target practice, okay Chester, you take out the rest, I'll take care of this, hey, yeah, forgive me, Gates prison, yeah, what do we have?
Here we have a damage doll. Stop trying to explain the great article. I just received. Throw a doll that looks like you. What do you mean you call me stupid? Are you saying this looks like me? Do I look like this? What is it? the difference, it honestly offends me, come with me you fool, let's see what this last island has to offer, oh god, there are a lot of ghosts, Chester, are you supposed to eliminate them? It's all good, I got it last, hey, I got it. Back to the


we're going I still can't forget our house in Chester.
I love it so much. What's next for us? One block, a new island. This is happening fast. Oh, I don't like it! I don't like. Not at all Chester, boy, are we ready for battle? Probably not, let's do it anyway, hello, Mr. Warden, boy, oh, it's the operation. Warden, it's time for battle, hell yeah, we have a nice sword to take him out. We have a rainbow. What the hell? Damn, you just run away, I don't like that stuff, he has little minions, oh, he does a lot of damage, he does a lot of damage, oh, this is not going to be an easy battle, oh man, I'm overpowered, but the warden is too. it's so this is going to be interesting damage suckers go distract them strike a pose yeah take them Chester yeah don't worry Chester take out the oh wow this is going to be a tough battle it's well, oh man, I really want to put. in my armor, but if I fall off the edge, I'm done running, running, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, keep eating the melon, no, ah, this is going to be a tough battle, buddy, yeah, distract them, perfect, perfect, hit him a couple. times with the arrows oh man that doesn't do much damage we're doing a little damage okay okay now I'm going to fly run run run now while I'm flying I can chew my melon and swing down yeah, I used his own attacks on him.
I forgot it. I have like a sword shield of invulnerability. Warden has been eliminated and we have ourselves. What is this? An OP present. Oh I like it. Okay, let's use it. What's happening? Hey, is it okay? m op sneaky now and I can fly Ah, that's cool, I'm back on the mainland and your boy can fly. Like, now it's your turn Mosey, go to the like button on a block and press it, my friends, see you around. in the next episode

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